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Joined 05/28/2019 Achieve Points 1840 Posts 3268

Hydrafrog's Comments

  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Is there a reason this is Odd without Baku?

    In reply to Odd Pirate Warrior
  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Not to bandwagon, but I've been saying this since the 3rd day of the release about Warlocks. The Demon Seed should be balanced by requiring more of a health dump into it.  With the Stealer of Souls, the concept was amazingly great, but short sighted when it came to how easily Warlock can manipulate their health in Wild.  

    Even in standard, that questline is relatively easy to maintain.  The only things that really keep it in check are Face Hunter and Handbuff Paladin, which both have their own nemeses.  

    In regards to other statements made, I do like the idea of helping to encourage new players and reIgniteing (sorry, not sorry.  Great opportunity for that one) previous players back into the game without needing a financial endeavor.  I started playing when this game first came out and stopped before GVG.  I was irritated at the fact that those that been playing more avidly had been trouncing me with the cards that they bought as opposed to earned.  

    I got reintroduced with Journey into Un'Goro and although I loved it, I still had a difficult time trying to get a competitive deck to play with due to so many cards being introduced during my sabbatical.  Doing something to help ease this tension would be amazing.

    One thought that I would like to see is Whizbang the Wonderful becoming evergreen in Core Sets.  This concept has been dragged through the trenches so much it's obscene at this point to rehash it.  That being said, this would allow returning/new players to try the new sets and recent cards without outright giving them access to those cards.  The out of the box constructed decks are not overly dominating, but competitive enough to play through lower level tiers and perhaps do a little laddering.  

    If that concept bothers people too much, doing something as simple as making the core and prefab decks playable by all players would be fine enough as well.  Like I stated previously, this would help ease the tension of having to come back into the game with less than enough good cards to build a deck or two and help new players learn some of the more unique strategies.  

    That's just my opinion though. 

  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare
    Quote From KANSAS

    It's funny how grossly the community under-rated these. Before the expansion the overall sentiment was that quests would be ridiculously slow and that by the time they were completed the game would be over. But as it turns out, the majority of these can be completed before turn 7-8 fairly consistently.

    In terms of the meta, things are still being figured out and new decks will still have to be tested and refined, but mages do seem to be over powered and should probably be nerfed soon. I'm guessing they'll hit Incanter's Flow since it isn't a new card and has been shown to be borderline broken in the past.

    Hitting just Flow won't do shit.

    They have to get rid of Flow, then make it so the Quest steps need to be completed in one turn (there is no other way, the quest will always get completed on turn 6 or 7 otherwise) and finally reduce the Spell Damage to +2 because +3 is retarded in a world where Cram Session exists.

    I think the best thing I've seen done so far was when I dropped Arcanist Dawngrasp, my opponent did something that hurt... bad.  They followed up with Cloak of Shadows then and Vanessa VanCleef to get Arcanist Dawngrasp.  I thought, fine.  You delayed a turn.  GG in the end.  NOPE.  Next turn they dropped Arcanist DawngraspPreparation into Potion of Illusion, did another Arcanist Dawngrasp with the help of The Coin they got from the Loan Shark they played earlier... Then ANOTHER Preparation  into Cloak of Shadows.  The next turn they did ONE Garrote and ONE tradeable card and magically drew into a few bleeds that kicked me to death. 

    Suffice it to say that is a VERY elaborate way to end the game, but it also shows what can happen if you do not draw your needed frost, fire, or arcane spells fast in Mage to get the Quest off quick. 

    In reply to Quest Hate
  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Honestly this would be a great concept to get people to play outside of their comfort zones and explore other classes.  

    That being said, they would REALLY need to put a lot of work on it because they changed the ranking structure not that long ago.  In order to do this, there would need to be an overhaul of the ranking/star system.  Otherwise they are going to be getting a lot of people to the Legend rank.  Not to say that is a bad thing, but coming from someone who hasn't got to that rank before as it... it's kind of prestigious to have that rank at least once.  

    Update.... I finally DID get to Legend yesterday in Wild with a Feral Druid build, so there's that

  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    I think like a glass coffin, the remains to be seen. Incanter's Flow may hurt a little in the early part of the game, but still being able to knock down the spells in your deck to 1's and 0's is still there.  This card will still see play. 

    Conviction (Rank 1)will now see play in Even Paladin and perhaps other builds, but will certainly be less of a threat for early games. 

    Darkglare's nerf isn't surprising, but it will definitely hurt the more aggro versions of these decks. Flesh Giant also will be delayed slightly, but the power balance just isn't there. 

    Battleground Battlemaster didn't get what needed to happen.  It is still a threat that makes the board very beatsticky.  It only needs to survive the turn it's dropped and makes the player rely on having a board to abuse it.  I stand by my original post saying that this needed to be a Battlecry effect to make it less abusive.  It will still help to win games, but will be less devastating for sure. 

    The only other card change that is worthy to note is Kolkar Pack Runner.  This will slow down face hunter substantially, which is kinda needed as the current meta is getting pounded in the face with Face Hunter right now. 

    The other card updates are less than thrilling and I honestly think are more filler and complain based rather than power balancing. 

  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    I gotta chime in on this since a lot of the nerfs that the communities are wanting are hitting my two favorite classes to play.  First Warlock. The Demon Seed is stupid easy to complete and all the other cards used in it to fuel the life hits are amazing... for it.  Anything else and they are aligning with the class specifics of using your health as another resource.  Realistically, the only things I can see being done to this card in particular without outright killing it would be to make the health sacrifices more dramatic.  6 health, even in the early stages of the game, are REALLY easy to pull off especially in Wild  As much as it pains me to say it, increasing the health requirements may be the only way to effectively slow down the deck enough for a less dominating meta.

    Which bring us to the next fuel to the fire of Questline Warlock, Stealer of Souls.  Instead of outright banning this card, there is a relatively simple fix that can make it less dominating and yet still playable.  Instead of having it be a blanket "After you draw a card", it can be changed to a Battlecry or Deathrattle effect to impact only the next "X" cards drawn.  Because of it's cost as is would require more set up with Aggro decks looking to use it long game and control styles needing to be wary of reactive cards like Hysteria being used against it, this would make it playable, but only to a degree.  

    Raise Dead as much as I love it for Priest and Warlock, needs to be raised to 1 mana.  It pains me so much as I utilize it heavily in my Even decks, but as it stands with the current meta it is all too easy for decks to manipulate their life totals and cards in hand with this card.  Having the caveat of needing to pay life and at least 1 mana to get 2 cards back in your hand seems fair to say the least. 

    Incanter's Flow really should have the nerf of not lowering the cost of spells below 1.  There are a number of other nerfs that have had to do this, so why is this not getting that attention?  The fact that Mage is able to not have to rely on that hard cap of 10 mana crystals so much because of a reduction of up to 4 mana( 2x Incanter's Flow and Sorcerer's Apprentice) means that you can effectively play the rest of your deck in one turn.

    Flesh Giant honestly is fine how it is as long as other hindering effects go into play to prevent a fervent fluctuation of health in the first turn or so. Mountain Giant can still be dropped by turn 3, in fact I do it regularly.  It's not broken, it's just the way that decks using these cards have to function to get it out.  Is it guaranteed?  Hells no.  

    Finally, Battleground Battlemaster just needs to have it be a Battlecry effect.  It still makes it be a drop and swing for the OTK.  BUT... having it be a Battlecry to only trigger the minions next to it means that someone doesn't get to go face then kill a minion numerous times in a turn.  Makes it less likely for the OTK.  Still can happen, but it becomes less dominating as a board clear with tons of Silver Hand Recruits or other small minions to sacrifice.

  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    How does this perform against the more aggro version of the The Demon Seed?  I've tried more control with this deck and I always end up on the losing side vs the aggro.  It's just hard to keep up especially once Blightborn Tamsin drops.

  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    I'm kind of disappointed with the information (or lack there of) for Wild decks.  IT's like a quick @mention in an email almost to say, "Oh yeah, and this is cool".  

    I'm a die hard wild player.  I love the different things that come about from using old deck strategies with the new cards and abilities that come out with the new sets.  I've seen some really dominating decks get dusted by the inclusion of only a handful of new cards because they synergize so well with existing card strategies.

    As for balance strategies for the current standard meta, I'm hoping that they leave them alone for the most part unless something becomes completely overwhelming across the board.  Getting mad at things like Aggro Hunter being dominating right now is pointless since that is exactly how the class is supposed to act... aggressively.  But let's call it what it is, with Incanter's Flow still making it possible for Mage decks to rely less and less on a 10 mana crystal cap to pull off powerful spells, that is a target for sure if any balance changes are needed. 

  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    OP here, and I am still holding fast that Raid the Docks may need to be looked at for the Wild element.  Much like Stealer of Souls created an environment that was not only flooded with Warlock builds, but made them really dominant.  I would be hesitant to say that I have an encounter rate of 3-5 opponents that are playing pirate warrior with that card.  

    Yes, it does require you to set up your board and maintain it.  Yes it plays differently than previous versions of Pirate Warrior.  Yes it is still dominating.  The one saving grace against Pirate Warrior was that you eventually ran out of gas.  With The Juggernaut, you are ensured 2x2 damage every turn, a random pirate on the board, and some kind of hero swing on top of what you draw and play that turn. 

    I've been able to once in a while control my way out of it or out aggro them.  Suffice it to say that it is still really dominating.

  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From Tetsuo

    Ladder seems to be a bit better now. I've been playing a lot of Quest Warrior (a high-tempo version) and it's killing it. It's not really an aggro deck but a faster midrange one, and it beats the Quest Warlocks and Quest Mages pretty consistently. Raid the Docks still doesn't warrant a nerf though, contrary to the OP's point.

    There are a wide variety of decks being played, and that makes this meta a little more fun. Some Elemental Shamans (Whack-A-Gnoll Hammer and Doomhammer variants), Quest Shaman, Aggro Shadow Priest(!), Quest Paladins, Quest Rogues...it's pretty nice! I even tried a Big Warrior list and it's working well too. 

    The devs might still nerf some Warlock cards to save Wild, if they actually care about that mode. But from my ladder experience, the meta's looking pretty balanced. 


    Raid the Docks is straight up consistent.  I've not had many issues with it sucking I'll say that.  Against many of the other decks out there, it provides longevity with taunt pirates a Ship's Cannon effect in the long haul, and continual board presence.   Do I still think it needs a nerf, not necessarily given that the meta is far from evening out, but it certainly maintains a top deck in my plays  

  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From aposteljoe
    Quote From Hydrafrog

    So I cracked all my new United in Stormwind packs that I was able to amass from the gold I've been saving over the past month and crafted a few of the decks for the quests and I gotta say this... Hunter and Warrior are not only ridiculously easy to do, but probably NEED to be nerfed.

    I took the garden variety Dwarven Defense deck for Hunter with no changes and just ROFL stomped every single player I came across.  This works even more viciously in Wild with Baku.  I was able to accomplish it as soon as turn 6 and just destroy my opponent. 

    The Warrior quest was nearly almost as easy to complete.  Once The Juggernaut hits the board, it's kinda GG for your opponent.  I didn't even try to make a competitive deck, I just threw in some Pirates and Coerce into a deck and destroyed my opponents.  

    I've tried the Druid quest and it was lack luster to say the least but that was expected in the card reveal.  I got 2-4 of the other quests that I need to try as well, but honestly, I was shocked at how easy it was to just beat your opponent with the quest rewards of those two so far, so even though the Hunter quest is the ONE thing that has got me liking that class finally after the passed 7 years of playing this game, it really needs to be nerfed as it is waaaaaaaaaaaay too easy to complete.  Thoughts on this and your experiences so far?

    Are you still that opinion, OP? 

    I just went head on with Odd Hunter in Wild and they used [Hearthstone Card (Auctioneer Beardo) Not Found] until they finished the quest... and yeah.  2 damaging spells per level is WAAAAAAAAAAAAY easy to do.

    Then with Warrior, I seriously have not seen it under perform.  In standard, I can get it triggered within the first 6 turns.  In wild, I usually have Rokara in hand before I have enough mana to play her.  And as long as I can do what I can to control the board, The Juggernaut does the work for me. 

  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Do you have a link for the deck?

  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Maybe I'm just lucky, but I've not seen any of the Garrote/Miracle Rogue decks in my plays.  I"ve encountered innumerable Mage, Warlock, Warrior, and Hunter quest decks, a few Priest, Druid, and Shaman, and not even a hint at the Demon Hunter or Paladin build in the slightest... which is kinda sad because I liked the idea of Paladin getting Silver Hand Recruit bonuses.  

  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From dapperdog
    Quote From Hydrafrog
    Quote From dapperdog
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare

    It appears Garrote Rogue has entered the competition to beat Mage for position of best single player deck.


    I honestly wouldn't be surprised if we get a hotfix nerf for both of those decks within a week. I don't think we've ever had a meta were combo decks are faster at killing you than the actual aggro decks.

    At least garrote may actually be a bug because the bleeds for some reason works with spell damage.

    Well, it is technically a spell..

    The only two other examples I can think of thats damage done with the 'cast when drawn' mechanic, bombs and Iron Juggernauts burrowing mine, and those doesn't work with spell damage.

    The issue there is that it is drawn out of their deck.  Since the bleeds from Garrote are drawn from your deck, it seems that any spell damage you have on deck will enhance those. 

  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From dapperdog
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare

    It appears Garrote Rogue has entered the competition to beat Mage for position of best single player deck.


    I honestly wouldn't be surprised if we get a hotfix nerf for both of those decks within a week. I don't think we've ever had a meta were combo decks are faster at killing you than the actual aggro decks.

    At least garrote may actually be a bug because the bleeds for some reason works with spell damage.

    Well, it is technically a spell..

  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Ok I have a few new opinions, but I think that The Demon Seed may get hit because it is incredibly reliable and almost spells doom in Wild.  I've been playing around with a "speed" deck that was posted and I went nearly 80% up to Diamond levels in about an hour of play.  

    It isn't unbeatable because you have to put SO much of your life on the line, but I can see the community complaining about it pretty hard.  Not as hard as the Stealer of Souls level, but it is pretty ridiculous. 

    As for Raid the Docks, I've been having so much fun with it in both Standard and Wild, but I think I may need to retract the statement of nerfing it because The Juggernaut can make it random enough to not break the game.

    On Defend the Dwarven District I threw in a few Voracious Readers and after I dropped Tavish, Master Marksman, I have enough spells in hand to keep it going until they are dead. When I used my tracker I was sitting at 75% with it.  The only thing that has been able to control that onslaught against them is my opponent nailed the reader immediately and/or had a TON of healing.

  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From anchorm4n

    Warlock feels pretty strong too, at least in Wild. Probably comparable to Darkglare lists but easier to pilot. I've given a Questline Hunter in a Secret shell two or three games, that one feels okay but not tier 1 stuff. Is the Odd version really that good?

    That is awesome. I haven't tried it in Wild yet, I kinda want to see what the meta does first before I jump into that yet


  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare

    I'm pretty sure Mage will get some sort of nerf bat too and I hope it's Incanter's Flow for good this time.


    Also Priest is, as expected, probably the worst Quest of them all. It's actually quite bizarre how unplayably slow it is (although you can absolutely dumpster some slower decks). Thankfully too because not only does it feel awful to play but also awful to play against. It's just a really unpleasant deck.

    I played against someone with the Priest quest while I tried the Warlock one... needless to say I'm not impressed


  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    So I cracked all my new United in Stormwind packs that I was able to amass from the gold I've been saving over the past month and crafted a few of the decks for the quests and I gotta say this... Hunter and Warrior are not only ridiculously easy to do, but probably NEED to be nerfed.

    I took the garden variety Dwarven Defense deck for Hunter with no changes and just ROFL stomped every single player I came across.  This works even more viciously in Wild with Baku.  I was able to accomplish it as soon as turn 6 and just destroy my opponent. 

    The Warrior quest was nearly almost as easy to complete.  Once The Juggernaut hits the board, it's kinda GG for your opponent.  I didn't even try to make a competitive deck, I just threw in some Pirates and Coerce into a deck and destroyed my opponents.  

    I've tried the Druid quest and it was lack luster to say the least but that was expected in the card reveal.  I got 2-4 of the other quests that I need to try as well, but honestly, I was shocked at how easy it was to just beat your opponent with the quest rewards of those two so far, so even though the Hunter quest is the ONE thing that has got me liking that class finally after the passed 7 years of playing this game, it really needs to be nerfed as it is waaaaaaaaaaaay too easy to complete.  Thoughts on this and your experiences so far?

  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Done!  I kinda like having that under my belt

    In reply to United in Stormwind