This week's balance changes gave plenty of stuff to consider for both Standard and Wild. Let's see if any of the newly buffed cards have found their way into the decklists of our community members.

OTK Paladin

A classic returns with some new tools. As frosthearth plans to multiply Shirvallah with Northshire Farmer, Service Bell will help you to fetch them if needed. Just remember to save a way to create more copies to your deck for the eventual Holy Wrath combo.

OTK Druid

This list from dpollackhs has a lot of things going on, but it will all end in fireworks with some Kael'thas Sinstrider-enabled wombo-combos (that will still definitely require more than 10 Mana with the assistance of Wildheart Guff).

Murloc Shaman

It seems like Shudderwock and Sire Denathrius have made some new fishy friends. This very Murloc-y Highlander list from Esparanta comes with plenty of value and a detailed guide.

Pure Secret Paladin

The latest patch included a buff for Pure Paladin's newest payoff card, The Countess, so it's a good time to try out Korgano's Secret-heavy list. Potential for Christmas trees included.

Tiller OTK Warrior

MarkMcKz has decided to rip open some old wounds with this list that aims to win through the once-dreaded Wretched Tiller. Luckily for the balance of Wild Format, this version requires a lot more set-up and a bit of luck to work out.

The trail of evidence led you to Wild ladder? Find some additional clues from these community decks.

Came up with something awesome yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!