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  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 830 995 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 5 months, 3 weeks ago

    Feels way too expensive for what it does. By the time you get to 6 Mana dealing 4 Damage isn't the best use of your Mana. It can go face, though so maybe that'll win some people a few games.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 830 995 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 5 months, 3 weeks ago

    Good for Sea Shanty decks, but I'm not seeing it for anything else. If you're running the minion that draws Auras, you'd probably rather tutor a specific Aura, not just any Aura and this one doesn't do as much as some of the others.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 830 995 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 5 months, 3 weeks ago

    An efficiently cheap buff that also works well because it's three spells that only use one deck slot. If you're running Sea Shanty, you're definitely going to want to run it. In any other deck, it could be a fine include but nothing incredibly powerful.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 830 995 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 5 months, 3 weeks ago

    This feels like a card designed specifically for Mage Tourists and not for Paladin itself. There are a few damage spells in Paladin, but not enough and besides Paladin has plenty of other ways to regain health.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 830 995 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 5 months, 3 weeks ago

    This doesn't work with buffs received when in hand, so I don't think that there's going to be a lot of decks that would seriously consider running this card. You can make it work, but it feels really clunky. But, I mean, targeted cost reduction is not something to be sneezed at.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 830 995 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 5 months, 3 weeks ago

    Although this feels like a good fit for Flood Paladin, it would require a significant overhaul of current builds to add in spells that can be cast on minions. Running Lynessa gets you Oh, Manager! and you can run Divine Brew to get 3 discounts while only taking up one deck slot. It'll have to be really good to justify making those changes, but maybe it is.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 830 995 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 5 months, 3 weeks ago

    Becoming a closed Location after the second use means this isn't a 5-Cost "If you have a minion on board clear your opponent's board" minion in Handbuff (which sounds OP to me but what do I know) but it's still really strong considering that both the Location uses and the Attack buff scale with Buffs. I think this for sure sees play in Handbuff Paladin and might be good enough for things like Reno also.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 830 995 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 5 months, 3 weeks ago

    There aren't too many exciting tools from Rogue that would work, but the effect itself without Tourist might make this good enough to find a home in a few Paladin decks (and giving yourself more options for cards in Reno Paladin isn't a bad thing).Sea ShillKnickknack Shack, and Oh, Manager! feel like cards Paladin would want to sample from Rogue, and maybe they'll run Swarthy Swordshiner in Handbuff.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 830 995 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 5 months, 3 weeks ago

    You lose one shot of damage from Arcane Missiles, but in exchange you get two more uses without taking up an extra spot in your deck. I think this is worth running - at the very least you've got myriad sources of Spell Damage that can pump up the jam and make your opponent really annoyed.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 830 995 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 5 months, 3 weeks ago

    This is the kind of card that can force Mage away from Spell-centric builds. I don't see it having much use in Big Spells, despite the relevant cost reduction, because I don't think that deck will be able to protect it long enough to see payoff. Every other Mage deck, however, should have plenty of ways to protect him or at least will have a cheap spell or two that they can play the turn he drops.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 830 995 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 5 months, 3 weeks ago

    Really strong fodder for Mages trying to dig for cheap answers or extra burn. The fact that it isn't a minion makes me feel pretty good about its chances in Spell Mage, but we could see it in any sort of Mage deck looking for more ways to stretch its resources. I think we're going to commonly see this played on turn 6 or 7, then burn through all three uses immediately. Incredibly strong, with enough flexibility to fit just about anywhere.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 830 995 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 5 months, 3 weeks ago

    This feels like really strong removal for all sorts of Mage decks (except perhaps Big Spells) and I'd imagine we see this a lot. It's good board control in the early game and can answer a decently chunky minion or two in the midgame or soften up the board to be finished off with some other cheap spell. Will see play.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 830 995 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 5 months, 3 weeks ago

    Some more little fuel for Big Spell Mage (and curving into Under the Sea) although it feels a little too slow for a meta where Paladins and Hunters are going to run you over very quickly if you can't keep them under control with cheap removal spells in the early game.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 830 995 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 5 months, 3 weeks ago

    Spiteful Summoner without the 4/4 body. I don't think Mage's current options in Standard make a Big Spells only deck viable, so I'm not sold on this, except - if you can somehow get Marooned Archmage to stick on curve, you can play this on turn 4 and that might be worth the attempt. Good luck getting it to stick, though.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 830 995 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 5 months, 3 weeks ago

    This is really flexible, but I'm thinking we mainly see this as a Discovered card rather than one that's run in the deck itself. It is a little helpful for Tourist Mage running Sea Shanty, so maybe that's worth a mention.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 830 995 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 5 months, 3 weeks ago

    This might be useful for Big Spell decks, although it might not be worth it in Orb decks because it might steal the 8-slot cast from the Yogg spell. I don't hate it - it could be really good - but I think the deck it might fit into might be a little too top-heavy with only a handful of ways to discount spell costs.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 830 995 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 5 months, 3 weeks ago

    This is a Legendary minion, and you're not going to convince me that it's better than Naga Sand Witch. Maybe the fact that you can potentially disrupt a deck that needs to play lots of small spells next turn could be enough to help give this life in Big Spell Mage, but Loatheb it is not. In some cases, you're actively helping your opponent, which is not something you generally want to do.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 830 995 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 5 months, 3 weeks ago

    Getting past the part where a slightly better Vex Crow doesn't necessarily feel like a Legendary minion, there's a lot of fuel for a Token Mage with Raylla. I don't think there's much of a reason to play that deck instead of Spell-only decks, and I don't think she fits into either Elemental Mage or Big Spell Mage. So this is mainly a "for fun" card, which is sometimes (I've been told) what games are for.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 830 995 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 5 months, 3 weeks ago

    I was thinking it worked like Remornia, where its uses are directly tied to the amount of Health it has left after attacking but I'm not 100% on that because it feels like that would be insane in a Handbuff deck.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 830 995 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 5 months, 3 weeks ago

    Maybe we're looking at this for a super slow deck that wants additional inevitability (as if there's not enough of that in Standard already) because it's not going to be the most reliable way of keeping an opposing board in check. I mean, if you Shudderblock it you're looking at 15 spells that deal 2 damage (at least, assuming it survives to the end of the turn you play it) to the opponent when drawn which is technically enough to kill them, given enough time. So a Meme OTK buildaround at worst.