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Toybox Tactician
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anchorm4n's Comments

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Toybox Tactician 1895 2337 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years ago
    Quote From Hordaki

    Haven't had the best luck with my cards in the past few contests, hoping to turn it around soon. This week is definitely the most unique idea we've had yet, so it took me a while to find an idea I liked.

    Xavius, Nightmare Lord is the Prime legendary that DH never got, and is meant to be a key piece in Demon decks for board clears since it can preserve your board if you build it right.

    Feedback time:


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    Cg8889: You might have to shuffle an extra copy into your deck instead to avoid the infinite Mechwarper combos.

    bigcums: Light Infusion could be worded better (maybe limit it to minions and "gain +1/+1 for each excess health". Light Burst should be higher since targeting a minion with full health is basically a double Flamestrike.

    anchorm4n: I like the Protector, and I don't think putting it in Witchwood is much of a problem since Year of the Raven was when Treat support became a thing. But 5 Mana would definitely be more balanced.

    KANSAS: I think the six Coins is pretty forced, I don't know if this idea will work for the competition.

    CursedParrot: I think the Violet Spellshielder would be more readable if it used Overkill in some way. Maybe "If you Overkill a minion with a spell, gain Armor equal to the excess damage."

    MenacingBagel: I think that works, just make sure to include a token of the Improvised Explosives when you submit.

    BloodMefist: I'd go with the Corpse Explosion out of the three.

    meisterz39: I like it, not much else to say about it.

    MrRhapsody: I'd go with the family-friendly one since that's the direction Hearthstone is going in.

    TheHoax91: Aldor Artificer is too simple, but I also think Felo'melorn might be too complicated.

    Valor1204: Maybe it would read better if it only shifted once?

    DestroyerR: Too much of a meme to be pulled off well.

    Pokeniner: Is the damage randomly split? Because otherwise this should be at least 4 Mana.

    grumpymonk: Bestow Faith works, but Keeper Remulos would break the entire game.

    Demonxz95: I'd go with Soul Enchantress out of the two.

    linkblade91: I like Plague Doctor the best of the two, I'm surprised they didn't bring back the Toxins before this.



    Thanks for the feedback! I'm a bit torn about the cost, Linkblade thought it might be too weak at 5...

    I like your take on Xavius a lot. If anything, maybe make the first card a 3/4/3, it looks odd not having an aggressive stat line. If you're worried about that being too much, I could imagine 3/4/2 being cool as well (like my Terrestian Illhoof two weeks ago).

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Toybox Tactician 1895 2337 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    I walk where no one else goes

    I seek everybody's foes

    True, I may be lacking some substance

    But then, my danger can't be seen at first glance

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Toybox Tactician 1895 2337 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Toybox Tactician 1895 2337 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    New idea. I noticed that most of the tribes got a board clear tailored to them (Demonwrath, Corrupted Seer, Dragonfire Potion, Dyn-o-matic). Treants are missing one of those, so I fixed that. What do you think? I put it in Witchwood because of the art even if it isn't the most Treant - centered expansion. I guess it's too strong at 4 mana... Would 5 be okay? 

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Toybox Tactician 1895 2337 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Thanks for the pointer KANSAS, I honestly had forgotten about Conduit's card for competition 1.04. In fact, I created my card with my girlfriend who has no idea about hearthstone, let alone OOC. I'm sorry nevertheless. Back to the drawing board!

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Toybox Tactician 1895 2337 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years ago


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    No matter what Version you choose, you should keep the name "Abusive Mistress". I think I prefer the family friendly version.

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    Aldor Artificer Looks solid, but not very exciting. Felo'melorn Looks creative, but hard to make use of in game. I wouldn't be very happy if I pulled this from a pack tbh.

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    Doomguard Devastator is an interesting idea, I like that approach. Shadow Seer doesn't work because "next" is banned from the competition. I must say I like Corpse Explosion too but your worries about the flavor are well reasoned.

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    It's too complicated for my taste and I don't see an easy way to alter it without completely working it over. Sorry.

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    I've laughed, but I guess you won't win the competetion with this.

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    I like Disciple of Krag'wa the most. It's versatile and puts the Overkill effect to a creative use. Nice one!

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    I like the idea, but at 1 Health it wouldn't even have a Chance to survive if your Opponent had a board. The text Needs some work imo, since it's not clear enough where the excess Damage goes ("randomly split among all other enemy minions"?). Finally, what would you think about giving it Magnetic? The balance would be a Little tricky, but it would be fine at 1 Health and be much more appealing in my eyes.

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    Keeper Remulos is my favorite card this week. I had a similar idea a few days ago and you designed just perfectly. 5 stars!

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    Felfire Fury looks a bit forced, it doesn't really Need the "except" in my eyes. I like Soul Enchantress, it's a cool idea.

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    I didn't get what Otto would do in game even after I had read your explanation, so you should probably go with Mr. Chu. He Looks annoying, but fair.

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    I prefer the Plague Doctor. It is a nice throwback to Xaril, fits well into Deathrattle Rogue and looks weel balanced. The flavor is there, nice card!

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    It's a cool idea but I don't understand why the Goblin would get more money if he took out more teeth than he was supposed to so the flavor is a little bit off imo.

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Toybox Tactician 1895 2337 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Here's my idea for this week. It's meant to be played together with buff cards like Flametongue Totem or Fungalmancer. What do you think?

    I'll add feedback in a few hours (already spotted my favorite!) 

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Toybox Tactician 1895 2337 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Congrats KANSAS! Finally! I'm happy for you :-) 

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Toybox Tactician 1895 2337 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Congrats Wassculaire!

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Toybox Tactician 1895 2337 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years ago


  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Toybox Tactician 1895 2337 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years ago
    Quote From Wailor

    I was so sure I'd make it in both comps and I didn't in neither of them 🤡

    I guess I should put less expectations in these things lol

    Same here. Less expectations and less time for me. 

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Toybox Tactician 1895 2337 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Disco Lock no longer works in my current meta bubble but I still wanted to grind Guldan wins, so I switched to Cube Lock. I had forgotten how satisfying it feels when you win a game just by playing Skulking Geist

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Toybox Tactician 1895 2337 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years ago
    Quote From Nirast

    Last minute remake:

    If anyone still wants feedback, let me know.

    It should be "player" without the "s" at the end. I'm not sure if it works as intended... I mean, who's the "current" player at the end of the turn technically? 

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Toybox Tactician 1895 2337 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Deathrattle Rogue is both fun and competitive (if you don't run into hyper-aggro). It's just what I look for in Hearthstone :-)

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Toybox Tactician 1895 2337 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    That's a tough decision. I'd go with the second version because the art of the beast is your centerpiece and better than that of Trick Gift. It's a shame you can't submit both tokens. The Battlecry of the new Trick Gift is a bit uncommon and I love the 'Ordinary' in quotation marks. 

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Toybox Tactician 1895 2337 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years ago
    Quote From KANSAS

    I'm going to put my card here and ask for a bit more feedback before submitting it.

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    @Xarkkal, As Linkblade mentioned, the downside won't be relevant often. You either play this when you want to trade away the entire board, or when you are going to kill your opponent. I really like the flavor, but I think you should change the card a bit to make it a bit more relevant. Instead of giving them raw stats, I think giving them keywords might be a bit better. Maybe give them Divine Shield and possibly Rush? Giving them Divine Shield encourages trading, and it also keeps the downside relevant. Rush allows you to play it on the same turn as other minions which makes the card much more usable, and it also fits with the flavor.


    @CursedParrot, The card feels a bit clunky with the start of game and battlecry which both temporarily change your Hero Power. If you made the card so that it just said "Start of Game and Battlecry: Give 2 random Beasts, Dragons, and Murlocs in your deck +1/+1" then you still get the same effect but the card is a lot simpler. Aside from that the card looks great! I approve of anything to support menagerie decks.

    @Inconspicuosaurus, I don't really like the randomness of it. I think if he were 10 mana and just summoned all of the warriors on your side of the field he wouldn't be overpowered. 

    @Leolph, Your card is interesting. I like the deck-building restriction, but I don't think the payoff is enough to justify not playing any Legendaries. Maybe if it let you discover 3 Legendaries instead of getting 3 random ones it would be better. Or maybe if it gave them all stat buffs. Also, I would try to find some art that fits with Hearthstones style a bit more. I believe the one you art you are using now is from WoW, but the quality isn't great.

    @Meisterz39, The flavor is there, but the card is super weak. Maybe if he made a "grilled meat" (or something) token whenever he killed a minion and the token would restore Health to your Hero. Or maybe he could just create the token at the end of the turn.

    Cg8889, I like Make a Toast better. Though I don't see why it has to buff all of the minions in your decks. I think if it was 1 mana and it just restored Health and drew a card it would be fine.

    @Pokeniner, I don't like many aspects of this card. For one, I do agree with Echo and Inconspicuosaurus that shuffling 10 dead draws is a lot, and also the wording is a bit misleading. I also don't like the "if it is your birthday" bit. I understand that it isn't meant to be taken seriously, but I think the designs for this competition should be realistic. Maybe not as realistic as the other competitions, but still believable. If it just shuffled a single card into the opponents deck, and it also gave the opponent some incentive to play it, I think this card would be a lot better





    I think your almost good to go. The card has great flavor and the art is really cool. Two things to think about before submitting: 1) create the token! (I forgot that and it will probably cost me votes) 2) think of ways for Warlock to kill the token. The 0/4 into 4/4 looks very fitting but maybe 0/3 into 3/3 would be better because of Hellfire and Flame Imp.

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Toybox Tactician 1895 2337 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Thanks! It's incredible how quick you guys react.

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Toybox Tactician 1895 2337 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    I hate this brawl with all my heart.

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Toybox Tactician 1895 2337 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    I'm on holidays for a week starting tomorrow and have been thinking about digging up some good old stuff like Portal 2 or Total Overdose. I usually play PS 4 or mobile, so could one of you tell me where to get those games? Portal 2 could be available via steam, but the other one's difficult I guess... especially since I don't want to wait for an ebay delivery ;-)

    Also: The cake is a lie. Thanks Flux :D

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Toybox Tactician 1895 2337 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Hey Flux, the Hearthstone Party Header ended up as a Forum Title option and doesn't show in the Profile Header dropdown. Could you please fix that?