What is your favourite thing about your favourite deck?

Submitted 4 years, 3 months ago by

Time for some positivity! What do you like about the decks you like? For instance, I like the wide variety of combos in Quest Warlock, and I love how outcast and the amount of damage available make you think ahead in Tempo Demon Hunter. What are yours?

  • Erodos's Avatar
    Crossroads Historian 945 1019 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Time for some positivity! What do you like about the decks you like? For instance, I like the wide variety of combos in Quest Warlock, and I love how outcast and the amount of damage available make you think ahead in Tempo Demon Hunter. What are yours?

  • AngryShuckie's Avatar
    1705 1735 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    When life gives you lemons and a leaf blower, then I guess it is time to make a fresh and zesty mortar cannon. It's not what either was meant for but it does, erm, something.

    Thus the joy of playing Burgle Rogue is explained: you have a plan, and part of that plan is to make the plan up as you go along based on what rubbish or brilliance your cards give you. Every game is different, you get to make use of even the most unloved cards, and the occasional game-breaking multi-class combos show even the best meta decks who's boss.

  • Avalon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1550 2105 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    My all time favorite deck is Reno Priest: I find the interaction between Raza the Chained and Shadowreaper Anduin so fun that when the former got unnerfed I crafted the whole list and I've brought it to high legend multiple times since then.

    Pew pew pew

    Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.

    • You can follow me on Twitter - I am always active and you can tag me to highlight your (or someone else's) 12 wins Duels run or really anything Hearthstone-related!
    • Hearthstone Battletag: beppe946#2807 (EU)
  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Razakus Priest and Burgle Rogue for pretty much the same Reasons listed above. 

    The Combination of Shadowreaper Anduin and Raza the Chained is just such a powerful Tool for Control. On one Hand, it usually completely shuts down Decks that focus on Board Presence, and on the other Hand, it gives you a real Win Condition outside of „outvalueing your Opponent" in longer Matches.

    And Burgle Rogue is just fun because of it's Unpredictability. Who knows? Maybe you'll win the Match with some absurd and unlikely Combo! ... Or die on T5 because you burgled some Garbage 10 Drops. You'll only find out if you go for it! 

  • Live4vrRdieTryn's Avatar
    500 931 Posts Joined 07/14/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Although I haven’t been playing it since the rotation, I still would call Highlander Thief Rogue my favorite deck. What I loved the most was finding powerful unilateral effects to feed my Tess, like a Blizzard or Tirion. Pretty often after the hard work of staying alive when she went off it was always a fun fireworks show

  • Marega's Avatar
    620 872 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Razakus Priest is not fine at all. It was nerfed just before the card rotated to wild and it was specifically nerfed with wild in mind. The deck was actually performing quite well but not tier 1 and it required some combo pieces so u could otk ur opponent with the 1 mana hp.

    Now its just busted and u can 2 turn kill ur opponent with whatever cards u have. I know its a solitary type of deck but for the reasons stated by others i just like the stupid deck.  Going pew pew never felt better.

    Having said that my all time favourite deck is reno warlock. Not in a good spot now but i love it. 

  • LyraSilvertongue's Avatar
    360 383 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    All of the meme decks I play lol...

    Well my fav has and probably will always be Spectral Pillager Rogue (the one BEFORE Galakrond made it popular with all of those extra coins). I have played it with Scorp-o-Matics and Sonya since forever it feels like now. I just love racing to get as many robot scorpions to canibalize each other before the combo finishing damage at the end. Although, that isn't to say I don't love using Galakrond and Togwaggle to more efficiently thin my deck towards the combo though. I love surprising people with the combo that will close out the game. HS needs more surprise meme decks instead of the exact same thing all of the time by thousands of players.

    I also enjoy, probably way more than I should lol, Ice Cream Shaman. It's amazing seeing how much armor you can get, but is even more amazing seeing just how many players actually will continue the game to see how much armor you can get to before they get bored, or one of us d/cs. Very often it is a group effort ironically xD

  • RavenSunHS's Avatar
    Refreshment Vendor 880 1487 Posts Joined 03/27/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Well, I tend to like my homebrews better, and of those, I must say I am pretty proud of my Aggro Highlander Paladin. Because, well, it is off-meta, but it works surprisingly well (I reached D3 with minor effort, and I'm sure a good player could push it to Legend) and it is incredibly versatile for an Aggro deck, thanks to the Highlander cards: Zephrys the Great is probably the best card ever in HS (while not being broken or OP in any way), and Sir Finley of the Sands follows close second.

    Notable mention to Even decks, nearly all of them. I just love the consistency of an efficient HP every other turn (except that of DH, I can't stand DH, it feels too much like a tutored class, I can't enjoy it).



  • Tetsuo's Avatar
    Magma Rager 840 638 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    My all-time favorite deck is Odd Taunt Warrior back in the Witchwood/Boomsday meta. I just loved the control style of it that doesn't rely on fatigue; it has a viable way for you to kill your opponent (Sulfuras). Armoring up and saving your removal tools for when you turn into Ragnaros so you can keep lobbing fireballs to your opponent's face is just sooooo satisfying. 

    I tried many iterations of this deck, my favorite being the beast package with Oondasta and Amani War Bears.

  • allthehype's Avatar
    Crossroads Historian 630 739 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago
    Quote From Tetsuo

    My all-time favorite deck is Odd Taunt Warrior back in the Witchwood/Boomsday meta. I just loved the control style of it that doesn't rely on fatigue; it has a viable way for you to kill your opponent (Sulfuras). Armoring up and saving your removal tools for when you turn into Ragnaros so you can keep lobbing fireballs to your opponent's face is just sooooo satisfying. 

    I tried many iterations of this deck, my favorite being the beast package with Oondasta and Amani War Bears.

    Hey, I used and loved that deck as well! I took it to wild after the quest rotated and played it casually there once in a while. To actually find a use for Oondasta was a big part of the pleasure. :)

  • Tetsuo's Avatar
    Magma Rager 840 638 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago
    Quote From allthehype
    Quote From Tetsuo

    My all-time favorite deck is Odd Taunt Warrior back in the Witchwood/Boomsday meta. I just loved the control style of it that doesn't rely on fatigue; it has a viable way for you to kill your opponent (Sulfuras). Armoring up and saving your removal tools for when you turn into Ragnaros so you can keep lobbing fireballs to your opponent's face is just sooooo satisfying. 

    I tried many iterations of this deck, my favorite being the beast package with Oondasta and Amani War Bears.

    Hey, I used and loved that deck as well! I took it to wild after the quest rotated and played it casually there once in a while. To actually find a use for Oondasta was a big part of the pleasure. :)

    Yeah, Oondasta was a good way to cheat out Baku the Mooneater, since she was always awkward to play lol

  • allthehype's Avatar
    Crossroads Historian 630 739 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Since I have a habit of opening big, slighly awkward legendaries I put together a Big Warrior deck during Boomsday that was really fun when it worked! I mean, what is a man supposed to do with both Woecleaver and The Boomship is his collection? 

    All removal up until T6 when you play Gather Your Party and start to cheat out your biggest and baddest minions one after the other while laughing evil-y. Sleeper card: Damaged Stegotron as a decent taunt on T6 if you draw bad or excellent as a recruit without the battlecry. Also with rush after playing Dr Boom. ;) I think I even included Rotface because I have it and why not.

    After rotation I opened The Boom Reaver (of course) and tried the deck out in wild. When I unevitably opened Colossus of the Moon during Uldum it got squeezed in as well together with some Living Monuments.

    As you understand, really fun to play and also a way to find a use for some of your awkward legendaries. ;)

  • clawz161's Avatar
    The Undying 825 827 Posts Joined 07/16/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Gonk, the Raptor - Hearthstone Wiki

    I have been playing hearthstone since release off and on, never really getting that into it until Rastakhan's rumble, which i loved everything about, the trailer song i still listen to all the time(just instumental when i'm working and with vocals when i'm exercising). And I LOVE gonk.


    Gonk to me was a card that a lot of people didn't really want to do anything with just because it was there but i thought it was a fun card that just needed some more tools to work properly. Not a card like Moorabi, but something with actual potential to be good. I crafted this in rastakhan and played it in some armor druid deck homebrew i made, it wasn't very exciting, but then i got serious about it when DoD came around.Secure the Deck was THE card for gonk druid, with it you could stockpile massive amount of damage through claws without cluttering your hand. And it was probably the most fun way to kill an opponent i've even done, and the most fun i have ever had in this game PERIOD. The best part was my opponent knowing i was a gonk druid after playing gonk, and not playing more than a few minions at a time so i couldn't just gonk them right out, or them having a taunt in the way that they thought i couldn't push through, and just destroying them right through it. Speaking of, if you're playing against gonk, never NEVER play khartut defender, some guy i fought played two against me on the same board when he knew i was a gonk druid. Healing for eight when i get 4 free swings into a small minion isn't good for you dude haha. I still rewatch the old replays sometimes i'm not ashamed to admit haha. After gonk rotated i stopped playing again, if you've seen me on the front page you'll know how i feel about activision_blizzard and paywall cards returning. Now i just want to play gonk in wild. And that's all i'm going to be using this game for anymore. If you have a good Decklist please PM me :)

    Living like that.

  • Live4vrRdieTryn's Avatar
    500 931 Posts Joined 07/14/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    I loved back in RoS trolling to find a Control Warrior while playing Control Shaman. They were not hard to find. It almost 100% went to fatigue and, guess what buddy, I get to have TWO Elysianas thanks to Shudder XD 

  • KingKrush's Avatar
    Forest 385 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    My favorite deck is secret Mage.  It was the first deck I really tried climbing the later with and my favorite card is ValetMedivh's Valet.  I'm not sure why exactly.  Just singing about the art and him saying, "excuse me you are on fire" and the chimp making it's noise.    

    Now, I know my name and Avatar on here is King Krush which is one of my favorite cards just not my absolute favorite.  Maybe I should try and change my user name...

  • Echo's Avatar
    Staff Writer Cupcake 860 320 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    I've had countless 'favorite decks' over my time playing this game so I'll try to touch on every one of them. The two main types of strategies I love in card games are either midrange slugfests where it is just playing efficient things on curve, and then on the polar opposite, I love playing combo decks with a fair amount of moving parts (which probably stems from me being a diehard storm fan in MTG).

    The first two decks I fell in love with were Patron Warrior and Miracle Rogue, which both just devolve into not playing the game until you delete the opponent. Granted I was never great at playing Patron Warrior because it was just too much math and I never worked on finding faster ways of adding it all up, My love for degenerate combo decks expanded later on during MSOG, where Anyfin Paladin was a niche yet powerful alternative to fill the Jade Druid/Miracle Rogue part of the meta and I grinded an ungodly amount with that deck. Then for a while, I decided to play fairly up until this expansion, with Quest Warlock bringing me back into just goldfishing the opponent with cheeky turn 7 lethal with Malygos. Pretty much all the reasons I love these decks is because I just don't get to validate the opponent with a fair match and instead get to find some way to BS a victory.

    On the polar opposite side of things, after Anyfin Paladin rotated out, I stuck with the class while it transformed into a very strong midrange class in Un'goro. When I realized how much fun it was to just whack someone repetitively with random nonsense they cannot deal with very easily, I swapped over to those style of decks for the most part, playing pretty much only paladin during Un'goro, just not playing during KFT due to reasons, only to return to more paladin KnC. Then Witchwood came out and I played Even Paladin and fell in love with it. I've grinded to legend 4 times now, two of those being with Even Paladin, once with it still being an aggro deck with 4 mana Call to Arms, a somewhat wonky version in Boomsday using Glowstone Technician back when it was 6 mana, then once before Genn rotated out of standard during Rastakhan's Rumble. There haven't been too many other midrange decks that have really struck me as Even Paladin did, but I feel like that's more just the game shifting away from those strategies for the most part. I guess the other main midrange deck that I loved to play a lot was Galakrond Warrior after Shamans got deleted from the game, but since then my opinions on that deck and Galakrond as a concept, have soured so I don't look back fondly to it.

    I guess now that I think about it, all the decks I loved to play just make the opponent feel like they don't get to play the game, whether that be killed out of the middle of nowhere, or just not having good enough removal to defeat what seems like an endless onslaught of efficient minions.

    Cardboard wizard and dog haver.

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