The nerfs arrived but not much seems to have changed in the grand scheme of things. Luckily our creative community members are always sharing their ideas for some more off-meta fun.

Mecha'thun Druid

SunburstWolfgang has been having decent success with this combo list, even against those dreaded Warlocks. Funnily enough Mecha'thun hasn't even been the win condition in a large part of the matches.

Shadow Priest

Shadow Priest was one of the three "good" Wild decks Blizzard shared post-nerfs and now RavenSunHS has created a Pirate-less version of the new aggressive archetype.

Ignite OTK Mage

While the Mage Questline is rather popular in Standard, in Wild it isn't even needed. Both Amaringo and Swizard have shared their versions of the Sanctum Chandler + Ignite OTK with the former reaching Legend with the list below.

Questline Warrior

...but not quite like you know it. AurumDragoon didn't go full Pirates but instead included a large Galakrond package whereas MrRhapsody has come up with this Odd variant of the archetype.

Questline Priest

Rapha and N3UR0N3TW0RK have both been meddling with one of the fairer questlines, resulting in the deck below as well as another Galakrond-utilizing Control list, respectively.

Leaving Stormwind for an adventure in the Wild? Replenish your supplies with more community decks.

Found something awesome yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!