Year of the Wolf Core Set Card Spoilers & Expansion Guide

The Year of the Wolf Core Set released on April 11, 2023 with the launch of the Festival of Legends expansion.

Revealed Cards for Year of the Wolf Core Set

These are all the cards that have currently been revealed for Year of the Wolf Core Set.

Death Knight

The Scourge Card Image
Frostmourne Card Image
Deathbringer Saurfang Card Image
Thassarian Card Image
Stitched Giant Card Image
Soulstealer Card Image
Frostwyrm's Fury Card Image
Might of Menethil Card Image
Grave Strength Card Image
Marrow Manipulator Card Image
Corpse Bride Card Image
Corpse Explosion Card Image
Anti-Magic Shell Card Image
Vampiric Blood Card Image
Blood Tap Card Image
Hematurge Card Image
Plagued Grain Card Image
Noxious Cadaver Card Image
Gnome Muncher Card Image
Army of the Dead Card Image
Nerubian Swarmguard Card Image
Remorseless Winter Card Image
Death Strike Card Image
Soulbreaker Card Image
Asphyxiate Card Image
Chillfallen Baron Card Image
Acolyte of Death Card Image
Battlefield Necromancer Card Image
Harbinger of Winter Card Image
Frost Strike Card Image
Necrotic Mortician Card Image
Skeletal Sidekick Card Image
Body Bagger Card Image
Horn of Winter Card Image

Demon Hunter

Kayn Sunfury Card Image
Metamorphosis Card Image
Expendable Performers Card Image
Eye Beam Card Image
Wayward Sage Card Image
Illidari Inquisitor Card Image
Raging Felscreamer Card Image
Gan'arg Glaivesmith Card Image
Aldrachi Warblades Card Image
Coordinated Strike Card Image
Immolation Aura Card Image
Chaos Strike Card Image
Spectral Sight Card Image
Umberwing Card Image
Battlefiend Card Image
Illidari Studies Card Image
Crimson Sigil Runner Card Image


Cenarius Card Image
Greybough Card Image
Ancient of Lore Card Image
Park Panther Card Image
Mark of the Wild Card Image
Lesser Jasper Spellstone Card Image
Innervate Card Image
Druid of the Claw Card Image
Thickhide Kodo Card Image
Oaken Summons Card Image
Swipe Card Image
Feral Rage Card Image
Power of the Wild Card Image
Wrath Card Image
Witchwood Apple Card Image
Raven Idol Card Image
Living Roots Card Image


Barak Kodobane Card Image
Dragonbane Card Image
Master's Call Card Image
Ice Trap Card Image
Rat Trap Card Image
Savannah Highmane Card Image
Lesser Emerald Spellstone Card Image
Ball of Spiders Card Image
Kill Command Card Image
Arcane Shot Card Image
Tracking Card Image
Deadly Shot Card Image
Animal Companion Card Image
Explosive Trap Card Image
Freezing Trap Card Image
Quick Shot Card Image
Jeweled Macaw Card Image


Kalecgos Card Image
Stargazer Luna Card Image
Flamestrike Card Image
Primordial Glyph Card Image
Blizzard Card Image
Counterspell Card Image
Explosive Runes Card Image
Babbling Book Card Image
Firelands Portal Card Image
Fireball Card Image
Ice Barrier Card Image
Arcane Intellect Card Image
Arcanologist Card Image
Frostbolt Card Image
Shooting Star Card Image
Flame Geyser Card Image
Arcane Artificer Card Image


Tirion Fordring Card Image
Lady Liadrin Card Image
Hammer of the Naaru Card Image
Crusader Aura Card Image
Spikeridged Steed Card Image
Muster for Battle Card Image
Equality Card Image
Stand Against Darkness Card Image
Hammer of Wrath Card Image
Silvermoon Portal Card Image
Warhorse Trainer Card Image
Consecration Card Image
Bronze Explorer Card Image
Argent Protector Card Image
Resistance Aura Card Image
Hand of A'dal Card Image
Grimestreet Outfitter Card Image
Flash of Light Card Image
Righteous Protector Card Image


Catrina Muerte Card Image
Madame Lazul Card Image
Obsidian Statue Card Image
Lightbomb Card Image
Shadow Word: Ruin Card Image
Mana Geode Card Image
Ship's Chirurgeon Card Image
Lesser Diamond Spellstone Card Image
Thrive in the Shadows Card Image
Crimson Clergy Card Image
Void Shard Card Image
Holy Nova Card Image
Shadow Word: Pain Card Image
Shadow Ascendant Card Image
Psychic Conjurer Card Image
Holy Smite Card Image
Flash Heal Card Image


Tess Greymane Card Image
Flik Skyshiv Card Image
Spectral Cutlass Card Image
Fal'dorei Strider Card Image
Preparation Card Image
Elven Minstrel Card Image
SI:7 Agent Card Image
Raiding Party Card Image
Sap Card Image
Assassinate Card Image
Hench-Clan Burglar Card Image
Fan of Knives Card Image
Eviscerate Card Image
Deadly Poison Card Image
Swashburglar Card Image
Backstab Card Image
Shadowstep Card Image


Al'Akir the Windlord Card Image
Kalimos, Primal Lord Card Image
Far Sight Card Image
Overdraft Card Image
Thing from Below Card Image
Feral Spirit Card Image
Lightning Storm Card Image
Muck Pools Card Image
Fire Elemental Card Image
Hex Card Image
Ancestral Knowledge Card Image
Flametongue Totem Card Image
Menacing Nimbus Card Image
Spirit Claws Card Image
Air Elemental Card Image
Lightning Bolt Card Image
Novice Zapper Card Image


Lord Jaraxxus Card Image
Arch-Villain Rafaam Card Image
Twisting Nether Card Image
Enhanced Dreadlord Card Image
Doomguard Card Image
Dark Alley Pact Card Image
Siphon Soul Card Image
Lesser Amethyst Spellstone Card Image
Defile Card Image
Hellfire Card Image
Drain Soul Card Image
Bloodbound Imp Card Image
Demonic Studies Card Image
Mortal Coil Card Image
Flame Imp Card Image
Spirit Bomb Card Image
Voidwalker Card Image


Grommash Hellscream Card Image
Deathwing, Mad Aspect Card Image
Brawl Card Image
Bladestorm Card Image
Shield Slam Card Image
Town Crier Card Image
Cargo Guard Card Image
Frothing Berserker Card Image
Sanguine Depths Card Image
Heavy Plate Card Image
Fiery War Axe Card Image
Frightened Flunky Card Image
Bash Card Image
Shield Block Card Image
Execute Card Image
Whirlwind Card Image
Slam Card Image


Deathwing the Destroyer Card Image
Onyxia the Broodmother Card Image
Alexstrasza Card Image
Ysera Card Image
Malygos the Spellweaver Card Image
Ragnaros the Firelord Card Image
Nozdormu the Eternal Card Image
Siamat Card Image
Baron Geddon Card Image
Sylvanas Windrunner Card Image
Gnomelia, S.A.F.E. Pilot Card Image
Justicar Trueheart Card Image
Overlord Runthak Card Image
Leeroy Jenkins Card Image
Taelan Fordring Card Image
Zola the Gorgon Card Image
Bloodmage Thalnos Card Image
Molten Giant Card Image
Mountain Giant Card Image
Sea Giant Card Image
Primordial Drake Card Image
Big Game Hunter Card Image
Southsea Captain Card Image
Demolition Renovator Card Image
Murloc Warleader Card Image
Vulpera Scoundrel Card Image
Dirty Rat Card Image
Doomsayer Card Image
Mind Control Tech Card Image
Lifedrinker Card Image
Footman Card Image
Defender of Argus Card Image
Replicating Menace Card Image
Twilight Drake Card Image
Coldlight Seer Card Image
Stonehill Defender Card Image
Crazed Alchemist Card Image
Wild Pyromancer Card Image
Cult Neophyte Card Image
Nerubian Egg Card Image
Fogsail Freebooter Card Image
Murloc Tidecaller Card Image
Armor Vendor Card Image
Vicious Slitherspear Card Image
Sleepy Dragon Card Image
Stormwind Champion Card Image
Boulderfist Ogre Card Image
Evasive Wyrm Card Image
Warsong Grunt Card Image
Stranglethorn Tiger Card Image
Wargear Card Image
Night Elf Huntress Card Image
Dread Corsair Card Image
Sen'jin Shieldmasta Card Image
Royal Librarian Card Image
Bronze Gatekeeper Card Image
Rustrot Viper Card Image
Tar Creeper Card Image
Raid Leader Card Image
Acolyte of Pain Card Image
Gorillabot A-3 Card Image
Hench-Clan Thug Card Image
Faerie Dragon Card Image
Loot Hoarder Card Image
Murloc Tidehunter Card Image
Bloodsail Raider Card Image
Annoy-o-Tron Card Image
Plated Beetle Card Image
Wandmaker Card Image
Injured Tol'vir Card Image
Youthful Brewmaster Card Image
Dire Wolf Alpha Card Image
Redgill Razorjaw Card Image
Mad Bomber Card Image
Kobold Geomancer Card Image
Beaming Sidekick Card Image
Voodoo Doctor Card Image
Murmy Card Image
Abusive Sergeant Card Image
Worgen Infiltrator Card Image
Elven Archer Card Image
Fire Fly Card Image
Southsea Deckhand Card Image
Glacial Shard Card Image
Snowflipper Penguin Card Image


  • jasperwilde09's Avatar
    15 1 Posts Joined 03/05/2024
    Posted 4 months, 2 weeks ago

    Commit to Self-Exploration: Embrace a mindset of curiosity and openness as you delve into your enneagram test type. Take the time to explore your motivations, fears, and desires, and be willing to confront uncomfortable truths about yourself.

  • EggCup's Avatar
    155 1 Posts Joined 07/27/2021
    Posted 1 year ago

    Defile is missing from Warlock

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 1 year, 4 months ago

    You forgot to Update Holy Champion. It's a 2-mana 1/4


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