Group Therapy! Need to blow off some steam? Mega salty? Here's the place!
For as long as video games have existed, players have been getting annoyed with them. Whether it's forgetting to save and losing all your progress, getting hopelessly lost in the Water Temple or plain old bad RNG, sometimes you need a place to vent.
This is a place for you to post about your frustrations with the game, whether that be your fifth loss in a row or a particularly bad pack opening. This is not a place to mock or otherwise antagonise other people - posting to try and get a rise out of people will get you warned.
While we'll be more lenient with allowing excessive f-bombs and the like here (and in fact I'd recommend them, nothing like a good swear to get the anger out), forum rules do still apply, and specifically calling out people is not allowed. This thread is for your frustrations with the game, not anything else.
I wish you well in ranting your anger out, and will be happy to see you on the rest of the forums once you've cooled off again!
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Secret Mage, Secret Mage, Secret Mage, Renolock, Sniplock, Secret Mage, Secret Mage...
Some crashes in between.
I dunno how i resisted throwing the phone against the wall so far...
Daily reminder that Mind Control Tech is a fucking stupid card I can't stand losing to. Fuck that card and even more fuck those who play it.
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
Daily reminder to take the man who made Underbelly Angler out to the back and shoot him.
This ain't no place for a hero
Three quest-shamans in a row (all evolved some rabbits in their first 3-4 turns of course) followedby a combo-priest who combod me in turn 5. I think that is enough hearthstone for today. And people complained about n'zoth making the ladder boring, lmao.
I stopped winning with evolve shaman, but I needed 1 more win for my quest. So I decided to just do what everybody else is doing and use overpowered quest shaman instead. Of course I'm the only idiot in hearthstone that can't win with that deck.
I will try again later tonight, maybe I'll be allowed to win then.
Having to double or triple tap a deck in the collection editor, just so it is recognize as a full 30 cards list - every single time you log into the game - is getting really irritating ... It was already bad and annoying on day one of said ''Update Patch" but, as time goes by and no changes are yet made, it is now getting bitterly enraging...
I know, i know, a fix is on the way, coming "Monday (or potentially Tuesday)" as they officially released, but in the meantime ...
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
DoD can't come soon enough and shake the meta ...
I'm so tired of matching only against RNG Evo-Shamy or Combo Priest
... its getting ooooooooooooooooooooooooooold
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
It will be a copy/paste, sorry about that but I'm really pissed of.
I was thinking like "I hope there will be some cheap dragon's to be revealed in the list so I can use Stormhammer in my decks" and I saw Dragonmaw Poacher.
It is the worst part of the hearthstone because of the designers. They might make more balanced options to counter some archetypes and decks but they always choose most overpowered and unbalanced stuff to do it. I know it is the marketing strategy already but it really irritates me so much.
That will be the only reason if I stop playing this game in future and that future might be nearer than I thought with Closed beta of the Legends of Runeterra's beginning.
Shame on you Blizzard, You are always doing same thing. It is not about your teams that you employ on the games. It is your marketting strategy and I really hate it.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
So even on night one of an expansion people want to play tier 1 aggro decks in casual vs people who can actually afford cards.
Can you just take a night off and be annoying to someone else for a change
Get ready to see this in Wild A LOT! Dust off those Golakka Crawlers bois! It's time for their feeding.
And yes, obviously this guy's Turn 3 was Southsea Captain. Just in case you were wondering.
I initially wanted to keep around 1.000 gold to start saving for the solo content, then decided to buy more packs because of the incoming nerfs. Ended up with a lot of useless junk and no nerf candidates. Should have kept the gold.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
This happened to me at 0-0 in arena. Fuck you too Hearthstone.
I ran away from standard to wild to get rid of the shamans, but there are there also! Screw you, galakrond shaman, and screw you too, quest shaman! And also fuck even shamans! What a fucking start of the expansion.
I do what I must, when I must. Know this well.
Remember when getting Keleseth into Shadowstep was considered an insane highroll? Well, now you can do it for zero mana with barely any downside... and you can draft multiple of them. Druid is so insane in arena rn, same as Hunter. Play Embiggen and win, if you fuck up just use Ultimate Infestation and win lol. Fuck this. Also, when can we ban Faceless Hoerupttor? Stupid ass card that has way too much tempo and value.
This ain't no place for a hero
Day: I lost count....
Game #: Lost count yet again.....
Opponent: Hundreds of Galakrond Shamans too many.....
Game after Game after Game..... Even in Classic... Decided to sell my soul and play the strongest Control Warrior netdeck.... To no avail.... Apparently according to statistics Galakrond shaman somehow has like 70%+ winrate against control warrior...... or like any control deck....
Can't wait till the nerfs!!! Aggro decks aren't supposed to easely waltz over control decks! It's supposed to be Rock-Paper-Scizzors (Aggro-Control-Combo)....
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Just to complain about something else for a change: why can't I jump to the last page in a thread in one click? I can only click the ... to load the next 5 pages, but there's not 'jump to end' button.
There should be.
Back on topic: wtf is up with Arena at the moment? I'm not the greatest player, but I do mostly get to 5 or 6 wins. These last few runs I thought I had pretty decent decks, only to get completely destroyed by OP decks. Has the powerlevel spiked or something?
I played a Shaman whose first FOUR cards were active Dragon synergy cards. Cards 5 and 6 were a Dragon and another Dragon synergy card respectively.
I mean come on guys, that's not a fun experience.
I don't play Arena all that much, but for fucks sake with this run today. First ever time going 0-3. Let's run those games down shall we?
Game 1 - I (Priest) play Mindgames on turn 4 and pull Chromatic Egg. Brilliant, thanks!!! Quite simply was not able to overcome the tempo loss. Not an unfathomable beat, but really didn't get me off to a good start with what came next:
Game 2 - Again, don't play a lot of Arena but never in the 100+ games I've played over the past 2-3 years have I ever been offered two legendaries in one run. Not only did my opponent get (at least) two for their deck, they were BOTH Emperor Thaurissan. Did not know it was possible to get duplicate legendaries in Arena, so that's a fun way to learn new things! Oh and the icing on this particular shit cake was their turn 1 (plus coin) Transmogrifier I was unable to clear immediately the next turn, so on top of double Emperor they also got a free Illidan Stormrage. Honestly this is the single shittiest arena game I've ever had the misfortune of playing.
Game 3 - Despite my deck only have 10 cards costing 6 or more, guess how many of those 10 I got from the mulligan/drew in the first 6 turns? If you guessed 7(!!!), congratulations to you as well to the Hunter who had an actual hand with playable cards and had me SMOrced to nothing before I could play a single thing.
And to cap off an already garbage run, did my "reward" give me an amount of gold ending in 5 so now I have play another run or stare at unspendable gold until my eyes fall out of my head? You know it did!
ETA: Was the pack I got from my "reward" just a useless 40 dust-er? In fact was it the *9th* 40 dust-er pack *IN A ROW* I've gotten this week? I think you know where I'm going with this.
Fuck fuckity fuck fucking fucker fucks!
FYI You can now jump to the last page from "outside" a thread - there's a little grey arrow to the far right in the forum list next to the last poster's handle - click that and it takes you to the last post. I don't know if/how you can once you're already in a thread.
Why are people playing the super OP Shaman decks on casual right now??? They are going to be nerfed this week, if you are going to use an OP deck at least let those of us who don't want to play with or against that deck enjoy some fun times in Casual!!!!!
For the king for the land for the mountains, For the green valleys where dragons fly, For the glory the power to win the black Lord
By far the biggest bullshit I have ever seen so far in Hearthstone....and I have survived Mean Streets of Gadgetzan.
What a fucking bullshit expansion. Now only IQ40 aggro decks everywhere after a joke of a nerf for shamans, that literally destroy everything countering the aggro fucktards that hopefully won't see christmas eve.
And the arena rotation? Not only is Descent of Dragons completely broken arenawise, the overall rotation is such a big pile of crap.
Nice catering for fucking dumb casual people. At least battlegrounds is tuned better with every patch.
Looks like they let the Trainees design the expansion and the real team, that did a great job this year so far, fully concentrated on battlegrounds.
Three Secret Mages in a row in wild casual. One with 1,000 wins portrait and legend cardback. What is wrong with these people?
FFS man! At 5 mana, the board is empty except for a Necrium Apothecary on the opponents side. I play Nightmare Amalgam + Zephrys (to get to 0 mana, because I want a Silence), but all I get offered is a Houndmaster, Highmane and a Harrison Jones. WTF Blizzard, I need a silence.
Just fucking nerf mecha thun already.
WIld is turned to that only now, FUCKING MF DECK
For the king for the land for the mountains, For the green valleys where dragons fly, For the glory the power to win the black Lord
What it bothers me more is that people really play WILD MECHA THUN QUEST RENO WARLOCK as if is funny and enjoyable"!!!!
For the king for the land for the mountains, For the green valleys where dragons fly, For the glory the power to win the black Lord
This brawl. MAKE IT STOP! At least give me a non-inbred teamate. Holy shit.
Psst! Hey, you want to play a couple of fun (albeit pointless) gamebooks? Become a king here, and a babysitter here.
Are you on EU? Wanna go for a try
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
Does it work with friends? If so, sure.
Psst! Hey, you want to play a couple of fun (albeit pointless) gamebooks? Become a king here, and a babysitter here.
Morkimus #2997
Psst! Hey, you want to play a couple of fun (albeit pointless) gamebooks? Become a king here, and a babysitter here.
Mhhh yes daddy i'm having so much fun conceding 15 times in a row against secret mage in wild mhhhh
I already reached rank 5, the only reason I play is for fun and still the 30 of december, pleople still play to win easy using these burn decks.
How enjoyable
For the king for the land for the mountains, For the green valleys where dragons fly, For the glory the power to win the black Lord
Has Schrutebucks come back?
I actually think it is pretty fun honestly. It forces your opponent to actually try and kill you instead of stall things out forever with value and min/max value trading. Plus, you don't have to dilute your deck with an anti-Ice Block tech, which EVERY mage seems to get even if they aren't control/combo
Just brain dead aggro players in tonight or what?
I just had two matches against Highlander Rogue today where I had them close to lethal, only for them to get a damn Nozari from Dragonqueen Alexstrasza. The first opponent I had down to 3 health, the second one was at 4. I swear, this game loves to fuck with you sometimes...
I second this salt - Dragonqueen Alexstrasza's text should say "add two LEGENDARY dragons" to be more honest. Most games I see her the opponent gets Kalecgos, Ysera, Unleashed, or some other OP 8/9/10-mana legendary for nothing.
I just finished a match against a Highlander Shaman (yeah idk either) and although I won (due to fatigue mostly) I basically had to kill them 5 times over since their DQ Alex gave them Nozari as well, which because they were also running both Shudderwock and Barista Lynchen (who copied both of those minions), they got 4 full heals over the course of the match.
ETA: hey look the very next match against Highlander Rogue and their Alex gives them Nithogg and freaking Malygos. Did I then immediately die to 18 combined dmg from 2 [Hearthstone Card (Eviserate) Not Found]s? You betcha.
to hell with Leeroy Jenkins
I'm not online it's just your imagination
Lost a game because of spaghetti Code, and i don't know if i'm angry or delused.
Turn 10> play Temporous
Turn 11 & 12 > opponents ready to kill me on turn 15
Turn 13 (my first turn) > set big board & play second temporous for another 6 damages
Turn 14> opponent turn.
For the king for the land for the mountains, For the green valleys where dragons fly, For the glory the power to win the black Lord
Man i'm glad priest is a fringe class right now because Grave Rune and Convincing Infiltrator are the worst things i have ever experienced playing against. And that goes double for when they are combined.
Give me bloodreaver guldan into 7 voidlords anyday.
Living like that.
Sounds more like spaghetti brain... you gave him the turn back lmao
Living like that.
What Clawz161 said lol, by playing another Temporus you changed the turn state and gave it back to him, turn 15 became his too had you survived
It shouldn't.
The card say that your opponent has 2 turns, there is no reason to delete your own double turn as it's not in the effect at all.
This is wrongly coded.
For the king for the land for the mountains, For the green valleys where dragons fly, For the glory the power to win the black Lord
Well...depends how its worded on the card...I guess most recent card played is in control? So when you play the 2nd one, it reads "Opponent takes two turns. Then you take two turns." So that is what is happening. This overrules other turn stuff currently happening I guess. You could have better played your next Tempourus as part of your second turn and not your first.
No please ! She saved me so much times with giving me Evasive Wyrm and Crowd Roaster. :)
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Well I wish I played you more often then since virtually every time I see someone drop her they get the ridiculous legendary Dragons and kill me in various and sundry ways :)
Meanwhile, I've gotten Nozdormu from Dragonqueen Alexstrasza more times than I can count smh
Hey you know what's fun? Playing 9! N. I. N. E. onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnine Aggro Galakrond Warlocks (in Casual? OF COURSE!) IN A GODDAMNED ROW. Well im done with this bullshit game for the day - hope everyone is getting less absolutely fucktarded """luck""" today!
Oh YES hearthstone more lucky as fuck rogues that discover legendary dragons out of this air. I love getting morozonded twice in the same game and then alexstrazad right after. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I. PLAY. AGAINST. A. ROGUE. Please always let them discover walk the plank whenever they play the goddamn spell lackey, please always let them always continue shitting on my face. Pure skill.
Living like that.
Really awesome to play some Galakrond decks and then have 4 straight games where I get under 10 cards in my deck and no sign of either Galakrond or Kronx to draw him. Super glad I built the entire deck around a card and his draw engine who both seem to want to be at the very bottom of deck and cost me 4 games I likely would have otherwise won.
Secret Mage is a joke. Even more when you get Aluneth on 6. It's not the most over-the-top deck in Wild, but ffs it feels so bad to play against.
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
I'm super salty they deleted shaman from standard. Gala shaman was so fun, was it so hard to balance it at a normal power level that they had to just kill it?
but Rogue is fine I guess? fucking KEKW. whatever, switched to highlander rogue and im 13-3
Scion of Ruin is still busted as hell. They should never have printed a card that has a battlecry that summons two copies of itself at any Mana cost. Literally just got stomped by a warrior who played over ten copies of this damn card by abusing Barista Lynchen, Dragon Breeder, and War Master Voone. Even managing to run him to fatigue by the skin of my teeth (with a crap load of healing) he still had another 7 copies in his hand. I just wish to God I'd been running Rogue so I could have used Flik Skyshiv against the damn thing. Absolutely freaking ridiculous that crap like this still gets by in this broken ass game.
Pulled Nozdormu the Timeless from a pack yesterday. Since I'm still looking for Frizz and Ysera 2.0, I might yet get some packs and so haven't dusted it for now. So I created a new deck with only Nozdormu in it, pressed autocomplete and went to the ladder on rank 12.
In both of the first two games I managed to pull it off on turn 4 with a bunch of secrets active. On both occasions I ran into a Res Priest who kept spamming Zilliaxes / Convincing Infiltrators. Conceded on 8 in both games. I hate this archetype so much.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
Holy shit, I am triggered as hell right now. Salty AF.
I've been playing Token Druid to rank 3, 5 stars. I kept losing to Galakrond Rogue however, so I decided to give that deck a try.
Long story short: I am now rank 4, 3 stars.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I'm losing against Token Druid, Galakrond Warrior, Highlander Galakrond Rogue, Quest Hunter and even all the mirror matches. I've won only ONE game in the last 8 and that was against some weird Overload Shaman build.
Best moment of the day was Galakrond drawing 4 0-mana cards, of which THREE!!!! were 0-mana to begin with. My god.
Can we please nerf Druid with all its kinds to the ground, better option remove it at all and include hunters while we're at it
I'm not online it's just your imagination
Rogue is just broken af right now. They posses way too many answers to nearly any situation through nearly infinite discover effects, and the ability to reduce the cost of any card to zero Mana. So tired of facing Rogues who can keep their hand full while playing four or five cards a turn or more, draw through their entire deck only to shuffle thirty copies of one OP card back in, destroy almost any minion and any copies thereof anywhere they happen to be, build a full board of big minions from nothing, propagate deathrattle effects again and again and again... The only thing Rogue really lacks is class healing, and they can generally get that from any number of their ridiculous amount of discover cards. So sick of nearly half the decks I face on ladder being Rogue. I hate the class now. Wish they'd nerf it into the ground so far it'll never see the light of day again.
I f***ing hate Leeroy. Played about ten games, lost six of them, all to Leeroy, and all before turn 8. That is all.
I’m assuming this is Galakrond Rogue. Just trying to help out here, so I will say aggressive decks tend to do very well against Rogue as they have no good answers to wide boards.
This ain't no place for a hero
Good to see you back buddy. Sorry about the salt thoug
Why don't you have a decent collection yet though? from 2 weekly vaults and level 8 on every region (3 weeks of playing and completing quests got 3 PVP weeks daily and only one 7 wins expedition). I feel really comfortable about my collection and I am F2P, if you lose so much you might want to look up what you are doing wrong.. it's impossible to climb in any game without an actual deck.. if you are having a hard time figuring out the game I recomend you to watch streamers.. recommed MegaMogwai and Swim they are both at master rank and have very good history of other card games.
Swim has also a lot of tips for beginners and how to make the best of your collection mogwai probably plays jankey enough decks you might like, IIRC you don't like aggro decks he tend to play comoish/control decks.
Normal salt is not ok, only mega salt (=joke). As this is the salt thread ppl complaining about salt are a bit...meta salty? Anywayz, this thread is for all who want to blow off some steam and can be as salty as you want.
I heard that in SEA they play control more than lackey shit that I only face off against in my current zone. Is that true? Anyone know?
Living like that.
if you thought the first few chapters of galakronds awakening were too easy, you can rejoice and relish in the fact that chapter 4 is anything BUT easy. most of reno spells are HEAVILY skewed to his favor, making it not unlikely to see 2 or 3 frost novas in one game. but he is a literal joke in the face of heroic galakrond. EVERY SINGLE TIME this fucker invokes he summons nothing but a mere 8/8, and that as early as THE VERY FIRST FUCKING TURN. AND DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THAT GUY'S CURVE. IF HES NOT BUSY SPAMMING YOU WITH HIS 8/8 DRAGONS, HE'S THROWING OUT ALL SORTS OF OTHER BIG DRAGONS (notably waxadred) AND ALL THE "IF YOU INVOKED TWICE" WE'VE ALL COME TO LOVE. YES, EVEN OUR OH SO BELOVED SCION OF RUIN. what's that? you wanna play doomsayer and a bunch of taunts? well THOUGH LUCK, buttercup, with his hero power being a repeatable Flik Skyshiv, and his weapon he has from the very beginning (which he has more of in the deck) ensure you wont have a board, EVER. your only hope is to have a fuckload of freezes and heals ready, along with some way to otk him, because you sure as arent gonna get through that 150+ health naturally. im not saying they shouldnt make the PvE matches challenging BUT THIS? THIS IS THE PERSONIFICATION (perdracofication?) OF OVERKILL!!
404 skill not found
Just... this
If you play Res or Quest Priest...You suck at life and are worlds biggest pussy
I like Legends of Runeterra but I can't wait for this dumb shit to get nerfed...
Hooray, free wins :
Fuck. It's been 2 days and no one really wanna do the "trade 80 gold" with me.
Gimme that juicy 160 gold. Not angry, just frustrating.
Knowledge is Power
In the salt thread it is also ok to just down-vote everyone because you are in a bad mood.
I'm a 4 hour drive from SEA and I play against nothing but Hunter, Druid and Rogue all day. No idea if you only face off against people in your time zone.
Its been 10 Battlegrounds in a row where my hero options are mediocre to mhe at best, while everyone else gets Rafaam or Tirion and tyrannizes the rounds ... Uhg .. I know this is how RNG works, but it sucks being on the short end of the stick that consistently...
And I went playing BG because my ladder losing streak was already aggravating ; let me highroll, RNGesus, please ... ffs
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Somedays the RNG is really disproportionate. I especially hate losing mirror match after mirror match of Dragon Hunter because the opponent develops at turn 1-2-3 and I'm unable to play anything until I'm below half health and I just lose the SMOrc race afterwards. Everytime I face a Highlander deck it's more consistent then my two-off deck, and I'm still to face my first Embiggen Druid that does not Embiggen turn 1 and Breath of Dreams on 2 with buffed Zilliax turn 6 topdeck, when it's the only card that prevents me from winning. Like why should I even try at this low-skill-high-luck game -_-
I think they should print "Quest" on the Embiggen card so its obvious it starts in your opening hand. If my opponent plays Embiggen on turn 1 or 2 or 3 I just concede, you know what is coming and it is not going to be fun.
Why can you target cards that are in mid-air? I keep shooting my own dwarf, doesn't have to shoot that sharp, fuck
8+ games of people drawing the absolute nuts against me whilst my deck draws in the complete reverse of my desired order.
Yea thanks RnG I think I am done for today.
I'm not even that salty about this, it's more funny. But I feel salt thread is a good place for it.
I'm finally going through and finishing some Heroic mode adventures that I just never got around to finishing. Currently working on the Majordorm/Rag fight in Blackrock mountain.
Im playing Jade Druid. Have a full board of 7 minions (largest Jade a 12/12) and have him set up for lethal. I'm at 16 health.
So what happens? Both of his fucking hero power attacks go face for exact lethal...
Thanks Rag!
Sooooo did I miss a memo about quest warrior becoming a consistent and really fucking good deck now?
Half an hour game lost to the luckiest brawl ever. No cards left for either of us 2 1/1s and a double emeriss stacked jeklik on my side of the field, obviously she gets munched and I keep a 1/1 fml I did not deserve to lose that game period let alone to some bullshit lucky rng.
Also I was playing quest rouge if you wondered how I emerissed a jeklik
To be honest I thought you were play Highlander Discolock, which sounds incredibly cool but incredibly inconsistent at the same time.
Too bad for the loss, hope you'll find more luck skill in the future!
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
Haha thanks bro
Dude, have you ever considered playing other kinds of games
I don't mean that . Just saying is this nice for you, do you enjoy ending up like this after a few games? Play something that doesn't make you vitriolic and nihilistic
Don't bother with kaladin last time i fought them they were playing lackey rogue a deck that thrives on randomly generated bullshit.
Living like that.
correct, i dont deserve sympathy. i deserve all the hatred i receive.
worst community ever
Wasnt this supposed to be the hearthstone salt thread? And not the runeterra one?
Well, as far as I know there is no salt thread for LoR, so it makes sense that LoR frustration is posted here as well.
Also, I really don't get why this would ever be a problem to anyone. It's not like people are shitposting or interrupting in a relevant or unrelated forum thread, they are shitposting in a thread that is specifically made for shitposts.
And I get that some people are trying to help other people who seem overly frustrated because of a card game, but that's not what most of those frustrated people are here for. They just need a place where they can let go of their frustration without other people telling them that they should calm down or play something else.
Mmm yes if there is no other place I guess this is where it must go, but for me all Runeterra things are completely greek.
Hearthstone is so painful sometimes when you know your opponent is making missplays, but the RNG goes in his favor. People never learn from their mistakes this way -_-
Man, is it me or are the Tavern Brawls aweful lately. It's full RNG, as in, one player gets 1 good turn, and it's an auto-loss for the other player.
I have a theory that someone at team 5 is actually a murloc. It's the only explanation as to why such meme creatures can be so unbearably op in both normal and battlegrounds modes. It's actually a fucking joke now. Just make the fish people go the fuck away
A quick PSA to everyone playing Battlegrounds, Dragons are complete ass, do not go Dragons unless you want to lose.
Garbage tribe, no ramp, not particularly strong. Just garbage. Play Cobalts and get to top 4 ez or whatever.
This ain't no place for a hero
Alright Blizzard, time to fire whoever designed Deathwing as a hero. Playing a bit of Battlegrounds in my free time right now and I am so frustrated it is insane. The update ruined Battlegrounds completely. I'll come back once whatever garbage of a meta they made gets solved.
This ain't no place for a hero
Whoever created Faceless Corruptor is a massive fucking cunt.
Sure why would turning a crappy 1/1 into a 4/4 that can trade efficiently and instantly not be overpowered?
They even nerfed it already and it's still disgustingly op. Make it 7 mana and it's an acceptable effect but on turn 5 it's garenteed to hit some trash minion and insta trade with a non trash minion.
I know I can use it too but it shouldn't even exist, let alone be in the DoD set, definitely fits the dragon theme right, oh wait, no.
Tired of people playing druid embiggen, or dragon hunter in casual when you went to have fun with your own brew deck, why the f* don't you go on ladder with those top decks ! Worst part is, they are the one adding you to tell you to go "f* yourself with your meme deck". I can't understand the logic !
Maybe its time for a super-casual mode...or meme-only mode? Strictly non-meta mode? Meaning your deck may not match any popular meta-deck for more than 75% or something similar. Or: you may choose 20 cards from your collection, the other 10 will be added randomly. That should kill all meta-deck similarities! ha!
"Well, people are saying Dragons are okay, right? I have a early Kalecgos here, so it shouldn't be that bad. Maybe the meta's changed."
Daryl with his 20/20 Cobalts: "No."
Literally so triggered, I was about to pop off on Dragons after getting a golden Razorgore from Alex's hero power into Kalecgos. One more turn, but nope. Once again, dragons suck ASS. Even with god rolls you can still lose to basically anything. Oh, and the icing on the cake? I still lost MMR even though I hit the top 4. Like, does Blizzard hate me?
This ain't no place for a hero
Why are you posting Runaterra SS on a Hearthstone - Hearthstone General Thread?
Runeterra doesn't have a salt thread apparently
Fair enough I guess but seems way to salty to have to post your salt in another game thread.
I think it's just Kaladin's habit. He needs a place to vent his frustration. He just so happens to be trying out Runeterra right now because he's probably tired of HS atm.
Maybe we need to make a thread just for Kaladin to vent into.
Actually sparks a good debate for the site. Would it be better to move the Salt Thread into a general "all-games" forum (Maybe in the Off Topic section?) so all the salty venting therapy gets funneled into one forum, or should each game get it's own Salt Thread?
I would say one general salt thread. But I agree it does spark a good debate.
Please do so.
I propose kaladin can post anything he likes here if he tunes down his self hate to reasonable proportions.
So, normally I can keep my cool pretty well. But today I could barely win anything and got REALLY tilted. First Battlegrounds, mediocre build, but ended up facing deathwing with 2 rat packs after every other match, which kept crushing me so bad I just gave up. Next normal Hearthstone. I ragequit a match because I was drawing really shit, when alexstraza showed up, I played her and it gave me 2 fairy dragons. After this my opponent played alex as well, except he got kalecgos, which got him flamestrike. I was so done at this point.
Great start to my day - 10 games of casual, one win. 9 games in a row of opponents drawing the nuts or playing Hecarim in casual.
worst community ever
Mage is a gay fucking class that deserves to die
This ain't no place for a hero
I'd be more annoyed about the runeterra posts in this thread if it weren't just kaladin, and they're easily ignorable.
Why hasn't there been a salt thread for other games? just redundancy?
Living like that.
Maybe I'm insane but I think Archmage Vargoth might be one of the single most unhealthy cards to ever be printed in the history of Hearthstone. The bullshit that priest and mage can pull off just because that card exists is actually disgusting.
Pally quest is a mistake. Infinite value should not exist.
This ain't no place for a hero
What is wrong with you? i wasn't calling you out for doing it, i wasn't telling you to stop, i was asking why there wasn't an official salt thread for other games. Chill
Living like that.
Sigh, third pally draft and still no Silver Sword... hell, not even a 7 drop
This ain't no place for a hero
You know Kaladin if you would vent like a normal person things would be fine. The reason why everyone in here is annoyed by you is your whiny self-hate attitude. Sentences like: "this is why i dont deserve an account. i need to be banned. I want to fucking die." lead to people not wanting to deal with you in any way. You also used to spam a lot but that has gotten better since you have started to just edit your own posts.
Venting in here obviously is not helping you since you come here every day with the same self-hate over and over. Get some professional help in rl.
I'm sick of playing Hearthstone right now.
It's just frustrating to play against cards that are so overly polarizing, either you play the type of aggro deck that kills you on turn 2 or a control game that your descendants are going to be playing. Also, the whole evasive dragons are really annoying, as playing as a mage means you just don't get to kill them anymore.
Freezing Trap is a card that I'm surprised not more people are talking about as a complaint card because it consistently finds a way to cause me to lose, either freezing Zilliax or Kartuht Defender. People may be like "oh, well you don't have to attack" like shut up I can't not attack a phase stalker and let him pound out more and more unfair secrets, with a higher chance of freezing trap existing every new secret.
I think I'm gonna stop playing until the rotation, or some significant nerfs. This game has become unhealthy for my mental state, and I would suggest other people with similar thoughts do as well.
"Some inspirational quote from some famous person" - Some famous person
"Also, mind your own business. This is a thread to vent."
You still don't get it, this is a thread to vent for a different game, that is what this is, nothing more nothing else. You want to vent over Runaterra salt, then ask politely in the Runaterra part of the Forum to make a salt thread for you to vent on or you can also ask for this thread to be moved to a place where we can all be salty about any game we are playing.
Edit: See? I'm also collecting down votes here so... is not an "entirely me" thing as you put it, some people like some post, some others dislike them, simple as that .
Edit 2 : I fail to see where it was addressed but what ever you say chief, keep doing what you are doing, just be sure to savor all those tasty down votes.
Wow, didn't knew Kaladin was breaking havoc in Out of Cards. Interesting... XD
Each person has their own personality. Our differences are what makes us unique and should be respected at all cost. Asking Kaladin to vent like a "normal person" does (according to you) instead of leaving him alone, only shows how intolerant are some people in this community.
Do you people not like his comments here? Well, don't read them, it's as simple as that.
Arena is so unbalanced these days. Drafted a warlock deck with 4 Evasive Drakonids and 2 Twin Tyrants. Most of the time, my opponents didn't stand a chance.
Fix your goddamn game, Blizzard!!! >:-(
God I love how in Battlegrounds the moment they give you something to finally scale into the lategame after struggling to get to that point they throw some bullshit rng in your face and hit you for a ridiculous amount of damage that happens to be exactly your health total because your opponent got some dumb triple that barely survived and hits you for 6.
I'm at a loss for words to describe how much I despise Resurrect Priest. Please make it go away and give this class a viable win condition already.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
The hate towards Resurrect Priest is astounding given the fact that both those who play it and those who face it don't like the archetype at all most of the times.
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
Game 1: mill rogue
Game 2: big priest
Game 3: big priest
Game 4: darkest hour warlock
Man I forgot how much of a shitshow lower ranks in wild are. Guess I need to play some aggro decks to plow through this shitshow and get back to rank 5+ to face all the fun secret mages again.
I just made the best Legends of Runeterra expedition deck I've made so far, and I got beat by double insane highroll bullshit, the second one of course being just buffing two elusive units into colossal proportions because why not abuse the most uninteractive mechanic of this game right? Now I not only got just a measly 2 wins with a very good deck, but I also can't continue playing an expedition deck I really enjoyed...
All right can we all agree that Mageseeker Conservator should only give spells belonging to the regions corresponding to the owner's deck? Because opponents getting stuff like The Ruination when they should have no other way of having access to that card has to be one of the most frustrating things in the entire game.
Reno needs to fuck off with his bs RnG. 10+ turns of perfect RnG in a row, mostly free board clears turn after turn.
The rest of mage cards are no better, add random this into your hand. How the fuck am I supposed to play around this shit.
I miss when mage players were smart enough to have a plan.
Side salt: NO CARD, no matter how apparently strong or weak, should be able to generate itself from battlecry, discover or random effects.
I hate this archetype too, but it's actually what I'm using to climb to legend right now, since I don't like much of the other meta decks. And I'm so close to legend, just 5 more stars! It's even better now that Galakrond Rogue's somewhat weakened by Leeroy's HoF, so that takes care of its toughest matchup.
That said, I don't know how I'll feel when I reach legend with this archetype that I really despise. It's like I sold my soul to the devil lol
I was just robbed from a first place in Battleground due to ... disconnection - as every other internet function kept going ... I could still chat with my brother within app, but couldn't play my turn 12 and 13 ... as we were only 3 players left ...
Fuck me, right
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
All Galakrond Rogue players can FUCK RIGHT OFF. It's so annoying how this deck is still so strong even with Leeroy gone. It's literally the only matchup preventing me from getting legend this season. FUCK. OFF.
(Btw, I'm playing Rez Priest, but I don't give a hobo's hat what you all think)
Luna's pocket galaxy is the worst thing ever, can't wait for it to leave standard.
Lost a mirror match against a Highlander Hunter when my opponent's Dragonqueen Alexstrasza gave him a Nozari just when he was at 1 health.
I mean, that's only like the 5th time that Nozari has fucked me over just when I have lethal! Amazing!
I am broadly dissatisfied with the decision to add a new class. I truly believe that this precedent is the beginning of the end for hearthstone, which is a great shame.
Also, legend never ever. Eternal rank 5 diamond. Other mild upsets. Something about rng.
EDIT: Just noticed that kaladin is on this site. I hope I speak for a silent majority when I say that they aren't hated here.
This post is discussing the wild format.
Whoever designed the rogue sets for year of the Dragon should be fired as a game designer. Cards should never cost 0, you shouldn't be able to generate endless lackeys and Flik Skyshiv is easily the most overpowered card since the original undertaker.
Can someone explain to me how the fuck someone at Blizzard thought it would be a good idea to make Raza-priest a thing again? I just started to play again because I have 0 gold right now and I want to try to play some Hearthstone again when Ashes of Outland releases, but facing this degenerate bullshit is really making me question why I'm even trying to play Hearthstone again.
Mage is so bullshit. Even more than Embiggen Druid. Even more than Face Hunter. Even more than any Galakrond.
It's simply unbearable. You can't play around anything because even they don't know what will happen. And Evocation has not been released yet.
Man I hate the class.
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
Pre salt for knowing I am going to have to buy 85 individual packs for 100 gold each instead of being able to mass buy them all at once
God I hate Control warrior, such an unfun deck to play against...
Hopefully rotation kills all these brain dead aggro swarm decks that every fucker seems to want to play right now
Tombs of Terror is just a fucking shit show.
Use your shitty jank af random deck to beat a perfectly synergised, perfect drawing and perfect RnG boss........8 times in a row.
Yea fuck you whoevers brain child that was. You are some sort of cunt.
On mobile? Because if you're on PC you can double click....
Living like that.
If you hate mage for their endless spam of random bullshit, but you think rogue is allowed to do it with lackeys you're a hypocrite if you thought priest was bullshit because of inner fire cheesing out games and are proud to see it be hall of famed and you are fine with edwin being in standard doing the exact same thing you are a hypocrite. God i hate this game. Apparently you need to point these out because the people playing rogue don't know. XD
Living like that.
Hey, I’m not sure if you know, but you can buy more than 1 pack with gold by double clicking the 100 gold purchase. It will ask how many you want to buy (max is 50, but then you can just buy 35 afterwards)
Oh really? seriously wish I had known that years ago. Thank you my friend you just saved me 10 minutes
Why do Embiggen Druid always have Strength in Numbers, Breath of Dreams and Embiggen in their opening hand?
Killed Lorewalker Cho with a free Vendetta. Cho copies spell but opponent plays it for free? 0% chance that he meets the condition for it to be free though.
Never knew Cho copied discounts, how is this a thing wtf
Maybe I'm wrong with how it works, but I would assume since Vendetta is still a Rogue card, it's checking for non-Rogue cards, not "different from the class you're playing." I don't know that for sure but would be my guess to explain that interaction?
I guess the class you should consider "main" is the one you're playing (if you're Jaina, then Mage), so it shouldn't matter if Vendetta is a Rogue card. But yeah, I don't know why it happened.
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
Oooooooo yea that might make sense.
Still gross to find out this way lol but it does check out.
Don't Vendetta Cho peeps
I think this is the actual reason. If you're a mage for example, Vendetta will check for any non-mage cards in your hand, and as it turns out you have one. You have a rogue card called Vendetta.
Galakrond Rogue players should simply be banned from entering Ranked. Or Casual. Or the game, to be honest. Let's rely on the RNG of a netdecked deck and pray we get the right lackeys (and secrets with the new Outland legendary), while almost roping every turn, because it's so hard to play this deck, I'm sure you need a PHD in order to know how to do the right plays, so that you don't reach rope every turn.
Few months ago: "at least we will never see a worse lauch day than this one with galakrond shaman"
Blizzard: "hold my vengeance"
Demon Hunters... Demon Hunters Everywhere...
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
Finally a thread dedicated exclusively to the words of our God Kripparian, the glorious salt king.
All heil the salty players!
I came to thread because is day 3 of the expansion and I'm already SICK OF THE DEMON HUNTERS!!!!!
That's a demon's class indeed.
What were Blizzard's developers thinking? Is this an expected result or they just messed up, trying to call atention to the class?
Shitfest of an expansion so far. DH is the most overpowered bullshit since launch and if you see another class it's a bugger-me-with-a-rusty-pitchfork fun level rez priest.
So they nerfed Demon Hunter. But I still die to their small-ragnaros. At least it's . . . not legendary. I'm sorry, what?
Demon hunters = Hunters (already annoying as they are) on steroids. More nerfs please, grrr
I'm not online it's just your imagination
I want to preface this with I've never really commented on these threads before (yes I have cam here to read peoples complaints I don't really get angry at card games I've been playing them my whole life ) but in the last 48 hours I have gone from happy to extremely tilted, I liken this to Kibler getting annoyed by crystal core (before it was nerfed) but after getting tilted and thus having a bottle Pepsi spilt over me because of my being tilted I need to calm down and put my thoughts out into the ether.
I've been playing since the beta. I never hit legend just due to not having a lot of time in my days but with the quarantine, I had a lot more time on my hands I made the push to diamond 5 before the expansion and was soo happy that I could make the journey with plenty of time but seeing the way demon hunter has torn through the meta both before & after the "nerfs" has not given me a lot of faith in their competence as a team. ( how did that class make it through testing in the first place?)
I think this post from Reddit sums it up pretty well. demon hunter is a jack of all trades and a master of all I can understand these cards over multiple expansions but not all in one and thus people are more incentivised to play this class above all others.
note for something from me personally:
hitting legend was the last big thing for me to do in this game but because of this meta where you basically have to tech against the most egregious aggressive class and if you don't face them you just outright lose to some others it's been tilting me more than usual and even when I take a break for a few hours I come back and nothing changed. I had thought about moving over to mtg arena as I've loved MTG since I was a kid and putting hearthstone on the back burner and just logging in periodically after I hit legend but after this, I might end up doing it sooner than I thought if the class isn't more balanced, for my sanity if for nothing else. anyway, I hope anyone who reads this has a great day. stay safe and (don't forget to wash your hands)
Man, what's with the Legend players these days? I beat some with my N'zoth priest and a couple of them sent me their "friend requests". Before you say it, no, I don't think they were interested in the deck code.
MMMMMM Don't you love it when you lose to RNG? 1 in 6? 1 in 72? Doesn't matter! Your Standard Heathstone Opponent TM will always hit it! However, if you so much as try to even hit a 50/50 then FUUUUUUUCK YOU!
This ain't no place for a hero
fuck it, I quit. Remember when arena wasn't entirely RNG reliant? me neither
This ain't no place for a hero
If I have to play one more match against fucking Rez Priest, my brains are going to end up splattered all over my wall. Can this deck just please die forever? Convincing Infiltrator is the most unfun card ever printed. Standard is going to blow until that fucking card gets sent to wild.
Fuck this. I'm done with Hearthstone until Blizzard fixes this game. DH has completely fucked this game and requires A LOT more balance changes before any other tempo class can be viable. This meta is fucking terrible and I just can't play anymore. I'll see everyone once Blizzard wakes up and makes this game actually fun to play again.
For anyone who is sick and tired of Demon Hunters, there aren't that many Demon Hunters in wild. People still play Demon Hunters there, but there aren't nearly as many as there are in standard.
Or at least this has been my experience, I am very sorry if I end up getting your hopes up and then you go to wild and face five Demon Hunters in a row.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
You guys seem a little salty. Maybe you should go to the.... wait a minute, where am I? I feel you on the Demon Hunters, I have found that Plot Twist Warlock of all things seems to work pretty well. And it's super fun. I have a deck that I found somewhere and modified a little, so I'll probably put that up in a bit.
First time posting a salty post in the salt thread. I am going to try and stay tame with my salt.
Secret Mage is a bad thing for the health of wild mode. People play Eater of Secrets or extra heals to counter them, but I don't hate secret mage for the secrets or the burn damage (well, I partly do) but I mainly hate Aluneth. This one card gives secret mages way too much umph in the late game, combine that with all of their burst (2 Fireball, 2 Cloud Prince, 2 Medivh's Valet for a total of 30 damage just in burn) and they can just kill you before you fatigue. The only way to get around it is either kill them the same turn they play Aluneth, or run a ton of heals.
I really wish blizzard would nerf this card. The problem with Secret Mage is similar to the problem with Demon Hunters, only less robust. They have a strong aggro base, with a ton of draw so that they will never run out of steam until they die.
I am going to start playing [Hearthstone Card (acidic ooze) Not Found] in my decks while climbing the wild ladder, wish me luck!
*edit* After a long and strenuous climb, I have finally made diamond 10. The last game I was playing a secret mage, who played Aluneth, which I ate with the ooze. That was nice.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Imagine still trying to scam people in the 80g quest trade thread in 2020.
Fucking losers.
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
Kaelthas needs to be changed, that's just a fact. It is leading to an unhealthy metagame being able to just draw cards and then play an entire hand full of BS onto the board or dealing 22 damage to your face while ignoring taunt and healing themselves to full. EIther that card has to be put into a class, because it is way too design limiting to be a neutral, or it needs to be nerfed into the fucking ground. I was one win away from the diamond, something I have been grinding for since the start of this month. ONE WIN. And then I lose to demon hunter combo 4 times in a row. I know demon hunter is its own problem, but that's gonna get nerfed again and it's only in one class. But Kaelthas is used in multiple classes and multiple decks, and most of them are just built around Kaelthas. It needs to be changed, because it's so unfair to just play free card after free card. I'm not playing this game until Blizzard learns how to balance their fucking game that I have spent so much time and money on only to be shit on but BS. I'll be back when this shit's fair to play.
Edit - I came back the next day and decided to play agro demon hunter. Won 5 in a row. Yea DH is a fair and balanced class. At least I'm diamond now and don't have to play ranked for the rest of the season.
"Some inspirational quote from some famous person" - Some famous person
Can I stop being the person every single mother fucker gets their perfect game against.
Ranked, Casual, Wild, fucking Arena. Doesn't matter what I try and play the game just fucks me.
I'm just fucking sick of it at this point.
It's not a very pleasant experience to see every deck I play against perform to their S tier potential and when I try with the exact same deck I get C- at best and my new opponent does the exact same thing with a different deck. Rinse and repeat.
Can I just get some good draws and a decent opening hand once in every 10 games please.
I legit think my account has some sort of mark on it that just allows this shit to happen constantly, not like this is a new thing for me but it is more prevalent than ever right now.
Seriously, who the fuck thought it was a good idea to allow Dragonqueen Alexstrasza in arena? Are you fucking kidding me? Bullshit swing plays like that should not be allowed in arena, especially when it is so easy to achieve the no-duplicates rule. Arena decks don't come with a lot of answers to that bullshit. It's game ending and not fun.
Also, how the fuck do all of my opponents draft some stupid powerful legendary and I never get offered a single legendary? And when I finally do, it's always an option between 3 pieces of trash? Well, at least my arena tickets from the pre-order are used up so I can go back to the dumpster fire that is ladder...
WTF Hearthstone is literally at the worst its ever been, ladder is no fun, its literally big decks, hyper aggro or Demon Hunter. Get killed before you can make a turn or simply die to big dude after big dude? Fun. Wild is just... ugh.
After DOD I thought they were finally getting their shit together, but nope. God, what a mess.
This ain't no place for a hero
Quest Mage needs to DIE. I hope the devs nerf this pathetic piece of shit to oblivion, so all the fucking losers who somehow enjoy playing it will just crawl into a toilet and flush themselves down a septic tank where they fucking belong, and hopefully they all rot there
The world would be a better place to live in if all combo and OTK decks just died.
What's up with the match-making? Why the f am I facing Diamond 5-1 players while trying to get to Platinum 1?
Friend of mine made it to legend last week and is constantly facing Platinum and Diamond players as well. Get your sh.. together, Blizzard. That's just stupid...
Welp today was one of the worst I've ever had - wanted to take a break from laddering by fooling around in Casual with some more fun decks I've not had much chance to use since launch: Spell-Only Mage, "Sneaky" Rogue (secrets + stealth), Big Spells Shaman, "Enrage" Warrior etc.
But alas I forgot the Golden Rule of Hearthstone: Casual on a weekend is reserved for tier-1 decks to gold farm. I seriously went 3-21. Of those, the one and only non-tier 1 deck I saw was one guy running that Raging Worgen OTK Warrior deck.
I'm so seriously tired of making the same complaint over and over: make Casual a place for fun and memery. PLEASE take the gold rewards away for any wins earned in Casual so that people will stop using it to farm (or "train" or play "without the stress of the ladder" or whatever self-justificatory bullshit they want to tell themselves). I just want to get a chance to use my garbage legendaries and try to treat this like a fun game and not a fucking grind.
Hey Blizzard, good job on class identity so far and stuff you know?
The holy paladins are commanded by the fishy scum of the earth, seems about right.
Ooh, and don't forget about how the Necromancer class keeps re-summoning those shady squid people right?
And I'm glad to see that the theme of being a Hunter is kept consistent, with how they rely on technology and Dragons to win. Great job!
This ain't no place for a hero
Lol well this is the same kinds of people that decided paladins from WoW were all about secrets, that the stealth gankers & stun-lockers known as rogues weren't known for secrets and traps, that shamans were known more for 4 mana 7/7s instead of the elementals and primal fury, and that priests nowadays are in fact not known for mind melting face with dark shadow magic (psh, like Shadowform is a thing).
Oh, and priests are the divine Eragon wrestlers reincarnated.
HS did really funny things with very very loosely interpreting class identity for WoW classes ;)
This ain't no place for a hero
Just want to say while I like to play with Highlander decks sometimes I hate to play against Zephyr.
Being Highlander is not that much trouble. And it's really horrible to be at the o tj er side of Zephyr when your opponent draws lethal out of hat (or actually Zephyr) as he have answers for everything. Board clear, direct damage, remove taunt.
And even more frustrating is when you play vs non Highlander decks and they still use bith Zephyr and Alexstrasa.
This. I won't go so far as not using him myself so you can rightfully call me a hypocrit, but I hated the card with all my heart ever since it was announced. This has nothing to do with playing well or even RNGesus smiling on you; this is just cheating.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
Thought I could do some easy wins to get up to platinum league by Doing some DH. I hadn't played it that much, but everybody's screaming about it being OP, so I bit.
I must really suck. REALLY suck, because on Europe server, there are only off meta decks where I am. Meta report on this site is...inaccurate.
Game 1: Galakrond Quest Shaman. Lost.
Game 2: Galakrond Shaman. Lost.
Game 3: SPELL MAGE (yeah, they haven't given up on that). Lost.
Game 4: Switched to Zoolock. Won in three turns against big Druid.
Game 5. Switched to Galakrond Warlock. Won against Resurrect Priest (even when he Albatrossed me for a while).
How is DH OP in Europe? Is it?
Well firstly DH has just been nerfed again so no one knows quite how strong it is.
Secondly that's only 5 games and not enough to draw significant conclusions from either for win rate or meta populations.
Thirdly, I would never complain about encountering off-meta decks. To me that's like finding the Holy Grail and complaining because you were looking for a normal cup.
I hear you. I was disappointed that I couldn't get some wins, I guess.
I get the feeling Blizzard is fucking up with Demon Hunter. I get that they'd prefer the class is OP first and balanced later, instead of being to weak at the start, but it's just a very un-fun class to play against. Too few cards in the pool with a power level that is too high.
Part of my frustration is because whenever I give the class a go, I get destroyed. Not entirely my own fault, because my last 4 games I ended up with the entirety of my top end in hand before turn 6.
But regardless of my own failures, the class just has too much going for it: early game, tempo plays, massive card draw and even efficient board clears and spot removal. IT'S.JUST.TOO.MUCH!
So, uhm, do you remember that nerf to Open the Waygate?
If you look closely, you can see that the opponent managed to finish their quest on turn 6. Whoa, what a surprise! Who would have thought that increasing the requirement by two spells wouldn't have had any impact on the quest completion whatsoever?!
Tbh I'm not really that salty about losing that game (it happened somewhere after turn 10 and I had some shitty draws). But I came here just to vent a bit, that the nerf wasn't impactful at all. I dunno, I could be wrong. What are your impressions from your encounters against the "nerfed" deck? If you play aggro, do you manage to beat it often?
I've just been super trolled by myself by reading a card wrong... I was In a mirror match Secret Galakrond Rogue, and at the end of the match, the opponent finished me off, w/ eviscerate.
That should be OK, but...
A few rounds earlier I played Spellbender thinking it would protect me from a face spell.
After the match, I went to read the secret text and it clearly says: "When an enemy casts a spell on a MINION, summon a 1/3 as the new target."
I'm disappointed and ashamed, but moslty salty.
Lackeys are supposed to be worse than zephyrs right?
Then why does every single cunt lackey discover the perfect damn card every single fucking time.
Not to mention the fact that no one but me gets a "bad" lackey ever.
Fml, fuck RnG, fuck this shitty aggro dead by turn 5 meta
Blizzard pls, can you do serious nerfs on demon hunter not stupid one like you did ! Come on the damage are huge, they draw crazy !
Unpopular opinion - Lackeys should've rotated at the end of Year of the Dragon, or maybe I've just played against too much Secret Galakrond Rogue today...
I just lost an Arena match against a Mage who was dead on his feet and managed an incredible turn around. It started with Dune Sculptor into freezing my board, which gave him Kalecgos. Of course he pulled Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron from him. At that point I had already despaired. The box gave him not one but two Nagrand Slam and perfectly Shadowflameed my board. I still got him down to 1 HP and top decked a Frost Nova but of course he had some heal in hand, froze my last remaining minions and killed me the next turn, happily emoting "Thank you". Thank you indeed, RNG-esus.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
Me: "how many more times my highlander rogue opponents will get Reno from dragon's hoard?"
Blizzard: "yes"
Ok Blizzard, Rogue is a problem, and has been a problem for a very long time. Can you stop giving them cards with infinite value? I'm really sick of every match being either Rogue or DH. This meta is stale as shit.
I don't know why, but Rogues scam me every time.
game 1) Rogue is dead on board but goes Draconic Lackey -> Brightwing -> coin + Dinotamer Brann and gets the exact counter kill.
game 2) Rogue is dead over 2 turns, but goes Faceless Lackey -> Lightwell, which despite having damaged minions, heals the face out lethal range.
game 3) Rogue is dead on board goes Witchy Lackey on Shield of Galakrond -> Khartut Defender + Goblin Lackey so it trades and heals just out of range.
Rogues scam me even harder than Mage, I seriously hate those decks more then Demon Hunter or Priest. This keeps happening to me on Diamond 2-1 :/
*Opponent* Draws perfect opening hand, plays optimum cards for first 5 turns, draws like a fucking god, gets perfect RnG.
*Me* Draws nothing below 6 mana for opening hand, can barely play anything for first 5 turns, draws like I shat in Mike Donais cereal, gets worst RnG possible.
Seriously WTF did I do to whom to deserve this crap on a daily fucking basis.
Man, I hate playing against Tempo DH. The class has so many BS minions and strong synergies, that I don't know where to begin with.
I play Quest Ress Priest and, yes, this is a slow deck, but whenever I try to play the most optimal way possible against DHs, I get fucked by either Kayn or Priestess of Fury, in some cases even by Altruis in combination with Skull of Gul'Dan. And at the end, I feel like my decisions don't really matter, because I always fall in the same checkmate position. Like, if the opponent has a wide board and I decide to play taunts, I risk getting killed by Kayn. And if I do decide to play around that and clear the board, the opponent can just play Priestess of Fury and push even more face damage, which would lead to the previous scenario. I swear, I have seen consistent decks before, but Tempo DH is on a whole new level.
Rant over.
DID YOU, in fact, shit in Mike Donais' cereal? If so, it was probably that.
But I feel this - I have been at Platinum 6 for 3 days because each time I get one win away from hitting that rank floor on Plat 5 I have the exact game you describe. I'm SO CLOSE and I hate it.
I hear you. I faced one that had gone through most of their deck, it was close. I set up a couple of taunts to buy me a turn, but I'd forgotten about the legendary that invalidates taunts. So I lost.
Fun and interactive. Truly, I don't know what they were smoking when they gave Demon Hunter's kit the okay. This is not balanced, and that's after a couple of rounds of nerfs!
This ain't Standard. This is Wild.
But seriously. Fuck Quest Mage and the incompetent """balancers"""" of Blizzard. The nerf has done absolutely NOTHING.
ZERO counterplay. Their Quest is completed on Turn 6. Same turn, he summons my Voidlord and kills it. At 6 mana, they out-manacheat THE 9 mana card. And next turn: they had lethal. With 7 mana. From 23 HP to 0.
The extra turn was the worst card printed in the history of Hearthstone. This deck is right there with Naga Sea Witch Giants and Snip-Snaps.
And the fucker emoted me in the end.
Put your faith in the Light!
Every deck I play in ladder just meets the counter, change to counter the counter and woe and bettied no more of those decks and ones that counter my new deck instead.
Matchmaking isn't rigged though. Everything is fine.
Seriously, even on the last day of the month. Can't you just turn this "hidden" feature off for the last few days of the month
Daily's only for me until something actually gets nerfed properly. We used to complain that they nuked cards when nerfing but now look what we have, some cards have been "soft nerfed" up to 3 times and are still competitive. Fuck that shit, just nuke it and admit it was dumb to think it was fair at all.
Why do all the Priest players play to the very last second of their rope? Their fucking decks already make matches last 30+ minutes, but when they sit there and take their sweet fucking time on every fucking turn, the game goes for 45 minutes. I just wanted a quick match. Seriously, I think the only reason Priest's win rate is as high as it is is because of people getting sick and tired of these boring ass games against them and conceding.
Also, I love how they rework Priest's basic/classic set, yet still people only play Rez bull shit. Shows you just how broken the resurrection mechanic is.
Also, what is it with Priest players and emoting the entire fucking time? "Thank you! Thank you!" Oh, you're so fucking cool because you think my play benefited you. Fucking eat shit and die.
Usually I'm all for preserving decks and cards when possible in wild, but here I do have to agree with most of what you said. I think the extra quest/turn mechanic is fine (no different than the average win condition for most OTKs), but the issue is with having a win condition ready so incredibly early and consistently is what is a big problem for me.
I usually also feel things do have counter play, but you're right. The counter play is minimal if you're not flat out smashing their face with an incredibly fast aggro deck. Sure, you could rat/demonic project/insert hand disruption here, but they run 3-4 giants, and since you're on an extremely fast clock with all their cycling even pulling off a Brann + Rat combo at best pulls 2 giants, but then you have 1-3 mana leftover to deal with 2 8/8s. I even ran that 6 mana minion that forces a spell to be played, in one of my decks, used it somewhere around turn 7 or 8, hit the spell & still lost. They just summoned giants and killed me.
So hitting the spell from their hand doesn't consistently improve your win rate, hitting giants also doesn't really do anything. Aside from running aggro there are no other anti synergy options left.
I do wish that they would nerf the giants by increasing their base mana cost though and not nerf the quest again. I actually really like slower Quest Mage otk builds, such as Quest Malygos Mage since it's not just a node towards bigger spell Freeze Mage, but just Malygos decks in general. Making the quest cost 10 or 12 mana makes it near impossible for the quest to be played in higher curve control otk builds because you'd have to sacrifice so much for the lower curve Mana Cyclone package.
One last side note, playing Mecha'Thun Lock (the one where you can win on turn 8) Quest Mage is my absolute worst match-up. I've had games where I've played Hemet ON TURN 6 and still lost against Quest Mage. That is absolutely unbelievable.
Just played a Shaman who had literally doesn't know what paying the card cost actually means
Free Sea Giant's by turn 3/4
1 mana Mogu Fleshshaper into Mutate. Twice in a row! Gets Deathwing and Colossus out of them. On turn 6
Can we stop pretending that this is not a fucking issue please. You play Mogu at 1 you a get a fucking 2 drop, simple, how is even remotely sensible for it to be a 10 drop at that point
Fucking cunt designers obviously circle jerk over how far they can push this shit before we want to shoot them. (That is now by the way, or when Mogu and Mutate were aloud to be in same rotation).
Not to mention all the Galakrond shit and free rush minions coming from his arsehole every turn and scoring taunt totems nearly every turn too.
Mother fucker just got way too lucky on every single roll he had.
Sea Giant needs to join his brothers in the pit of hell that is HoF and this mana cheating shit needs to stop and be fixed.
The the three horsemen of the apocalypse : Tempo Demon Hunter , Res Priest and Secret Galakrond Rogue . If they decided to just delete those 3 deck archetypes nobody except the spastics that play them would be sad. Can't say I feel sorry to hear that you got your ass ran over by Demon Hunter when the whole shtick of your deck is to be as cancerous as possible .