We've been teased with two more Warlock nerfs arriving next week but it's probably too optimistic to expect massive changes in the Wild meta as a consequence. Let's take a look at some decks from our community while waiting for that patch.

Highlander Elemental Shaman

Granite Forgeborn and Canal Slogger are some excellent additions to any Elemental deck so its no wonder the duo has found their way to Esparanta's Highlander Quest variant as well.

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Dinomancy Questline Hunter

Oh no, not a questline Hunter! Luckily MarkMcKz has taken a more meme-y approach instead of the usual Odd facerush by swapping the Hero Power to Dinomancy and Stonetusk Boaring to victory.

Blizzard's spaghetti has once again been under attack as Mark has also shared a Counterfeit Blade + Mecha'thun bug exploit.

Celestial Linecracker Druid

At this point there's likely not a Druid combo that hasn't seen the Celestial Alignment treatment. This time it's the Linecracker armor combo that pinguteri has decided to align.

Handbuff Paladin

At this point Wild has a plenty of handbuff options and AntSlime has decided to include most of them. Seeing the inclusion of the Grimestreet package from Gadgetzan feels quite nostalgic.

Quest Hunter

Another Questing Hunter, this time using Unseal the Vault. The new Rat package from Stormwind is hilarious to play (especially if you manage to create multiple copies of The Rat King) and Valueslol has also included plenty of low cost Beasts for some combo turn with Devouring Swarm and Scavenging Hyena.

Leaving Stormwind for an adventure in the Wild? Replenish your supplies with more community decks.

Found something awesome yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!