Cause aggro priest was waaay too good, and blizzard already predicted people would bitch about priest after they nerfed mage and warrior to they nerfed the easiest card to nerf- one that they buffed 2 months ago.
While he is run in more than 60% of decks his role in each one is different, so it makes the card more interesting, besides being a Swiss toolkit is great since new players can craft him and use him in every deck to have a chance vs aggro or play mechs better.
The card doesn't feel oppressive while played and can be played around, also I think most players really like the card, we got Siamat just now which is similar to zilliax in being a flexible legendary and I didn't saw salty comments about it.
@DoubleSummon You're making some good arguments but I think you're also overanalyzing some parts of the video that probably aren't meant to be taken too seriously (like the bugs and otk stuff).
You're also right about the devs not having control over everything, but I used the word devs since I don't really know how to address the people who are responsible for all the economic stuff. I'll mention it in an edit in my original post.
I am trying to set the focus of complains on actual legit stuff it's all part of stuff people complain about but matters so little compared the the actual problems of the game which is mostly lack of features and the economy of the game being really tough for F2P/low paying customers.
@YourPrivateNightmare : so you want those 12(the video didn't include Brightwing) cards to be viable? I actually highlighted it because I believe people put too much weight into legendaaries, you know how warrior could be nerfed harder than nerfing boom? nerfing Eternium Rover 1 mana 1/3 premium stats it's a mech so it has rush late game and magnetic and really powerful passive, this card would be played just if it was a 1/3 mech for 1 or if it costed 2 mana, but it wasn't nerfed although it's the reason why warrior is so strong in the early game, why wasn't it nerfed? cause the community only remembers losing to boom or galaxy but losing to a 1 drop that shut down your aggro plan by removing 2 tokens and gaining 2~4 armor? nah.
about the nerfing, I still think it's unjustified to complain about lack of nerfs to LPG and boom in those 3 weeks, in the last 8 months we got actually quick nerfs to problem cards, there's no way to predict the meta as a developer or even as a pro player all the reviews I saw before the expansion crowned quest shaman the king of the meta for example.. which is a tier 3 deck.. so yeah nobody knows what could happen if warrior was really weak to quest shaman then CW would not even get nerfed in the first place, I think it was a mistake to give warrior even better cards this expansion but they thought of the taunt minions as a separate deck and not as an extension to CW.
CC is powerful because it duplicates are large guy and threatens to do it again on the next turn. It's not the double summon that's the problem.
You called?
You underestimate this nerf I mean molten reflections never was played outside of quest mage as a tempo tool, but only as an OTK enabler, this nerf is huge and will be much more severe than you think it is.
I honestly might be too skeptical on this one. I'm just still upset about this complete cop out of a nerf when there were so many better ways to handle this.
I watched the last omnistone show, they talked about it being a 2 mana nerf and not just 1 mana since it's a twinspell you need to pay 2 extra mana to use this card, sure they could've removed twinspell but again [Hearthstone Card (molten reflections) Not Found] was a card, and they still want mage to use CC.
I will analyze the video and give some background to what happens cause this video goes over a lot of stuff in the game.
Unjustified rant/nitpicking:
bugs: Bugs are part of every single program in the world there is not a single program without bugs except if you test it to perfection which is almost impossible to get all the edge cases. btw hs is NOT a finished game a game that updates really often (monthly updates is crazy for single player games if you play those as well). Game freezes/crashes are part of every big game not just hs.
Auto complete not working in wild: The wild auto complete just doesn't work and they openly admitted it when they upgraded it to be actually good. also it's a plus cause the data on wild is so low so the meta is never really solved and the options are endless.
Classic legendaries being "useless" Tinkmaster Overspark actually sees some play from time to time as a tech card, Lord Jaraxxus might be great again someday.. it was great for a while, also legendaries are overrated it means they are rare not OP or too strong to have 2 copies of, BTWit's better they suck so you don't have to collect more of them!
Why does the video complains about wild combos? those are ok.. and you can't really design 3000+ cards and expect stuff to not be broken together.
they nerfed Charge because they wanted more freedom in designing cards, having the ability to give ANY neutral or warrior minion charge at any given time is a headache to balance, the card should be called "rush" and they should return WC to it's old iteration but with rush instead of charge.. WC is such a sad joke card.. (the second part is the part that annoys me, but the charge/otk rant is holding on a lie they said back then, otk is fine if it has counterplay).
Balance issues:dr. boom just got nerfed and the card was ok until rotation,big priest just got nerfed and it's win rate is sub 50, just really annoying to play against when they get Barnes on 4.. now they will never get Barnes on 4 again. they didn't want to nerf it because some people like big priest and it's playrate is high those people.. won't like their deck being nerfed (IKR some people like jhonny decks who would have guessed), don't think Naga Sea Witch got nerfed JUST cause reddit got a promoted thread. int he last year the dev team have been doing really well with balance I didn't feel that an extended amount of time something was waaaaay too good and it wasn't addressed they are doing it in a good pace too, not too soon, not too late.
80$ skin: it's not a 80$ skin they sell you the packs, and legendaries the skin is an extra to the bundle.
Legit complains:
Interactions: it's annoying cause they added like 1000 interactions in dalaran's heist but they can't add interactions to ranked play?
Economy: The HS economy is trash, including the achievements which people have been asking for AGES *looks at gwent* as well as statics.. which is dumb let's me add another thing did they realized yet every player that played for half a year have all classes at level 60 and the cap is meaningless? also the 50 quest of 2 games vs 1 game are kinda idiotic but the change was straight lazy bump from 40 gold to 50 gold instead of just .. deleting the 40 gold ones, but they won't this is cause they are greedy but it's NOT the development team fault it's the people who run the big money that block HS from making a better economy.
Up for opinion I don't care:
UI inconsistency: Quest rewards/dream/DK cards should really just show under a different tab in the UI I agree it's dumb but it doesn't matter that much really.
OCD: 5 gold is annoying but you can get the other 5 gold if you play arena again.
Zayle will be disenchant-able post rotation also can be bought with in game gold as I did.
TL;DR: most stuff in the video are small/ insignificant stuff and the only legit complain is the economy which is terrible compared to any other card game and it's not the dev team's fault cause they have no control over how much the company wants to earn from the game.
I love the nerf to Barnes. It's pretty fair. I was just thinking that if they nerf it to 6 Mana, it will kill the card as it is a Neutral card and it's usage is not just in Big Priest.
Even the idea of an Actor token won't work cos it is still turn 4/3 big minion cos it is too early and too fast for the opponent to handle. Hence, the only logical way to nerf it is a 1 Mana increase to 5 Mana.
This would at least prevent the early turn 4/3 auto-concede moment that isn't super frustrating to deal with.
I glad Blizzard did not kill the card like how they killed Naga Seawitch and kept the design of the card.
Sure Resurrect mechanics may still pose a problem. At least now, Big Priest will feel less of a gamble and more like a control greedy deck. Well done!
Why does this guy got 10 downvotes though?
I agree with you it's good the card got a lot weaker (it was hard enough to play it on 4 believe it or not) but the card still does the same thing so big priest is still a thing just wins less..
btw this makes big priest so much weaker against aggro, the fact that your whole game plan is delayed by 1 turn in huge, I think some big priest lists might even cut barnes in general it will make shadow essense better since you can't low roll a 5/5 do nothing and will probably run a zilliax or another mid sized minion to compensate.
People will still play big priest though the deck is just too good vs any slow deck (except the pure hate decks) but it's gonna be less played which is good.
The community is smaller but what matters is quality and not quantity, I mean yeah you can compmplain the community split but most of it is salty anyway so far most people here are not opening a nerf thread every 2.5 minutes like in HPWN and complaining about every single deck, I open this site a lot, still go to hpwn from time to time (didn't comment since the "shutdown" and although there is more discussion there I don't feel like it's a good discussion, just need more people to be active and start opening interesting threads I think that once the custom HS contests will start this site will start to see some serious activity.
Was combo priest such a problem? This seems like it was totally unnecessary
It really wasn't. The deck was strong because the meta wasn't targeting it (yet) and it required quite a bit of skill to pilot correctly.
Oh well, I guess your nerf was long overdue, Anduin. How dare you have a good deck before the third expansion of the year is released.
as much as I want to agree, Priest was growing to be a real problem. It was already one of the best decks at legend and only needed some basic knowledge to pilot correctly.
The hit the wwrong card, but Priest definitely needed the nerf unless you want a retrain of Gadgetzan era Dragon Priest
Yeah you might be right. I just feel like some of priest's biggest counters (such as aggro warrior) were seeing little play because of their miserable matchup against control warrior. Which is why priest looked so strong. Oh well, I guess we'll never find out.
According to 2 meta analysis I saw the only reason aggro warrior isn't tier 1 ATM is it's abysmal WR vs control warrior.
The card will still be played for sure, the most frustrating part of warrior is the endless removal but oh well less turns of removals and more risky mulligan keep of boom is good enough I guess..
CC is powerful because it duplicates are large guy and threatens to do it again on the next turn. It's not the double summon that's the problem.
You called?
You underestimate this nerf I mean molten reflections never was played outside of quest mage as a tempo tool, but only as an OTK enabler, this nerf is huge and will be much more severe than you think it is.
some threads are very long (the 80 quest trading and salt thread for example) with no way to skip to the last page or even second to last page, the >> and << arrows are missing or just a way to navigate to a specific page.
The other thing that is missing is a subscribe/unsubscribe to threads feature specially the unsubscribe to threads you open..
Ok guys I tested it out, and with combo priest going around I decided that silence is just needed.. that being said why most lists don't contain silence? it's probably the reason why priest is steamrolling everyone.
Cause aggro priest was waaay too good, and blizzard already predicted people would bitch about priest after they nerfed mage and warrior to they nerfed the easiest card to nerf- one that they buffed 2 months ago.
While he is run in more than 60% of decks his role in each one is different, so it makes the card more interesting, besides being a Swiss toolkit is great since new players can craft him and use him in every deck to have a chance vs aggro or play mechs better.
The card doesn't feel oppressive while played and can be played around, also I think most players really like the card, we got Siamat just now which is similar to zilliax in being a flexible legendary and I didn't saw salty comments about it.
I am trying to set the focus of complains on actual legit stuff it's all part of stuff people complain about but matters so little compared the the actual problems of the game which is mostly lack of features and the economy of the game being really tough for F2P/low paying customers.
@YourPrivateNightmare : so you want those 12(the video didn't include Brightwing) cards to be viable? I actually highlighted it because I believe people put too much weight into legendaaries, you know how warrior could be nerfed harder than nerfing boom? nerfing Eternium Rover 1 mana 1/3 premium stats it's a mech so it has rush late game and magnetic and really powerful passive, this card would be played just if it was a 1/3 mech for 1 or if it costed 2 mana, but it wasn't nerfed although it's the reason why warrior is so strong in the early game, why wasn't it nerfed? cause the community only remembers losing to boom or galaxy but losing to a 1 drop that shut down your aggro plan by removing 2 tokens and gaining 2~4 armor? nah.
about the nerfing, I still think it's unjustified to complain about lack of nerfs to LPG and boom in those 3 weeks, in the last 8 months we got actually quick nerfs to problem cards, there's no way to predict the meta as a developer or even as a pro player all the reviews I saw before the expansion crowned quest shaman the king of the meta for example.. which is a tier 3 deck.. so yeah nobody knows what could happen if warrior was really weak to quest shaman then CW would not even get nerfed in the first place, I think it was a mistake to give warrior even better cards this expansion but they thought of the taunt minions as a separate deck and not as an extension to CW.
I watched the last omnistone show, they talked about it being a 2 mana nerf and not just 1 mana since it's a twinspell you need to pay 2 extra mana to use this card, sure they could've removed twinspell but again [Hearthstone Card (molten reflections) Not Found] was a card, and they still want mage to use CC.
I will analyze the video and give some background to what happens cause this video goes over a lot of stuff in the game.
Unjustified rant/nitpicking:
bugs: Bugs are part of every single program in the world there is not a single program without bugs except if you test it to perfection which is almost impossible to get all the edge cases. btw hs is NOT a finished game a game that updates really often (monthly updates is crazy for single player games if you play those as well). Game freezes/crashes are part of every big game not just hs.
Auto complete not working in wild: The wild auto complete just doesn't work and they openly admitted it when they upgraded it to be actually good. also it's a plus cause the data on wild is so low so the meta is never really solved and the options are endless.
Classic legendaries being "useless" Tinkmaster Overspark actually sees some play from time to time as a tech card, Lord Jaraxxus might be great again someday.. it was great for a while, also legendaries are overrated it means they are rare not OP or too strong to have 2 copies of, BTW it's better they suck so you don't have to collect more of them!
Why does the video complains about wild combos? those are ok.. and you can't really design 3000+ cards and expect stuff to not be broken together.
they nerfed Charge because they wanted more freedom in designing cards, having the ability to give ANY neutral or warrior minion charge at any given time is a headache to balance, the card should be called "rush" and they should return WC to it's old iteration but with rush instead of charge.. WC is such a sad joke card.. (the second part is the part that annoys me, but the charge/otk rant is holding on a lie they said back then, otk is fine if it has counterplay).
Balance issues:dr. boom just got nerfed and the card was ok until rotation,big priest just got nerfed and it's win rate is sub 50, just really annoying to play against when they get Barnes on 4.. now they will never get Barnes on 4 again. they didn't want to nerf it because some people like big priest and it's playrate is high those people.. won't like their deck being nerfed (IKR some people like jhonny decks who would have guessed), don't think Naga Sea Witch got nerfed JUST cause reddit got a promoted thread. int he last year the dev team have been doing really well with balance I didn't feel that an extended amount of time something was waaaaay too good and it wasn't addressed they are doing it in a good pace too, not too soon, not too late.
80$ skin: it's not a 80$ skin they sell you the packs, and legendaries the skin is an extra to the bundle.
Legit complains:
Interactions: it's annoying cause they added like 1000 interactions in dalaran's heist but they can't add interactions to ranked play?
Economy: The HS economy is trash, including the achievements which people have been asking for AGES *looks at gwent* as well as statics.. which is dumb let's me add another thing did they realized yet every player that played for half a year have all classes at level 60 and the cap is meaningless? also the 50 quest of 2 games vs 1 game are kinda idiotic but the change was straight lazy bump from 40 gold to 50 gold instead of just .. deleting the 40 gold ones, but they won't this is cause they are greedy but it's NOT the development team fault it's the people who run the big money that block HS from making a better economy.
Up for opinion I don't care:
UI inconsistency: Quest rewards/dream/DK cards should really just show under a different tab in the UI I agree it's dumb but it doesn't matter that much really.
OCD: 5 gold is annoying but you can get the other 5 gold if you play arena again.
Zayle will be disenchant-able post rotation also can be bought with in game gold as I did.
TL;DR: most stuff in the video are small/ insignificant stuff and the only legit complain is the economy which is terrible compared to any other card game and it's not the dev team's fault cause they have no control over how much the company wants to earn from the game.
Why does this guy got 10 downvotes though?
I agree with you it's good the card got a lot weaker (it was hard enough to play it on 4 believe it or not) but the card still does the same thing so big priest is still a thing just wins less..
btw this makes big priest so much weaker against aggro, the fact that your whole game plan is delayed by 1 turn in huge, I think some big priest lists might even cut barnes in general it will make shadow essense better since you can't low roll a 5/5 do nothing and will probably run a zilliax or another mid sized minion to compensate.
People will still play big priest though the deck is just too good vs any slow deck (except the pure hate decks) but it's gonna be less played which is good.
The community is smaller but what matters is quality and not quantity, I mean yeah you can compmplain the community split but most of it is salty anyway so far most people here are not opening a nerf thread every 2.5 minutes like in HPWN and complaining about every single deck, I open this site a lot, still go to hpwn from time to time (didn't comment since the "shutdown" and although there is more discussion there I don't feel like it's a good discussion, just need more people to be active and start opening interesting threads I think that once the custom HS contests will start this site will start to see some serious activity.
According to 2 meta analysis I saw the only reason aggro warrior isn't tier 1 ATM is it's abysmal WR vs control warrior.
"Do note that there are not any free packs associated with the Grandmasters events right now." understandable have a nice day.
Of course they are gonna nerf barnes the king of the goons you fuuuls you underestimate the ZANCIENT one muhahaha going to craft golden gruul Jerry!
The card will still be played for sure, the most frustrating part of warrior is the endless removal but oh well less turns of removals and more risky mulligan keep of boom is good enough I guess..
Oh well was really made too strong at 2 I think it would be best as a 3 mana but 2 mana token card, but they probably just deleted the card.
The card is not fun to play against anyway, it got it's time to shine now it's over.
You called?
You underestimate this nerf I mean molten reflections never was played outside of quest mage as a tempo tool, but only as an OTK enabler, this nerf is huge and will be much more severe than you think it is.
Been doing well with the actual zoolock now 100% more zoo than any other variant
So what happened? Did the pyromancer trigger or not?
I can't infer from your post if this did happen or not.
two things I think are not present on the UI
some threads are very long (the 80 quest trading and salt thread for example) with no way to skip to the last page or even second to last page, the >> and << arrows are missing or just a way to navigate to a specific page.
The other thing that is missing is a subscribe/unsubscribe to threads feature specially the unsubscribe to threads you open..
Ok guys I tested it out, and with combo priest going around I decided that silence is just needed.. that being said why most lists don't contain silence? it's probably the reason why priest is steamrolling everyone.
Why does it bothers you though? let it be.
You seem to live under a rock, priest is tier 1 atm (and yet I don't see other people tech silence yet...)