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Salty Dog
Joined 06/07/2019 Achieve Points 1030 Posts 685

ElSabidon's Comments

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    I feel like this card will see a lot of play as long as spell based druid combos are a thing, as this card can add two combo pieces without putting those cards specifically on decks, especially Solar Eclipse.

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    "Created by Kiri, Chosen of Elune"

    One of the most powerful cards that will almost always see play whenever your deck is spell based while, I believe, almost never being added to decks.

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    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Fuel for spell lovers and adding to a critical mass of deal 3 cards to druid. The card may have some difficulty finding a spot in most druid decks, but it has the potential to do so.

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    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Doesn't seem that good of a card, mostly because druid already have so many cards that draw cards. That being said, I still believe the card will see play when discovered from cards like Nature Studies.

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    So, I thought I had the solution to one riddle, went and visited the card for the answer and it turns out the card I visited was the answer to a completely different riddle.

    In reply to Oozefest
  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    With Tour Guide, you can potentially deal 60 damage thanks to Quest Shaman. Seeing as how that deck's win condition is through double Cumulo-Maximus battlecry (which makes the deck clunky because of the Overload) and maybe Pen Flinger constantly pinging, droping those packages in favor of a more streamlined control version with battlecry minions can be an alternative way to build the deck.

    Will that be better than current Quest Shaman? I'm not sure, but it can be less inconsistent.

    EDIT: Also, control priest gets a win condition outside of Galakrond value.

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    I haven't pre-purchased the bundle but I'd assume the special quests are associated with playing the new game mode HS duels. The question I have in my mind is whether or not the special quest will be available for everyone else after the game mode is released to the public.

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    This card without Rod of Roasting is a very cool, albeit random card. This card with Rod of Roasting is the most degenerate crap ever designed. That effect on a PvE setting can be fun, on PvP is incredibly frustrating to play against.

    And yes, it's only a 1/20 chance AFTER playing the card, but think of it this way: a game show where, out of 40 coin tosses, you need to just get heads once to win 10000€/$/whatever currency is in your country or you'll have to pay the same amount. You flip the 40 coins. You get 40 tails. That's how it feels to see the opponent get Rod of Roasting on a game you have won otherwise.

    Now, imagine this is the finals of the HCT. 

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From sinti

    Flavor is amazing, you do cannon ball, everyone gets splashed :D Tho im a bit worried about how many AOEs Shaman getting by this point.

    I get what you're saying but pretty much every single Shaman AoE has some glaring weakness:

    • Lightning Storm: Overload makes it too clunky
    • Plague of Murlocs: Doesn't actually clear minions, very unreliable against boards of small minions
    • Hagatha's Scheme: Pretty bad topdeck, needs time in hand to be effective
    • Earthquake: The best of the bunch in regards to power to cost ratio, but it's still a 7 mana investment which means you only clear the board, you don't make a swing in your favor
    • Tidal Wave: Healing makes it very unique as an AoE but can't deal with most midgame minions by itself

    Now you have Dunk Tank, a card that can be a better Swipe, but it can only be played as an AoE at best at turn 6, because you need to play a 5 drop before its corrupted effect activates. 

    However, how will this card interact with mana manipulation effects, like from cards like Far Sight, that can make it more playable (I imagine that, if drawn form Far Sight, this card costing 1 will become corrupted after playing a 2 cost card). There is a potential that the sheer number of AoE can bring some sort of Control Shaman to light but I believe that deck still needs some sort of winning late game card.

    EDIT: I'll be rating this card 4/5, I also like the flavor.

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    Considering Demon Hunters would most likely prefer to control the board using their Hero Power, I don't see this card being added to their decks unless the meta is Super Aggro. That being said, as stated before, this card will see play when it is generated by cards such as Wandmaker

    I'll rate it 2/5, not because it's a bad card but because I tend to always rate cards on their coolness factor in a vacuum.

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    Thank you for giving me a reason to recraft Shadowjeweler Hanar after its nerf. That being said, since I didn't have Jandice Barov and felt Galakrond, the Nightmare was just a 7 mana change Hero Power, I decided to slap in Bazaar Burglary (a different hero power) and two copies of Clever Disguise, because most of the thief Rogue package was already there (as for the third card to slash, I ended up slashing Fan of Knives, although I felt it was between it and Sap). I'm not sure exactly if these change made the deck better, but I had a lot of fun playing it and, in the end, that was the goal of the deck for me.

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Dual class arena with dual class cards has some real meme value. Imagine the scenario: Jaina with Demon Hunter hero power: you can get Mage/Shaman cards, Mage/Rogue cards, DH/Hunter cards and DH/Warlock cards, so technically, up to 6(!) classes in one deck. Now that's value (or your average Thief Rogue or Priest game LUL).

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    So, let's recap this 3 week special event:

    Week 1 - Card back you can buy with gold + Pack Bundle

    Week 2 - Linear Solo Adventure (with one class pack reward) + Pack (with Skin) Bundle

    Week 3 - Card back you can buy with gold + Tavern Brawl you have to spend money on and be incredibly lucky to get a profit

    Quote From Ben Lee
    ….held multiple events with hefty reward packages….

    Quite hefty indeed, mr. Ben Lee. 

    PS: I'm going to bookmark the post discussing the Battle Pass for every time we get great revelations and events like this one. If you want to do it too, here's the link: https://outof.cards/hearthstone/1727-blizzard-responds-to-the-hearthstone-battle-pass-survey-current-reward-values-to-be-preserved-play-hearthstone-your-way-to-progress


    In reply to Heroic Brawliseum
  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    So, the entire week 1 of a 3 week event is a pack bundle (which doesn't need to be in an event to exist - see Felosophy bundle) and a Battlegrounds update (which also doesn't need to be in an event to exist). It just feels so underwhelming...

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Honestly, I understand your point of view. I'm also very frustrated with the direction the game is taking of powercreeping the hell out of every expansion. And I can attest to that feeling especially now that I finally decided to try reaching Legend last month (and suceeded with 20 minutes left in the expansion lol). That month was the first one where I tried a more competitive approach and it just wasn't worth the trouble, exactly because of how much power every card has these days and how little it felt my decisions mattered when compared to, say, when playing four years ago.

    I used mostly big Warrior, a deck that also relies on big tempo swings, but those swings felt balanced because they would come only after a lot of turns of playing from behind and those tempo swings were more of a reward for utilizing your control tools well throughout the game. I also played Libram Paladin for a while, which was one of the most boring experiences I ever felt in Hearthstone. It was insanely draw dependent and every card felt like "lets dump a bunch of stats and hope the opponent doesn't respond". I love the idea of having big slow tools and small fast tools in the same deck to fight for the board that Hearthstone had when it started (and that, to a degree, the Rush mechanic highlighted) and a deck whose only fast tool is Lightforged Zealot feels so out of place it becomes boring playing with and against. In fact, to highlight how much the deck felt out of place for me, I ended up with less than 50% winrate with it in around 40 games. My final push was made with face Hunter and even a deck decided to ignore the board for most of the game felt like it had more board interaction (especially the mirror match) because you had know when to push the board and when to push face. That was my experience and the reason it felt like a waste of time.

    You talk about big swing turns and, the way I see it, the reason the game is so swingy is because of the exponential increase in power level the last expansions. The current power level reminds me of not only of LoR but also the days when I played Shadowverse. When I left that game, it felt like the designers just wanted to release insanely powerful effects and then nerf them if they became to polarizing. It didn't feel like we owned cards as much as it felt like we owned stats, and since I didn't like that feeling, I ended up leaving the game. That is exactly the biggest criticism I have with HS at the moment. The feeling I don't own those cards because they're designed in a way that I know they'll end up being different cards. 

    I remember putting a big rant in here when the final batch of changes during the AoO expansion was announced, a rant that was downvoted like hell because I criticized the design philosophy the game currently has (and I understand that this post I'm doing right now feels like a big rant coming as well). The biggest reason to all the downvoting was because I said it felt like the developers were releasing busted cards on purpose to then nerf them and give the players the satisfaction of having their voices heard and that satisfaction would be shown by purchasing in-game stuff. It was an insanely cynical proposition my raging impulsive head had when I saw like ten cards being changed for the third or forth time in one expansion cycle. And yet, here we are, less than two months later, seeing two different balance changes in one month (I know less cards are being hit, but there are still constant changes happening). I get that one of the biggest advantages CCGs have is the ability to change problematic cards, but right now those changes come as part of the design of the game instead of a "last case scenario" and the proof is that balance changes are part of their goddamn roadmap!  I don't want to be just another cynical guy but the design philosophy the game has is turning me into one.

    We're being given what's supposed to be a finished product every expansion and said finished product is never finished.

    Right now, only two things are keeping me in the game: 1- I want to see how bad the battle pass system will be (again, being cynical); and 2- I really like Battlegrounds. That game is also changing a lot but it feels like said changes are the same as expansions rather than balance changes (which aren't as bad as the game mode is still in Beta, you know, an openly admitted unfinished product).

    I'd say feel free to uninstall the game. But you can still hang around the forums sometimes. I honestly like reading your thoughts on the game, even if those thoughts become based on second hand experience.

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    First time I actually tried to go Legend and did it with 20 minutes left in the season. Sure, I had to swallow my pride and do the final push with Face Hunter instead of the budget Big Warrior deck I had but it still felt really good.

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Each expansion cycle has 4 months, around 120 days. Now, lets assume I just play to complete my dailies. Lets also assume every daily I play is 50 gold and, somehow, I were to lose every single game I play throughout said expansion cycle, therefore getting 0 gold from the 10 gold per 3 wins resource generation part of the game. That would leave me with 6000 gold. And that's not including mid expansion events like the "Rusted Legion" event. By saying he earns around 5000g per expansion cycle, Ben Lee says he doesn't even play the game he directs on a regular level.

    The Battle Pass could be a neat idea to replace the aforementioned 10 gold per 3 wins rule that would focus mostly on cosmetic while getting a bit of resources where the paying option would get more resources and even more cosmetics, including alternate heroes. Now, to the actual part that really pissed me off:

    Quote From Ben Lee
    With the launch of Ashes of Outland we implemented the no duplicates rules, introduced free competitive decks for new and returning players, significantly increased ranked rewards, added 1st time ranked rewards, held multiple events with hefty reward packages, offered rewarding expansion quest chains and we’ve also committed to providing free single-player Adventure content for the foreseeable future.

    1. No duplicate rule: An actual decent measure, not because we get better pack opens, but because we get to spend dust more safely. Shame it took T5 six years to come up with that one.
    2. Free competitive decks for new and returning players: No no, free competitive deck. Singular. An even then, that forces new and returning players to stick to one deck from one class (that was probably power crept to hell by now) or fall behind...
    3. Significantly increased ranked rewards: ...fall behind here, especially if they end up picking one of the worse decks (again, power crept to hell). Not only that, the only reason you increased ranked rewards was because the rewards before were so small they were almost non-existent.
    4. Added 1st time ranked rewards: Another significant measure, a small but impactful boost to people diving to ranked for the first time.
    5. Held multiple events with hefty reward packages: So that's a bald-faced lie. When the first events came by, they would either give us double gold for two weeks or a roll of better 60g-to-100g quests with an equal amount of dust offered when completing that quest. I even remember one of the events having both of said scenarios (you could get an extra 1000g-1500g on those events or enough dust to craft a legendary). Now events give us maybe 5 packs and 300g if we're lucky.
    6. Offered rewarding expansion quest chains: You already did that in the past, for both packs and alternate heroes, so don't pat yourselves on the back for that one. And apparently you didn't even have the idea to have a special quest slot for event quests. If someone isn't able to play for 2 days before an expansion hits, they see one of their dailies disappear because a "rewarding quest chain" showed up.
    7. Free single-player Adventure content for the foreseeable future: You mean like the latest one? Where we got a linear quest line with little to no replayability value and close to zero rewards for the time spent? Or like a Dungeon Run style one where we have to pay 20$ or 2800g for overpriced packs like you last one? Because I remember, when the original Dungeon Run was announced, the living human bobble-head Peter Whalen promised you guys weren't going to monetise such type of PvE content.

    In the meantime, you also promised we would always get a 60g or better daily quest to show up every day that would be re-rolled to a 50g insanely easy to complete quest and that promise was either broken or there has been a nasty bug in your daily quest code for around the last 5 months.

    Also, where are the 100g quests and 80g quests? I know confirmation bias is a thing but I personally went from getting those around twice to three times every month since I started playing the game back in 2014 or whatever the year GvG was released to only getting one 100g quest and zero 80g quests in the last 6 months.

    And what about game balance? After beta, the design philosophy was that, when you released cards, they would only be nerfed in a last case scenario basis. Undertaker went unnerfed for 6 months, survived the entire Naxx meta and a chunk of the GvG meta even after GvG brought DR hate cards like Scarlet Purifier and Lil' Exorcist so the card wouldn't be nerfed. Now, we have 4 or 5 balance patches because the game has undergone a brutal power creep scenario.

    Are those constant balance changes good? Well, for example, I recently got High Abbess Alura in a pack. I, however, do not own any copy of Devout Pupil, nor do I own Lady Liadrin, for example. Hell, I only have one copy of Blessing of Authority. So, if I decide to craft a Libram Paladin deck to fully utilize this admittedly cool card from a design perspective, I have to spend quite a large amount of dust to make that deck or I'll get a very bad version of the deck, because the power level of the cards being released is so insanely high any changes outside of tech options would severely destroy the deck's consistency. And if I end up crafting said cards by spending most of my dust and the deck ends up being nerfed (a deck which happens to have a 60% winrate according to HS Replay right now), that means the dust I spent will be for nothing, effectively reducing the safety to craft cards that was gained by the no-duplicate rule.

    So, in conclusion, out of the 7 "changes" that Ben Lee said that were made, three of them ended up being good, one of them is a 1-time change, another (the ranked rewards) only becomes impactful if you reach an actual mid to high rank and the final one gets less good when looking at the current game design philosophy. In the meantime, said design philosophy made the game feel more expensive than ever, forcing guys like me, who actually want to spend money on this game, to put the brakes on our wallets because I'd rather fall behind in resources than continuing to fall to an almost predatorial business model. 

    PS: I don't actually dislike Peter Whalen, but the dude has a long and thin neck and a rather big head. 

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Quick question: weren't unfinished arena runs going to be reset with the new expansion? Because mine never finished.

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Everytime I play HS on my computer, the game keeps disconnecting every 5 minutes. I can't even begin to think of plays when I'm constantly checking for my internet connection, forcing me to either play everything on my first 5 seconds of every turn or rage for an entire minute before playing everything while roping. Does that increase my chance of misplays? Of course it does, and that pisses me off. So it's a raging snowball, except it's on fire because it's hot as fuck where I live right now.

    Oh, and the constant disconnects? Only happens when playing HS. Not when playing other games, not when browsing the internet, not even when binge watching YouTube.

    PS: After going for 37 packs wthout a legendary in AoO packs (3 away from pity timer, but don't want to spend Scholomance gold), I go 35 pack without opening a legendary on said Scholomance, out of 43. Hell, couldn't even find half the rares I wanted. So, you know, a shit cherry on the shit ice cream that was today. 

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    On Warlock, this card can revive Zoo on its own, and make it a very aggressive deck, especiallt with cards like Voracious Reader for extra fuel. And while it can also work the same way for Priest, they are more dependant on Voracious Reader as tempo Priest doesn't have other reliable options for card draw right now.

    Disciplinarian Gandling is one of the cards with the most potential of the entire set, imo.