So we're rotating out Vanessa Vancleef and getting a similar (though less targeted/specific) effect but without the body. Thief Rogue didn't run Vanessa often in the first place, but losing out on premium cards like Recon just might make the case.
On the Dissonant sid, a 5 mana 6+/6+ minion doesn't sound too bad... but no class bias, so you kind of have to pray that you get a decent keyword or effect. But a card that's only good half of the time doesn't really see play, see also Worgen cards from Witchwood.
I like this more than Rhythm and Roots, but only just barely, and it looks just as slow. At least you can almost guarantee that you have a board ready for when you have Drum Circle in hand.
Literally smacking your face into minions makes a 3/3 body with a good keyword, and then you could juice it up with a variety of Lifesteal spells available to DK and yeah this is a 5 star.
My heart wants to make him work, my brain says that Unholy Death Knight probably gets there well before this comes online, and needs cards like Construct Quarter at the ready to make it worth.
Trying to copy Cage Head deathrattle seems ambitious, and I'm not sure if you want to hit Eggs when you're spending so many corpses. Though activating and copying the deathrattle does make it a rather sticky body.
Even Big Beast Hunter played a variety of minions, making the Soloist condition a little self-defeating. They're decent secrets sure, but I don't think you're swinging back with them.
So we're rotating out Vanessa Vancleef and getting a similar (though less targeted/specific) effect but without the body. Thief Rogue didn't run Vanessa often in the first place, but losing out on premium cards like Recon just might make the case.
Play 1 minion and this is better than Warrior's Woodcutter Ax. Common Paladin W
1 cost minions aren't as exploitable as 2 cost ones, and it's only two of them not three. Call to Arms, this is not.
On the Dissonant sid, a 5 mana 6+/6+ minion doesn't sound too bad... but no class bias, so you kind of have to pray that you get a decent keyword or effect. But a card that's only good half of the time doesn't really see play, see also Worgen cards from Witchwood.
I like the art on the Dissonant side, very ANCIENT SINS vibe there.
Is it a good card? Eh, don't think so.
Literally every Druid deck from now and until it rotates out will play this.
Spring Rocket looks bad, and I'm not sure you want to run this in Aggro or Burn Frost Mage for the conditional AoE.
I like this more than Rhythm and Roots, but only just barely, and it looks just as slow. At least you can almost guarantee that you have a board ready for when you have Drum Circle in hand.
Only good with boards in a card like Tambourine or Rhythm and Roots, and you're never casting this for the Treants.
NEEDS Drum circle on the turn the bodies come out, because otherwise this is snail slow development for something that may not have an impact in time.
Banking it for a future target does sound nice, but I'm doubtful that this is something you main deck.
Build your own Ultimate Infestation. Problem is that a majority of the good corpse spenders are double or triple down on a single rune.
Handbuff without needing corpses is actually pretty premium for Death Knights. Just might make a BBU or Rainbow Death Knight viable for that reason.
Literally smacking your face into minions makes a 3/3 body with a good keyword, and then you could juice it up with a variety of Lifesteal spells available to DK and yeah this is a 5 star.
Only really sees play in the Blood Death Knight decks that really want to make their life totals fluctuate like a Warlock.
My heart wants to make him work, my brain says that Unholy Death Knight probably gets there well before this comes online, and needs cards like Construct Quarter at the ready to make it worth.
Trying to copy Cage Head deathrattle seems ambitious, and I'm not sure if you want to hit Eggs when you're spending so many corpses. Though activating and copying the deathrattle does make it a rather sticky body.
Hey do you like Eggs? I sure do like eggs, everyone likes eggs, EVERYONE GETS EGG DEATHRATTLES!
Finale is just the cherry on top, but god dang is it a delicious one! Literally draws your ramp end game pieces like Anubrakhan or Torpior.
Even Big Beast Hunter played a variety of minions, making the Soloist condition a little self-defeating. They're decent secrets sure, but I don't think you're swinging back with them.