Welcome one and all to the live recap of the final reveal stream! We'll have all the cards added here as they're revealed to us.
- Hunter cards appear to have a lighter green frame, likely to differentiate between Hunter and Demon Hunter better.
- These new frames aren't available via images just yet. We'll need to wait for client renders.
New Cards
New cards will be displayed down below. We'll see 38 on the stream and the rest in a dump afterward.
Demon Hunter
Demon Companion Token
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Walk the Plank, Backstab, Seal Fate, Vendetta, Sabotage, Assassinate, Vilespine Slayer, Flik Skyshiv
Walk the Plank is conditional removal that can't remove a damaged minion and is played in no competitive decks.
Backstab is great removal for the early game, but it can't answer average or large threats without an additional commitment of resources or trades.
Seal Fate is like a mix of the above 2. The reason it sees the kind of play it does is due to the invoke Gala synergy, not so much the 3 damage on a non-damaged target.
Vendetta Completely dependent on playing a specific rogue archtype and is played nowhere else. This card really isn't comparable.
Sabotage Basically a 5 mana (or more) conditional removal that is totally random. Need I say more?
Assassinate 5 mana to destroy 1 minion without being able to develop the board. No
Vilespine Slayer The best card here. Need more like it
Flik Skyshiv Again another good card. It is expensive though (6 mana), is limited to 1 due to legendary tag (which means getting it as an answer is inconsistent), and can backfire during mirrors. Still good though.
Coerce is much better than pretty much all except maybe the last 2 cards because it synergies perfectly with 1 mana lackeys and aside from the combo requirement is otherwise unconditional removal for a minion at just 3 additional mana (no undamaged requirement, no rng targetting, no spending most or all of your turn removing 1 minion).
"Cards are bad because if you played them without synergy they would be bad"
Welcome to card games.
Also you ignoring the fact that cards like Vendetta, Backstab, and Seal Fate easily remove early threats to help you stay on the board for cards like Assassinateor Walk the Plank to help you keep advantage without losing because of a slow turn because the opponent played Tirion Fordring and you discovered one of them off a witchy lackey just for this occasion so you wouldn't have to trade off your entire board. Imagine thinking a rogue would have no board presence lmao, what year is it. Rogue isn't a mage or a warrior with big board clears, to get rid of boards, they have cards that enable their minions to do it.
The point is Coerce DOESN"T need special synergies to be good. Why restrict yourself to only playing Theif Rogue for a 4 damage removal when you can play pretty much any rogue deck with cheap cards, like lackeys, for a removal that can destroy any one threat you want? Same goes for slow clunky 5 mana removals, or those that restrict you to only being able to remove an undamaged minion.
Coerce allows you to destroy any minion for 3 mana so I fail to see any comparable argument that states that most of the above removals you mentioned are close to being as flexible as this new removal for rogue. Flexible class staple > restricted use synergistic only removal.
Waterboy 2 power creep boogaloo
More like Fencing Coach powercreep. The discount isn't limited to your current turn.
BuT it HaS 1 LesS atTaCK
That Priest deck is terrible...
Overwhelm wins the award for the CUTEST card design of the set!
Its a good card too, expecting deal 4-5 damage to a minion for 1 mana is quite solid in a beast hunter decklist.
CORRECTION: Tied with Wolpertinger!!
Ok self damage warrior support, one more bingo slots
Alec: *excitement, fun thoughts, and designer insight*
Kripp: "Mhhm. Yeah. Alright."
Alec: *explaining designer thoughts and noting cute details*
Kripp: *extended monologue on why a card is either A) terrifying or B) underwhelming and doomed to never be seen in Standard*
This hurts to watch. There shouldn't be talk of whether cards will be competitive, and they shouldn't spend minutes beancounting their turns. Don't play at it being serious. Just have fun with the game, for goshygoshsakes.
yeah specially from someone that doesnt even play the game. BG's is a completely different game
Really. He keeps explaining why cards are bad (and they're not valuable insights), instead of hyping them up by thinking about the best-case scenario. I can only imagine that the staff are tearing their hair out behind the scenes!
Goodbye card reveal countdown timers - see you in 4 months!
Oh my god, Demon Companion is auto include.
why though? Unreliable and gives you just above average stats on 1.
None of the things scale either, so what's the point other than running it because there's no better 1-drop at the time.
I would rather just run Battlemage to get a guaranteed 2/2.
Animal Companion with half the stats for third the cost
One more bingo slot crossed off with that random spell casting totem
freeze mage is back, more like spell damage burst mage but yeah
i thought spellburst was once a turn. Now i feel foolish.