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Crossroads Historian
Joined 07/18/2019 Achieve Points 715 Posts 471

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    Crossroads Historian 715 471 Posts Joined 07/18/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    I think that Druid already has a lot of efficient card draw options that an inconsistent one mana discount on Arcane Intellect that is hard to justify running in a Druid deck. There is no guaranteeing the two card draws as if the two cards are the same cost, then you can't draw the second card. I'd much rather run a Wrath or Breath of Dreams to get a more guaranteed bonus effect with the card draw.

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    Crossroads Historian 715 471 Posts Joined 07/18/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    The significance of Barnes and Shadow Essence in Big Priest of old (or wild) is that they cheated big minions out earlier than they can be played to get powerful effects and powerful resurrection targets. With Idol of Y'Shaarj entering play 2-3 turns later, the impact of cheating out big minions is drastically lessened as by turn 8, you can practically play the minions you're trying to cheat out with the spell. The single 10/10 body doesn't matter that much as it comes out late enough in the game where either aggressive decks run you down or slower decks find removal for it. Overall, this is way too slow for Resurrect Priest.

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    Crossroads Historian 715 471 Posts Joined 07/18/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Probably too expensive for an inconsistent clear effect. It's also inconsistent if you're running it for burn as any minion on the opponent's board reduces the face damage output of Mask of C'Thun. I wouldn't want to waste basically my entire turn on such an inconsistent card.

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    Crossroads Historian 715 471 Posts Joined 07/18/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    This is both aggressive and defensive in nature, almost like Tar Creeper. Sword Eater outclasses Arathi Weaponsmith by a mile and is easily the best pirate to choose for N'Zoth, God of the Deep and Ringmaster Whatley. I don't see why any Warrior wouldn't consider running this card.

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    Crossroads Historian 715 471 Posts Joined 07/18/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    I'd argue that this is better than Brass Knuckles, but Ringmaster's Baton is still slow in both the attack and the buffs. If you play this on turn two, it isn't very likely that you have all three minion types in hand. If you play this later in the game, three turns to get the buffs is too slow and the immediate +1/+1 buff is not likely to matter. I just think that there are better cards that support your N'Zoth, God of the Deep build than this.

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    Crossroads Historian 715 471 Posts Joined 07/18/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Shooting Star was relevant in Tempo Mage because it scaled with spell damage efficiently, of which Mage had efficient spell damage with Cosmic Anomaly. The one health breakpoints across multiple minions on Felscream Blast are rarely needed for a class like DH when they have more efficient cards like Blade Dance and Immolation Aura. If you wanted the lifesteal, Eye Beam gives you the damage all on one minion for effectively one mana, which is better than Felscream Blast.

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    Crossroads Historian 715 471 Posts Joined 07/18/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Even when corrupted, this feels worse than Primordial Explorer. Dancing Cobra works against itself as the higher health on a poisonous minion is relevant early in the game, but the effect of poisonous itself isn't relevant in the early game.

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    Crossroads Historian 715 471 Posts Joined 07/18/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    I think this is too slow in a couple of respects. First, Greybough is best utilized in a Token Druid that has multiple minions on board to best leverage the effect; however, Token Druid prefers cards that further cement their entire board immediately like Power of the Wild and Soul of the Forest. Second, there are a number of cheap silence and transform effects that see play right now, from Consume Magic to Devolving Missiles. This makes it difficult in a handful of matchups for Greybough to even get one deathrattle off as your opponent will control when the deathrattle goes off most of the time. Overall, I think the lack of immediacy of this card as well as its lack of synergy will prevent it from seeing competitive play.

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    Crossroads Historian 715 471 Posts Joined 07/18/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    The Ragers are starting to get there. Now it doesn't require your opponent to spend less mana on their HP to answer it then you did on the minion. Not much of an improvement, but it's something.

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    Crossroads Historian 715 471 Posts Joined 07/18/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Power creep on Grook Fu Master, and is still as bad since it doesn't do anything immediate when played.

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    Crossroads Historian 715 471 Posts Joined 07/18/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Power creep on Fallen Sun Cleric. Otherwise, I think this might see play in lower curve aggressive decks like Face Hunter and Zoolock that can reliably have two minions on board in the early game to help cement your advantage, acting as a mini Fungalmancer in that case.

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    Crossroads Historian 715 471 Posts Joined 07/18/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Remember Trogg Beastrager? This is basically just a reprint of it 4 years later without the power creep that standard has today. That should be enough reasoning as to how bad Stage Hand is.

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    Crossroads Historian 715 471 Posts Joined 07/18/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Love the Monty Python and the Holy Grail reference with Darkmoon Rabbit!

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    Crossroads Historian 715 471 Posts Joined 07/18/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Despite this ogre's attitude, I'm not optimistic of their constructed viability. I'll see myself out.

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    Crossroads Historian 715 471 Posts Joined 07/18/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Well, out of the cards revealed so far, I think we have our Mech for N'Zoth, God of the Deep (except for Carousel Gryphon in Paladin to justify running Y'Shaarj, the Defiler, but you might even run this as well). I think the removal aspect of Claw Machine is pretty relevant on turn 6 as there are a substantial amount of 5-6 health threats that come out on turns 5-6, which makes this worth it alongside the minion draw. I think even without the substantial +3/+3 buff this would be considered, making the buff the cherry on top.

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    Crossroads Historian 715 471 Posts Joined 07/18/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Renounce Darkness 2.0 here! I don't see much competitive viability in including this card in your deck, as you include spells in your deck to achieve a desired and controllable effect. Deck of Lunacy essentially throws away the consistency of your spells in an attempt to create possible future power spikes. However, the real issue here is that you now have less of an idea of what you're going to draw and can plan less around it. Solid meme card though!

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    Crossroads Historian 715 471 Posts Joined 07/18/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    I'm somewhat torn on this card. Rogue revolves around tempo strategies and Tenwu of the Red Smoke looks less tempo driven when compared to Shadowstep. Shadowstep is useful in early and late game scenarios as well as having the ability to bank the 2 mana reduction for a future turn. Also, Rogue decks maintain a low mana curve strategy, only including higher cost cards if they are absolutely crucial to their game plan. Considering this, Tenwu looks more limiting as you have to pay 2 mana upfront for the bounce, the cost reduction only applies for that turn, and your looking for more high cost targets to bounce and replay to maximize the cost reduction, which are limited in number in Rogue decks.

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    Crossroads Historian 715 471 Posts Joined 07/18/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    This gives me nightmares from when Luna's Pocket Galaxy was in standard with how major the discounts can be. I think that Pocket Galaxy has taught us that if you run a big discount card like this, that all the minions you include need to be good standalone to the point where you feel okay playing them from hand if they don't get the discount and buff. This means I don't think Deck of Chaos will work well in a combo strategy, I'd argue that Supreme Archaeology lends itself better to that strategy. Still, if Hearthstone has taught me anything, it's that discounting cards is something that mostly ends up being powerful and can't be overlooked. We'll just have to see how this deck can be built once all of the cards get revealed.

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    Crossroads Historian 715 471 Posts Joined 07/18/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    This card just doesn't seem worth it in DH when you consider the fast pace the class moves at and how slow this card is. Comparing Zai, the Incredible to Ringmaster Whatley, Whatley adds more cards to hand, requires less set up to gain the maximum benefit from their effect, and has a better stat line that is more resistant to minion trades and the many ways to deal 3 damage to a minion. It seems better to me to just run more card draw rather than Zai if you're looking for more resources in hand as the card draw will provide you consistent resource quality both on demand and without the setup.

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    Crossroads Historian 715 471 Posts Joined 07/18/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    This card does everything that Soul Fragment DH wants to do and adds on to what the archetype lacks. As a burst archetype, Soul DH wants to send their attack buffs to the face, which Blade Flurry helps in accomplishing since it's so cheap. Bladed Lady shores up a class weakness for DH, as it is supposed to lack efficient single target removal, by trading into a mid-sized threat for consistently cheap at 1 mana. Discounting this is easy with cards that provide high attack output like Soulshard Lapidary, Marrowslicer, and Twin Slice. I don't see why any Soul DH wouldn't want to run this.

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