Warlocks aren't known to be sociable, but they seem to be getting on like a Faire on fire here!

Did you know that if you read our reviews, you're guaranteed to become better? Not necessarily at Hearthstone, just better in general - at cooking, at financial management, whatever. Our sample size is admittedly a little small, but he definitely improved as a person after reading them so I'm pretty sure we were the cause.

Midway Maniac Card Image

He's a maniac, maniac, at the stalls! And he's winning like he's never won before!

Quote From ShadowsOfSense

The second Darkmoon Faire addition to the 1/5 for 2 mana statline - and this one comes with Taunt for those extra spicy Silverback Patriarch comparisons!

This is a decently strong earlygame option for any deck, though I think it'll only really shine in Zoo lists - Warlock just has so many good cards already that this doesn't seem impactful enough to warrant inclusion in Control or Midrange decks. Perhaps if we dive headfirst into a highly aggressive meta, this could help those decks stabilise enough to be worth it.

Even in Zoo lists, this is fighting against some very good cards for a spot. As such, I think it may not even make it into every variant - you might only see this in Demon Zoo lists, where the Demon tag means it outclasses many other options. Being able to avoid damage from Fire Breather might just be the deciding factor between a Midway Maniac and something more traditionally Zoo-like with more aggressive stats.

Man'ari Mosher Card Image

Always trying to liven up the mosh pits of hell.

Quote From Avalon

It has a decent body for its cost and it is basically a way better Dark Iron Dwarf for one less mana. However, that fact that Man'ari Mosher doesn't grant a health buff doesn't help with value trading, which is pretty relevant in every aggro list. On the other hand, the Lifesteal keyword seems pretty irrelevant, since you don't care that much about your life total if you don't want to go to the late game.

Overall, a very simple and basic card, that could see play in Demon Zoolock because you need as many Demons as you can, but don't expect anything crazy from it.

Ring Matron Card Image
Fiery Imp Card Image

She likes it so she's gonna put a ring on it.

Quote From Demonxz95

Did you ever want a Savannah Highmane for your Warlock decks? Ring Matron has got you covered. This is a very simple, yet very powerful that I reckon will end up seeing quite a bit of play. While it's true that Savannah Highmane doesn't see that much play anymore, this minion gains Taunt and the minions it summons gain +1 Attack, all at the cost of -1 Health, which seems like a pretty good trade-off to me. The Taunt does more than you might think! This just seems like an all-around strong Warlock card that you can play in most Warlock decks, and I definitely think it'll see play.

Wicked Whispers Card Image

"Hey! Hey, psst, hey! You suck!"

Quote From Avalon

Grim Rally but for Discolock. While it will see experimentation and probably play in Wild, I genuinely think Wicked Whispers has fat chances to be a good card in Standard as well: maybe not now, maybe from now on. In the end, it all depends on how fast Warlock will be able to assemble a meta-worthy Zoo list.

In particular, I appreciate the fact that Blizzard hasn't given up on Discolock and has learnt from its previous mistakes: unlike Lakkari Sacrifice, cards like Nightshade Matron, Hand of Gul'dan and now Wicked Whispers are not just standalone good, but also provide great synergy between themselves. On a side note, now Warlock has a valid reason to run Boneweb Egg.

Free Admission Card Image

Free entry for all those under five foot - five foot two if you squeeze.

Quote From Avalon

Let's compare this spell to Sense Demons: while both cards allow you to draw two units for the same cost, the latter specifically tutors Demons, while Free Admission fills your hand and rewards you for building a Demon-heavy deck.

Since Warlock doesn't have something like Voidcaller in Standard, I'd say that Free Admission could be arguably better than Sense Demons: you can include mid-sized Demons like the new Tickatus (whose Corrupt effect could be triggered easier) and Ring Matron and play them a couple turns earlier than usual. The real limitation is that both the minions your draw must be Demons in order to get the cost reduction, which makes your deck building quite tricky.

In the end, this card totally relies on how good Demon Warlock will be in the next months: if the archetype will succeed, then Free Admission will see plenty of play.

Fire Breather Card Image

"Heartburn? No, skullburn is way worse."

Quote From Demonxz95

This appears to be a strong card to me. Demonwrath has been a pretty strong card, and this is essentially paying 1 extra mana for a 4/3. Pretty good trade-off if you ask me. I see this card being quite strong in most Warlock decks. It's actually even better than Demonwrath in mirror matches since you at lest get a 4/3 minion. All-in-all, if you're a Warlock, you'll like this card.

Revenant Rascal Card Image

His biggest trick is making you think he's a Demon!

Quote From Avalon

Weird Warlock tech card: it reminds me of Chaos Gazer, which has been grossly overrated during the reveal season and has seen zero play until now. Revenant Rascal has an equally annoying effect, but the fact that it cripples both players makes it less reliable than a one-sided effect like Cult Neophyte, which also costs 1 less mana.

I don't see Rascal in Control: if you want to fight aggro, just run Dark Skies. The only situation in which I see this card playable is in Zoolock, and that if you really want to postpone an opponent's play that could screw your plan, but again: Cult Neophyte seems way better at this.

Cascading Disaster Card Image
Cascading Disaster Card Image Cascading Disaster Card Image

Another name for stack overflow.

Quote From Avalon

Incredible card: if Warlock is not about aggro, then it's heavy Control, with big Demons and board clears. It is quite usual for Gul'Dan to play cards that cost more than 4 mana, and now there is even a big upside in doing so. Remember Lesser Onyx Spellstone? Cascading Disaster costs one less, belongs to a card that can afford upgrading it without dying and the condition to meet is far easier. I see this card as a cheap, less powerful but one sided Twisting Nether that becomes more and more powerful as long as the game goes on. 5 star card right here. Obviously, if a Control (Corrupt?) Warlock manages to see the light of the tavern.

Deck of Chaos Card Image

Who let them out of the garden?

Quote From ShadowsOfSense

I love when Blizzard gets weird with card designs like this. I loved Luna's Pocket Galaxy, but that card is also a perfect example of how careful you have to be with these kinds of cards - they may look silly or unviable at a first glance, but at the right (or wrong) mana cost they can be incredibly powerful.

My immediate example would be to consider a 3 mana 9/9 Voidlord - that's pretty scary!

Even in Standard, there are some interesting options - a 5 mana 8/7 Enhanced Dreadlord? A 4 mana 8/12 Zzeraku the Warped? A 4 mana 7/4 Valdris Felgorge? Even outside of just Warlock cards there's some cool ideas - is a 1 mana 10/1 Darkmoon Rabbit not the most terrifying thing you've ever heard of? What about a slew of 4 mana 9/4 Carnival clowns?

I'm not a smart enough deckbuilder to be able to say that this card is actually good - maybe it suffers the same issues as pre-buff (or post-nerf?) Pocket Galaxy, and is just too expensive and too inconsistent to be competitive. But there's a lot of interesting options out there, and I can't wait to see what people come up with for this one.

Tickatus Card Image
Tickatus Card Image

If he can't have the prize tickets - nobody can!

Quote From Avalon

Big stats for the cost: if you play Tickatus in an aggressive/midrange-ish list, you don't mind losing 5 cards (pretty much the same reasoning behind Tracking, one of the most controversial yet useful cards ever), since you don't plan on going toe-to-toe with your opponent all the way to fatigue. On the other hand, if your gameplay revolves around Control and value, then Warlock has plenty of costly (and playable) cards that would be more than happy to corrupt Tickatus.

Definitely a card that will see plenty of play. That is, obviously, if Warlock will be able to emerge from its ashes.