Group Therapy! Need to blow off some steam? Mega salty? Here's the place!
For as long as video games have existed, players have been getting annoyed with them. Whether it's forgetting to save and losing all your progress, getting hopelessly lost in the Water Temple or plain old bad RNG, sometimes you need a place to vent.
This is a place for you to post about your frustrations with the game, whether that be your fifth loss in a row or a particularly bad pack opening. This is not a place to mock or otherwise antagonise other people - posting to try and get a rise out of people will get you warned.
While we'll be more lenient with allowing excessive f-bombs and the like here (and in fact I'd recommend them, nothing like a good swear to get the anger out), forum rules do still apply, and specifically calling out people is not allowed. This thread is for your frustrations with the game, not anything else.
I wish you well in ranting your anger out, and will be happy to see you on the rest of the forums once you've cooled off again!
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How many fucking board clears and heals does a man need to draw just to stomp out the sheer cancer that are murlocs?!
Reno, Kazakus, Flamestrike, DK Jaina, Dragon's Breath, Explosive Sheep, and I still only won by the skin of my teeth. What the fuck is wrong with these inbred frogs? Why is Blizzard still shitting them out every expac?
Psst! Hey, you want to play a couple of fun (albeit pointless) gamebooks? Become a king here, and a babysitter here.
This is exactly why I dint buy chapter 5. I’d rather bu 7 ulduum packs instead. Kinda regret buying the other dalaran chapters as well.
Completely agree, I hate these op little fish fucks
They synergies in such a disgusting way, I prefer magnetic and mega mechs to bloody murlocs
They are more than a man, they are more than a fish!
Death will rise from the tides!
They are MURLOCS
Spellslinger is the worst card in the game. Never pick this shitty card man, all he does is give your opponents good stuff like wtf, I have never gotten a spell above 2 mana from this guy and he gives my opponents a Hex or a freaking Lightbomb
This ain't no place for a hero
Hey man, you can practice your original deck against the Innkeeper. He does not run netdecks :)
I only play original decks I created myself because I think that's the best way to have a good time, see how your creation works out in the meta.
But not everybody is like this, most ppl just want to compete and get legend (or try to) and to do that your best (efficient) bet seems to be a netdeck, especially this late in the expansion.
And I am curious: why do you delete them? Because you lost? Your deck did not perform that well against that specific netdeck? You can not expect to spend an hour on a new deck and then be the meta-breaker and defeat all decks out there. This is just not realistic. So first you should have a reasonable expectation of your new creation, which you can then test by playing. Most of the time I make a new deck I have some expectations and I always try to have an idea what the deck is good at and what are the weaknesses.
So basically: expect less, enjoy more. It's like that with a lot of things in life.
I'm not deleting them instantly ofc. I can't play with same decks repeatedly (like 10 games for example) because it bores me so much. I am always deleting those but playing with them afterwards (thanks to deck tracker). I am deleting them because deckslots aren't enough for me. I already have a thread here as "Unlimited Deck Slots". :D
It is same for me for any other game. I am playing Heroes of the Storm for example and can't play with same heroes repeatedly on there too. Same for overwatch. :D
Of course i am testing my decks but those tests are long term tests for me not for just one or two days. For example; I am playing a Thief deck with Sir Finley Mrrglton for 5 games then changing it and test my quest Paladin after 5 games change it again to some control Reno hunter then change into first deck again. I am saving them to my deck tracker and tinker sometimes.
That post of mine was a momentary rage. :D I really hate netdecks and the situations about online games which i already mentioned in my earlier post.
Thanks for Innkeeper suggestion but he uses same classic deck aswell. That's boring too. :D
But I really don't understand why they want to be competitive so much, even for friendly duels. Do they have to satisfy their ego when they crush my meme-Talanji deck with their Conjurer Mage deck in a friendly duel ? What kind of deviance is this ?
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
i deeply suggest play wild in rank 20-15
there is all kind of decks
good decks - bad decks - meme decks - basic deck ...
Why did hunter get the only poisonous mech, how is that even justifiable? Do they not have enough board control and removal tools already.
The combo with Missile Launcher just wins you games you should and would just loose for the sake of one keyword.
Bullshit card.
Can't outlast that :(
We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.
Hmmm... I have a bad feeling about the quests in this expansion. Playing so many games against Odd and Even decks makes me realize how stupid the idea of early upgrades to hero powers are.
Early hero power changes almost always break the game in half (remember when T6 Justicar Trueheart was considered a devastating moment?), and I really dislike putting win conditions in hero powers as a design concept (even through Fire Plume's Heart or Death Knights). Baku and Genn shouldn't have been printed, and soon enough we'll get some new hero powers that might do exactly the same as they did.
If I am right, though, Blizzard, I beg you, do not just pack it into Wild. Just nerf the mistakes into the ground like you should.
Psst! Hey, you want to play a couple of fun (albeit pointless) gamebooks? Become a king here, and a babysitter here.
I feel your pain. Day 1 of the season I'm at rank 10 with a 0% winrate. All day has been nothing but T1 decks drawing the nuts. Can't wait for this meta to get shaken up.
Just had a Reno big mage vs Big priest game. Did really good, rolled mass poly on 10 mana kazakus spell and single poly on 5 mana kazakus spell, was ahead in fatigue game, felt great. Meanwhile he played as a true Big priest gamer, used potion of madness on my mad scientist just to delay my ice block, entombed my sludge belcher, etc.
So. This piece of a bastard played 2x Thoughtsteal (main deck, btw, not even discovered), stole my Jaina, played it before me, and when I got the board and he was 2 cards deeper than me in fatigue... He played N'zoth, summonong 4x obsidian statues. Like holy shit, how is this even legal? Its not even a Barnes problem, Big priest just have too fucking much mana cheat cards for amount of value they provide. The only saving grace is adequate human cant play this deck without falling asleep, but even piloted by mentally challenged monkey it can still roll like half of the times. I just want this whole archetype to get Warsong commandered to oblivion, right where it belongs.
This deck is cool. Play it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2 games this morning
Game one. A paladin who top decks a 3/7 prelate on turn 5 that died the turn before.
Game two. A rouge (so obviously has god hand already, they always fucking do). So on top of his already ridiculous RnG he pilfers a hunters mark as a direct response to my Catrina Muerte which then trades with his silenced pogo rabbit.
Yes I totally deserve to loose like this ever let alone, in casual, as the first 2 games of the day, consecutively.
Fuck this imbalanced bullshit they call "RnG" and Fuck all you net decking pussy cunts who aren't even brave enough to loose some stars "practicing" with the best decks in the game, like they need practice you bunch of fucking wankers.
Side salt: How come Rouges don't have to obey the "Your cards cost X less but not less than (1)" rule that other cards and classes have been literally nerfed to adhere to. More horse shit for Rouges to abuse, suprise suprise.
I don't normally post here, but I might as well share my recent match with you. So a little while ago I started a standard game, because I wanted to try out Whizbang's new deck recipies and play with the SOU cards. I landed on an old ress priest deck and faced a tempo thief rogue opponent.
The game started off very slowly. Neither of us had an amazing start. Minions were played off curve, there wasn't any pressure going on and the opponent even decided to play Leeroy Jenkins on turn 5, because I guess they didn't have anything better to do? Anyway somewhere past turn 8 things became scary for me, because I couldn't deal with Hench-Clan Thug. Since the rogue ran a thief deck, they generated a lot of priest cards and one of those was Temple Enforcer, which made the thug even harder to kill. I kept it cool, I killed the enforcer with my Batterhead (which was already on the board) and Zilliax. But I just want to show you how lucky my opponent was and their luck didn't end up here.
Later in the game the rogue silenced my Witchwood Grizzly, their thug was a 7/10 and they had a Spellbreaker on the board. I attacked the Spellbreaker with the bear (it became a 3/6), traded my other minion, Injured Blademaster, into the thug (making him a 7/6), cast a top-decked Power Word: Shield on the bear (made it a 3/8) and cast Mass Hysteria, so that both minions could attack eachother and kill themselves. I then healed myself to 6 with the hero power.
The opponent plays Hench-Clan Burglar into a 4/4 Edwin VanCleef, I clear their threats with my last Hysteria and heal myself to 7. Leeroy was already played, so I didn't have anything to fear. WRONG. Apparently my opponent was lucky enough to get Gladiator's Longbow and even though I played [Hearthstone Card (mass resurrect) Not Found] and summoned a grizzly, the opponent's other randomly generated card was Mortal Strike just to bypass the bear and kill me.
Honestly, I'm not even salty, just slightly annoyed. I tried to play well, but it's kinda stupid to lose because RNG said so. This was one of those moments, when I really despised this aspect of hearthstone.
I have been stuck at 299 wins on my Shammy for 4 fucking days!! Can someone please just DC on me so I can hit 300... it's driving me insane being stuck at 299!!
although, if they HoF 9 legendaries, than that is a lot of spare dust!
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Plague of Murlocs is actually a massive nerf to the deck and I'm really excited for all of the highlights or salt posts from Big Priest players due to that card alone. However, T5 did allegedly say that would look at the deck again (Barnes particularly) sometime post SOU launch if needed (which should still be taken as a salty grain of salt).
Can I say that I strangely look forward to the variety of salt posts that will come as a result of Zephrys the Great? The crusade against HS rng will never have been greater since pre-nerf Yogg. I'm quite excited! :D
Trying to meme with Darkest Hour Warlock in Standard and have lost 6 games in a row to Leeroy Jenkins
Fuck this card and the scrubs who try hard an the last day before the new Expansion drops. AssHoles.....
Cocked, locked and ready to rock...
Why does every Shaman have lucky Evolves against me today?
Game 1: Evolve into [Hearthstone Card (Bolf Rammshield) Not Found] -> no lethal anymore.
Game 2: Evolve into 2 rush minions -> no lethal anymore.
Game 3: Evolve into a mech, slap Zilliax on it -> no lethal anymore.
Lol, that's insane luck.
LOL I can help you out no problem. I play on Europe, the name is Zwanezang. Drop me a friend request and I will happily lose with some meme deck against you
Fuck Huffer
Why is it ALWAYS Huffer
Love all the try hards this morning playing T1 decks in casual. Try having some fun before the new xpac hits. Are you really going to get that much more gold playing your copied T1 deck in casual?
Fuck you, pity timer.
Psst! Hey, you want to play a couple of fun (albeit pointless) gamebooks? Become a king here, and a babysitter here.
All T1 decks from last xpac, and bull shit that streamers theorycrafted in the prerelease shit. Blizz has really ruined the first day of expansion. This is not fun at all. Playing against all the same fucking decks all because streamers showcased them first. Fuck you Blizz. Stop doing these pre-release theorycrafting sessions, you're ruining the game.
Seriously, to all the people playing the same fucking Bomb Hunter deck that everyone and their mom has been playing for the past 3 months... FUCK YOU! I am so sick of playing against that bull shit
Hi! The new expansion blows.
Out of the 8 legendaries of the set that I did not wish to see behind the charming golden glow of a pack opening, I got 3 of them. Out of the 4 total that I have received.
Honestly I don't know why I haven't gotten used to it yet since the same has happened for Boomsday and Rastakhan as well.
New exp day 1
No, fuck you, here, you will be always vs some smORC shit, like secret hunters and/or conj mage.
Srsly, fuck this game.
Fuck Mind Control Tech, please remove that braindeath card from the game.
Piss of stupid control warriors with 0 new cards. Go get a fucking life you miserable cunts. And no playing 29 removal cards + DR Boom doesn't make you a player that plays difficult decks. The deck you are playing is piss easy.
If you're playing Bomb Warrior right now, it's because you're an incel, neckbeard with no friends.
At least those are playable. I got Darkest Hour and Void Contract off of one.
I was playing Whizbang (that gave me Heal Druid) and got matched up against Control Warrior... In theory it should've been a piece of cake in practice it was an utter nightmare... I had to resurrect hordes of Lucentbarks 6 times to barely be able go through all the armor and bullshit (removal and whatnot) that he got from Hero Power and Omega Assembly... He also still ran Youthful Brewmaster for double Elysiana... How can someone be so greedy and get away with it is beyond me...
Losing to Giant+CC on turn 5 might be annoying but I'm glad the Deck is there to keep these horribly greedy Warriors in check... I'd be even more happy if this expansion finally gave us some playable combo Decks so I can make Warriors suffer as much as we poor souls without a busted Hero Card do everytime we get matched up against them...
"この 先は 暗い 夜道 だけが も 知らない それでも信じて 進むんだ 星が その道 を 少し でも 照らしてくをるのを"
Fucking Armor Druid....This is almost as cancerous as Naga Sea Witch with the Giants. WTH was Blizzard thinking allowing [Hearthstone Card (Line Cracker) Not Found] and BEEEES!!! to trigger off of themselves!?
Just gonna put this out there: I can't wait for the spectral cutlass to rotate out.
The same applies to Mech Hunter or Bomb Hunter, whatever you want to call it. These two decks, control warrior and bomb hunter, will be back in full force pretty soon. I got tired of losing games and just queued up my bomb hunter deck and proceeded to bash various quest decks smacking them all in the face. It's fascinating how a control deck and a midrange deck are no brains required and no need for cards from the new expansion and how one is the bane of the other
The RNG insanity is real. Both of these games, I had a reasonable chance to win if opponent RNG had not been absolutely bonkers good. especially this one
Why the fuck are there so many Big Priests in casual?!
The fact that half of them run Activate the Obelisk makes me all the angrier. Just when you think you're actually going to play against someone who's mentally competent enough to make a fun and interesting homebrew deck, NOPE IT'S JUST MORE AUTO-PILOT WHEELCHAIR PRIEST!
At least go play your broken shit on ladder and stop ruining my attempts to have fun and experiment every other game!
Oh yeah, these Forum Signatures are a thing.
THIS. This meta is not changing at all. Nerf needs to happen to these 2 decks or we are going to have the same meta for the next 4 months.
Seriously, how bad are these guys with these decks? I almost exclusively play janky decks in wild casual, my winrate is probably round 40% tops. Today, I still met 2 Big Priests, a Mech Hunter and an Odd Paladin. Seems as if matchmaking is pretty hard - not enough players in wild, I suppose.
PS: I at least beat one of the Big Priests.
I made a highlander mage deck with a bunch of new cards and farmed alot of the new and old decks
Anyone playing previous meta decks, especially decks from FOUR MONTHS AGO on the day of the new expansion is a mindless troglodyte incapable of thinking for themselves or playing anything FOR FUN.
Here's a concept to anyone still playing the following decks:
You can have fun AND play new decks AND win. I know it's a fucking hard concept to grasp but it's entirely possible!
How about you (you know who you are) stop playing the same fucking boring brain dead deck from the last four months AND TRYING SOMETHING NEW GOD DAMNIT!
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Here I go again. After a long break caused by cyclone mage, mech hunter and control warrior clusterfuck I gave hearthstone another chance and oh boy... the salt is back.
Started playing since day 2 and what I see is bunch of scum bags netdecking already and spamming emotes.
Rogue quest is fucking ridiculous. Who the fuck thought that it would be fun to play against it? I saw people finishing the quest as early as turn 3. And then you’re not able to develop a board while they vomit with lackeys on their side. How about some testing before printing broken ass shit cards, Blizzard??
Sometimes the same is different, but mostly it's the same.
Well, the rogue will have to spend mana to wield that weapon. Secondly, you can freeze it. Thirdly, you can destroy it so they have to use 2 mana again. So it can be irritating but it is not unwinnable.
Wow. Thanks for your insightful reply. I’m so glad that there are still people on the salt thread who try to reason infuriated people!
(sarcasm intended)
Sometimes the same is different, but mostly it's the same.
Secret Hunter sucks, how am I supposed to play around 3 freezing traps by turn 6? Already triggered 2 different other traps. It really sucks to have no counterplay apart of playing around or trying to trigger them in the correct order!
Fuck team5 for nerfing quest rogue again
Dude opens coin-Prismatic Lens into Toxifin+Blue Gill+Tip the Scales into my 8/8 northshire cleric.
go choke yourself while looking at anime girls.
Well. This Tavern Brawl Is great. Thanks Blizzard.
I make a Tempo Bomb/Taunt Warrior and what do I get? 4 Quest/Inner Fire Priests in a row. Fuck off Blizzard and take that fucking Class with you.
Infinite value to a Class that gets infinite value anyway? Sure. Why the fuck not.
That deck is fucking disgusting. Oh, did I mention that they had the exact same cards? The same cards. So. Which Fucknut Streamer do I have to thank for that? Whoever you are can just go do one. You fucking Asshat.
And the one game I did win? My opponent misplays the whole time and still nearly beats me, I had to rely on a top decked Execute to kill a 24/24 he'd casually thrown down with his last 4 cards.
4 cards to make a 24/24 Taunt? FUCK OFF!
Cocked, locked and ready to rock...
I got so shafted on my pack opening that I now have to craft all of the good quests and most of the good legendaries of this set.
Some of you have seen my discusting luck on previous sets though so I guess I deserved this one lol.
New Paladin quest is flat out busted! It really takes them no time at all to complete with Crystology drawing Micro Mummy, Murmy, and Temple Berserker. Then they just have to copy one of their Mechanical Whelps or Mechano-Eggs for the game to get out of control. I've been running two Spellbreakers to counter, but I swear I saw a 3rd Egg this past matchup, how do they even get a 3rd egg?!
Corrupt the Waters is broken.
It is ludicrously easy to complete, it fits basically any deck, from Lackey to Shudderwock, its reward is bonkers.
Yes i'm salty, but i am convinced it's bound to cancerize the meta in the same way Shamanstone did.
There, i have cast my Curse.☠️
I was trying out an Even Elemental Shaman in Wild, and I queue against a Control Shaman who managed to play SEVEN Reno Jacksons in our match. I got him down to 5 health--Reno. I bring him down to 3--Reno again. I get him in single digits, and you guessed it, another Reno. On and on and on. He made multiple copies through Zola the Gorgon, Bog Slosher, Grumble, Worldshaker, and Shudderwock. My opponent must have been laughing the whole time, and I don't think I'm even mad.
Aggro is grossly over powered right now
Murlocs all need to fuck off to hof and die.
Druid and Hunters are just as fucking bad
Aggro meta = Scrub meta
Learn to play real decks you brain dead cunts
Most of the quests are ridiculously easy to complete while the rest are almost impossible to complete ever. Take the druid’s quest for example and the warlock’s one. How the fuck is this balanced?
Honestly, this expansion is the laziest of all, so much broken shit.
Sometimes the same is different, but mostly it's the same.
Ok Blizzard, when will you get it through your thick skulls that it is long past time for fucking Dr. Boom, Mad Genius to get nerfed?
Ladder is SO fucked up at the moment. I can't even get wins at rank 5 if I'm not extremely lucky with draws and RNG in general. And I'm not playing crappy decks.
Once you play a fun deck against either Mage or Warrior you know you'll end up raped. But yeah, fun: who would ask such an unreasonable thing in the first week of a new expansion?
Oh well, time to wait for another Developer Insight to read that they have to collect more data in order to understand that there's something wrong in the game right now.
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
Today is a terrible day... Minutes ago, I have been defeated by The King of the Salt Thread, also know as Kaladin, in the f...king Standard Brawliseum (this week's Tavern Brawl)!!! Was this person an impostor or did I really face the real Kaladin??? I really don't f...king know, but RNG f...ked me so badly, it's unbelievable!!! Yeah, I know, I forgot to play around perfect answer after perfect answer, it is obviously all my fault!!! It's just utterly insane how well he drawn vs me...
I hate myself... I just wanna die... I don't deserve to even exist!!!
No reason to play Hearthstone anymore... I regret my entire life, I wish I was dead!!!
Please Kaladin, if you are reading this, do me a favor and ban yourself from life!!!
Just kidding, hehe... XD XD XD I really enjoyed the match. Well played, Kaladin!!! :D :D :D
Oh, after checking Kaladin previous posts here, it seems it was an impostor after all. He still uses the nickname SilentStorm in What a shame... :( :( :(
I understand why the ladder is dominated by Control Warriors, Mages, and aggro.
But what I can't understand is why over half my games in casual involve the same decks. Foolish me for trying a homebrew Paladin deck (no murlocs, no reborn). Every other game is Dr. Boom Warrior or Luna's Pocket Galaxy.
Fuck mage, fuck warrior, fuck what this xpac is turning the meta into. I think I might need a break from this game for a while. Every deck is pissing me off, and I’m not enjoying this meta at all.
Fuck streamers and everyone who copies their decks.
*Looses to a Priest who completed his quest on turn 5 through god tier draws*
*Plays 10 games with same deck and cant even get past turn 5 without already losing because of fucking shit draws and hyper aggro*
Yea thanks Blizz way to piss a man off right there. Fuck your RnG bullshit
I thought shamans weren't supposed to have resource generation?
Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron
I used to complain about nerfing Yogg.
Now i remember why they did it. And they must be trolling us to re-print basically an unnerfed, unconditional, repeatable and tutorable version of it.
To the guy who was playing Shaman and randomly generated 3x Zephyros. You are the worst kind of person.
I just had a really fun game versus a warlock in the tavern brawl. I was playing Warrior with Rogue, opponent was Warlock with Paladin. First, the guy plays Renounce Darkness turn 2 and gets - Paladin, of course. Turn 6 he plays High Priest Thekal + Silvermoon Portal and gets Kangor (Wow!). And yes, of course he played a Dinosize on Kangor turn 7 and went face. But if you think the worst has passed - oh dear! The very next turn his Unseen Saboteur managed to pull - yes, you got it right - Myra's Unstable Element. Yup, this guy got 20 Armor, Thaurissaned half of his deck and destroyed my deck before he even got to turn 10. But I still didn't give up, as I actually had some pretty good cards in my hand, and his Kangor had only 2 Health remaining. That is, until he played Lay on Hands on him...
I'm very frustrated. No matter what I try to do, I can't win any matches. I will be at rank 15 not losing stars for the entire season.
I have the same problem. From 6 almost 5 just before the new expansion now 10.....Fed up
90 packs, 2 legendary cards. F.. pity timer!
Yeah well... I'm not usually salty, and if I am, I normally don't whine about it but...
I was about to hit rank 10 after a loooooong climb (I was rank 20) and the boss to rank 10 was a Highlander Mage... Who played really... REALLY BAD... I was winning by a lot, he vas full life but already wasted Alesxtrasza and I recovered in a pinch thanks to a buffed up Zilliax and a Vicious Scraphound, healed 11hp and gained 11 armor so, I was really ok... Then... Internet crashes... Like "trying to reconnect" for 4 minutes... And on top of that my browser was doing good so... WTF!
F*cking mages and their disconnect spells...
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
Playing new tavern brawl
Picked priest
Thought I'd have fun
tfw your deck has 4 Mass Dispel in it
Favorite Card: Vulpera Scoundrel
Dust Wishlist: Zephrys the Great, Siamat, High Priest Amet, Psychopomp, & Plague of Death
Seriously who the fuck still plays pirate warrior? Fuck you
I think we need to get psychotic and superstitious about it, though. That's because after I quit the game and posted here whining about my low rank stasis I went back to the game and climbed to rank 13. I think if you complain here about your disappointment with ranks it helps you climb the ladder.
Recently, in the past couple of months, my new normal has been to make at least rank 5 by the end of the season. Last season I ended really bad and started this one at 14, from where I soon plummeted to 15 no stars, where I've been now since a week ago.
From now on, if I can't climb, I'm whining about it here. It helps. Maybe Blizzard Entertainment has a program that detects things like that in the salt thread and rewards you with better luck so you feel inclined to play some more.
Get your foil hats on
OMG the tavern brawl was hideous. Last week with the chess bullshit I was seriously annoyed because of the stupid game mechanic of the pawns. This one was just disgusting. It's like, "hmmmm, I guess it's better than Russian Roulette, since nobody dies maybe."
Favorite Card: Vulpera Scoundrel
Dust Wishlist: Zephrys the Great, Siamat, High Priest Amet, Psychopomp, & Plague of Death
Death by shit draws is the worst way to lose in this game. Give my enemy BS topdecks if you want, make me unable to answer every single cancerous 1-drop out there...
Never, ever force me to just watch the game playing out like a helpless cuckold by slamming the cheap half of my deck on its bottom. Anything else, literally. I won't mind facing nothing but Odd Paladins and Mill Rogues without enough brain cells to rub together, but make Death By Shit Draws STOP!
Just give me a nice warning at the start like: "Uh oh, looks like your top 7 cards cost 5 or more mana. Would you like to concede now?" At least then I'll get the minimum of agency,
Psst! Hey, you want to play a couple of fun (albeit pointless) gamebooks? Become a king here, and a babysitter here.
There should be a special circle of hell for people who play control warrior in casual. Why would you do that to another human being?
May all your legendaries be golden.
I usually not the person who screams or vents about Hearthstone - so this is my very first Salty Post :)
Right now i'm salty because there are so many freakin Warriors on the Ladder ! And they always have Eternium Rover on 1 and of course 6 with coin or 7 Dr. Boom, Mad Genius - i almost get angry as soon as i see the opponent is Warrior .... so much removal and of course if you could kill him next turn he get`s his freakin Armor Hero Power .... 4 times in a row !!!!!!
Never have i ever wished for a class to get Nerfed to shit this fast .... I realy hope they do something about the state of Warrior!
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
Anyone remembers this Schrutebucks guy from Hearthpwn who was responsable for ~50% posts of the salt thread? Is Kaladin actually Schrutebucks? Sure sounds like him lol.
He is.
EDIT: But also, just leave the guy be. I mean, everyone has the right to be pissed off at the game, regardless of frequency. Honestly, if everyone vented like him, OOC and Hpwn would have a lot fewer shitposts.
Psst! Hey, you want to play a couple of fun (albeit pointless) gamebooks? Become a king here, and a babysitter here.
I hate how much Bomb Warrior “solves” our current meta . Been making the climb from 5 with it.
Highlander Mage? Bombs
Highlander Hunter? Bombs
Prismatic Lens? Bombs
No Win condition warrior? Bombs
Somebody order a bomb? 💣
Schrutebuck just had to be here aswell lol.. But yeah w/e to each their own..
On topic: I cant wait for Boom to be HoFed early.. Standard is unplayable with him and Omega Devestator.. Mage is also on the edge..
Or what Buck?
Not even salt, but I'm not creating a whole new topic for it. Since when is saying Well Played at the end of the game considered BM? I just had an opponent concede after activating a rat trap, with me not even close to winning. I generally close out games with a Well Played emote, occasionally refraining if it's a deck I really don't like (generally reserved for Big Priest). After the game, my opponent added me, kindly informing me I was a sheep, and I would never make legend, and I won through luck. I'm not entirely sure what luck he was referring too, as there was no RNG factor in him conceding that I recall.
....are control players the salty ones?
I just queued against three Mages who all played Luna's Pocket Galaxy by turn 4 (they all used the coin). Insane. By turn 7 they have Archmage Antonidas, [Hearthstone Card (Mountain Giants) Not Found], and a King Phaoris-generated board to stomp me. It's like the Barnes of standard--if they draw it on curve you're just fucking dead.
Buffing that stupid card has to be one of the worst moves ever made by Blizzard. Even the tournament scene has been affected, most of the decks I see are Mage thanks to this card.
Well, but Blizzard likes it like they like Big Priest and don't nerf the resurrection card: Eternal Servitude. Damn I hate this mana cheating bs card more than Barnes.
Pocket Galaxy is way worse than Barnes, while old Quest Druid crys in the corner, because his quest is stupid now.
See that is how you should act and not throwing out a "first and final warning".
On topic: Watching Masters Seoul only solidified what I said earlier.. Boom needs to be HoFed and Mage is too good right now with Pocket Galaxy being the Barnes of Standard.. also I dont think that a card like Puzzlebox should be allowed in tournament play..
At this point Warrior and Mage are basically cheating.
One has so much removal that they don't even need a win condition against any deck that doesn't have near infinite value, the other one basically puts you into a "if I have this card at this point you lose and there's nothing you can do"#
I honestly can't wait for this garbage to be nerfed into the ground so we can go back to play the game normally, instead of every other deck having to come to terms with the fact that there are two classes that do everything they could ever hope to objectively better
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
The rare occasion that you DO beat warrior, no matter which deck (unless your playing Quest paladin) it is always by the skin of your teeth. Is Dr. Boom HoF'd already?
Warrior bad.
Gosh dang it, cards bad.
Crappy bm-ing warrior beating my off meta hunter deck and being proud of it while I just try to have fun... Grrr
I'm really tired of facing turn 7 Dr. Boom. But I'm a disgusting liar, a terrible person.
Secret mage is a real fucking problem in wild. That deck was already a huge pain in the ass bull shit before it got all these bull shit new cards with SoU. Fuck you blizz, your pathetic attempt to make secret mage viable in standard has fucked us all to be doomed with secret mage in wild forever.
Finally had some time in my life to sit down and spend the night playing. So what happens? Go 0-4 with some shit matchups and shit draws. What a waste of a night. Thanks for reminding me why I only play a match at a time when time allows.
0-8 losing streak now. Fuck this game
I feel you ! Happend to me to - went from Rank 2 with 5 Stars back to Rank 4 with 2 Stars ... normaly i would stop after 3 losses in a row but i kept on playing, don't now why tough :) ...
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
Yeah I took a break at 3, then came back and kept pushing just trying to end my losing streak, but it just kept getting worse. Oh well, it happens. I need to learn to just accept it and not get so salty about it.
I have downvoted some of it for example.
Btw what is up with Mods just silently deleting 1-2 pages of posts? Not digging that type of stuff.. Freedom of speech anyone?
How does Blizzard all the time manage to be so lazy in designing?
I mean Reborn ok cool. Early/Mid range Quest ok cool but nothing new. Instead why they dont keep pushing archtypes that fit actually into the Theme of these Classes.
let me give you an example. Boomkin Druid. and i dont mean almighty Malygos. I mean simply identifying the Class more into the Game. Let me get some Spellpower Druid Minions and Burn Spells to let me play Boomkin Archtype.
another one. Why they keep pushing Control Warrior into Insanity with more removal more rush/clear minions. Why dont make it and "fury" type of warrior and let me get 2 weapons at a time and let me feel the Power of Weapons in a "Warrior"
another archtype that we had was Anduin Priest. I like the overall Idea of a Priest to be SHADOW aswell. Not only Heal Heal Ress Ress Heal Heal BOOM OTK. let me get a shadow Archtype of Priest back. Why the hell did they even HoF Mindblast?? I dont see any Reason actually?! Not a single Deck benefits of it atm.
Warlock theme could be a Soullink to his Demons. Make Demons protect your hero more like absorbing dmg that would go to face for example.
it could go on because i am really pissed off on how they Design the Game and maybe i should stop playing or complaining because i cant change things but it SICK n tires me how stupid designers are these days and i mean in multiple games n genres. Gamescom showed me this aswell.
Salt is out for today see you soon.
Fuck this game. TWICE, Blizzard. You've made my pity timer go to the single digit TWICE in the same fucking month. Once for Uldum and once for Classic. Absolutely disgusting.
Psst! Hey, you want to play a couple of fun (albeit pointless) gamebooks? Become a king here, and a babysitter here.
I don't like this brawl
I get rekt because of bad draws
Feels fair
The brawl is acutally pretty funny. Created a standard deck that made me win 4 games in a row. Then I stopped ;)
Maybe it helps you.
Never trust people who smile constantly. They’re either selling something or are not very bright.
I fucking hate priest.
गञ्जा गञ्जा
Does counterspell always have canceled flare? A thought flare was designed to prog first?
I literally had to go to single digit for EVERY RoS and Uldum Legendary. I think you're still pretty luck
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
I despise the current state of HS so much. All the meta decks are so dull to play. These nerfs made the meta even worse than it was. Warrior is still here, the stupid mana cheat murloc paladin is still here, the ridiculous druid quest is still here, float 4 mana in first 4 turns to make a 10 mana play on turn 5, Highlander Hunter is pretty much the only normal deck to play against
I need to get this off my chest, I fucking HATE the recent arena. It is literally all tempo, no need for decision making, just who has the best deck. I fucking hate this, I came to play a card game, not fucking solitaire. Fuck this, I'm going on a hiatus.
This ain't no place for a hero
Sad to hear :(
Certain cards have go to go. I'm so sick of seeing them over, and over, and over again. Like some god damn recurring nightmare.
I hate hate hate hate REALLY hate when I beat someone with a non meta deck and they add me just to insult me. I always add them and report to blizzard without an answer (I don't know if it's usefull or not), but I really dislike this kind of players.
I have just played in wild with a midrange Prince Keleseth demon warlock created by me against a (I think) Shirvallah OTK paladin that had the tiger at the last card of their deck. As I played as the beatdown the instant I saw he was an OTK, I won: he tried to kill me with the spells with 3 cards left in his deck, and the tiger was the last. I was lucky, he added me and I said him that I was lucky, and then he replaied I should suicide (not with this "kind" words, of course).
I really HATE this.
Dang man, sounds bad, especially when home brews tend to lead to better friend requests, from experience. I can only hope for your sake he was pissed mostly by his bad draw RNG. Maybe more infuriating that it couldn’t hold off an off-meta deck, I don’t know.
But back to the thread! 13 cards left in the deck and still no Brawl drawn. Not salt inducing right?
But it’s Wild, 2 days after Barnes nerf, 1st game of the day, it’s Big Priest (no Barnes), AND worst of all, his card back was still the Hakkar viral one from seasons ago. I would be dishonoring my community if I DIDNT flame him.
'Put 'em all in' they said. 'You gon' be ballin' they said.
I have no Idea how there are actually people like this, but there are. Sorry bro - Some people are plain old a-holes
Banned? what did this guy do? musta been pretty ba
at least its turn 5 now hah
Ugh I hate this dumb brawl...
Matchmaking is rigged as fuuuuuuuuuck
I try to counter the trend of Quest Paladins and Hunters by playing Zoolock, and the next five games are all Quest Shamans and fucking Highlander Priest? So of course I get stomped. And I'm like: "Okay, this isn't working, lets switch to Warrior and try to counter the meta." Guess who shows up?
Play about 10 games of non-stop Hunters back to back, switch back to Zoolock, and then ta-da. "Victory or Death!"
I think the Golden Epic is overrated, honestly. See you next season.
This ain't no place for a hero
My holiday plans to reach legend in wild for the first time failed miserably. Made it to the rank 1***** like 5 times within one week, with my own deck. Did not manage to do win the last fkin game. Better luck next year i guess.
I do what I must, when I must. Know this well.
Learn to love the rope lackey shit rogue player, if you wanted a quick game with your shitty aggro deck you should have played ladder instead of casual mode
Hey Kal here's the replay if you ever want to revisit XD
Living like that.
Losing to a Mage that gets 4x Ice Block is some of the biggest steaming horse shit this game hashes out.
And now lost to a warrior who got 3x Armagedillo. How do I keep getting matches against people high rolling everything?
We now have an aggro meta. I'm not sure if this is better or worse than what we had before. But losing to murlocs, zoolock or an aggro warrior on turn 5 does not feel good.
why do you all hate me here?
worst community ever
I don't hate you Kaladin. People are just trolls. Ignore them
I actually think hyena is pretty balanced. You sacrifice card advantage to buff it up and one silence, transform, or hard single target removal can punish the play. If the opponent doesn't have that then the resource commitment pays off for the hunter.
I wonder what takes people to play Control Warrior. You must really have some terrible lives if you want to rape people on a children's game.
The Nerf to Boom made losing to CW even more frustrating: it's like "here here, take two turns, I'll fuck you up anyway". It's the ideal successor of Odd Warrior for a reason.
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
in a world where literally every meta deck is aggro currently, people still want warrior deleted from the game. unbelievable.
Living like that.
I faced Sn1p-sn4p warlock twice this season and I lost against it both times on turn 5 due to stupid godlike starting hands my opponents had.
God damn Frost Lich Jaina is shit-tier design. Tell me Blizzard, why should I play the quest or any other Hero Power changing cards when the best hero power and battlecry in the game are both piled up in one card? Tell me Blizzard, why should I interact with the enemy board if he is playing control mage, since that clearly means the odds of me losing from turn 9 onwards will only increase?
It's shit for the deckbuilder. It's shit for gameplay. It's shit for mirrors. It isn't lost on me how often this atrocity has been banned from Tavern Brawls. Even the games that I win with it make me retch.
Psst! Hey, you want to play a couple of fun (albeit pointless) gamebooks? Become a king here, and a babysitter here.
can't see any murlocs and hunters anymore grrrrr
I'm not online it's just your imagination
Want to trade? I am only facing boring control warriors, still
Quest Shaman is fine, it's balanced. But I get tilted when the double giggling inventor comes out, then they bounce with a bog slosher and repeat. Without Mass Dispel there's nothing other than full board clears that can deal with it. Even if you have a full board you cant get through 4 divine shield taunts in a turn. Then 4 more come out. Possibly another 4 if they run 2 giggling inventors. Then the shudderwock comes out and there's another 4.
It's like the K+C cubelock meta, just boards upon boards of taunts.
Don't Read This Sentence.
You Rebel. I like you.
Player: Well, yeah?
Player: ...
This ain't no place for a hero
Wasn't there a card for this? Something that starts with Mossy and ends with Horror? I remember when Giggling inventors were all over the place, then suddenly everyone was teching their Mossies and suddenly all inventors were gone...
Man, I don't know what I do, but whenever I face a SN1P-SN4P warlock on the ladder, the opponent always finds their combo pieces by turn 5.
There was an exception and I won against them, but literally all of my other opponents killed me on turn 5 because of their stupid starting hand.
[edit] Immediately after I wrote this post, I queued against yet another [Hearthstone Card (snip-sn4p) Not Found] warlock. And guess what - turn 5 lethal........
No, I didn't want to play against a Mill Rogue who draws perfectly. What made you think so, Hearthstone?
Who needs to lose to an opponent when you can just get fucked by your own card draws game after game after game instead.
Fucking love this game, so balanced and "fair".
How about we all get god draws all the time, then we might actually get some good fucking matches once in a while.
Pfft, fuck this shit.
Does this game feel unbelievably stale to anyone else? I've played like an average of 1 game a day for the past two weeks, and then I just quit because I don't even enjoy the game. This is an all time low for me. The game just isn't fun.
Want to play standard? Murloc pally after murloc pally. And they're all good enough to draw lens on 4. Wow that was fun. I think 7 of my last 10 matches were that. Cool.
Wild? Secret mage after secret mage. Btw nice aluneth on 6 guys.
I might have to take my first long break from Hearthstone ever. The game just isn't fun for me. No new decks, no one is playing anything relatively interesting to play against, and the game feels like a chore to play. Anyone else feel the same way, or am I in the minority?
Not really that salty, just disappointed. I don't mind losing to tier 1 decks in casual, play what you want but do you really have to emote multiple times when you win with a tier one deck against a tier 4 deck. I'm not even thin skinned against "BM", a little is fine it's just a game its just a little lame.
Someone call me when RnGsus decides I deserve some good draws for a change.
Fucking so sick of this bullshit just getting steamrolled because my own deck refuses to give me anything remotely helpful for the first 6 turns.
When Plague of Murlocs gives your opponent Old Murk-Eye and you have no more Mana. Every time, that is.
Are you shitting me with this brawl as well.
I start with some garbage piece of shit token deck who's minions are individually fucking garbage against a guy who can "RANDOMLY" get Doomhammer vs me on turn 2, with the hero power as well to bump up the attack for 4 turns, and double cold blooded and perfect synergy in his deck.
Played a few times and his lowest roll was the pally weapon that gives +1/+1 when you play a mininon, not a single vanilla/useless weapon was seen this day.
Fuck the word "Random" in this god damned bastard game, it's just their excuse for you to get fucked by "RnG" time and time again instead of creating well thought out content that requires a brain and some skill to actually win. Maybe Dr Boom really is running the show. (Ironically Boom Labs was the last content of that kind and it was goddamn amazing.)
If this is a preview of Tombs of Terror then I am already out. It's not fun to be fucked by RnG every single day as it is and even more so when you pay real money for content that you can't complete because "Randomly" reads, "Worst outcome for you" just about every fucking time. So less random or actual randomness not rigged in the AI's favor bullshit we have now please.
So, homebrew deck, rank 2 five stars with an insane winrate. What could go wrong? Well, back to rank 4 I guess.
Fuck Quest Druid: to be fair it's nothing compared to Control Warrior, but it feels shit nonetheless
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
I can't believe I still lost to this Quest Mage who BURNED the quest reward because of a full hand from overdrawing. He just played Archmage Antonidas and and Fireballed me to death over the next few turns.
I just hate that I keep losing to this stupid deck whenever I face it. Like a sports team that can't beat their rival no matter what they do (like the Bruins with the Canadiens, or the Red Sox losing to the Yankees for 80 years before finally breaking the curse). I just freeze up mentally whenever I see Open the Waygate being played on turn 1. Grrrrr
MC Tech makes me want to stop playing this game. Is there any card more despised in the history of Hearthstone, any card that makes losing feel worse?
God damn Shamans can now trigger it twice after they finish the quest. And then again via Shudderwock.
I genuinely feel like lackey shit is worse than pirate warrior AND prince keleseth....
With pirate warrior if you're not dead by turn 6-7 they're out of steam and they just concede because they can't win anymore most of the time, with prince keleseth they don't get to play any two drops, and if you beat them on board and they run out of shit to contest you can win, but with lackey shit it's just infinite minion generation that fills their board and buffs the minnions, and if you clear their board they can just infinitely generate another one, with like 3 cards. and the draw is consistent unlike kelly or pirate warrior where sometimes your pirate warrior would have a hand full of all weapons and you'd win just because their hand is TRASH or your opponent doesn't draw kelly and their minions aren't OP because they don't have the +1/+1.
That and it combines two things i hate, cards you just autofill into a deck without thinking and then fill out the rest of the deck(think of druid in kobolds and catacombs where you put in the OP druid cards and just filter out a win condition into the deck), and cards you can just play out without using your brain.
"Just play mossy horror" Two things, they buff the 1/1s so they're out of range, and if you're waiting for a clear by turn six you're already dead.
"Play warrior with warpath" 2 dmg aoe on turn 4 gets shit on by the new lackey that buffs health and doesn't do anything about the lackeys that deal damage on the turn they are played at all, such as kobold lackey, or the +dmg rush lackey or the lackey that summons a 2 drop that will have more than 2 health guaranteed. Lots of warrior cards are good against lackeys such as the 3/4 that spreads 5 dmg out, and that is why all these cancerous people are screaming to delete warrior from the game.
"Play dragonmaw scorcher" Same thing as mossy except it's one turn faster and they usually buff the health of their shit and even if they don't, they can just make a new board right after and your shitty 3/5 won't contest for shit.
If you enjoy playing lackey shit fine, you didn't implement this shitty system in the game you're just abusing it, because it's broken. But i will rope you every single turn, if you queue into me in casual mode for it, because it doesn't take skill it doesn't take finesse it doesn't take a brain, you just play shit and play shit, and play shit, and it always refills your hand so you can keep playing more shit. Congratulations that's what hearthstone is now, and play shit simulator. What does this card say? Who cares just play it if it glows in your hand.
Living like that.
Thanks for effing me over 4 times in a row in this week's brawl.
I am done with all the {paladin, shaman, rogue} quest decks.Lock, War, Hunter, Priest I dig. Mage I don't see. But the other 3: I am done with them.
I am so fucking pissed, can Blizzard fix their shitty servers already?
This ain't no place for a hero
Pressure Plate can be such a bummer sometimes. I played Giggling Inventor in the late game then mutated in into an Octosari, only for the secret to trigger and kill it, effectively emptying my deck and sending me to early fatigue. Because I overdrew my hand, I even managed to burn the Immortal Prelate that I got from an earlier evolve, which I was banking on to save me from fatigue death.
So Heroic should just read "Give AI Perfect everything always, Fuck the paying player in the arse every time".
Fun times, such a creative and new way to make the content hard. Small indie company is too dumb and lazy to make anything that doesn't revolve around RnG
I love paying to have even worse RnG than usual and my opponent to get literally every single turn perfect, for 10 runs over 3 odd hours.
Fuck this shit, keep your shitty Tombs of Terror and come back with something actually new and good and skill based. Cunts.
Edit: Got the boss down to 40 health in one run last night. Above is my attempt to finish it. Still on 9 health now and I am too bored of getting fucked by "RnG"
Not rigged or manipulatable right, bull fucking shit.
I came back after a 4 month hiatus and decided to play arena.
Picked Puzzlebox because my draft was going to shit anyways.
Did you guys know there is a mode on Puzzlebox where it fucks your entire game over?
Control Afficionado specialising in Renolock and Blue decks.
I'm Playing:
Renolock and Secret Mage in Wild
Mono-U Azami Control in EDH
I'm Not Playing:
Warframe because of Uni
Things that need to change: -
Warrior - Still far too much removal, the deck is not fun to play against. You cannot get anything to stick to the board and the whole game is boring, long and unfun. Still!!
Shaman - MCT was fine and crops up in a meta every now and then. MCT with double battlecry whenever you want is not, having to play around two of them for the whole game at times is horrible design.
Priest - Even with the Extra Arms nerf it has done nothing to stop this high roll deck, the game is decided in the first few turns.
Paladin - Prismatic Lens into Murlocs, again not fun when it can be played so early, not only that if you do survive (which is slim in itself) you have Zephrys / Nomi come out really early too. Zephrys is being played in a deck that doesn't even suffer the downside of playing him!
These are the things that piss me off right now!
Yea, Let me play against 3 huntards in row. Secrets' christmas trees? Sure. Turn 6-7 King Crush every time? Why not.
Perfectly balanced.
It's the most disgusting class for me right now (after warrior of course)
I mean, they'll release another patch in like two weeks, right? Right? Please tell me I'm not wrong.
I actually got legend for the first time this month, but man playing is so unrewarding now
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
Okay so don't get me wrong, I really love the tombs of terror so far, but sometimes they suck at balancing highrolling heroic bosses. I just had one of the best decks I've ever had, but I faced Ozara as the second last boss (who has a hero power that summons a dust devil every time they play an overload card). I had the double legendary passive, I played double 2/6 on turn 2, double 3/3 pyros + 3/2 on turn 4 and double 4/3 zilliax on turn 5. I still lost because that fucking dipshit of a boss summoned 2-3 dust devils EVERY turn next to two tunnel troggs, two totem golems, two stormforged axes, two voltaic bursts, a lava shock and finished with a lightning bolt. Seriously how in the fuck is anyone supposed to beat that unless their deck is beyond totally busted? But yeah no I totally wasn't excited to fight the last boss with this awesome deck I spend all that time building up. Why not make ozara the last boss since this shit was 10x more insane than anything the plague lords can do.
Man, Plague Lord are such bs: I'm glad I decided to invest my gold in packs after the first run.
I just managed to fatigue one, keeping his board clear and my health total safe at the same time. Well, fuck you: new broken hero power and another 30 cards in the deck because why not, fatigue is a thing just for you.
I got so tilted after I saw his deck being replenished, like: why? Seriously why? I doesn't make the slightest sense.
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
Is Schrutebucks okay? He hasn't posted here in a while.
Didn't he change his name? To something like KaleKin?
"What's that? You played a card? Here, let's disconnect you and reconnect after your turn ended. Oh! And the card you played? Sorry, it didn't resolve."
This for two games in a row. And no, no Internet issues whatsoever. Proof is I was watching HGG in my phone with the same internet connection.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
Please, please, please release Eater of Secrets back into Standard as part of this October patch. There are no good anti-secret tech cards now. I would give anything to screw over the next Hunter with this card!
Some Season are smooth and fun, while others it seems like I can only face the worst matchup possibile or I had over and over terrible draws. I know it's just RNG but it's frustrating sometimes to loose 4 or more consecutive games without the chance to really even play.
"For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?"
Pffff the plague of death on heroic (first phase) is horrible... I have done it now 3 times and only took around 50 hp ... I have great decks but just can't deal any damage vs walls and walls of obsidian statues ...
Have you ever get your a$$ kicked so hard that you wonder how the hell that person is the same rank as you?
I just made it into rank 11 by the hair of my chinny chin chin and the first opponent is a rank 10.....seriously...a whole rank ahead!
Aberlour 18 Year Old, Balvenie DoubleWood 12, Caol Ila 12, The Arran Malt 14, Auchentoshan Three Wood, Kilchoman Islay 8th edition, Lagavulin 16 Year Old, Glenmorangie Signet, Talisker 10 Year Old.
Maybe this experience of mine will make you feel a little bit better: two months ago I was grinding to get to Legend. Rank 2, 2 (or 3, I don't remember well) stars: I start the matchmaking and my opponent is rank 3000ish Legend. Feelsbadman
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
Whooooooa ok then I don't feel so bad
Aberlour 18 Year Old, Balvenie DoubleWood 12, Caol Ila 12, The Arran Malt 14, Auchentoshan Three Wood, Kilchoman Islay 8th edition, Lagavulin 16 Year Old, Glenmorangie Signet, Talisker 10 Year Old.
Warlock completes quest
Hero powers into Rafaam on first go
Free legendaries for rest of game
Is Chief Inspector so bad?
The pleasure is mine.
My last standard decks: nothing special right now.
15. 15 games lost in a row. It has become funny at this point. I got quickly into rank 3 this month. Now i keep losing at 0-Star rank 5.
This is statistically allmost impossible... Before you rage, i know this game is not rigged and i certainly stopped playing well down the road but still ... This is so fucking unlikely to happen!
Not even mad at this point, i feel like i witnessed something unique and special :‘
Winner winner chicken dinner
I draft Zephrys in Arena and this fuckwad steals him out of the deck with THOTSTEAL TWICE. MY DECK STILL HAS 15 OTHER CARDS TO STEAL ASSHOLE. Oh, and he is constantly at 6 health because I keep hero powering him. Would be REAL NICE TO DRAW THE ZEPHRYS I DRAFTED. I have 3 fucking cards in the deck and I STILL DON'T DRAW HIM. Fuck this game.
This ain't no place for a hero
So tired of MCTech, such a stupid RNG card.
And a Zephrys in a highlander deck also works nicely, when played against almost any secret in play he will offer the remove secrets spell.
No personal salt here I just find it sad that in 2019 on the eve of new meta's birth the best deck you can play is Murlocs in Shaman and Paladin and both have the highest winrate decks in the game according to HSReplay right now.
I fucking hate murlocs and they have always been so broken and synergistic but so rarely addressed by any of the devs. If any other tribe was this broken there would be outrage but somehow these little fish fucks are immune to it. Ok so they nerf war leader a bit and hof the card draw one but shit son the hand farting and winning on turn 5 really needs to be more creative than this bullshit.
Who are they even for? new players who are learning to play? Maybe but mostly they are just for lazy cunts who can't be arsed to put any brain power into a deck and can't be arsed to play a game longer than 5 minutes.
After playing against Jade Shaman again, I've found this to be all too true.
Psst! Hey, you want to play a couple of fun (albeit pointless) gamebooks? Become a king here, and a babysitter here.
Rag always goes face, even the headless horseman knows that :(
Thanks Blizz for returning Flame Waker back into the standard mode. It sucked that the meta was free of actual brainless decks right now. Now all IQ40 people can kill you from 30 to 0 in a single turn with the right RNG (which is, with the pool of mage cards, not that hard to achieve).
Screw that shit, see you next expansion when that shit leaves standard again.
And thanks for returning N'zoth giving Priest even more resurrection tools. Only way to counter that is some RNG based Flamewaker I guess.
Rule #1 of Resurrect Priest - it doesn't matter how many other minions have died this game, Mass Resurrection will always play the maximum available number of Psychopomps.
Just fucking rotate Mind Control Tech. Literally one of the most punishing cards ever printed. No one will ever miss that card. Fuck that.
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
So you can mindless flood the board, when you are ahead? Good idea...not.
Let's be honest, if you face swarm decks you play removals and not MCT. If you go back with your mind to January 2019, when ZooLock, Midrange Hunter, Odd Paladin and Odd Rogue were rampant, there wasn't a single deck using that card (maybe some weird Odd Warrior lists run one copy of it, but that's all): no, you preferred to use Dragonmaw Scorcher, Primordial Drake, Psychic Scream, Volcano, Reckless Flurry, Spirit Lash and such.
There's a reason that little shit got banned from arena months ago: having 4 minions on board is not flooding, is spreading and actually fighting for the control of it.
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
If you still think this game is not rigged you must be one of those having the RNG buff for IQ40 guys.
10 mana. My opponent has full board. I play Zephrys the Great and it gives me Tirion Fordring - Big Game Hunter - Frost Nova
WTF!? HEARTHSTONE U DRUNK. GIVE ME FUCKING Twisting Nether or atleast Mass Dispel
Ah yes, I too enjoy getting punished for playing the game. How dare I play more than 3 minions, right
This ain't no place for a hero
I'm done.
I cannot stand this fucking shaman meta any longer, every other game (usually several games in a row) is quest evolve shaman. It's sickening to play this game now. Not only is it boring to play against but makes me realise how many boring players there are, queuing the top tier deck over and over.
I'll see what the expansion brings but I'm done for now. Hate this game right now.
Coming here to complain about Ozara again. Seriously, just remove that dumb fuckface of a boss from Tombs of Terror. This is probably the 5th or 6th time I've had a really fun and good run with a deck well-suited for fighting the plague-lord, only to run into this steaming pile of shit and get steamrolled by 11/7 in stats on turn 1 with partial windfury which does not slow down at all in the turns after. The only way you win against this boss is if you're lucky enough to draw enough cheap minions and/or board clears and that still doesn't guarantee anything. I'm glad Ozara just a horribly designed AI in a videogame so that I can safely say to her face that literally no one anywhere is going to ever want her to be alive.
I'm so glad that in a time where I'm tired of playing online in this game, the singleplayer content forbids me from having fun as well.
According to HSReplay, Highlander Secret Paladin is the strongest Tier 1 deck in the meta right now with a nearly 58% win rate. So naturally this morning I run into 6 (SIX!) of them IN A ROW - on the ladder you might ask? No of course not - only in Causal where I'm trying to meme it up with Quest Rogue (currently T4 for comparison). I get that Blizzard responds to things with all the alacrity of a retreating glacier, but for fuck sake how many YEARS do we have to wait for some kind of attempt to mediate Causal and filter out the people who are just farming gold off people who want to play something other than the strongest current metadecks?!?
There is no middle ground - play the strongest flavor of the month in Casual just like in Ranked or you will lose. Period. And fundamentally, that is the kind of thing that's costing this game players because it makes the game stale and unfun since there is effectively no place to play anything aside from those T1/T2 decks. Hell I literally don't play this game on the weekends at all anymore because it's SO MUCH WORSE with this shit in Casual than during the week for some reason (presumably more asshats with time off?).
Rant over but for fucks sake people - how hard is it to not be a cunt and remember that there is another person on the other side of that board trying to have fun too?
Hey you know what's fun? When you figure "why not try again since it's a bit later and see if you just had a run of bad luck on MMR earlier." So you jump back into Casual to fiddle with your Silence Priest deck and run into Evolve Shaman, OTK Combo Priest, & Evolve Shaman.
I seriously don't understand why Casual exists. I really, truly do not.
Shaman here, Shaman there, Shaman fuckin' everywhere ...
This Shamanstone is getting old ...
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
That's why I'm kicking asses in wild with Odd Mage and Even Rogu
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
What the actual fuck where they on when they decided "hey, you know what would be a good idea? Giving a class permanent Brann Bronzebeard effect, why not? What could possibly go wrong? Amiright?"
I'm constantly losing interest in this game, and I'm not that stupid to see the new expansion's announcement and immediately forget all this shit we have to go through. I don't care how much hype it will bring, since it will still come down in this situation if they're not able to fix their fucking game.
And ffs I'm not a mobile player, otherwise I would be even more salty
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
I don't mind that you play Shaman, but I do mind that you, your neighbors and their dogs play Shaman ...
Today, that's 5 games IN A ROW ... Uhg
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
I think current meta should be called "mana-cheat" meta. The person who gets its first mana cheat out without dying first wins.
It's a new season and all you fucktards care about on rank 10 WILD is to play odd paly or secret mage?? I hope you disconnect every game, several times! *smileyface
Can we delete Divine Spirit and Inner Fire? Priest is and always will be the most cancerous class.
This ain't no place for a hero
Oops forgot about the infestation that is Shaman
This ain't no place for a hero