Another Academic week behind us, so it's once again time to see what's up in the Wild side of Hearthstone. And as usual, our community members will act as our Tour Guides into the format. Let's see what they'll have in store this time!
Mecha'thun Rogue
Watermelon86 utilizes Secret Passage very cleverly in this OTK list. As the card does not shuffle your hand back into your deck, neither draw any cards from it, you can get rid of your hand quite efficiently without taking any fatigue damage in the process.
Big Warrior
The Big archetype got a good chunk of support in Scholomance, and SunburstWolfgang has been busy figuring out which cards are actually worth running in the Wild version of the deck.
Combo Warlock
I guess we all expected MarkMcKz would find a use for Pen Flinger, but this combo wasn't first on the list of ideas. By constantly hitting himself in the face, he's been able to play all of Rin's Seals AND Azari in one turn.
Getting OTK'd by an Easter Egg card some might not even know existed? Sounds like Mark's doing to me.
Deathrattle Hunter
An Elekk never forgets. You're unlikely to reach fatigue with ARES' deck, as the list is filled with cards shuffling more cards into your deck.
Spell Priest
This deck from frosthearth is just pure spell madness. Lyra and her Sethekk apprentices have fodder for days!
Deck ID Not Found
Looking to learn more of the Wild side of Hearthstone? Take a look at these decks.
Want to publish your own results? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to educate others with a guide!
I gotta try that Warlock combo with Darkglare and Pen Flinger. Like everyone else, I've been playing around with it in Shaman to exploit it's coordinated punches like Knife Juggler, but that looks much more fun
Wait, so Secret Passage doesn't draw from deck? So you can just play this to add 5 cards to your deck at the end of turn?
It draws cards from your deck, but won't draw fatigue if you don't have cards which is very helpful after you play Myra's Unstable Element. I could've worded it more clearly.
To be fair, you just have to see it in action once to never be mistaken again on the potency of Secret Passage ; just F'in great!
I love Pen Flinger and built a Quest Shaman with him early on. I did not see that Warlock deck coming. Made me laugh way to hard. Wish I had Rin I'd give it a go.
The Infinite Deck hunter is an unexpected result too. I might have to give that one a shot.
As much as I dislike netdecking and conforming to the meta, I do kinda wish these sporadic Wild highlights were a bit more representative of the format, or there was one of these more fun community highlights and one of the more serious ones. I can almost guarantee you're not gonna find much success with stuff like the Rin OTK in the current Wild. But I would be curious to see some interesting takes on, say, Reno Warlock with Archwitch Willow, or whatever Hunters get up to these days. Essentially a middle ground between what's the meta, which doesn't really need highlighting cause you can play the game and see what's out there, and what's a straight rank 10 gold meme.
I know I'll get downvoted to hell for this, and I mean no disrespect to the deck creators or the people picking these decks. But as a Wild only player, these really don't bring much to the table for me, cause they're far too off from viability.
I kinda agree with you, but your suggestion would basically list overused meta decks which try out some new cards. You cannot easily discover a brand new deck anymore that is viable without experimenting with a crazy idea that is most likely just a meme. Reno warlock is already a known deck and adding Willow would just be repeating a mechanic that is already used in that deck (Bloodreaver, Kanrethad) through a different card, which you can come up by yourself (and did). By trying out these decks you can find what works and maybe combine it with an already viable strategy on your own if you want. If I want to try quest mage with new cards I can easily switch out some cards for the new ones without any help, if you understand what I'm trying to say.
Besides, I don't think you've tried my combo priest deck featured here :D It can destroy meta combo decks and easily outlast aggro, mostly losing to some value matches. Btw thanks for the feature ooc!
Well...Reno Warlock WAS a known deck. It hasn't been in the meta for a while, actually pretty much since the Raza unnerf. So while yes, it was a deck long ago (then again, what wasn't in Wild?), what the deck would look like now and what cards it may use to combat what's currently in the meta might be rather new and interesting to see. It would require, of course, that someone seriously experiment with the deck and have enough results to report to make the deck worth featuring. If a random theorycraft were to pop up here then I might as well obviously throw a Renolock together myself; it's more of the tested, refined, "weathered" lists that I would love to see highlighted. Which, granted, might be few and far between. I may not be the only person to experiment with homebrews out there but we are in the minority.
But I also think, to mirror your argument, that pretty much anyone can throw together some Mark McKz 8 card combo and get a win with it after 2 hours of trying at Silver. I don't think that level of meme is highlight worthy, at least not worthy of the one time a week that Wild gets a mention.