A couple of days ago we posted some awesome Rise of the Mech-inspired decks made by our community members, but today it's time to look at the raw stats. Down below you'll find some of the strongest decks in the current meta, all piloted at ~60% winrate. Proceed with caution, the decks might get quite aggressive.
The decks shown here have been provided by data harvested by HSReplay. All numbers were accurate at the time of writing.
Mech Hunter (55.4 % Archetype Winrate)
Even though Secret Hunter still leads the way in archetype winrates (56.2 %), its Mechy cousin takes the spotlight when it comes to individual decks. And although Necromechanic has been a popular inclusion post-patch, it doesn't seem to make it's way into the very top versions.
Looking for more Mech Hunters? Check out these decks. Secret Hunter isn't a bad choice either, check them out too.
Murloc Shaman (55.0 % Archetype Winrate)
Mrgl mrgl! Murloc Shaman provides a relatively cheap (while also effective) alternative for your ladder climbing. The more expensive versions that run Swampqueen Hagatha and Shudderwock are doing equally well, in case you want to include more value in the deck.
Looking for more fishy f(r)iends? Here are some.
Token Druid (54.9 % Archetype Winrate)
Did you think we already got rid of the menace from the early Rise of Shadows meta? It seems to have been just a flesh wound, patched up with some mechanical friends. Don't worry though, tree-lovers, there's still plenty of treants left in the mix. No sightings of Mulchmuncher yet though...
Nature's wrath is calling to you? Pick your weapon here.
Control Warrior (53.8 % Archetype Winrate)
So much aggression here, I wish there was someone to defend us from it, someone with shields and armor, lots of armor, so so much armor... If you can afford spending twice the time for a single game than any other deck so far, you've found the one for you.
Winning ain't worth it unless you exhaust your opponent out of resources? I like you, take one of these.
The New Contender: Hooktusk Tempo Rogue (52.3 % Archetype Winrate)
Even though the archetype's winrate wouldn't yet justify a spot in this post, it's here anyway. She never fights fair, does she? At least some individual variants, like the one below, have gotten close to that 60% I mentioned right from the start.
Should I link you Tempo Rogues or Pirate Rogues? Which one this is more? Help a man out here!
So you found that meta-breaker still flying under the radar? Cool, create a deck and share your creation in comments below. We promise to keep it secret.
Would you guys recommend crafting Togwaggle? I would like to test the tempo Rogue deck and I'm also playing a pogo deck.
Hi guys , i recommend you trying out my deck instead of the hsreplay version of agro mech hunter, https://outof.cards/hearthstone/decks/1906-cybertech-chip-hunter-69-winrate I been using it since post nerf of may and had great results.Dunno if its unique or not but i haven't seen almost any players using cybertech which is a shame since i am having huge succes with it.
How is the Hooktusk deck? I've been considering crafting her for a while now.
I guess it's fun to make a deck that uses such an underused legendary. Im debating myself if it's worth it to craft Togwaggle for the same deck.
A few suggestions regarding deck layout.
I don't disagree the deck embeds could use some love.
The biggest issue I have with the ways both HearthPwn and Hearthstone Top Decks present lists is that you end up with so much empty space. HearthPwn is by far the largest offender of the bunch, but there are plenty of decks which rely heavily on class cards that makes those embeds =(
Presentation can use a buff though for sure. I'd love to incorporate cards costs without things getting too messy and of course since the numbers for qty look kinda orphaned, they do need some adjustments.
As far as colorblind accessibility, yeah =(. The cards are colored the way they are due to Warcraft loot colors since Basic cards being black like on HearthPwn is kinda meh so things get a bit shifted around. I would not be opposed to having a colorblind account setting though to help people out that need it; It wouldn't be hard for us to load an additional colorblind-friendly stylesheet override. That will have to come way down the line though.
Thanks so much for taking time to provide feedback.
Hm yeah... kinda was trying Paladin in the beginning, but by yesterday it was obvious that hunter is the thing...
Oh Snap, SN1P-SN4P doesn't even make the cut on most T1 decks ..!
To be fair, any card that makes the cut in most T1 decks is probably a bad design. Things shouldn't be so powerful as to be ubiquitous. High end neutral legendaries are really risky from a design perspective. Zilliax is pretty close to a problem, so seeing Mr. Snips make it into some but not all is probably a relief.
What would you replace Wispering Woods with in that Token Druid deck? I want to try something different compared to my normal controlling-archetypes, but I'm not crafting those. I was thinking SN1P-SN4P, Mulchmunchers, and/or some Mountain Giants, just to be different.
Wispering Woods is arguably the best card in token druid, it really is worth crafting if you enjoy the deck. In the list above SN1P-SN4P is the major omission, much better than Zilliax. You can drop Wrath and then Keeper Stalladris as they're not essential. The deck can't support mountain giants but Sea Giants might work if you want to try something different!
I would never put in Sea Giants without Wispering Woods. Wisps are what makes Sea Giant playable.
I would recommend using Archmage Vargoth as he has great synergy with Power of the Wild and Blessing of the Ancients plus as a bonus he will always target enemies with Swipe.
Around the same mana cost, Flobbidinous Floop and Archmage Vargoth see play in some versions. Hench-Clan Hag, Wargear or the humble Harvest Golem can also fill that void, although none act quite like Wispering.
The Mech Token Druid isn't playing SN1P SN4P, and that feels like a mistake. I believe the deck only runs 1 Mecharoo (since Acorn Bearer is the 1 drop you want anyway).
Gonna have to try that murloc list!