That's a pretty strong follow up after Glowfly Swarm and just generally supports beast builds...but we still need some sort of payoff because just running medium-sizeed beasts is only going to keep you in the game for about 4 turns.
I get that this is supposed to be Token set up, but my god is it slow. You're essentially paying 3-mana for a 2/2 with stealth and then two more, at which point I doubt they're of any use.
I would consider this at 2-mana but at 3 there needs to be some serious beast payoff
EDIT: I just saw the other 2, I guess there's some hope for the archetype but I'M still skeptical.
I feel like this might be a lot better than it looks. As long as there's a good amount of removal-worthy legendaries this is a very strong card in any kind of Control deck, evne if it is very matchup dependant.
Even ignoring the viability of any upcoming frost spells, this is just a generally good effect. Discount it with Granite Forgeborn, repeat it with Brilliant Macaw and just generally have a good time. 3/4s are pretty sweet, freeze is just a bonus.
Not sure what you've been playing, but I see solo fatties on the opponent's board all the time in the late game.
I'm not sure what you've been playing but I don't usually get to a point where I just play an 8-mana minion and win off it. This is a dead card against plenty of decks that are currently popular. Unless we enter a midrange meta where a constant barrage of lategame threats is common I don't think this is worth a deckslot.
Riiight ... because we never see big shifts in the metagame when an expansion comes out.
Also, where did I say you'd win off it? I don't remember saying that. This strange taste ... it's ... it's like ... words other than my own have been stuffed in my mouth.
We're not talking about big meta shifts in general, we're talking about a specific meta in which singular big threats stand alone on the board at turn 8. Unless Big DH suddenly becomes S-tier I don't think that's happening.
Kinda surprising that we only now get an effect like this. Looks like a decent tech card against very specific decks that still performs alright in other matchups because you're rarely playing against a deck without legendaries.
While the statline is good the deck you'd put this in is genuinely awful. Big Demon Hunter still suffers quite a bit from the fact that most of its draw options are Outcast based and clash with the big boys. It also struggles through not being able to really make any progress before turn 6 (and this 3/8) will barely slow down the many tempo decks that can come up with answers to this.
I'll try it again but as of yet there's not enough glue to hold the deck together (and no, just running this alongside Inquisitor is not consistent enough)
Vanndar Stormpike has just come out and they're already printing anti-synergy...
I tried Big Demon DH many many times and it's just not a good deck, no matter what you do with it. You don't have the tools to play the slow game and your lategame bombs are just not strong enough to close out the game. A 4-mana 3/8 taunt won't fix that (although an unnerf to Priestess of Fury could probably help a lot, *wink*)
I doubt this will see constructed play unless we're really desperate for boardclears. Most classes have cheaper and less conditional boardwips of their own.
You're heavily overrating this one. Defile was good because it'S 2-mana and because you could change breakpoints with spell damage. Godfrey was good because he's always a flat 2-damage which makes breakpoints more consistent.
This basically requires you to set the board up beforehand because you probably can't rely on your opponent to just line them up for you. Defile was a really bad card whenever you didn't have the means to manipulate the health on board.
Seems a bit too conditional for my taste. If you're down 15 health you're usually in danger and even if this helps you stabilize it won't get you back in the game. At best you can try and use it as a pseudo-Inquisitor and hope it lives a turn to go face.
Seems just a tad too slow for the current meta but I've been wrong about these things before.
People are saying this is better than Coerce, but one of the best parts of Coerce is the combo part that makes it so you don'T necessarily have to damage to activate it.
Feels like there'D be some additional support for this. Other than that it's probably terrible, Warlock has better bordclears and this just isn't worth it.
I feel like the RNG element makes it not worth it. Ideally you play this around turn 5 or 6, but if you then whiff on an important keyword you're very sad. Similarly, if you want to play it earlier for tempo and you don'T get the stat buff one you#re sad because you spent 4-mana on a glorified Argent Squire.
Not sure what you've been playing, but I see solo fatties on the opponent's board all the time in the late game.
I'm not sure what you've been playing but I don't usually get to a point where I just play an 8-mana minion and win off it. This is a dead card against plenty of decks that are currently popular. Unless we enter a midrange meta where a constant barrage of lategame threats is common I don't think this is worth a deckslot.
That's a pretty strong follow up after Glowfly Swarm and just generally supports beast builds...but we still need some sort of payoff because just running medium-sizeed beasts is only going to keep you in the game for about 4 turns.
I get that this is supposed to be Token set up, but my god is it slow. You're essentially paying 3-mana for a 2/2 with stealth and then two more, at which point I doubt they're of any use.
I would consider this at 2-mana but at 3 there needs to be some serious beast payoff
EDIT: I just saw the other 2, I guess there's some hope for the archetype but I'M still skeptical.
I feel like this might be a lot better than it looks. As long as there's a good amount of removal-worthy legendaries this is a very strong card in any kind of Control deck, evne if it is very matchup dependant.
Even ignoring the viability of any upcoming frost spells, this is just a generally good effect. Discount it with Granite Forgeborn, repeat it with Brilliant Macaw and just generally have a good time. 3/4s are pretty sweet, freeze is just a bonus.
We're not talking about big meta shifts in general, we're talking about a specific meta in which singular big threats stand alone on the board at turn 8. Unless Big DH suddenly becomes S-tier I don't think that's happening.
About time we got some Big Demon Support. Probably still not a good deck but hey, I'll take what I can get.
Waifu Waifu Waifu Waifu.
Also, 6-mana buffed Priestess of Fury Pog
Kinda surprising that we only now get an effect like this. Looks like a decent tech card against very specific decks that still performs alright in other matchups because you're rarely playing against a deck without legendaries.
Rend is better to bait out BGH :^)
While the statline is good the deck you'd put this in is genuinely awful. Big Demon Hunter still suffers quite a bit from the fact that most of its draw options are Outcast based and clash with the big boys. It also struggles through not being able to really make any progress before turn 6 (and this 3/8) will barely slow down the many tempo decks that can come up with answers to this.
I'll try it again but as of yet there's not enough glue to hold the deck together (and no, just running this alongside Inquisitor is not consistent enough)
Vanndar Stormpike has just come out and they're already printing anti-synergy...
I tried Big Demon DH many many times and it's just not a good deck, no matter what you do with it. You don't have the tools to play the slow game and your lategame bombs are just not strong enough to close out the game. A 4-mana 3/8 taunt won't fix that (although an unnerf to Priestess of Fury could probably help a lot, *wink*)
I doubt this will see constructed play unless we're really desperate for boardclears. Most classes have cheaper and less conditional boardwips of their own.
You're heavily overrating this one. Defile was good because it'S 2-mana and because you could change breakpoints with spell damage. Godfrey was good because he's always a flat 2-damage which makes breakpoints more consistent.
This basically requires you to set the board up beforehand because you probably can't rely on your opponent to just line them up for you. Defile was a really bad card whenever you didn't have the means to manipulate the health on board.
Sick in Arena potentially.
Seems a bit too conditional for my taste. If you're down 15 health you're usually in danger and even if this helps you stabilize it won't get you back in the game. At best you can try and use it as a pseudo-Inquisitor and hope it lives a turn to go face.
Seems just a tad too slow for the current meta but I've been wrong about these things before.
People are saying this is better than Coerce, but one of the best parts of Coerce is the combo part that makes it so you don'T necessarily have to damage to activate it.
Then again, Frost Nova in Warrior sounds huge.
Feels like there'D be some additional support for this. Other than that it's probably terrible, Warlock has better bordclears and this just isn't worth it.
Guess we're powercreeping Dread Infernal these days.
I feel like the RNG element makes it not worth it. Ideally you play this around turn 5 or 6, but if you then whiff on an important keyword you're very sad. Similarly, if you want to play it earlier for tempo and you don'T get the stat buff one you#re sad because you spent 4-mana on a glorified Argent Squire.
4-mana 7/7 is back poggers
I'm not sure what you've been playing but I don't usually get to a point where I just play an 8-mana minion and win off it. This is a dead card against plenty of decks that are currently popular. Unless we enter a midrange meta where a constant barrage of lategame threats is common I don't think this is worth a deckslot.