New Neutral Minion - Kazakus, Golem Shaper
Submitted 3 years, 9 months ago by
A new Legendary Neutral Minion, Kazakus, Golem Shaper, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Neutral Minion, Kazakus, Golem Shaper, has been revealed!
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New Kazakus cancer, here we come!
Giving it just 4 starts until we see all the effects, but it seems pretty nice like the original one. Being able to select between 1/5/10 cost gives it a lot of versatility
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Looks fun, I don't know how good it'll be without all the golems, and I don't have any experience with these "build a minion cards." But fun!
Chumbawumba is the worst band name.
Seems strong BUT 4 mana is a slot we want to have in decks, a lot of good cards cost 4 so not sure if this card will make it.
Murlocs <3
It looks like we are going to get some call backs to Mean Streets then.
Disclaimer: if the above is factually incorrect or complete rubbish it is definitely both intentional and comedy genius.
Makes potions and now golems. What can't Kazakus do!
Real interesting card. Can't wait to see all the effects.
Casual Dragon Cardgame enthusiast.
We don't know all of the effects yet, but if this is anything similar to the old kazakus it should still be a very strong card. I wouldn't be surprised if this, like the old kazakus, becomes a staple in control decks. The deckbuilding restriction does kind of suck, but there will definitely be decks where the sacrifice is worth it.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
From a spell to a minion now cool.WE need to see all the effects that it can give to the golem first.Also you can't have any other 4 cost cards but looks fun and could be very powerfull.
Looks very flexible! But 4 cost is a bit awkward for some classes. E.g. Mage can't put fireballs in their deck, druid can't overgrowth, and no sword eater for Warrior! Rogue, on the other hand, will have no trouble using this card. Value rogue maybe?
Interesting card. Prince Valanar (which you ironically shouldn't run in the same deck) saw basically no play, but Kazakus is expected to be much stronger, despite the fact that we do not know all the effects you can pick yet.
I'm looking forward to seeing the full scale of the options for the golem crafting.
Ok, so Prince Kazakus now, have a good value depending on golem's effects.
Still no dragon form??? I am expecting that since Gadgetzan.
I love to see the return of Kazakus, and I really like that Kazakus, Golem Shaper has a different build-around effect than the original. We've seen a ton of highlander decks, and it's time for something new.
How good this is will depend a lot on how valuable the abilities are, so it's kind of early to judge, but I liked the last cycle of "Has no X-cost cards" back in KotFT, so this should be a lot of fun.
Excited to find out more about this!
Putting this in my secret Rogue in place of my Potion of Illusion
Banned for spamming.
good the see kazakus back
So Kazakus is now a sculptor lol.
4 mana cards are not that important, they can be cut probably. Golems are probably not super impressive as the spells of Kazakus, i guess.
I am legally obliged to give five stars to cards like this one.
I haven't used the classic Kazakus in a long while (shock and horror) but I love in-game customisation, especially when it's strong. The 5- and 10-cost variants of Kazakus' potions were exceptional as board-clears; I wonder if his Golems will match up to that standard. Or, perhaps, the effects this time won't be as strong since you're not forgoing duplicates, just the 4-mana slot. Granted, that's an important turn for midrange decks, but I think Kazakus will feel much more at home in control. That said, this is a good tempo play, and can help fill out your curve with a strong 5-drop at the very least.
Started playing HS in May, 2015. The bad news: I missed the excitement of 'Naxx out?' and GvG. The good news: I never met an Undertaker.
Please give us an update as soon as you know what the effects are:
Original kazakus was great so I can see this being a tough choice for a lot of classes, looking forward to seeing the golem options
Any aggressive deck with a low curve as well as any greedy control deck could use this. Only midrange decks wouldn't include this, I think.
This was my concern; seems like a meaningful deckbuilding tradeoff to activate this.
Quintessential Dad Legend player.
With all the tutor effect these days, you can even fudge the 4-cost restriction a bit.
Say, for example (don't try this at home), you are a Hunter with Scavenger's Ingenuity, and your only Beast is a Krolusk Barkstripper. Your chances of getting your deck Kazakus-ready are quite high by the time you want to play him.
(These particular cards are for illustration only. I understand that have not described a good deck here.)
I like the build around legendries when the payoff is fun like this. Plus it's variable for play in the golem cost, which is great so the card is useable and valid from early to late game.
I guess the 5 mana Golem will always be the pick, if played on curve. 10 mana only if you could play ist safely next turn. The 1 mana version will not that interesting.
these no other 4 cost 2 cost cards have always spawned arche types
I'm gonna go ahead and rate this 5 stars even before we see the effects (which are bound to be solid) for 1 simple reason: Broom Paladin. It runs no 4-cost cards, loses very little (only Salhet's Pride, which to be honest is a big deal) and can perfectly use such a versatile card. Maybe some other decks will run it too, but I suspect it will be auto-include in Broom Paladin. Need fast cycle? 1 mana with card draw. Need a big dude? 10 mana with whatever bonkers stuff you can get. Very versatile card for a very versatile deck.
Looks like fun. value vs. having no other 4 mana slots will vary by deck. Being able to craft potential tech cards on the fly as needed for a match-up appeals to me.
Looks fun and solid, I hope all effects to be kinda relevant tho
Interesting Card - but i guess we will have to wait and see more of the Abilitiys and what other new Cards will come to support a deck without 4 cost cards.
But defenitely interesting and also sure even tough without knowing all of the abilities that this will see play.
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
5 sttars, even if it will just be a meme.
Can't imagine this being the only "if your deck doesn't have..." card, so really looking forward to what they are printing!
Hard to evaluate until we know the entire lineup of available 4-drops.
The issue with the Princes has always been that unless they just straight up win the game (Keleseth and Taldaram in respective combo decks) it's often hard to justify running them instead of a consistent curve (which is why Valanar only ever saw play in Rogue for one expansion, because he was simply better than their only other playable 4-drop Sherazin, and then got quickly replaced by the Spiderman in KnC).
I expect this to be run in any non-aggro deck that doesn't have any mandatory 4-drops. Being able to just create a playable 5-drop on curve is pretty neat, even in a midrange deck.
I'm assuming there's gonna be at least one or two tempo options to build
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Cards that cost 4 are quite strong. Little disappointing from this kind deck building.
Love it. Any card that gives you the flexibility to create something tailored to your current need will be both fun and powerful. The previous Kazakus did this and saw lots of play. Zephrys does this and is played a TON. The 4-mana restriction will be tough, but I think that indicates that the other options for golems will make it worthwhile.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Old Kazakus is an incredibly strong card that makes it a must-include in highlander decks, and now it's back with golems instead of spells. It's also interesting that Kazakus, Golem Shaper now has a Prince Keleseth/Prince Valanar/Prince Taldaram effect. Not gonna lie Kazakus, Golem Shaper already seems pretty good, despite the fact that we don't know what all the effects are.
The downside of Kazakus, Golem Shaper is that you can't have any other 4 cost cards in your deck, which could be a big downside actually. So far the best 4 cost cards in standard (After rotation) are: Baron Rivendare, Blessing of Kings, Cabal Acolyte, Circus Amalgam, Consecration, Fireball, Fire Breather, Il'gynoth, Kargath Bladefist, Kayn Sunfury, Marrowslicer, Overgrowth, Shardshatter Mystic, Ring Toss, Sword Eater, Tomb Pillager, Tidal Surge and Truesilver Champion. That are a lot of really good cards, which you can't really use if you want to play Kazakus, Golem Shaper. Kazakus, Golem Shaper has an very powerfull effect, but it does come at quite a big cost.
Actually Paladin is the class that will probably hardly ever play it, because they can't really afford to lose Truesilver Champion, Consecration and Blessing of Kings. The only reason Paladin might play it is only for the late game after they drawed their other 4 cost cards. (kinda like most very draw heavy decks run/used to run Zephrys the Great) The classes that probably does make room for it are Priest, Shaman and maybe mage?
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
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I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And even though it is impossible I exist. ©Trimutius
I was that basic guy that basically played Prince Valanar. Not sorry.
### Deck of M
# Class: Priest
# Format: Wild
# 2x (2) Dirty Rat
# 2x (2) Thoughtsteal
# 2x (3) Breath of the Infinite
# 2x (3) Hysteria
# 1x (3) Madame Lazul
# 1x (3) Mindrender Illucia
# 2x (3) Mischief Maker
# 2x (3) Omega Medic
# 1x (4) Prince Valanar
# 1x (5) Blingtron 3000
# 1x (5) Boompistol Bully
# 1x (5) Kobold Stickyfinger
# 1x (5) Loatheb
# 2x (5) Mass Hysteria
# 1x (6) Dragonfire Potion
# 1x (6) Lightbomb
# 1x (6) Mojomaster Zihi
# 1x (6) Skulking Geist
# 1x (6) Unseen Saboteur
# 1x (7) Archbishop Benedictus
# 1x (7) Azalina Soulthief
# 1x (7) Psychic Scream
# 1x (7) Soul Mirror
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
Seems better than the old one
We need to learn everything about the golems to see if its worth
It's not gonna be in every deck, but a lot of decks will make room for this.
I mean I like the card, and I can see it being played. Its a pretty solid effect considering that its such a small requirement. I'm sure there are a few classes that lack any key 4 mana cards that could just slip this in. Even if they do have a few this card isn't one you will usually be in that big a hurry to get down since its purely a value tool. You can likely hold off till you've drawn those 4 mana cards you need to run.
do we know what is a golem?
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
3 stars until I see all of the effects, though I can guess at some of them. I feel like it's a card that you slip into a deck that doesn't need important 4-cost cards, rather than making room for it in one that does. It won't win games, but it'll help you get to a win condition.
I missed kazakus so much, I refused to get my hopes up about seeing him instandard again. Day one craft if nothing else but for memories and meme
AAAAAH, HES BACK! My favorite boy is back! Slotting it in seems likes its going to be pretty difficult. I imagine Control/Value decks will prefer him and 4-mana is a pretty contested spot. Maybe he ends up as the high-end in a midrange/tempo deck though, something like Rogue who won't mind a tad of extra value.
Like the original version, I expect this will see play in some control decks at least -- probably not paladin (many of their good cards are 4 mana) or druid (Overgrowth is better), but maybe priest and warlock?
Very tough prerequisite
yes we know
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
I loved the old Kazakus! Just hope the custom options are good. Im assuming the golems will battlecry whatever we select.
Oooh, yeah!
Deckbuilding-restriction is kinda tough, but if it's the same powerlevel as the old Kazakus, it should be worth it! I assume that the effects will be different, but somewhat similar (like draw x cards, Taunt/Armor giving you protection, ...).
Also, think about this: You always get a minion! The old version sometimes flops, and doesn't affect the board enough. This one on the other hand will at least always give you a form of board presence.
ArtStation | Twitter
At last, a worthy retrain...
Won't go into every deck, but I'm certain that classes like Rogue or Priest will make great use of this card.
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?
This will be interesting. Someone will put it in a wild even deck....
Strage that they decided to start with this card and not show all of the effects. Seems good so far.
Kazakus , oh great
We don't know the full extent of what you can get off the golems, but the mere fact that you can draw 2 cards with it means this will almost always see play in some capacity.
I expect to see minion related descriptions like stealth, lifesteal, rush, or windfury. But since there's different tiers, there has to be something really big like clear the board, or summon x minion, or maybe even granting your board buffs.
But really. There has to be reason to NOT play this card, because otherwise I can't see why every deck wouldn't do it.
Yup couldn't agree more.
Don't think its going to be a meta changing card, but we will see
worth noting that he will be stronger toward the beginning of the year when the card pool is smallest. imo the classes with the lowest opportunity cost to run no other 4 drops are rogue and hunter (post rotation)
Need to see all the effects to see if it's worth running this or not.
We need to know all the effect before we can evaluate this card, but i'm sure that is some deck will find a spot. Not all class can afford to not play 4 mana drops, but Prince Valanar have seen some play back in the day. So...let's wait and see
This will be played, I don't know where but it seems good enough to warrant an inclusion somewhere
Probably not as powerful as the original, but it also only requires no 4-Cost cards and not no duplicates. I'm expecting Rush and we know Taunt is one. Maybe an AoE battlecry, perhaps even Lifesteal.
5 mana taunt and draw 2. Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool. :|
I imagine this will be as good as it's predecessor. I still would like to know the remaining options but they will probably be good.
Spending 4 mana to nab a potential 1 mana 1/1 rush minion that draws you two cards as a battlecry. Need I say more?
Unfortunately, the drawback of needing to have no 4 drops left in the deck will make it pretty hard to slot into my secret mage.
5-star, potentially meta-defining, just as the original was. Just need to see if the list is as good as old Kazakus. Also, kinda upset they STILL haven't made him a dragon.
I like the return of Kazakus. He was always a great card to use and once I really understood more about planning what I wanted from the card instead of just picking what looked good when the options came up, he became awesome. I think this will be the same kind of card. Once we get a good handle on the options and work out what deck can do without 4 drops, this will turn into a good card.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
I corrected it for you :)
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
I think the deckbuilding is a lot more restricting with this iteration, but the payoff for golems might be better, I'll wait and see what the effects are.
4 Mana 7/7
Extremely flexible neutral - a lot of decks could probably sacrifice their 4 drops to make this work. Difficult to evaluate without its full range - but my guess is its flexibility will make it played extensively
He seems underwhelming, really. Original Kazakus was not an extremely strong card - it was played because Highlander decks had other strong payoffs and because it could grant resource-starved classes a sweet, sweet extra board clear or polymorph. Going by speculation, it seems like this card will offer neither of those payoffs, and as such I think it's pretty much useless, especially so when you consider how good 4-cost cards tend to be.
Fun idea, though!
Better call Thrall!
It's fun to see Kazakus making a comeback, even if it's in a different form (I still want them to print a card with Kazakus in his dragon form). I don't know if this one will be as good as the original Kazakus, but I'm excited to give him a try!
Seems like a fun card
Rogue DH
Glad to see Kazakus back and works the same way. Gonna see play for sure
This looks to be Kazakus-level powerful. Kazakus still sees consistent play in Wild. So will this.
Ah the deck restrictions from KotFT are back. From the reveal video, taunt and draw 2 cards is a bit lackluster, but ofc we all waiting to see what the other effects are. I do see some classes playing this card more so than other, like Priest might run this more than Druid
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Hm, still need to see actual how his golems gonna show their potential...
without knowing the options, this looks interesting
I'm not online it's just your imagination
Welcome back! Does this means we'll see Aya Blackpaw and Don Han'Cho with similar requisites just like the Frozen Throne vampire princes? Hope so!
Reminded that you're not guaranteed to get the effects you want från the Golem (like taunt, draw, board clear or whatever), this is probalby a great play most of the times. Unless you want more tempo och SMORC, of course.
Hard to say how strong the card will be without knowing the effects you can put on the golem, but the flexibility in such a card might give control decks an out in certain match-ups like old kazakus did. However, the competition for 4-cost card is quite rude, and some control classes would likely prefer stability over flexibility.
Kazakus now comes with a body no matter what.
Ok, not bad.
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
Kinda early to rate it, but usually these cards seem to be playable in slow control decks.
Ok, so even without knowing all effects, I can assume this card will see play on either a midrange deck with a 2 drop pool wide and strong enough to replace the 4 drop pool or in attrition decks that draw enough to bypass the "no 4-drops in deck restriction", the same way some decks run Zephrys the Great despite running duplicates.
Also, the way I see it, the minion summoned will most likely be slightly better than the spells old Kazakus created, as one of the options of said spells was summoning a minion with stats on par with the golem's stats.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
Kind of sad a cool card like him is locked behind not playing other 4 cost cards, but then again, this is better than highlander getting more tools
I liked the old one and like this one. Seems pretty good probably worth to build around for some decks.
I like this card so much
i like dis effect
Fun card, not OP
even tho we need to know about the options before rating this card, we all know that cards like these always been a 5 star card.
so, 5 star :D
Looks good, but only after we see the full list of effects it can generate. Building a deck around having no 4 cost cards is an ok limitation if the effect is worth it. Anyway, it can be filled in a deck with heavy draw engine and work as well.
Hope it won´t be a must-have in every deck like kazakus in highlanders once was.
♡ u 4ever 2008 - 2022
Wonder if it's worth that one golem.
Without the effects this is difficult to assess but kowing Blizz this will be interesting
English is not my native language, so please excuse occasional mistakes
Need to see all the effects to see if it's worth running this or not.
For all intents and purposes, this is basically original Kazakus that gives you a custom minion instead of a custom spell (and a different deckbuilding condition). Serves the same functionality, which the original was good at. Not every class will be able to use it, but the ones that can will probably get quite a bit of mileage out of it.
This looks like a fun card. The deck restriction isn't that restrictive like the no-duplicates one, so this will see play in specific decks. Can't wait to see the keywords you can put in the golems; my guess is you can either give them Rush, Taunt, or Stealth, with various battlecry effects (hopefully no more value generation ones like what we saw in the lackeys).
Seems very good and probably doesn't go into Paladin decks, so that's nice.
Fireballs? But those aren't in the core set anymore :)
For The HORDE!
Love fun lore cards! Even if only hearthstone lore releated.
Hey someone on reddit had noticed the kazakus belt before the revealing
For The HORDE!
Hmmm, fireball is still in core set actually. Frostbolt is out though:)
Highlander archtype becomes absence of fixed mana cards
A card everyone will want to drop when they're nearing the end of opening all their packs.
I've been here a while; just hanging out in the background.
Interesting card, but feels weird because the previous Kazakus only works in Highlander decks.
Blizz don't want to see both Kazakus and Kazakus, Golem Shaper in the same deck. I'm sad now.
By The Holy Light!
Always loved Kazakus, I am really looking forwad playing this
what and how does one build a custom golem. think i need to see this in play before having a valid opion
Its great to see kazakus back, with a similar effect to previously. Will for sure see play.
At this point I have spent too much money on these games to quit.
Now pass me another pack, and lets see what I pull.
Here are all the cards you cant't play with Kazakus:
good card
Kenny's little poet. 😇
too big restriction
Don't know the effects, but will comment this early. Will surely see play somewhere, but a lot of classes have important 4 drops, which make this one not worth running in most cases. It's pure value card, that need a greedy deck with enough survival to have luxury of running it.
He'ssss back
Ironically (though probably intended), most of the mercenaries and just generally good cards in the expansion are 4-cost cards, meaning this one will have a tougher time finding a home than I thought. Although we don't know the effects yet, I'm confident it will be good somewhere.
I miss old school Kazakus.
This is the same but with minions and a much lighter condition.
This will be an auto craft for me, even if just for the nostalgia.
I wonder what the effects are
I just wish they would show us the other options available already. it is hard to figure out how good this card is if we don't know whether this golem can have rush or lifesteal or not....
Generally most 4 cost cards are the ones I play the most, so even though I love this card it'll be a pain to play it for me.
Yeeesss more Kazakus
Noooo I cant play them both together :[
I don't know if this gets used much over the mercenaries.
YAS YAS YAS YAS YAS YAS YAS I love this dude
Ok card.
This is getting released alongside some other strong 4 mana cards to make sure not every deck includes Kazakus, as obviously this is a very powerful card. Notable is also that the initial deck can have other 4 mana cards. The battlecry will be active as soon as they're all drawn.
A deck like this might just work out. At least, I don't think the 2 Matrons will be much of a liability.
Arena > Wild > Standard
I think there's no question that this is worse than original Kazakus, mainly because those golems are pretty underwhelming. I like what the card lets you do, however. I'm fairly certain I'm going to craft it on day 1 and jam it into as many decks as I can over the next two years.
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
Fun card, had a blast playing the old Kazakus so I hope it'll be the same with the new one
Love it! But only 4 stars cause older Kazakus was much more better
flexibility is what makes this card good
It's hard to know how powerful this card will be - will people just play it for sentimental reasons, or will it be a staple? Definitely there are some strong effects.
A lot of the powerful Legendaries of the set are 4 drops unfortunately. I'm sure people will still try to fit him in decks though. Really cool card.
Fun card,
The return of kazakus. Great value card but this time returns with a body.
Well, if I'm making a deck and I haven't put in any 4-cost cards yet, this is going straight in there. I love this kind of effect.
Welcome to the site!
There is an interesting prospect with this in aggro decks that mostly contain 1-3 cost cards and cap out with Kazakus, Golem Shaper. There are some devastating tempo combinations at five mana, especially Gromsblood. This still fits into slower decks that can reasonably make room for it, but I still think aggro decks will have an easier time slotting in Kazakus.
For glory, honor, and gold!