Dean Ayala has announced that we're going to see 10 cards have their previous nerfs reverted!
- 5 of these cards are currently in the Wild format.
- 4 of these cards are from the Year of the Raven and are rotating to wild.
- 1 card is currently in the Year of the Dragon sets.
- The exact numbers may still change.
We don't have details on what cards are being reverted yet, though we'd love to know what you think. Which cards do you think are getting unnerfed?
Quote From Dean Ayala Planning on reverting a handful of card nerfs just before the upcoming set rotation. We’ll share details on exactly what those cards are in the next couple weeks but they currently include 5 Wild cards, 4 Year of the Raven cards (rotating to Wild), and 1 Year of the Dragon card.
Sharing thoughts always comes with the risk that things can change, so if those numbers don’t end up being final it was in the name of iteration! I wonder if anyone will guess exactly the right 10 cards. When the time comes we’ll announce them on official Hearthstone channels.
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Leeching Poison.
It was never played until kingsbane came in and now it's not played again, and immediately after they nerfed it they released Spectral Cutlass to show off their hypocrisy with the nerf. A bullshit nerf on a fringe deck, that made the deck aggro cancer, instead of value oriented.
Warsong Commander. Warsong Commander. Warsong Commander. Warsong Commander. Warsong Commander. Warsong Commander.
Agreed, but it doesn't fit the description of wild, year of the raven, or year of the dragon.
Conjurer's Calling unnerfed with Giants going to wild.
Reckless Experimenter
Sludge Murloc is one guess, back to a 2 /1.
I'll bet a million dollars that they are going to un-nerf Undertaker.
I'll take that bet
Quite a bit of hilarious speculation in the comments here: “Razakus too broken; Leeching Poison too broken!” Baku/Genn exist, and if you actually played wild, it’s immediately obvious that decks like “Razakus priest” would be terrible even with reverted Raza and an updated decklist.
Since they’ve decided to never touch Baku/Genn, there really isn’t a good reason to not revert all of the nerfs that people have said are “too broken!” Naga Sea Witch, Caverns, Barnes, Aviana, Leeching Poison, etc. They should just let wild be, well, wild. How are the following decks any less frustrating/broken/un-fun/whatever in any significant way: quest mage, secret mage, odd paladin, even shaman, mech paladin, (quest) Mecha’thun warlock, or Darkest Hour warlock? It’s pretty silly to think that, e.g., pre-nerf Leeching Poison mill rogue would even be a strong deck in wild right now. How would you beat quest mage? Darkest Hour with a full board and Nerubian(s), or odd paladin’s unfettered and consistent aggression? The same can be said about pre-nerf Aviana SA decks.
In a world where quest mage and odd/even decks exist, it makes no sense to talk about any nerfed cards being “too broken” if they were reverted today. SN1P-SN4P warlock is the only deck that you could plausibly argue would still be “(too) broken” in a reverted wild meta, but that card wasn’t nerfed directly, so reverting nerfs wouldn’t even resurrect the deck.
It's immediately obvious you don't have a clue what you're talking about. You're putting all decks on the same level of brokenness as if decks were only divided into "fair" and "broken" and nothing in between. There's a reason why Darkest Hour Warlock isn't being yelled about everywhere as the most unfair thing in the history of the game. Cause the deck is not nearly consistent enough for that to be the case. There's a reason why Quest Mage hasn't been nerfed into the concrete yet and isn't 50% of the meta. Because there are enough decks out there it has a hard time against and it can lose even favourable matchups with a poor draw.
Half the decks and cards you'd want unnerfed are way above Darkest Hour highroll and Quest Mechalock that you seem to be putting on the same level. If you unnerfed Leeching Poison today, the entire meta would have to rebuild itself tomorrow because now value means nothing and you're either playing aggro or Kingsbane. Reno decks cease to exist while Kingsbane + Leeching poison is a thing. You unnerf Raza and you replace all control decks with exactly Raza Priest. It doesn't matter if the machine gun kills you next turn or 5 turns from now. Everything you play is now mincemeat because every card the Raza Priest plays comes packed with free removal. The free Dragons Raza Priest gets from Alex are now two extra pieces of removal to boot. The two one mana spells off of Spellkin? More machine gun ammo. If you have nothing on board to remove, it goes to your face (unlike Priest's usual removal options). You're dead within 4-5 turns in a control v control matchup. Hell, Spellkin alone takes 1/3rd of your starting health just on its own within one turn, not even including what potential effects the 1 mana spells have.
So no, Aviana, Raza, Kingsbane and Naga Sea Witch are not even in the same solar system as Darkest Hour and Genn/Baku (who even plays Genn and Baku anymore? Even Shaman is the last one holding the fort with any success) when it comes to power level.
You are confusing "too broken" (Nagalock) with "very consistent" (Genn/Baku).
There is no way Genn/Baku decks are broken, unless they print broken cards that fit those archetypes.
But Even/Odd cannot be broken per se. They are consistent (=solid) at best.
-3 so far..
Unnerf Mana Wyrm!
mana wyrn is not a wild card, neither a year of the dragon card
Damn u right. Felt like it was in HOF since no one plays it anymore.
From all the Galakrond Shaman nerfed cards I think, like most of you, that unnerf [Hearthstone Card (Invocation of Frost) Not Found] can be fair thing. I'm not a Wild player so I can't theorize about that but I quite liked [Hearthstone Card (Yogg-Saron, Hope's End) Not Found] (out of tournaments).
We have a lot of predictions. I'm going to grab the most popular predictions I've seen, and add Blizzard's notes about the nerf. Seeing Blizzards thoughts on why the card was nerfed is a good insight to their thinking and can help us predict if it will be reverted or not.
Yes I know there are other's that a lot of people have predicted that I didn't list here. I've honestly wasted too much time on all of this today already. Go look up any cards you're curious about yourself! ;)
I think Dr Boom is a likely candidate for an unnerf. In Wild, being 7 Mana, it is actually doing decent with the other Hero cards. It was nerf to 9 Mana cos it was too strong in Standard. really hope it get reversed.