Does anyone else feel like the Meta has gotten worse?
Submitted 5 years, 4 months ago by
After the nerfs Hearthstone has felt much less exciting on a game to game basis. I think I expected a bigger change after the nerfs, but everything feels the same. The only thing I've really stopped seeing is Luna's Pocket Galaxy and everything else is the same. Does anybody have any suggestions? I'll take a deck to play, a card to build around, even just half an idea, I just want to enjoy the game.
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After the nerfs Hearthstone has felt much less exciting on a game to game basis. I think I expected a bigger change after the nerfs, but everything feels the same. The only thing I've really stopped seeing is Luna's Pocket Galaxy and everything else is the same. Does anybody have any suggestions? I'll take a deck to play, a card to build around, even just half an idea, I just want to enjoy the game.
Well, the nerfs lead to a more agressive meta for sure. But quest shaman and druid became viable! Expect counterdecks to aggro in the coming weeks.
I only see a lot of murlocs. Even in my dreams!
We are very early in the post-nerf meta, but it seems really wide open to me right now. You can kind of win with anything now that Luna's isn't artificially suppressing major portions of the game.
The fact that it's wide open makes it difficult to know what you're playing against a lot of the time (unless it's Hunter b/c it's almost never anything but Highlander). I think this makes it "feel bad" more often than it actually is.
I think Control/Bomb Warrior is the best deck, but people have just stopped playing it for the moment. (Also, this is fucking bullshit. I don't know why Warrior has top tier early game and late game, and Boom didn't get a bigger nerf.)
Once Warrior starts making more of a come back, I think we'll see things reigned in as certain decks will naturally be pushed out, and others will skew one way or the other in order to help their matchups against the metagame leaders.
Well, good nerfs should not kill decks, just make more room for others to occur (slightly) more often.
So the fact you don't feel too much of a change, is actually a good sign. The meta is meant to evolve slowly, according to the new balance of power, which has not been overturned, just slightly tipped in a new direction...
I only see warriors which seem to (again?) Added the 7/7 which replaces your deck with new cards... Yawn
No i do not think so - so far the meta ( at least for me) seems pretty diverse. Sure there are some decks i see more often than other but other than that i like this meta!
Mage is almost completely gone - haven't met a single one since the Nerfs - The Warriors i face are mostly aggro - some Control but not a lot.
Quest Shaman has been more present than before but still i meet more Murloc Shamans than Quest - and lots of different other decks - even less Hunter, don't know why but the class i face the most right now are Shaman and Rogue.
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
Well I did it, I found a deck that has me enjoying the game again.
I put it together and posted it, thanks for everyone not encouraging me to quit for the day lol
Seen in Standard:
Too Much Hunters
A couple of Bomb Warriors
Quest Shaman
Rogue, once in a while
Seen in Wild:
Un'Goro Quest Mages
Secret Mages
More Goddamn Hunters
Highlander Decks from the Kazakus Trio
Mill Rogues
Until people start whining for those to get nerfed too. Point me to a meta where players are for once damn happy with what they have in the moment and I'll show you a HS community where the players have finally matured instead finding something to complain about non stop in the meta
And this is the reason why Team 5 needs to add more formats than Standard, Arena, and Wild.
Twitch for those of you who care.
I’m seeing a lot of Quest Pallies and Mech Hunters instead of the Highlander variant. Anyone else
This ain't no place for a hero
Those are probably in response to people slowlyfiguring out that Warrior is still the best class.
Although it’s not as good against warrior as it used to be, mech hunter gives Druid fits.
If only we could do Odd and Even decks still in standard....
No real change here in wild at least, I don't play standard as I see the format being very limiting
Reno Jackson
My faves!
You can beat me but I will still yeet your skeet
Have to add I've seen CONTROL WARRIORS that DO NOT HAVE Dr. Boom Hero card. Folks, aside from Frost Lich Jaina going to wild (if that card had not, CW wouldn't be complained about for months), Dr. Boom pretty much brought back control warrior, not just all the mech toys. But I guess people need that 1,600 dust this week.
Each one of these warriors I've beaten. And I stop and think after the match, would the RNG delivery or armor helped them?
Beaten two with my variation of Quest/Wall Priest, another with a pre-nerf Control Warrior deck (still works fine) and Quest Shaman, all of which went to one or both players running out of cards.
Soothing moment of the week: Beating a Mill Rogue who badly gambled his first Coldlight Oracle, then found his next one at the bottom of his deck, with him having 5 health left vs. my Reno Lock at full with a lot of cards left. Then following it with a spanking of overconfident Paladin Murloc user who quickly burnt through his deck against my wall priest, and gave me all my health back via a pair of Psychopomp bringing back reborn-sporting Zilliax repeatedly, including one hero-powered buffed one. LESSON: DUST YOUR MURLOCS. You can make better decks with that dust. Murlocs limit your potential.
I think the meta is so much better and more fun personally.
Reno mage being gone is super healthy. There shouldn't be a "LUL i drew pocket if you haven't killed me already i win". type of card as early as turn 5 (4 with coin/wild growth from zeph). Really it's more like early pocket being gone being healthy. Reno mage is still playable even though nobody plays it.
Combo priest is still the complete nuts but extra arms nerf at least gives you a chance to not get locked out of the game on turn 2.
Control warrior is still top tier strong but it's a lot more balanced now with boom coming on later and being harder to set up. Boom being 9 matters in a lot of matchups.
Lots of new decks have entered the top of the meta. Quest decks are actually viable now that pocket and Dr7 are gone because they have time to get rolling. Mainly druid and shaman but some of the others are more playable too. These decks are generally fun but not super busted, and they have weaknesses and counterplay.
Lots of other decks to chose from now, matchups don't feel as polarized. Feels pretty good man.
side not: i looked at hsreplay to get some reference of what other decks are floating around right now and the tier list is so jacked up when you're on all rank winrate. So many bad decks are higher winrates than actual good decks. lol at murloc pally and shaman being the only tier one decks.
I don't know what server you guys queue into where you only queue into control decks, but it's not the one i play in, i have faced nothing but rogues and mages for three days. Only playing aggro, all netdecked shit. Tell me what server you play on because i want to be there.
Living like that.