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  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    Too Many Spells Priest could use this as a win condition (if it lives for a turn)? It's an OK 1-drop, and is enough of a threat in the right decks (Quest Hunter?) that it might be worth running instead of the usual Troggs and Peasants.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    I don't know what this minion wants from me and, looking at the art, I'm not sure she knows either. It's really good against Rogue, if they've got a Shadowstep in hand. I guess Big Spell Mage or Big Spell Druid are the main targets. But, can I interest you in Big Spell Paladin? No? That's fair.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    So what this is mainly good for is, in Wild, where it can tutor Gigafin and the Murloc that makes the next Murloc you paly cost health. Sure, it's mainly just a more expensive Ice Fishing, but did you have any better ideas? Maybe it makes the cut in Standard, since drawing three is a lot (more than two, at least).

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    Sunken version is a worse Zilliax ('cause it ain't got Rush), so I'm going to go ahead and pass on this minion. It doesn't even have a minion type, so there's no chance of tribal synergy.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    So, this is mainly for Silence Priest, mainly because Blizzard (the COWARDS) were too scared of Banana Rogue and rotated out both King Mukla and Clockwork Automaton. Otherwise, we could have done some Sketchy stuff with this minion, and it would have been glorious. I'm so mad right now.

    And yeah, whatever, SIlence Priest yay. At least I was right that we'd get a 4 mana 7/7 in Standard.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    This is Neutral? Yikes. Warrior already likes Pirates and already has good weapons, so let's find another way for them to control the board and push damage in a relevant minion type. Rogue has some cool things it can do, too. Maybe Doomhammer Shaman adds this to its lists? Demon Hunter? You don't have to be in Pirates, you just have to be attacking.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    If Tar Creeper hand't come back to us, this would be a serious threat to see play in buff decks (and it still might). If you're a deck that really needs Naga, then you could do worse than a defensive minion that replaces itself. Otherwise, not likely.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    So this is just a non-Mech that summons tiny mechs if you control a Mech. OK, I guess. I don't think this makes it into good mech decks. If Arena has GvG, this could be a decent option in that format, though.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    This is one of the better ways to get Piranha Swarmers in play, but that's like saying "This is the best Inspire minion." Not a very powerful archetype, I'm afraid. And how dare Shaman co-opt some of the Neutral card pool for their own archetype. It's not like anyone else got any Swarmers.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    Can be a big ol' boy, but there's not a lot of mech summoning in Standard right now. Still, it could be worth the include solely because of the threat of it getting very big (and since Annoy o Tron both buffs and protects it).

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    This can do fun stuff, including the ability to discount the cost of a spell until you have enough mana to cast it, sans 1. And we thought Nature Studies was rotating out. Just kidding, now everybody gets to run it (without Discover, of course).

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    If you need a lot of nagas, then this is certainly one of them. I don't think this will see a whole lot of play.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    A very good bomb for decks like OTK Lock and, perhaps Shadow Priest as well. I mean, the fact that this can effectively "double" the damage of the Hero Power (by pinging it instead of face) makes it at least worth consideration in that deck, right?

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    Argent Squire with upside in Mech decks. Probably a decent 1-drop, and worth running if you're Mechs.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago
    In reply to Azsharan Sweeper
  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    It's niche, and only going to see play in Abyssal Curses decks. Since Abyssal curses will probably be a slow strategy that is at its best against other slow strategies, and since other slow strategies aren't likely to be doing a lot of damage to you until late in the game when that damage will stick, I can only say that the healing probably won't matter a whole lot. Abyssal curses Warlock sounds very off-meta to me. I'm sure there will be people who play it and have fun, but I'm going to guess it won't be a strong deck.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    Flux did all of the work creating the functionality necessary to pull this off (the ingredients card images, recipes), so he definitely deserves most of the praise. I'm just an ideas man.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    An incredibly flexible ingredient, and one that should go in just about every recipe. I'm not sure if, like Zilliax, this will end up being part of a well-balanced meta or if we'll see an eventual nerf down the line.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    Reminds me of Imprisoned Scrap Imp. Obviously it has to be in Murloc decks, but maaaaaybe Murlock is an actual thing? I'm not buying it. I was super-burned by the idea that Murloc Shaman was going to be good in Barrens, and they had incredible tempo Murlocs like Flurgl and the guy that deals two damage. You're not getting me again Blizzard! (OK, I'll try to make Murlock a thing).

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    Naga Miracle Mage should be a fun time. There's plenty of cheap spells for Mage, and enough ways to generate cheap Nagas (like School Teacher), that the Refresh should be very powerful. For instance, it's not hard to imagine a turn 5 SIren plus 1/1 "Student" to get back to 2 mana, then you can play something like Flurry (Rank 1) to go all the way back to 4 mana and act like you haven't even spent any mana that turn. Then you can Zola the Siren (back to 3 mana), then a 1-Cost spell, play the Siren, and at this point I've lost track of even what's happening but I'm sure it's good.

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