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Joined 03/24/2019 Achieve Points 1740 Posts 1733

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    HearthStationeer 1740 1733 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    As a side note, with the achievement to kill your opponent with Mankrik, Consumed by Hatred during Barrens there was one game where I saw a way for my opponent to trade my taunt and then kill me with Mankrik Consumed being the final blow.  Not only did I stay, I moused over various tokens over and over again in a specific order hoping he'd see what I saw (you know, because the tokens on board are outlined in a red glow when you mouse over them).  It took him a moment, and I'm not sure if my signals helped or not, but he figured it out!

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    HearthStationeer 1740 1733 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From DarkFrostX
    Quote From Thonson

    Why isn't this a permanent play mode with monthly rotating sets?!?!

    with the current state of standard this is a pretty good ide

    Over two years old, and this idea of mine is just getting better with age (apparently).  :

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    HearthStationeer 1740 1733 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    Am I the only one who gets major Imperfect Cell vibes from this?  You know, from Dragonball Z, after absorbing Android 17?!

    It’s like this Shudderwock absorded SN1P-SN4P and just needs to absorb Zilliax to reach his perfect form!

    In reply to Gentleman Shudderwock
  • Thonson's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1740 1733 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    Got the XP quest to play 12 dragons.  With no real dragon archetype in the Standard meta (or Wild really) I decided my only option was to MEME!  Took me only six tries to live the dream as a Demon Hunter with infinite Hero Powers!  And the best part is that it was against a Questline mage who played Arcanist Dawngrasp TWICE!  Yes, they used Potion of Illusion generated off a Runed Orb to get a second (1) 1/1 copy.  I didn't even pay attention to if the effect stacked, I thought me and my 18 HP were done for.  But somehow the Mage had ran out of steam and didn't have any draw or generation spells in the 4 they were holding.  So I survived and played Felfire Deadeye, Coldarra Drake and a few other dragons to not only win but finish my "play dragons" quest!

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    HearthStationeer 1740 1733 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    Thanks for the reminder that I still need to finish Illidan's story.  Sometimes I forget that the Initiate solo content wasn't his BoH story.



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    HearthStationeer 1740 1733 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    Yeah, but the weird thing is that initially they both appeared in the "Standard" section of the pack store, and the Wild packs aren't labeled as being Wild specific.  The only indication was the vines and the pack contents description after you click on the pack where it states it contains "5 Wild Hearthstone Cards".

    Because they didn't properly label them as Wild without clicking on the pack, and the initial placement in the store, some people may not have been aware that they existed.  Since launch they have been moved to the "Other Packs" section next to Classic packs so it's a little clearer.

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    HearthStationeer 1740 1733 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    There is already a Chapter 2.  It's called "Book of Mercenaries".

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    HearthStationeer 1740 1733 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    Been trying to complete the Rogue Masquerade achievement, and finally got it after many many attempts using a Masquerage Questline Rogue.  Garrosh couldn't avoid me forever!

    Anyway, that isn't important!  What is important is that the final game was against a Questline Spell Mage, and my Wandmaker just happened to give me a Savory Deviate Delight right after this Mage completed their quest!  So of course I played it, and of course Arcanist Dawngrasp was the only minion in their hand so it became a Prize Plunderer!

    On the flip side, my Prize Plunderer transformed into a Southsea Scoundrel, which I used to gain a copy of Ignite from their deck, and add to the other copy I got off Wand Thief...  It was a bit of an RNG Fiesta, but it sure was fun!

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    HearthStationeer 1740 1733 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    Yeah, seeing as you Discover cards of the class you are disguised as before turning back into a Rogue, you are actually that other class unless you play a Rogue card during the game.  At least in terms of how the game views you until you turn into a Rogue, you are that class.  So it makes sense that you'd gain XP to level that class instead of Rogue.

    Doesn't mean it's intentional though, but maybe it is?  I doubt it's something that they will address though even if it is unintentional.

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    HearthStationeer 1740 1733 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    Dane played an Even Reno deck just like this, and one of the clips on his YouTube video of the deck he's Demon Hunter.  EVEN Demon Hunter... LOL

    In reply to Masquerade Ball
  • Thonson's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1740 1733 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    Spell damage stacking with Bleeds sounds like a bug.  Corrupted Blood from Hakkar used to stack from Spell Damage but they changed that pretty quick.

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    HearthStationeer 1740 1733 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    Really working on refining still but I made a new Ignite Exodia Mage on day 1.  Only played a few games so far and have mad a few changes here and there, but I pulled it off once already!

    I you aren’t aware, the combo goes 1Sanctum Chandler, 2 Sorcerer's Apprentice, and then Ignite into an infinite loop of damage!

    BEWARE animation times!  Hemet, Jungle Hunter can be used to set up the combo turn once you have the needed cards.  Doesn’t empty your deck, just removes all spells, which should cost 3 or less!  This guarantees the Chandler draws the shuffled Ignite.

    If you’re interested I hope to have a list up soon!

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    HearthStationeer 1740 1733 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    I made a Fire Mage deck last expansion in Wild which was basically Hero Power mage but with (almost) all fire spells.  I will need to update it once the expansion launches.  I sometimes felt I ran out of steam in long games against control with that deck.  This card solves that issue.

    In reply to Ignite
  • Thonson's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1740 1733 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    One of Mage’s new achievements is to deal 10 with a “single caste of Ignite”.  So I think it continually scales from 2 to 3 to 4, etc.

    With that said, Hemet with 2x Ignite, 2x Sorceror’s Apprentice, and an Auctioneer in hand.  With 10 mana and an empty deck (or just 1 card remaining) you now have all five cards needed to form a new type of Exodia Mage!

    The girls make Ignite free, the Auctioneer will draw one when you play the other in a continuous cycle.

    In reply to Ignite
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    HearthStationeer 1740 1733 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 11 months ago

    I’m a little surprised by how low rated Impatient Shopkeep is.  It’s not great by any means, but I feel like the flexibility of being Tradeable alone should put it higher than it’s 27 rating.  I guess it comes down to just having better 3 drop options, taking this hasty store owner out of contention in most builds.

    In reply to United in Stormwind
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    HearthStationeer 1740 1733 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 11 months ago

    I need all the legendary cards this set for the soul reason of getting diamond Benedictus as a reward!  I don’t care if Shadow Priest ends up being good or not, I just want it!  I don’t remember who said it in what interview, but I swear they promised more future Shadow Priest support not long after Mind Blast went Hall of Fame.  And FINALLY they delivered something that could maybe make a viable Shadow Priest deck beyond Shadowreaper Anduin.  I have been hyped since the reveal of this card!  Kind of hope they explore other “class specs” in the future with similar cards.

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    HearthStationeer 1740 1733 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 11 months ago

    I want to try this in a Wild Spell Hunter list.  Curious to see if the hero power being free and refreshing after playing a spell carries over to new hero powers after playing a hero card. Creating multiple zombeasts in a turn for free?!  Yes, please!  The effects of Wildfire carries over when you play Frost Lich Jaina so I imagine these effects would carry over for Rexxar or Zul’jin.

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    HearthStationeer 1740 1733 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 11 months ago

    I can't see the image you posted, but you can see it on the Blizzard page about rewards track update at

    While I wasn't expecting it to be the same artwork, I believe they have confirmed previously that the person featured in Judicious Junior is actually Tamsin.  If they didn't confirm it previously, this new Scholomance Tamsin hero portrait sure seems to.  Whether it was intended from the start or not, I personally love the tie in.

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    HearthStationeer 1740 1733 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 11 months ago

    I think because it’s when you play a spell, not just play a card, maybe it won’t be as strong… (maybe?).  But as someone who mostly plays Wild now it makes me think of trying it in an updated Spell Hunter build.

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    HearthStationeer 1740 1733 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 11 months ago

    I think because the mole is flavor-wise “investigating” or “getting dirt” on your opponent they decided to go back to the “your opponent’s class” mechanic.