Card reveals for March of the Lich King resume today with new Demon Hunter card from RenieHouR - Unleash Fel!
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You could put this in a deck with (HAS TO BE) neutral Spell Damage and maybe clear a board. Good for you.
Question: what exactly do you do now?
If you're in Wild, you try to win with Il'gynoth or Jace Darkweaver or both and you do badly there because those decks are bad even though they should be good and the sort of thing Wild is fine with. Power escalation doesn't increase options, it forcloses and shrinks them. So: jank. And all the Standard decks to follow are even more laugable in Wild, so no need to review them there.
If you're in Standard, you're not playing spell DH. (Nor do I think that's going to be a good archetype, anyway.)
So you're playing a minion deck. Cool. What's the win con? Feels like it has to be Jace, but, again -- that's not good. Daddy D isn't done better in DH than anyplace else, so you're just playing an inferior version of the archetype.
There are no synergies with any other cards that make this strong or even fun; it comes pre-nerf because Jace has to be strictly controlled (Team 5 seems to think).
The irony is that the devs give DH these needs-spell-damage cards precisely because DH doesn't hav easy access to spell damage. Instead of building on strengths, they ruminate on weaknesses for DH.
I'd love it if the next DH reveal is something that works really well with this and single-handedly lets a DH archetype back into a good space. I hoping to eat that crow, but I expect to go hungry.
Mage is going to have a great time randomly generating this, though, and Rogues might as well.
Now if only Ilgonoth OTK DH was even remotely playable (in Wild) DH might actually become a relevant class again. But...well...iceblock exists... Having an autolose matchup ain't exactly promising for any deck, let alone one as questionable in other matchups as Ilgonoth DH.
EDIT: Actually, scratch that, I'm an idiot. This only hits enemies, so you need your opponent to have shit to hit in order for this to do any reasonable amount of damage. Considering that Ilgynoth most frequently nukes its own minions just to have something to go off on, this really doesn't do much good for that deck. But 1 mana deal 1 to only enemies might actually come in handy to proactive DHs since they don't have to trade or blow up their board and can just keep snowballing their board advantage.
Secret destroyers exist. This may make the OTK stronger, but we'll see. Gonna try it out again.
They do, but they're so expensive that you can't eat the block and combo off for lethal on the same turn. Ergo, your opponent has the opportunity to put up another Block, which pretty much all Quest Mages run. So in order to stand a chance in that matchup, you'd have to run TWO secret haters. That tanks your other matchups into oblivion...and more importantly, doesn't even address the Quest Mage issue. By the time you're playing your first Secret Eater to prep for your combo, they're playing Time Warp and pecking you to death with parrots. You don't have time for an anti-secret setup, you need to blow them up before they do the same to you. And no Ilgonoth DH is keeping pace with Quest Mage's turn 6 lethals.
"All enemies"
1 mana.
Yep this card is good.
Talented Arcanist + this solves all the troubles DH had at clearing early boards. Absolute nuts cards.
Also, I am so glad Il'gynoth is out of the way.
Not to mention that Arcanist also functions very well with Fel Barrage making it a lot more flexible.
This is unironically going to make Fel Relic DH into top tier by eliminating at least 2 terrible matchups
It does plug that one hole dhunter is currently suffering from, which is early board removal, but its so weak. Not so much the Immolation Aura that the class needs as much as it is just another version of Felscream Blast
Probably not going to be too impactful but it will see play because there's really not many other early board removal options available. Maybe Enchanter + spell damage would be the new board clear + healing in that class.