New Hunter Minion - Sunscale Raptor
Submitted 3 years, 10 months ago by
A new Rare Hunter Minion, Sunscale Raptor, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Hunter Minion, Sunscale Raptor, has been revealed!
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Will The Marsh Queen finally be viable?
Arena > Wild > Standard
This card can represent infinite value for hunter, which hasn't been seen before for the class. This card would likely survive on turn 1 with 3 health, so there's a high chance you'll get good value
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
I kind of like the idea of a dinosaur Pogo-Hopper for hunter, but in reality it just isn't going to work out.
Obviously, this is much more of a meme-y strategy, but even for a meme deck this will just be too slow and inconsistent to be played. There are simply too many hoops to jump through.
You have to draw a raptor, then damage it and have it survive, then rinse and repeat. The problem is that hunter is bad at drawing, and doesn't really have any way to "ping" the raptors to consistently trigger the frenzy. And even then each raptor is only going to shuffle in 1 raptor, meaning that you will never be able to multiply your raptors and get 50 of them shoved into your deck.
Maybe with Dire Frenzy and a ton of draw you could get this to work, but even if you do manage to pull it off, the reward isn't even that significant.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
On the other hand, Dire Mole with a strict upside. I can't imagine Midrange Hunter not using this card.
A man is lying on the street, some punks chopped off his head
I'm the only one who stops to see if he's dead.
Hmm. Turns out he's dead.
Fair enough. I got a bit caught up in the possibility of infinite value and forgot to actually look at the card :P
One thing you have to consider when adding this to your deck is whether or not you actually want the second copy shuffled in. In some decks, drawing an extra vanilla minion, even one with good stats, isn't ideal later in the game. It all depends on what deck you are playing.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
The best thing about this card is that its a 1 mana 1/3 beast. And that alone makes it worthy of inclusion into most face hunters, let alone a more tempo beast build. The fact that this one can get bigger is not necessarily a good thing, given that most tempo-face hunters go for face and no one wants a 3/4 in the late game when a Kill Command is needed. That said, if you need a good early game beast, this one comes a calling in spades.
Maybe Tol'vir Warden gets included into core. And then this would be legit a threat to trigger its frenzy
I think this will be an amazing card for hunter, because it's effect is easy to trigger and it has premium 1 drop stats. The only bad thing about Sunscale Raptor is that it needs a lot of draw, which hunters often lack.
Standard: Will see play in Aggro/FACE Hunter because it's a good 1 drop, and it MIGHT see play in some kind of memey Sunscale Raptor deck which would function kinda like Pogo Rogue.
Wild: Even though Hunters in Wild are very rare, i think this will certainly fit in The Marsh Queen hunter, and maybe replace Raptor Hatchling in that deck. (But honestly both might be core cards.) Luckely Sunscale Raptor only shuffles another Sunscale Raptor into your deck, imagine if it shuffled a buffed version of a Zombeast from Deathstalker Rexxar into their deck.. (Thank yogg they thought about that.)
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
No, this pretty much worse than Raptor Hatchling in Wild
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
I think this card will be in almost every hunter deck.
Good Stats for 1 Mana and the ability is pretty good too.
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
Dire Mole at worst, an escalating threat at best.
Probably not gonna be used for its intended effect (especially since in Midrange Hunter you kinda don't want some vanilla statted dino in the later stage but rather some bigger or stickier stuff)
Still a good sign for a return to Midrange Beast Hunter (I can't even tell you how tired I am of seeing only Highlander Hunters)
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
The frenzy here just looks like a fun upside. But the card itself is just good. Hunter can always use a tough early beast very effectively.
Casual Dragon Cardgame enthusiast.
1 mana 1/3 beast with an interesting effect.
I think that every Hunter will use them.
By The Holy Light!
1 mana 1/3 is good. If played early, it will almost certainly survive a hit, then you have a 1 mana 3/4 in your deck somewhere. If you're lucky, maybe you'll shuffle in a 1 mana 5/5.
What does “permanent +2/+1” mean? If I play a second-generation (3/4) Sunscale Raptor, does it stay 3/4 after it’s silenced or returned to hand?
I'm pretty sure it just means the buffs will stack, I'd assume it still becomes a 1/3 when silenced regardless of how many times it's been shuffled
Ok, a 1-mana 1/3 is almost always good. Obviously you can look at Dwarven Sharpshooter, Northshire Cleric and pre-nerf Mana Wyrm just to name a few. But Dire Mole saw a lot of play and didn't even do anything! Plus this has a really neat effect.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
No is certain yet, but I expect it changes the base stats of a minion. For example Horrendous Growth or Jade Golems. So it immune to silence or sap effects.
As for the card, I expect to see it in hunter decks even for the stats alone. As for the text, I am not too sold on it. I think it depends if they give hunter better card draws on the core set or the expansion.
The way I understood the text, it will be the base copy shuffled back into your deck. So 3/4 will be it's biggest form.
As long as you have [Hearthstone Card (Animated broom) Not Found] or something else to help you damage it and survive, then you're golden
If it keeps it's stats is there some kind of combo here?
All generalizations are false.
Looks fun to play.
Chumbawumba is the worst band name.
Worst case this is a Dire Mole and I don't think that the size of the minions is small enough to make the shuffled versions that weak a draw later on.
Is it bad? Yes. Am I going to be playing for fatigue combos with this? Absolutely.
The sooner you can get this in play, the more likely you will be able to get the effect. With some luck you could basically create a never ending deck of "Jade Raptors".
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
As others have pointed out, this has potential to escalate the same way Pogo-Hopper does, although not in the same way. Hunter's card draw might not be good enough to get a lot of mileage out of this card. I would have preferred it in paladin, where it could be tutored out with Call to Arms, Call to Adventure, or Crystology, but I guess that would have been too powerful.
1 mana 1/3 beast with a possible upside. Will definitely find its place alongside the other 1-drop, Webspinner.
That's some premium 1 drop right there.
I just wonder if the effect can and will stack
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
This and new core set discover beast is totally synergized. I just hope this get more support later. Especially good since Voracious Reader still in Standard
Knowledge is Power
It's a 1 mana 1/3 beast, it will see play no matter what, the upside is a great bonus
I can't wait to see this effect in action, and to play it in Hunter!
Is this worse than Dire Mole? How many decks want to draw a 4/3 in the late game?
was thinking about this, if this card stacks, it can be some kind of new jade for hunters but cant find it anywhere if it stacks or not
This isn't terrible, and the art is quite cute.
This is actually a clever design but in wrong class
new 1 mana staple for hunter decks detected
something like pogo dont think it will be meta breaking depends on the cards in the expansion though
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
Something like kingsbane effect ?
This definitely looks like an auto include for most hunter decks.
Disclaimer: if the above is factually incorrect or complete rubbish it is definitely both intentional and comedy genius.
I hope so!
Seems decent in paper, but some card draw would be needed if you constantly put another beast in your deck
This is the hunter quest all over again, except without the draw. Bad card.
Loving this card already!
Pogo's brother :-)
I honestly love this card.
Hunter didn't have any fun decks in forever, maybe this will make that change.
This is a tremendous tool for Midrange Hunter to get some value later in the game, definitely worth experimenting and will see play! I love dinos ahjahahh
Very good 1 drop and works well on a beast centric deck!
Not very competetive at first glance. Hunter doesn't have good card draw, and this is unlike Pogo-Hopper stats on only 1 minion.
And yeah, it's a good early beast (and possibly good in the mid-game) for Beast Hunter, but that archetype took quite a hit with the loss of Kill Command, Houndmaster, and Tundra Rhino.
But maybe can Headhunter's Hatchet, Scavenging Hyena, and that new card, Selective Breeder, provide enough support for that deck, and make Sunscale Raptor viable that way?
ArtStation | Twitter
wild quest hunter support .Hunter needs draw card ,but this is not great when in the late game you want your big stuff cards and you get this 1 mana card that is buffed.
Want to see more huunter stuff before I make a final opinion on this one. But it has potential if the rest of the set is right. Now.... 3 stars
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Sunscale Raptor seems awesome if you can get him down early, but given the high number of 3 damage removal tools in the core set (Eye Beam, Quick Shot, Holy Smite, Lightning Bolt, Drain Soul), if you don't trigger its frenzy pretty early, I think it's going to be very easy to deal with.
The other challenge is Hunter's historically weak draw tools, but maybe the new Selective Breeder helps you to really snowball this effect.
seems decent.
It seems fun like Queen Carnasa was, but we know how that worked.
I really like this card has potential
So it stacks?
I've been here a while; just hanging out in the background.
This card is clearly a little sillier than others, but the effect is super-interesting and I'd personally love to try it out in a more control-oriented Hunter deck.
As others have pointed out, it's not terrible early game with 1/3 stats, so it might find a home somewhere, for a little while.
Started playing HS in May, 2015. The bad news: I missed the excitement of 'Naxx out?' and GvG. The good news: I never met an Undertaker.
I like this card, maybe good for aggro Hunter too?
♡ u 4ever 2008 - 2022
A must have for most Hunter decks.
This looks like a lot of fun! 1/3 is always a good 1-drop and could be really strong if you get the Frenzies going. Too bad Hunter lacks draw engines since this have a lot of potential, like with Dire Frenzy.
It's a food 1 drop for hunter but the frenzy seems a little complicated to activate, 3 damage is pretty easy to do, the first one may be triggered if played on turn 1 but the other will came far too late to continue the buff chain. For me its a 1 mana 1/3 beast that put a 1 mana 3/4 beast into your deck and thats all. So not really op but decent in a beast hunter deck
Murlocs <3
Seems like endless raptor loop is coming... and coming... and coming... and coming...
Rogue DH
The growing potential of the card is neat, although it seems pretty easy to stop. Play it on turn 1, and unless you're lucky enough to draw the buffed Raptor on turn 2, it'll probably only be buffed once throughout the whole game.
Although on the plus side, it is a 1 mana 1/3 which are basically always playable.
Sunscale Raptor's effect on a class with lots of card draw is insane. In Hunter, where the closest thing to card draw is Tracking, its effect is less powerful. That being said, and although drawing 1 mana 3/4 or 1 mana 5/5 might not be enough in terms of sheer power, one cannot forget the tempo swing on board with such beefy minion for such little mana that can be splashed into any turn on the later stages. Also, Animated Broomstick can make this card be fast. A 1 mana 3/4 or 1 mana 5/5 Rush minion is very strong in midrange match-ups.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
Dire Mole with upside, for a class which is really dependant on a good one drop. Especially now that Dwarven Sharpshooter is going away. I think this will get played in every Hunter deck for the forseeable future.
I remember when some time ago it was mentioned that Deathstalker Rexxar was not going to support new cards after his year in standard. I was really happy to see that this end up not being the case.
So yeah, really happy to merge this with another great beast, maybe Vicious Scalehide
Solid 1 drop that gives good tempo plays.
You put this in the deck because it's a 1-mana 1/3. You are happy when it gets value, but you should not count on it.
A greedier deck might try to bank on buffing it and playing it later in the game, but it's still kinda iffy.
Will definitely see play for the stats, but I don't see a whole strategy emerging.
scaling and rolling
Coin go... brrrrr
I know it has already been discussed. I really do want to cast Dire Frenzy on this !! :D
The scaling effect seems decently strong, but I'm just not convinced that a 1-mana stat stick is a good topdeck later in the game and it might be diluting the primary game plan of the deck, whatever it might be. Not to mention that Hunters are notorious for their lack of draw.
And playing a 10+ Attack (if not more) Sunscale Raptor is going to be a Hunter achievement, isn't it.
This is the cousin of that Un´goro raptor and I like it!
Good stats for 1 drop Im sure this will be in a lot of hunter decks in standard, Wild not so much.
Don't care if this is really good or not but I'm definitely going to build an "all minions are dinos" hunter deck in wild with this guy in it.
Low power, but never underestimate a card that can go infinite.
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
Dire Mole+, which was run very widely. Good card.
At this point I have spent too much money on these games to quit.
Now pass me another pack, and lets see what I pull.
good 1 mana drop with an upside.
In some ways, this card reminds me of the generated cards from the old OG hunter quest, but that is where it ends. This one doesn't require as large a deckbuilding condition, and is itself, a great standalone card.
Do I think it'll be a great 1 drop?
Do I think it'll be a build-around card with deck shifting levels of power?
No, it'll just be another card in what I hope will be a good deck.
I love it. Finally swamp queen is potentially viable
Looks like Dire Mole got an upgrade in the form of a new hunter card!
Without more card draw for hunter I don't feel this can work. And top decking a 3/4 is not great either.
might be preety good in midrange hunter but you have to run lot of card draw to get value or in some kind of control/fatigue (LUL) hunter
if some kind of a late game hunter deck rises, this will be in it. otherwise I dont think it would be good enough with current tempo decks. reminds me of that card from ungoro that shuffles a 1 mana 4/3 raptor
face possibly
Would be good in wild with the quest!
Probably just going to be a dire mole for hunter. If buffed this could be interesting, but I'm not too optimistic with the effect actually triggering
Hunter OP
Premium dire mole, will run this in my hunter decks 100%
a nice midrange hunter card whit a posible good effect
Zoo Hunter confirmed?
Good news, everyone! Scavenger's Ingenuity provides targeted Beast draw AND an additional buff. AND it's from Ashes, so it will still be in Standard after rotation.
Can work with hunter's quest)
hunters and beasts, oh boy
think we will see this cheap card played a lot in combo
I'm not online it's just your imagination
I think it's gonna be played in a Midrange Hunter if it can survive (but meta should slow down a bit after the rotation).
Quest Hunter is back baby. Beast shuffle is returned for 1-cost board flood.
The frenzy effect is mostly a downside looking back at how you were never ecstatic drawing the 4/3 raptor from Raptor Hatchling simply because you didn't want to draw 1 drops later in the game, even if they were overstated. That being said however, we don't know if blizz prints some weird synergy that makes the copies more appealing, as well as the fact that this is simply a Dire Mole which hunter's have historically wanted. This seems to be our replacement for Blazing Battlemage, all we need is something like Mark of Y'Shaarj to put hunter back on the map.
Hunter likes 1/3 beasts but i dont think the effect is going to matter much. I am definitly going to make infinite da indatakah hunter in wild though.
NM the effect is frenzy not deathrattle. Definitly worse.
Any 1/3 beast should be playable, but I wonder if this makes the cut. Yes, it has a clear upside, but this will force some awkward trades, and I would assume that the frustration about these and the comparably low reward would limit the play of this card.Maybe in a deck with lots of draw - which is not hunter as we know him.
Hunter craves on card draw, this can't be good. I know Raptor Hatchling could be pinged, so this is better in that aspect, but both cards' upside will too often be a downside.
Good for arena, not so good for standard
Good card, hunter happy to play it, even without draw support
Pogo Dire Mole
As someone who loves hunter (second class to golden 500w with reno-control-hunter) and really dislikes face-hunter etc decks, I am up for the challenge of I N F I N I T E value
Too slow and inconsistent. May be actively bad in the late game when you are looking for strong cards and draw this.
After hearing that Starving Buzzard is going to be unnerfed in wild, this suddenly becomes much more interesting.
I can see this being a powerful asset in a draw-heavy/deck-thinning aggro hunter deck.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Well a dire mole with slight upside, should be decent 1 drop
I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And even though it is impossible I exist. ©Trimutius
A very strong beast and 1 drop for hunter
Not everyone is mother tongue! Roar.
We need more silence stuff to stop those swarms!
For The HORDE!
Since we know that Dire Frenzy will be a part of the next year, Hunter will have some very spicy shuffle/buff mechanics to play with. Now they just need a bit of card draw...
As everyone has already said, just being a 1/3 beast makes it a solid Hunter card. Upside is a bonus. If the buffs stack, even better. A late-game 2/4 is not as exciting, although it would be a cheap beast if Hunter has enough beast synergies after we know the core/expansion list
A nice 1-drop with Beast synergy and a nice bonus if it can be copied or cycled. I'm assuming the buffs stack.
Seems like a solid 1 drop for hunters, and can even flex decently into NON-SMORC hunter, if that is ever a thing again.
Seems like a pretty decent 1-drop? It's nothing crazy, but I could see it making the cut in an aggro deck. Or if there are some shuffle shenanigans with Dire Frenzy or something if they get more support
more beast agro
Solid 1 drop for hunter but hunter needs more card draw. Maybe a card like if you're holding a beast draw 2 cards.
Banned for spamming.
Ok, when I read this one, I imagine the frenzy effect sends a copy of the card, with a buff, into your deck, which would mean a 3/4 with frenzy that then shuffles a copy of itself into the deck with frenzy, and so on. This being part of an expansion, along with info that all classes will have some access to card draw, means that this guy could end up being seen a LOT. That bit about "permanent" +2/+1 makes me wonder. . . when that 3/4 gets hit and shuffles, is it adding that 2/1 to a 3/4, giving you a 5/5 with frenzy in your deck? That seems kinda bananas, i would assume it's shuffling a 1.0 Sunscale in there, giving you bunches of 3/4 raptors.
Of course, if all this thing does is shuffle a 3/4 raptor with no frenzy, then it's just an ok to good 1 drop.
I am 99.9% certain that "permenent" means it will, in a sense, buff the base stats. Meaning that the shuffled copy won't be a 1/3 with a +2/+1 buff, but a 3/4 with no buff. So yes, the buffs will stack. If they didn't stack the card wouldn't really make sense. And even though it does stack, I don't think it will be OP. By the time you have gotten it to a 1 mana 5/5, you will have had to draw, play, and trigger the same dinosaur 3 times. At the point in the game a 1 mana 5/5 isn't really that crazy.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I like it!
Good card for aggressive decks, but does nothing to push a new hunter archetype
Yes, "permanent" means it actually changes the card, a lot like Corrupt permanently changes the card.
And if you're drawing this with Scavenger's Ingenuity, it will definitely get crazy.
Fatigue hunter anyone ?
This might look ordinary, but since hunter got many discover-from-deck cards, this could actually be broken once buffed.
But even then it's not really pogo-hopper, as only the one shuffled into the deck gets the buff, right? You would need to either only include one or hope you keep drawing the same buffed one to get insane value off of this card...
But you're buffing a permanently buffed minion, which means it should be a 5/5 if you can manage to draw the same one again. Then a 7/6, etc.
I don't like it. Sure 1 mana 1/3 are strong, but i'm not convinced by the "infinity mechanics". You don't want draw a turn 10 a 1 mana 4/3 that don't do nothing
Watch out for Wonchi! This won't see play. Neat effect, but they've tried similar before and it's just too slow for any real value.
I really like what this gives Hunter. We all know that Hunter will mostly push aggro and this gives them some continuing resources for it.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
Maybe good for beasts hunter
It's a 1 Mana 1/3 Beast. That alone is pretty good already, the effect puts it over the top
English is not my native language, so please excuse occasional mistakes
3 stars. Nothing more
On itself a terrible card, but paired with the unnerfed Starving Buzzard will be great synergy.
I hope this will be viable, seems fun
seems slow, but the infinite value stack might tempt folks to try it out. i dunno, it might have a chance
good card
Kenny's little poet. 😇
Dire Mole, except this Frenzy can be an upside as well as a downside when you're looking to finish the match. Still no support for infinite shenanigans, unless you want to pull these with Selective Breeder and Tracking.
Oh no it's pogo, but self shuffling
4 Mana 7/7
Lovin it. Marsh queen has something amazing.
Beast hunter... YEAAAH
So much pressure to trigger that frenzy effect but it gets easier with the bigger ones
This will be played on turn 1 and then just continue to put better versions of itself into your deck. Not reliable enough to build a deck around but a good tempo support.
Great card - infinite value for Hunter. And still it will be 1-cost card.
This will be nuts if it scales infinitely. No way it doesn't get nerfed.
i'm determined to make a wild gimmick deck
Infinite* Value, which I am always a fan of. Not sure if this is something you really want to be playing with in most Hunter decks, but I think there's definitely a niche for Dire Frenzy style decks in the new expansion that this Beast will certainly slot into. Excited to see what he can do.
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
I agree
Very strong card, has great potential to snowball. I see this working with the right support
I suspect the Frenzy will be hard to trigger.
1 drop hype
1 mana 1/3 beast will see play for sure
If it dies once without activating it's frenzy it's over, but a 1 mana 1/3 in early game is never bad.
Really like the mechanics of this card. Strong turn 1 card.
I can imagine a couple strategies here: If you empty your deck you can create a new minion each turn and then draw it immediately. Alternately, find a reliable way to pull your new ones from the deck, such as using lots of Beast tutors with this as the only Beast. It’s hard to believe that either one will work consistently, especially since this card doesn’t have Rush and is vulnerable to being removed before the Frenzy triggers. I think even the meme players will give up on it eventually.
Good target for handbuffs and draw cards.
I like the idea of this card, but I'm not sold on Frenzy. It feels like it'll be too easy for this not to proc and ruin any plans you had with it. Still, a 1 mana 1/3 Beast is enough on its own to see play.
Welcome to the site!
Despite being a one mana 1/3, I think this is going to suffer the same fate as Raptor Hatchling where shuffling a one cost minion into your deck is a considerable downside (expect in Hatchling's case with Zombeasts against Warriors back in the day). I think drawing an extra one mana card in the midgame instead of a better on curve play is going to be brutal and may outweight the benefit of running a one mana 1/3 beast.
For glory, honor, and gold!