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Old God Fanatic
Joined 03/25/2019 Achieve Points 1745 Posts 2912

KANSAS's Comments

  • KANSAS's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Of all the Hearthstone conspiracy theories I have heard, this is probably the most delusional. I could theoretically see blizzard rigging packs to keep you from getting good cards without paying money, or rigging your ranked games to keep you from . . . something? Getting the legend card back? I don't know. But there is no way blizzard is rigging arena of all things to keep you at exactly 6 wins. Of all the ways blizzard could cheat, scam, or hoodwink it's players, arena has to be amongst the least profitable.

    As Thraxus mentioned above, the shift in the power of both your opponents draft and skill luck is likely due to the fact that at that point in the run you are only being paired with other people who have gotten around 6 wins. In other words, you are only being paired with people who have very strong decks. Whereas in the early part of your run you could be paired with anybody.

    I can understand being suspicious about the fairness of the matchmaking, but where you really lost all your credibility (though little it was) was when you accused blizzard of using bots to keep you away from 7 wins. This notion is ridiculous for many reasons. First it is unlikely that blizzard is rigging arena at all. And even if they were they would likely do it in the drafting phase rather than in the match making. And even if they were to rig the match making they could just match your 6 win deck against say, an 11 win deck to decrease your chances of winning and it would be a million times easier. But even if blizzard were so despicable, maniacal, and devious to wave a shiny 150 gold reward in your face, and then proceed to rig the matchmaking to keep you away from it, programming bots to get the luckiest possible draws would be a whole new level of cruel. Also, based on all of the solo content available in Hearthstone so far, blizzard doesn't yet have the technology to make an impressive AI, let alone a realistic one who could accurately mimic a human in terms of things like hovering over the board and the time taken between plays.

    In reply to Arena 6 Win Scam
  • KANSAS's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Making the 2/3 dragon immune to poisonous feels a bit too niche for my taste. If you want to make something stronger against a thing, just adding the text "immune to that thing" doesn't seem like a very elegant solution. Personally I think the dragon is fine since it has some of the best raw stats on a tier 1 minion. Giving it more abilities would probably make it too powerful.

    I don't hate the idea of silencing things, as long as it isn't permanent. Permanently silencing things would feel really bad, but it would be pretty cool as a temporary thing for the one combat.

    Adding a 2/2 that swiped for 1 damage would be cool (I don't see why it couldn't be added without removing anything though). It may become irrelevant in the later game aside from getting rid of divine shields, though it wouldn't really be any better at removing divine shields than Cave Hydra. I think it should have some way to increase the damage to keep it relevant.

    The tier 6 murloc just sounds like a worse, higher tier version of Brann Bronzebeard. It would have to do more than that for it to ever be played.

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    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From NebuchadnezzarHS


    I played a funny Wild match against the new Warlock combo deck with Stealer of Souls, Plot Twist, Violet Illusionist, Cataclysm and Mecha'thun. My opponent played the combo while I had a Bad Luck Albatross on board. Needless to say, the combo failed of course and my opponent immediately shame conceded afterwards 😂

    I fought a Warlock who had the same combo. They would have won except for some reason they played Cataclysm before Mecha'thun. Then they conceded.

  • KANSAS's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    It doesn't deal 1 less damage. You rush it into a minion for 3 damage, then it dies and deals 1 more damage.

    So it is pretty much just swipe for 1 less mana.

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    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Kinda frustrating, but I guess it makes sense. The more it scales in damage the more it scales in cost.

    The fact that it is a board clear does make it kinda interesting. You clear your opponents board for 1 mana, then on their turn they can play more minions and you won't be able to respond because of the overload. It is effectively a cheap board clear that gives your opponent extra time to recover from.

  • KANSAS's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From Synnr7

    I was actually comparing dmf and barrens to scholance and Outland. It's strange I've opened less or equal but own more in comparison thanks to the many free legendaries and the mini set buyout price.

    Without opening packs or spending money you can get 3 legendaries. The preview one (Vol'jin in Barrens) then Mankrik at the start of the new track and a free random one later. If you buy the track Samaro is another addition. You also get a lot of free packs and such along the rewards track, though they are not always the new set.

    Now that said I also understand the disillusionment with pack openings. The Commons and rares are almost always 100% owned quickly. This leaves us with only the epics and Legendaries to look forward too. Both usually have vital significance to deck construction. Without hitting them the packs feel worthless.

    I have loved most of what Blizzard has done for packs with protection and first 10 garentee on legendary. They've really mad improvements. Still this is an issue and something that does lead to players looking elsewhere. Two improvements they could do would be dust system revamp or at least increasing the chance of golden cards as you complete the set. For the dust system legendaries are too expensive making the 40 dust you get feel insignificant. The cost should get reevaluated to make those empty packs feel more meaningful toward the crafting of your next legendary. Goldens on the other hand should come quicker once I own say all the Commons, golden commons apear more often of that set. Same for each rarity. 

    These aren't perfect and I'm on my phone so limited typing. But these would be nice future improvements for the game.


    I have always thought that instead of revamping the rewards to give us a greater quantity of packs, instead just increase the quality of the packs to give us the cards we want sooner.

    With the duplicate protection you very quickly acquire all of the commons and rares, so the only packs that yield any significance are the packs that have epics, legendaries, and golden cards.

    So instead of giving us 10 extra packs to hit the legendary pity timer sooner, just reduce the pity timer by 10 packs.

    I would also like the dust system adjusted. Not just to make it slightly more generous, but so that it can actually be a reasonable choice to scrap legendaries to craft a new one. Nobody is going to throw away 4 cards to get just 1. But at a 2 to 1 exchange rate, players may be inclined to disenchant cards they don't have excess of to get something else, instead of just raking in the excess dust 40 at a time until you get 1600.

    In summary, I want them to reduce the pity timer to make legendaries, epics, and golden cards appear more often. And then to balance that slightly adjust the number of packs we are given to compensate. And then to balance that adjust the disenchant/craft rate of cards so that players have more agency in controlling their collections.

    In reply to My Packs
  • KANSAS's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Overload is unique in a way that I don't think a lot of people notice. Most keywords becomes stronger the more of them you have in your deck. Your strategy is more consistent, and you can get multiple payoffs with just one trigger. Overload is the opposite, the more overload cards you have in your deck, the weaker it will be. 

    There is also the issue that some decks are simply better off avoiding the keyword whenever possible. You said that the keyword was dynamic and could be used by combo, control, or aggro. I disagree. On paper, you aren't losing mana since you are playing a card this turn for 1 less, and then paying 1 extra mana next turn, so it balances out. But I don't want to get a discount on my removal this turn, if it means I don't get to play Shudderwock next turn. You are committing yourself to spending mana next turn on an effect this turn, but you don't know what your opponent will do between those turns, making it difficult to plan properly.

    I do agree that overload should be used on effects, not stats. An effect like a spell or battlecry will do one thing right now, making it reliable. Extra stats can be powerful, or useless depending on how long that minion gets to stay on the board. 

    I like overload on paper, but in practice it's just frustrating. The extra push you are getting this turn never feels as big as the setback you have to suffer later. Shaman is my favorite class, and I wish there was cooler stuff that used overload, but I as it is now I don't think the keyword is good. It might have the potential to be when done well, but compared to other class specific evergreen keywords like Combo, Choose One, or Outcast, Overload simply isn't as useful.

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    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Sorry for the late feedback:

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    Demonxz95, I would change it to let you pick the totem each time instead of summoning a predetermined one. This would make it similar to Dwarven Sharpshooter or Fallen Hero in that it effectively upgrades your hero power, but then it goes away when it dies.

    grumpymonk, I like the idea of making her cheaper and reducing the draw to 3 cards. The effect is cool, but she is probably too slow to be played.

    anchorm4n, The card looks fine, I don't have much to say about it except that people may not like the idea of giving paladin another cheap minion that tutors something.

    BasilAnguis, The first one is definitely better. The wording on the second one feels a little odd to read. Balance wise it is kinda bland, but the flavor it's super cool and that's mostly what matters for these competitions.

    Fedrion, Your card doesn't work since it has 3 lines of text. Just say "Gain an empty mana crystal" to shorten the wording. I also think you could get away with making it a rare.

    Arkasaur, I love it, but I agree that 3 mana is probably fair.

    Wailor, It probably works better as a priest card with the time flavor. I think it's balanced at 4 mana, but if I am the minority then you can ignore me.

    Linkblade91, I like it as a 3 mana 2/2, but I would rather it draw the lowest health or lowest attack to make it simpler. 

    Nirast, Boastful Assassin is an interesting concept, but hard to balance since the two keywords have anti-synergy with each other. Hibernating Rockbeast is a much cooler card, though I would make it a rare or maybe an epic.

    DestroyerR, Yeah . . .

  • KANSAS's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    It seems High Justice Grimstone is more popular. I reduced the stats to 3/2 to balance it, and I also adjusted the wording.

    @anchorm4n, "Draw a Legendary minion from your deck" doesn't fit unless I shrink the text (which is probably cheating). So I have to either choose from one of these two wordings, or make a new card.

    I'll give feedback later today.

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    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Here are two cards I already had made:

    Draining Imp works just like normal fatigue. If you run out of cards later in the game, you will start taking fatigue from wherever you left off. I am not sure about the stats and I also have to change the watermark. But first I want to know if people the the ability is good.

    High Justice Grimstone is a legendary reward you would get from the Blackrock Mountain adventure. I used it in a different comp a while ago, except it was a 3/3 then. I am very proud of the card both in terms of flavor and design. I feel like it fits with the design of other legendaries at the time; vanilla stats with a unique, but simple effect. And since it is from an adventure players will be guaranteed to have other legendary minions in their collection by the time they unlock him.

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    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    I just played a 50 minute long game with this deck.


    I am going to add Baleful Bankers and a Prize Vendor to make my opponent draw more aggressively and hopefully close out games sooner.

    In reply to Vacuum Shaman
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    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    I really wish they had made Magni the original warrior hero. We don't have any other dwarf heroes which is a shame since dwarves are awesome.

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    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    I don't have Da Undatakah so I will try substituting the Dancing Swords for Southsea Scoundrels to mill my opponent instead. I will also likely add in a Baleful Banker to help keep my Shudderwocks going in case I end up filling up my hand with too many cards.

    *edit* after having my Shudderwock chain break due to a full hand, I decided to replace the Southsea Scoundrels with Hecklebots.

    In reply to Vacuum Shaman
  • KANSAS's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From Swizard

    Wow, this has been the most enjoyable Hearthstone day for me in the entire Barrens expansion. I have been trying to make a fun Shudderwock shaman deck for months and have been failing, but finally today was a breakthrough. Made a deck that destroys the opponent’s entire hand and deck as early as turn 9 and got it to work multiple times. Something about seeing the opponent with no hand deck or board on their turn so early in the game is hilarious to me. This is why I love wild, so many cards to play with and eventually some combination of old and new cards can lead to a lot of fun.

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    Would you mind sharing your deck? I have also been trying to make shudderwock shaman work for a while and found a decent build with a 57% winrate in the middle ranks of wild. 

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    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    I visit the site every day, usually while I am playing hearthstone and waiting for my opponent to take their turn. 

    I read every thread and most articles Hearthstone related (I don't play any of the other games regularly). I comment when I feel like I have something valuable to say, and I also take part in the Weekly Card Design Competition (although I haven't been participating much this season).

    I don't follow Esports, and I don't pay much attention to the decks on the site since I don't really enjoy playing decks I don't make myself. Though I occasionally look around for inspiration if I don't know what to play. I also don't post a lot of decks unless I have one that I have played with a lot and can provide insight on, or if I have a cool idea for a theory craft deck during reveal season.

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    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    I don't mean to nit-pick, but I really, really hate it when people say they have OCD when really they just mean they are bothered by small details or like to wash their hands a lot. 

    OCD is a mental disorder not a personality quirk. Can we please stop with all of the "oh I have 5 gold and it's triggering my OCD" nonsense. Being bother by little things doesn't mean you have OCD and I wish people would stop acting like it does.

    Again, sorry if I sound like I am making a big deal out of nothing. But this seriously bothers me.

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    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    It's probably because you are counting level 1 when you shouldn't be.

    Starting from level 1 and getting to 350 would mean you leveled up 349 times. And similarly this season you are on level 134, but because you started on 1 you would have leveled up 133 times. Which would add up to 482.

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    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Quilboars are a labeled tribe. None of the cards shown here show it (BloodMefist probably used the wrong card ID and didn't notice). But the cards in the game have the quilboar tag.

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    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From Ethardoth

    Won against Odd Warrior today with Even Mage. It felt like an impossible feat with a deck that mostly relies on HP to burn, but I didn't want to give up.

    After all standard armor and aoe bullshit (and a lot of button pressing from both of us), he pretty much exhausted most of removal, except for Reckless Flurry and his equipped 1/2 Supercollider. I fatigued, and then played my Maiev Shadowsong + Coldarra Drake combo, along with 0-mana Frost Giant. Giant got 1 hit, he couldn't clear with Collider because of Dormant minion, so he was forced to flurry next turn, losing 17 armor. Then he armored up as best as he could, but ended up on 29 effective life, when my dragon woke up :)

    Does your even mage have Potion of Illusion? In terms of combo potential it is a lot better than Maiev since you can use it on Coldarra Drake to kill your opponent and only have to wait 1 turn instead of 2. It also works well with Astromancer Solarian, Reckless Apprentice, and if your lucky even Mordresh Fire Eye.

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    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019