A wild expansion launch is behind us, hopefully, those theorycraft decks we posted during the week turned out to be useful. Today we keep looking at community decks that have been influenced by the cards of the new expansion.

Sunscale Hunter

A masterpiece of a deck from Neoguli. If you manage to get the Sunscale Raptor Frenzy train going right from the start, things get pretty ridiculous pretty fast. Respect the raptor!

Taunt Druid

Celestial Alignment took the spotlight of this expansion for Wild Druids, but Barrens also offered a good chunk of Taunt support. Here's what clawz161 built from the new cards.

Handbuff Mech Paladin

CrimsonRShadow's deck isn't running too many new cards but uses a lot of old, nearly-forgotten handbuffs. A large Blademaster Samuro should be a pretty scary sight.

If you don't like Mechs, MrRhapsody created a Buff Even Paladin with Invigorating Sermon.

Watch Post Priest

Primordial heard you like Watch Posts so this list includes even more Watch Posts than the usual. If they get removed, just Rally! them back! The deck also includes a Corrupt-package.

Overload Shaman

Swizard has been tinkering with Bru'kan and came up with this Overload list. While the deck has a ton of burst potential, you can also try to take over the board with cheap Giants and Lesser Sapphire Spellstone.

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Preparing for the Wilds of the Barrens? Arm yourself with more community decks.

Forged something awesome yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!