Defensive Galakrond Rogue

Last updated 4 years, 8 months ago by
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If you've ever wanted to play Secret Paladin, Secret Hunter, and Secret Mage all at once, now you can! This deck certainly gives off the same vibe; ergo, the deck deserves its name. Add in the fact that the deck has a proactive Freezing Trap and Flik Skyshiv; and this deck is just as frustrating to play against like the secret decks before it. Put in the the Galakrond cards, and the deck really does feel like a nightmare to deal with. Toss in EVIL Miscreant and Heistbaron Togwaggle because of course. Then again, that's pretty much every Secret Galakrond Rogue deck at the moment. When it comes to this version specifically, there are three cards that set this deck apart.

SI:7 Agent is just solid. Against aggressive decks like those of Demon Hunters and Not-a-demon Hunters, whether you can remove certain low-health minions or not can decide the match. Having an extra measure to ensure Blazing Battlemage, Battlefiend, or Satyr Overseer can be dealt with is huge in letting you survive long enough to play Galakrond, the Nightmare and in maintaining control of the game. Against defensive decks like those from Priest, SI:7 Agent can be that extra burst of damage needed to find lethal.

When it comes to preventing lethal on your end though, Khartut Defender might just be what you need. It has Taunt, it has healing, and nobody expects you to be running it because you're not a Highlander Rogue. Because of this, your opponents will tend to use a Silence on other minions or go all-in on dealing damage directly to you. If they're forced to attack into Khartut Defender and give you six health back, then it did a good job defending you. Getting this for free is pretty nice too. Although, when it comes to value, there's one card that stands above the rest.

Togwaggle's Scheme can let you do some pretty degenerate things when combined with card draw discounts from Wondrous Wand or Galakrond, the Nightmare. Most of the time, you'll be playing it on Kronx Dragonhoof, either yours or your opponent's. It really ties together the theme of being Galakrond, you know, the one from the PVE adventure that unleashes a Devastation every turn. You tend to draw through this deck quickly, and in matches of attrition, Togwaggle's Scheme can let you outvalue decks you otherwise had no chance against.

This is the first deck I've ever played that got me to Legend, and it'll always hold a special place... because it takes up a deckslot. Seriously though, before this, Rogue was my least played class next to Demon Hunter, and I've finally gotten to enjoy playing the class like I've always wanted to since day one. Back then, I played Stealth Rogue without any Stealth synergy, so you would think I would play Stealth Rogue instead, but this is the deck that worked best for me and reminded me of the crazy fun shenanigans Rogue can pull off. Yeah, I know; it's a Galakrond Rogue at the end of the day, but this one is mine. If you want to run off with it though, feel free; it's what a Rogue would do.


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