Hero Tower Mage

Last updated 3 years, 8 months ago by
  • Casual
Deck Source
This deck was sourced from LtLabcoat.

Cards and roles

These are the bees knees! A single Wildfire early makes a huge difference, a second is nice too. Apprentice after a Wildfire will nicely take care of large boards. And Mordresh is the big big payout that's surprisingly easy to trigger. There's a reason HSreplay puts the DrawnWR for the last two at 63.5% and 62% respectively.

These... are not as good. HSreplay statistics put them somewhere middling in the deck, and I'd concur. It's entirely possible that one or both of them could be replaced in the future, but for now, they're good enough.

Searchers. Starscryer searches Invalid Deck ID (or Olgra, Mankrik's Wife if you're lucky), and the other two get Mordresh or your other big threats. Fordring's protected Taunt makes it exceptionally good too, while Polkelt is... Polkelt, I'm not wild but he gets the job done.

So what's the point of these? To delay the game. Between Wildfire and Mordresh Fire Eye, the longer the game goes on, the stronger the deck gets - usually winning at turn 10-12 if you're not unlucky. But in the early game, it sucks beans! The Watch Posts/Ogre exist Buuut since they're the most interesting parts, let's go over them real quick:
-Far Watch Post: This does unexpectedly little to stop Aggro, and unexpectedly a lot against anything else. Coin it out for good fun!
-Mor'shan Watch Post: It's cool. Not much to say about it, you've all presumably experienced it by now.
-Crossroads Watch Post: I swear this is good, I swear this is good. Because of the large number of minions in the deck, it's not unusual to have board control full of small minions, so this Post can clean win games on it's own. Plus, it's rarely ignored. ...Except by Aggro. I can't emphasise enough how the deck is strong to anything but Aggro.
-Kargal Battlescar: Wow this does not have a good winrate for what it is. The nature of the deck makes it very turn-10-or-bust, so Kargal is very often a dead card. Still worth it, I think, but only with all Watch Posts.

This one needs explaining. See, this card is crazy strong in the right situation, because the deck is almost entirely minions with great effects. But it comes with a hefty downside: it's a high mana cost in a deck that wants low mana cost stuff. It simply won't get prioritiy over whatever else is in your hand until minimum turn 6 or 7. Having 1 in hand is risky, but having 2 is awful - and keep in mind that this is seearched by Starscryer. So I settled for 1x Potion. 0 might be best, 2 might be better,

The generically good cards. Olgra, Mankrik's Wife is great value and occasionally tutorable in this deck. Jandice is infamously good. Alexstrasza is for the much needed direct damage.



No minion mage: it's the same as for a lot of matchups - if the opponent has played zero early Incanter's Flow, it's a sure win. If they've played one then it's a roughly even game. If they've played two, or an early Deck of Lunacy, the deck folds. Really nothing more to say.

Aggro Secret Paladin: I think I won exactly once. And that was after they exhausted their entire deck.

Libram Paladin: HSreplay says it's a 40% winrate for the deck type, but mine has definitely been doing better. Libram Paladins have way too much trouble with Crossroads and Ogre. Buuuuut this could all be a statistical anomaly.

So in short: beats one meta deck regularly, loses to the other more often than not, and has real trouble with the third. So to answer my original question: no, it does not work in the current meta.

Other decks:

Warlock: 7-3. I'm telling ya, Crossroads and Ogre. Warlocks target them immediately.

Rogue: good vs Miracle, not so much vs Weapon. Neither is a sure matchup. HSreplay thinks it's much more favoured to the Mage though?

Druid: There's literally no way to beat Token Druid except pure luck. Celestial is a fun match though.

Demon Hunter: HSreplay thinks this should be Mage-favoured, and also not horiffic to play. I disagree. Especially Deathrattle, dealing with the 7-mana legendary is nigh-on impossible.

Hunter: Warsong Wrangler ruins my day. Otherwise, not bad.

Spell Damage mage: ehh, 50/50 I think? I don't have any proper stats for that.

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