I got dominated by this when I was playing Odd Rogue. I thought I had the guy, then he went off. I originally thought that he was just dinking off to play an obscene Van Cleef... then the damage hit. So now I am playing it as I love Combos.
With all the changes that have come down the pipeline with these new expansions, I have encountered so many fluctuations in deck builds that many of the popular archetypes are becoming null. Kingsbane being one of them. I loved using this card in my Mill Rogue builds as the changes in the expansions came and went. However, recently I have tried to update that deck and it feels that no matter what I try, there are so many different types of decks out there, that it doesn't work at all anymore.
Of all the decks that I play and have played against, it feels that the only constant in higher level play in Wild is Rez Priest. I've found a few builds here and there of decks that I like and modified them to my play style, but ultimately I am wondering what everyone else has experienced with some of their favorite decks in Wild with the changing of the environment with the expansions are. Are you finding that your favorite builds and/or decks as a whole are no longer working? What are you doing different? Have you abandoned your old builds and gone with something new?
I'm liking the idea of the synergy with this and Spirit of the Frog. I think that this along with Hoard Pillager and [Hearthstone Card (Rummaging Kobold) Not Found] would be something fun to play. I don't necessarily see it being really competitive right now, but more so along the lines of fun.
This type of post is invaluable for people that are not able to track when the dust rewards go away. I cannot count the number of times that a nerf came through and I had full intention of dusting my cards, but I got lost in something that caused me to miss the last date. Thank you for posting this.,
I play this deck... a lot. In fact, my build of the deck has continually got me to upper ranks for the past few months. The Achilles Heel of the deck... honestly... milling. Aggro can take it if the deck cannot control by turn 4, but the deck relies on drawing certain cards at certain times. If I draw those cards in mass, and I end up burning a key part of the deck... I'm dead. Happens more than I like to admit.
Has anyone else felt the bite of Embiggen Druid? Since the nerfs, I cannot count the number of times I've encountered this deck in Standard and Wild alike.
Didn't feel like pirates were oppressive enough.. but good nerf, now it's on par with Livewire Lance
That's the sad thing. Lackey's provide a great battlecry, whereas the pirate you get from the ability may or may not be helpful.
It's still a pirate from you deck.. it's card draw, it got nerfed so we know how good it is..
Fiendish Rites got nerfed. It was good, but was it worthy of the nerf? Let alone, does that indicate that we "know how good it is"?
I mean.. people used to complain about pirate warrior having the "perfect curve" with Ancharrr so we know how powerful is the card and we don't really need to theorycraft how good it is to draw pirates from the deck..
Fiendish rites is a really good card when you can flood the board, it was quite underrated in my opinion it has a higher played win rate cause it's sort of a "burst damage" and used as a finisher when you have the board.
I"ve been playing the hell out of it in Wild with a Keleseth Zoo that I made. And honestly, I've NEVER been able to find an opportunity to flood the board. Almost every time I play, if I have more than 4 minions on the board, something comes along to wipe out a bunch of them. But what I did like was that if I had a Darkshire Councilman on deck and drop that, it was an instant 4+ swing that turn.
I've been playing it steadily since the DoD release from 10-5. It dog walks a lot of control because of it's draw abilities. But that's just been my experience.
This was a ridiculous card. 3 mana for 9/6 in rush stats was too hardcore. Raising the mana cost even by the 1 makes this a lot less scary. Even if someone was able to bust out Barista Lynchen and get 3 copies of it, that would be turn 8 at the earliest.
This is totally weaksauce. Seriously. At least, 4 mana for 2 2/1's? That is hard for me to understand. If this was a Rogue card, I could understand that since it's cost could be reduced by Preparation. But 4 mana for 1 1/1 imps and +1 attack in Warlock... not that hardcore. This is seriously confusing.
This was more of a meh IMHO. There is a good amount of weapon hate around that lowering the durability isn't that big of an impact. The fact that you can get it back or add durability relatively easily is a meh.
This makes sense. It was a solid nerf. 5 Mana for 2 5/6's with taunt was ridiculous. Yes, the spell could have been countered. Yes, you could silence them. But realistically, having 12 taunting health for 5 mana is gross
It's because of this card that I have been putting Hex into all my Shaman decks. It didn't stop it from happening once... but it killed it from happening more than that.
Mage is fine. The only thing I would suggest for you would be to diversify your play style. You mention Tempo, Exodia, Secret,etc... The question is how are you building them? I was dinking around with some secret mage builds and what I discovered was exactly the opposite of what you're saying... the only things that were able to outpace Secret Mage was Hunter's god awful Leper Gnome decks and occasionally Warlock Zoo.
One thing that keeps people from being able to progress with a class is that they get stuck on the way that a deck has functioned in the past. If you rely on taking the Tempo Mage builds from GvG and update it with new cards, it will not work. The deck, almost as a whole, needs to be reworked but the theory on how it works remains the same.
I got dominated by this when I was playing Odd Rogue. I thought I had the guy, then he went off. I originally thought that he was just dinking off to play an obscene Van Cleef... then the damage hit. So now I am playing it as I love Combos.
I am just imaging this in a Shaman Shudderwock build
With all the changes that have come down the pipeline with these new expansions, I have encountered so many fluctuations in deck builds that many of the popular archetypes are becoming null. Kingsbane being one of them. I loved using this card in my Mill Rogue builds as the changes in the expansions came and went. However, recently I have tried to update that deck and it feels that no matter what I try, there are so many different types of decks out there, that it doesn't work at all anymore.
Of all the decks that I play and have played against, it feels that the only constant in higher level play in Wild is Rez Priest. I've found a few builds here and there of decks that I like and modified them to my play style, but ultimately I am wondering what everyone else has experienced with some of their favorite decks in Wild with the changing of the environment with the expansions are. Are you finding that your favorite builds and/or decks as a whole are no longer working? What are you doing different? Have you abandoned your old builds and gone with something new?
I'm liking the idea of the synergy with this and Spirit of the Frog. I think that this along with Hoard Pillager and [Hearthstone Card (Rummaging Kobold) Not Found] would be something fun to play. I don't necessarily see it being really competitive right now, but more so along the lines of fun.
This type of post is invaluable for people that are not able to track when the dust rewards go away. I cannot count the number of times that a nerf came through and I had full intention of dusting my cards, but I got lost in something that caused me to miss the last date. Thank you for posting this.,
I play this deck... a lot. In fact, my build of the deck has continually got me to upper ranks for the past few months. The Achilles Heel of the deck... honestly... milling. Aggro can take it if the deck cannot control by turn 4, but the deck relies on drawing certain cards at certain times. If I draw those cards in mass, and I end up burning a key part of the deck... I'm dead. Happens more than I like to admit.
Has anyone else felt the bite of Embiggen Druid? Since the nerfs, I cannot count the number of times I've encountered this deck in Standard and Wild alike.
I noticed that as well, but... hey... Blizzard isn't exactly known of consistency.
I"ve been playing the hell out of it in Wild with a Keleseth Zoo that I made. And honestly, I've NEVER been able to find an opportunity to flood the board. Almost every time I play, if I have more than 4 minions on the board, something comes along to wipe out a bunch of them. But what I did like was that if I had a Darkshire Councilman on deck and drop that, it was an instant 4+ swing that turn.
I've been playing it steadily since the DoD release from 10-5. It dog walks a lot of control because of it's draw abilities. But that's just been my experience.
Fiendish Rites got nerfed. It was good, but was it worthy of the nerf? Let alone, does that indicate that we "know how good it is"?
This was a ridiculous card. 3 mana for 9/6 in rush stats was too hardcore. Raising the mana cost even by the 1 makes this a lot less scary. Even if someone was able to bust out Barista Lynchen and get 3 copies of it, that would be turn 8 at the earliest.
This is totally weaksauce. Seriously. At least, 4 mana for 2 2/1's? That is hard for me to understand. If this was a Rogue card, I could understand that since it's cost could be reduced by Preparation. But 4 mana for 1 1/1 imps and +1 attack in Warlock... not that hardcore. This is seriously confusing.
That's the sad thing. Lackey's provide a great battlecry, whereas the pirate you get from the ability may or may not be helpful.
This was more of a meh IMHO. There is a good amount of weapon hate around that lowering the durability isn't that big of an impact. The fact that you can get it back or add durability relatively easily is a meh.
This makes sense. It was a solid nerf. 5 Mana for 2 5/6's with taunt was ridiculous. Yes, the spell could have been countered. Yes, you could silence them. But realistically, having 12 taunting health for 5 mana is gross
It's because of this card that I have been putting Hex into all my Shaman decks. It didn't stop it from happening once... but it killed it from happening more than that.
I think that this was balanced due to the elementals that get summoned have Rush. If they didn't have Rush, it wouldn't have been an issue.
I"m super bummed about Fiendish Rites being hit, but it makes it a little more balanced, especially for Wild. The others, are a no brainer though. [Hearthstone Card (Necrium Apothecary) Not Found] and [Hearthstone Card (Dragon's Pack) Not Found] needed it.
Mage is fine. The only thing I would suggest for you would be to diversify your play style. You mention Tempo, Exodia, Secret,etc... The question is how are you building them? I was dinking around with some secret mage builds and what I discovered was exactly the opposite of what you're saying... the only things that were able to outpace Secret Mage was Hunter's god awful Leper Gnome decks and occasionally Warlock Zoo.
One thing that keeps people from being able to progress with a class is that they get stuck on the way that a deck has functioned in the past. If you rely on taking the Tempo Mage builds from GvG and update it with new cards, it will not work. The deck, almost as a whole, needs to be reworked but the theory on how it works remains the same.