The reveal season for new expansion (and new class!) is still in motion, but you can already get a taste of the new stuff with The Sunwell, the usual freebie legendary that we tend to get upon expansion reveal. Here are seven Wild decks to take to the ladder and test the card with!

Thief Rogue

What deck would benefit more from "cards from another class" than Thief Rogue? KeyboardComedian's list also includes Swiftscale Trickster which allows a fast cast of the new legendary spell, leading to 0-Cost Gnolls in an instant.

Questline Highlander Priest

Cards that create more stuff to play with tend to be favored by more Control-oriented decks, so ChristianHearthstone has included it in this Highlander Priest list to give you more options in the late game, perhaps even helping to complete the questline.

Highlander Renounce Warlock

Holy RNG! Mere Sunwell was not enough for Esparanta, as this list also includes the RNG element of Renounce Darkness and the lord of it all, Yogg-Saron.

Yogg Druid

More randomized madness from MarkMcKz. We already spotlighted the deck in our Sunwell article alongside some Standard lists but just in case you missed it, here it is once more.

MartianBuu's Sunwell Decks

If none of the above appeal to you, MartianBuu went there and made a Sunwell list for each of the 10 current classes to play with, three of which are spotlighted here. He seems to have had so much fun that he made another video solely about the Priest list below, slightly tweaked from the original version.

by 2 years, 4 months ago
0 21860 21860 315 0
by 2 years, 4 months ago
0 9800 9800 459 0
by 2 years, 4 months ago
0 18400 18400 367 0

Have you already tested The Sunwell? Did you have any luck with it? Let us know in the comments below!