Except Stelina can deny that board clear your opponent was waiting to play.
Not reliably so, especially against Control decks with a large hand (but you do have Glide to fix that), but definitely Star Student Stelina has nearly nothing to do with [Hearthstone Card (madam lazul) Not Found] in terms of why one should play the card.
The correct term of comparison of Stelina is Loatheb.
I'm just upset at Turalyon, the Tenured being an (8) card (he could have been a 3/9 for (6) and still pretty balanced), and some DH cards being a threat to the sanity of the game, again.
I also wish Warlock/Priest was about ghosts and infestations instead of corpses.
And I am yet unconvinced about crafting any legendaries on day-1, since none of the revealed ones fit Wild Tempo for anything that is not DH (maybe the mega-reveal will fix that).
Many cards are nice and/or interesting tho.
Merging treants and totems in [Hearthstone Card (Runic carving) Not Found] is masterpiece. Hopefully there's some more on the line.
Crossing fingers for a Priest/Paladin legendary about books/librams.
In Aggro vs Aggro tokens DO NOT want to go face, they want to power trade, which is where Kreen shines.
Kreen does nothing against Control, but having an edge against Aggro is already a lot.
Except Stelina can deny that board clear your opponent was waiting to play.
Not reliably so, especially against Control decks with a large hand (but you do have Glide to fix that), but definitely Star Student Stelina has nearly nothing to do with [Hearthstone Card (madam lazul) Not Found] in terms of why one should play the card.
The correct term of comparison of Stelina is Loatheb.
I invoke a petition to buff Turalyon, the Tenured to a (6) 3/9 (and he would still be a perfectly fair card).
Indeed I thought all classes were getting Studies, and I'm quite disappointed that Paladin didn't get one.
I like it a lot, but Shaman/Mage "Primordial Studies" should discover Elementals...
ie, my custom Aggro Reno Paladin naturally uses Crystology, Air Raid, Flash of Light, Hand of A'dal, Muster for Battle. No other spells.
So it's not hard to find a place for the Abbess.
Sick on Warrior.
Not entirely sold on Paladin, where the DR is possibly a drawback (it kills your dudes).
Tempo Buff card.
But also draw and summon spells.
I quite like it.
I'm just upset at Turalyon, the Tenured being an (8) card (he could have been a 3/9 for (6) and still pretty balanced), and some DH cards being a threat to the sanity of the game, again.
I also wish Warlock/Priest was about ghosts and infestations instead of corpses.
And I am yet unconvinced about crafting any legendaries on day-1, since none of the revealed ones fit Wild Tempo for anything that is not DH (maybe the mega-reveal will fix that).
Many cards are nice and/or interesting tho.
Merging treants and totems in [Hearthstone Card (Runic carving) Not Found] is masterpiece. Hopefully there's some more on the line.
Crossing fingers for a Priest/Paladin legendary about books/librams.
Forcing suboptimal trades is always good.
Add more class shenanigans, and you get a solid legendary card.
Hopefully just one Fragment generator is not enough for Odd DH.
Interesting mechanic tho.
It looks like they are pushing some sort of Tempo Spell Damage Mage.
I can't express how I love the concept of this card.
I hope I can make good use of it.
I like this card a lot, not least for the character behind it.
It's just too slow for the Wild Tempo decks I tend to play... :-/
Decent card in Standard, unplayable in Wild.
It just comes too late in the game.
But hey, Paladin already has plenty of broken cards and is solidly a top class in the meta, they can use some sub-optimal ones now, amiright?...
Btw, Lorekeeper Polkelt yesterday, and this Vectus today, all sound and look like weird characters to me.
They don't feel like HS-related.
Powerful card tho.
The more I think about this card, the more powerful it is.
Take the deck in my signature. Lorekeeper GRANTS me the next order:
And I might consider adjusting the deck a bit in order to optimize that even more.
Basically this is another deckbuilding enhancer, which I like a lot.
Instacraft found.
Anything slower than Midrange will arguably include this card in their decks.
This is also a very skilled card, since you have to evaluate VERY carefully, as the replaced card is not just reshuffled, but goes directly to bottom.
Yeah, picking up Zephrys the Great or board clear or whatever answers to secure lethal next turn is just Combo disruption...
Finally a sub-optimal card for DH huh?