A decent body with Rush that draws cards. I've done some studies and I can say with absolute certainty that 60% of the time it works every time. (Also, one of his voice lines better be, "Go fuck yourself, San Diego.")
I like this card as an enabler of unique Deathrattle strategies. Who knows, maybe this makes Deathrattle (or Egg) Demon Hunter a real threat in the meta. I'll certainly be trying it out in a number of decks.
It's OK. That's a lot of Health to deal with, which makes it likely that the Frenzy gets triggered, but the payoff of a "free" Whirlwind doesn't sound all that appealing. My instinct says this card doesn't make the cut in most Warrior decks.
Good minion for Tempo Taunt Druid, probably their best way to Corrupt Dreaming Drake on curve. I like it a lot. Taunt Druid might end up being a bit too fair to see a lot of play, but I think this boy has a chance in everything but Guardians Druid (where it would obviously interfere with them summoning better Beasts from Guardian Animals).
Could be pretty fun for Token decks, and honestly it isn't that bad for a regular aggressive deck. Good number of stats, and a little bit of Rush. I don't think it's going to set the world on fire but it might actually make it into some decks. (Evolve Shaman isn't still a thing, right? Gosh I hope not)
It's OK, nothing to write home about. ("Dear Mom, Today at camp I summoned a 2/2 Beast with Rush. You would've been really proud of me. Love, Rexxar") See?
This is a very good card against aggro decks, as if Warrior needed more AoE and survival tools to punish aggressive decks. Great for stabilizing against wide boards, specifically. I also heard this comes with a pudgy shirtless guy who cries a lot.
Good card for Nice Guy decks if you want to help your opponent pull off a tricky combo. Cards in your opponent's deck are usually worth more to your opponent than they are to you. Unless this is used in combination with a card that shuffles unwanted things into your opponent's deck, I don't think it will make it into very many decks.
Even if Murloc Shaman somehow doesn't work, this will see play. It's so many stats for a 1-Drop; every aggressive Shaman deck will run it, whether they be Murloc or not.
If the meta can somehow become more about curving out minions and using minion combat to control the board, this will be an all-star. Otherwise, it could be a nice 3-Drop for some decks that are lacking in quality 3-Drops.
If Blizzard wanted everyone to play Murlocs, they should have just told us. Very good card, obvious fit in Murloc decks. Murloc Shaman likely to be everywhere day 1.
Cram Session, as was mentioned in stream, works very well with this minion. I think this will be more of a "for fun" card that sees play in interesting decks rather than something that makes the cut in the more polished decks. Still, lots of potential for it to see play.
It's a decent body with a decent Battlecry. Maybe Hunter needs the extra value? I don't think any aggressive decks will run it, and I can't imagine Hunter doing anything that requires running this Beast.
Handbuff...Hunter? Hunter rarely has enough card draw to make Handbuff work in the class, not to mention that this has to survive a turn before you can start to get the buffs going. Won't see play.
Second-best roll off of Jandice Barov; possibly the best because it allows you to fully preserve the Health of the other 5-Drop you summon. As a card by itself, it's fine. Probably not going to see play on its own, but you will know its name because of Jandice.
Deep Warlock has some really interesting tools this expansion. I think the archetype shows a lot of promise, and this works really well to help it survive or put big stats on the board in the late game. Not sure if this archetype will be strong enough, but I certainly want to try it out. Doubtful this card makes it into other decks.
A decent body with Rush that draws cards. I've done some studies and I can say with absolute certainty that 60% of the time it works every time. (Also, one of his voice lines better be, "Go fuck yourself, San Diego.")
5 stars, very stupid. Love everything about this card. Gonna put three copies in my deck and concede every match.
I like this card as an enabler of unique Deathrattle strategies. Who knows, maybe this makes Deathrattle (or Egg) Demon Hunter a real threat in the meta. I'll certainly be trying it out in a number of decks.
It's OK. That's a lot of Health to deal with, which makes it likely that the Frenzy gets triggered, but the payoff of a "free" Whirlwind doesn't sound all that appealing. My instinct says this card doesn't make the cut in most Warrior decks.
Good minion for Tempo Taunt Druid, probably their best way to Corrupt Dreaming Drake on curve. I like it a lot. Taunt Druid might end up being a bit too fair to see a lot of play, but I think this boy has a chance in everything but Guardians Druid (where it would obviously interfere with them summoning better Beasts from Guardian Animals).
Could be pretty fun for Token decks, and honestly it isn't that bad for a regular aggressive deck. Good number of stats, and a little bit of Rush. I don't think it's going to set the world on fire but it might actually make it into some decks. (Evolve Shaman isn't still a thing, right? Gosh I hope not)
It's OK, nothing to write home about. ("Dear Mom, Today at camp I summoned a 2/2 Beast with Rush. You would've been really proud of me. Love, Rexxar") See?
This is a very good card against aggro decks, as if Warrior needed more AoE and survival tools to punish aggressive decks. Great for stabilizing against wide boards, specifically. I also heard this comes with a pudgy shirtless guy who cries a lot.
Good card for Nice Guy decks if you want to help your opponent pull off a tricky combo. Cards in your opponent's deck are usually worth more to your opponent than they are to you. Unless this is used in combination with a card that shuffles unwanted things into your opponent's deck, I don't think it will make it into very many decks.
Even if Murloc Shaman somehow doesn't work, this will see play. It's so many stats for a 1-Drop; every aggressive Shaman deck will run it, whether they be Murloc or not.
If the meta can somehow become more about curving out minions and using minion combat to control the board, this will be an all-star. Otherwise, it could be a nice 3-Drop for some decks that are lacking in quality 3-Drops.
Way too conditional: it has to take damage BUT not enough to kill it, and in exchange it will kill one (1) random enemy minion. Will not see play.
If Blizzard wanted everyone to play Murlocs, they should have just told us. Very good card, obvious fit in Murloc decks. Murloc Shaman likely to be everywhere day 1.
Cram Session, as was mentioned in stream, works very well with this minion. I think this will be more of a "for fun" card that sees play in interesting decks rather than something that makes the cut in the more polished decks. Still, lots of potential for it to see play.
It's a decent body with a decent Battlecry. Maybe Hunter needs the extra value? I don't think any aggressive decks will run it, and I can't imagine Hunter doing anything that requires running this Beast.
Handbuff...Hunter? Hunter rarely has enough card draw to make Handbuff work in the class, not to mention that this has to survive a turn before you can start to get the buffs going. Won't see play.
Big Res boy for Priest, otherwise not going to see play.
Blizzard, I'm not disappointed that you couldn't make Handbuff Paladin a thing. I'm disappointed that you tried.
Second-best roll off of Jandice Barov; possibly the best because it allows you to fully preserve the Health of the other 5-Drop you summon. As a card by itself, it's fine. Probably not going to see play on its own, but you will know its name because of Jandice.
Deep Warlock has some really interesting tools this expansion. I think the archetype shows a lot of promise, and this works really well to help it survive or put big stats on the board in the late game. Not sure if this archetype will be strong enough, but I certainly want to try it out. Doubtful this card makes it into other decks.