Saviors of Uldum Card Spoilers & Expansion Guide

Saviors of Uldum is the 2nd expansion of the Year of the Dragon, and Hearthstone's 12th! It added 135 new cards to the game and was released on August 6th 2019. - Patch Notes

Info Summary

  • The League Returns! - The Heroes of League of Explorers are back again, this time to save the world!
  • Pre-Order Bundles - There were two pre-order bundles for this expansion:
    • For $49.99 USD you could get 50 Saviors of Uldum packs, the Elise's Journal card back, and one random golden legendary from this set.
    • For $79.99 USD you could get 80 Saviors of Uldum packs, the card back, golden legendary, and the new Druid Hero - Elise Starseeker!
  • New Keyword - Reborn resurrects a minion the first time it dies with 1 Health.
  • New MechanicPlagues have powerful and deadly effects and each of the 'villain' classes received one. 
  • Returning MechanicQuests have returned!  We last saw these in Journey to Un'Goro.
  • Returning Mechanic Highlander cards are back! Reno, Elise, Brann, & Sir Finley return with all-new effects that trigger when your deck has no duplicates.
  • Returning Mechanic - Lackeys will be more prevalent than ever as this set brought us a new Titanic Lackey & many new cards to obtain them. 
  • New Solo Content - Tombs of Terror will be released September 17th, 2019 and takes you an adventure with the League of Explorers.
  • Arena Pool Rotation - With the release of this set the cards available in Arena changed! See below for details.
  • Free Stuff - For the first 90 days after launch you could receive one free random Quest Card. 


There were two pre-order bundles for this expansion:

  • For $49.99 USD you got 50 Saviors of Uldum packs, the Elise's Journal card back, and one random golden legendary from the set.
  • For $79.99 USD you got 80 Saviors of Uldum packs, the card back, golden legendary, and the new Druid Hero - Elise Starseeker!

New Druid Hero - Elise Starseeker

This alternate Druid hero was available only through the Mega Bundle pre-order for this set. She has all-new voice lines:

  • Greetings - "What shall we study today?"
  • Well Played - "You have legendary skill, my friend!"
  • Thanks - "I am so grateful for that!"
  • Wow - "I feel fortunate to have witnessed this."
  • Oops - "This is a... teaching moment."
  • Threaten - "I will teach you a lesson."




New Keyword - Reborn

Reborn resurrects a minion, the first time it dies, with 1 Health remaining. There are 18 cards in this set that utilize the Reborn keyword. 

Ancestral Guardian Card ImageBone Wraith Card ImageCandletaker Card ImageColossus of the Moon Card ImageEmbalming Ritual Card ImageGenerous Mummy Card ImageGrandmummy Card ImageKhartut Defender Card ImageMaking Mummies Card ImageMicro Mummy Card ImageMortuary Machine Card ImageMurmy Card ImagePharaoh Cat Card ImagePsychopomp Card ImageRestless Mummy Card ImageTemple Berserker Card ImageWasteland Assassin Card ImageWrapped Golem Card Image


Plague cards have powerful and deadly effects, and each of the 5 'villain' classes received one:

Plague of Death Card ImagePlague of Flames Card ImagePlague of Madness Card ImagePlague of Murlocs Card ImagePlague of Wrath Card Image


Quest cards returned to Hearthstone! We last saw these in Journey to Un'Goro, however this time the rewards are Hero Powers! Each class received one:

Activate the Obelisk Card ImageObelisk's Eye Card ImageBazaar Burglary Card ImageAncient Blades Card ImageCorrupt the Waters Card ImageHeart of Vir'naal Card Image
Hack the System Card ImageAnraphet's Core Card ImageMaking Mummies Card ImageEmperor Wraps Card ImageRaid the Sky Temple Card ImageAscendant Scroll Card Image
Supreme Archaeology Card ImageTome of Origination Card ImageUnseal the Vault Card ImagePharaoh's Warmask Card ImageUntapped Potential Card ImageOssirian Tear Card Image

Highlander Decks

No duplicates in these decks! The heroes of the League of Explorers return to once more with all-new battlecry effects that only trigger if your deck is free of duplicate cards. We first saw this mechanic with the original incarnation of Reno Jackson, and it was expanded upon further in Mean Streets of Gadgetzan with Inkmaster Solia, Kazakus, Krul the Unshackled, & Raza the Chained. In addition to the explorers there is also one neutral legendary to support this archetype!

Dinotamer Brann Card ImageElise the Enlightened Card ImageReno the Relicologist Card ImageSir Finley of the Sands Card ImageZephrys the Great Card Image

More Lackeys! 

The League of E.V.I.L. will stop at nothing to see their schemes come to fruition, and to achieve this they will need even more Lackeys to do their bidding. Saviors of Uldum brought us several new cards to add Lackeys to our hand as well as a new lackey. All cards with the Lackey keyword will give you an opportunity to add them to your hand or trigger valuable effects for controlling them, including all new ones in this set :

Titanic Lackey Card Image

Dark Pharaoh Tekahn Card ImageEVIL Recruiter Card ImageEVIL Totem Card ImageLivewire Lance Card ImageSinister Deal Card ImageWeaponized Wasp Card Image

Tombs of Terror

A new solo adventure dubbed Tombs of Terror will be available September 17th, 2019.

  • Step into the shoes of the League of Explorers and race through ruins.
  • Build a custom decks as you play and collect powerful signature treasures.
  • Each explorer is dual-class, allowing for crazy new possibilities with deck building.
  • Unlock and choose different starting decks and hero powers for each explorer.
  • Signature treasures are unique to each explorer.
  • At the end of each chapter you will encounter a Plague Lord as the final boss.
  • Plague Lords begin with an massive health pool, however damage carries over.
  • This adventure consists of 4 chapters + 'The Finale'. One will be released per week.
  • Chapter 1 is free! Unlock following chapters for 700 gold or $6.99 USD individually.
  • Purchase the entire adventure for $14.99 USD.
  • You can pre-purchase a bundle with card back & random Uldum legendary for $5 more.
  • Defeating the 5th boss of each chapter will net you a Saviors of Uldum card pack.
  • Earn a card back and golden Classic pack by completing the adventure on Normal.
  • A special card back can be earned for completing the adventure on Heroic mode as well!

Arena Rotation

With the launch of Saviors of Uldum the pool of Arena cards changed! The sets you may draft from after Saviors of Uldum launches will consist of the following:

Keep an eye out for news on when Arena will rotate next!

Click Here To Skip Revealed Cards

Revealed Cards for Saviors of Uldum

These are all the cards that have currently been revealed for Saviors of Uldum.

There are currently 135 cards revealed out of 135.


Elise the Enlightened Card Image
Untapped Potential Card Image
Anubisath Defender Card Image
Crystal Merchant Card Image
Overflow Card Image
Hidden Oasis Card Image
Garden Gnome Card Image
Oasis Surger Card Image
BEEEES!!! Card Image
Worthy Expedition Card Image


Dinotamer Brann Card Image
Unseal the Vault Card Image
Wild Bloodstinger Card Image
Scarlet Webweaver Card Image
Swarm of Locusts Card Image
Hyena Alpha Card Image
Ramkahen Wildtamer Card Image
Desert Spear Card Image
Hunter's Pack Card Image
Pressure Plate Card Image


Reno the Relicologist Card Image
Raid the Sky Temple Card Image
Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron Card Image
Tortollan Pilgrim Card Image
Naga Sand Witch Card Image
Dune Sculptor Card Image
Arcane Flakmage Card Image
Cloud Prince Card Image
Flame Ward Card Image
Ancient Mysteries Card Image


Sir Finley of the Sands Card Image
Making Mummies Card Image
Tip the Scales Card Image
Micro Mummy Card Image
Pharaoh's Blessing Card Image
Salhet's Pride Card Image
Brazen Zealot Card Image
Ancestral Guardian Card Image
Subdue Card Image
Sandwasp Queen Card Image


High Priest Amet Card Image
Activate the Obelisk Card Image
Plague of Death Card Image
Psychopomp Card Image
Wretched Reclaimer Card Image
Holy Ripple Card Image
Grandmummy Card Image
Sandhoof Waterbearer Card Image
Penance Card Image
Embalming Ritual Card Image


Anka, the Buried Card Image
Bazaar Burglary Card Image
Shadow of Death Card Image
Whirlkick Master Card Image
Bazaar Mugger Card Image
Sahket Sapper Card Image
Plague of Madness Card Image
Hooked Scimitar Card Image
Clever Disguise Card Image
Pharaoh Cat Card Image


Vessina Card Image
Corrupt the Waters Card Image
Splitting Axe Card Image
Plague of Murlocs Card Image
Mogu Fleshshaper Card Image
Earthquake Card Image
Weaponized Wasp Card Image
Sandstorm Elemental Card Image
EVIL Totem Card Image
Totemic Surge Card Image


Dark Pharaoh Tekahn Card Image
Supreme Archaeology Card Image
Riftcleaver Card Image
Diseased Vulture Card Image
Impbalming Card Image
Expired Merchant Card Image
Plague of Flames Card Image
Neferset Thrasher Card Image
EVIL Recruiter Card Image
Sinister Deal Card Image


Armagedillo Card Image
Hack the System Card Image
Bloodsworn Mercenary Card Image
Livewire Lance Card Image
Tomb Warden Card Image
Plague of Wrath Card Image
Into the Fray Card Image
Armored Goon Card Image
Restless Mummy Card Image
Frightened Flunky Card Image


King Phaoris Card Image
Colossus of the Moon Card Image
Octosari Card Image
Siamat Card Image
Zephrys the Great Card Image
Blatant Decoy Card Image
Mortuary Machine Card Image
Desert Obelisk Card Image
Body Wrapper Card Image
Dwarven Archaeologist Card Image
History Buff Card Image
Mischief Maker Card Image
Vulpera Scoundrel Card Image
Mogu Cultist Card Image
Wrapped Golem Card Image
Khartut Defender Card Image
Sunstruck Henchman Card Image
Conjured Mirage Card Image
Generous Mummy Card Image
Infested Goblin Card Image
Neferset Ritualist Card Image
Questing Explorer Card Image
Quicksand Elemental Card Image
Living Monument Card Image
Anubisath Warbringer Card Image
Pit Crocolisk Card Image
Wasteland Scorpid Card Image
Wasteland Assassin Card Image
Faceless Lurker Card Image
Phalanx Commander Card Image
Bone Wraith Card Image
Golden Scarab Card Image
Candletaker Card Image
Desert Hare Card Image
Temple Berserker Card Image
Kobold Sandtrooper Card Image
Vilefiend Card Image
Fishflinger Card Image
Spitting Camel Card Image
Injured Tol'vir Card Image
Bug Collector Card Image
Serpent Egg Card Image
Jar Dealer Card Image
Murmy Card Image
Beaming Sidekick Card Image

Card Back & Pack

Elise's Journal
Card Pack

Game Board


Cinematic Trailer

Teaser Video

Announcement Trailer

Final Reveal Stream VOD


  • Kovachut's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Damn, there is no neutral healing except Khartut Defender. I guess I have to rely on old cards, in order to build a standard control warlock deck.

  • pidge's Avatar
    170 14 Posts Joined 07/03/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Now I am ready for Halloween. Waiting for some kind of event that has a mummy theme to it.

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Howdy. Just noticed a typo in the arena rotation section, where you have "Kobalds & Catacombs" instead of "Kobolds & Catacombs".

    • Chimera's Avatar
      HearthStationeer 685 680 Posts Joined 10/22/2018
      Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
      Quote From ElSabidon

      Howdy. Just noticed a typo in the arena rotation section, where you have "Kobalds & Catacombs" instead of "Kobolds & Catacombs".

      Good eye, will correct this. Thanks! 

      • Horus's Avatar
        Detective Pikachu 2575 3347 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
        Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

        I see no typo ^^

  • Thez's Avatar
    195 73 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Not a single Dragon released so far in this expansion, in the Year of the Dragon. I know, I know they don't *have* to add Dragons, but I LIKE Dragons damn it! I want more Dragons in my Year of the Dragon! If they get added in the last expansion we'll only be able to play with them for a little over a year!

    • Chimera's Avatar
      HearthStationeer 685 680 Posts Joined 10/22/2018
      Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

      Damn you're right, and i want to see some dragons as well. We can only hope they were saving the dragons for last because Kibler is on the reveal stream.

  • frosthearth's Avatar
    655 585 Posts Joined 03/18/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    Why did you change the layout for each class to display 6 cards in the first row and 4 in the second? It was more intuitive when it was 5 in each row.

    • Chimera's Avatar
      HearthStationeer 685 680 Posts Joined 10/22/2018
      Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

      There was an update to make them look better on mobile and that unintentionally changed the card layout for PC viewing. It's now fixed!

  • SpineSlasher's Avatar
    285 78 Posts Joined 06/05/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    So  135 new cards are available and we purchase 80 decks, how many are of the new cards are we actually mathematically likely to get?

    • icyjules's Avatar
      HearthStationeer 225 85 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
      Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

      Hearthstone Mathematician on Youtube said that you need around ~250 packs to (statistically speaking) acquire all cards in a set. 

    • Aramchek's Avatar
      HearthStationeer 495 50 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
      Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

      It depends on your luck but on average you should get 4+1=5 legendaries (+1 comes from pre-order gift), 16 epics (there could be duplicates) and most of the rares and commons.

      If you want to guarantee to have all the cards you should open around 230 packs and use the dust which comes from duplicates to create missing cards.

  • henryhank's Avatar
    95 20 Posts Joined 06/14/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    great information and I am excited for some new action! Keep up the great work here at Out Of Cards! 

  • DuubYaDeVarty's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 150 15 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    Am I the only one who thinks that an opportunity was LOST to add a sixth toe to the broken statue's feet on the game board?

  • Asprobourboulis's Avatar
    280 70 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    When browsing a quest card's page, shouldn't the new hero power (or the card reward from the old ones) be shown alongside the quest card? Am I missing it somehow?

    • Chimera's Avatar
      HearthStationeer 685 680 Posts Joined 10/22/2018
      Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

      That feature is not yet implemented but it is definitely coming! 

  • theremon's Avatar
    345 147 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    I actually like the formatting but it would be even better if it showed like 2+ cards in a row on mobile. (or have a slideshow)

    • Chimera's Avatar
      HearthStationeer 685 680 Posts Joined 10/22/2018
      Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

       I can see what you mean, it kind of wastes some space on either side of the cards, at least on my S8+. Maybe there is something we can do about that. Thanks for the suggestion!

      Edit: It is done. 

    • frenzy's Avatar
      COMMENT_COUNT_200_HS 945 474 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
      Posted 5 years, 2 months ago
      • New Cards! - 135 new cards will be added to the game!

      I only see 134 card slots in the reveals?

      • Chimera's Avatar
        HearthStationeer 685 680 Posts Joined 10/22/2018
        Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

        It's possible that's just a simple bug, but it was confirmed in the announcement for the expansion that there will be 135 cards. We'll take a look at that, but you can count on every card ending up here!


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