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Hero of Warcraft
Joined 12/05/2019 Achieve Points 1005 Posts 297

Theodrinus's Comments

  • Theodrinus's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 1005 297 Posts Joined 12/05/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Are there any special requirements for the drops to be active? I've heard it doesn't count while muted, is that true? Does keeping the tab minimised also cancel it?

  • Theodrinus's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 1005 297 Posts Joined 12/05/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    How would taking away their entire endgame fix Murlocs though? They're already super weak in the midgame. How would you replace the current strategy?

    Seriously, are you expecting Murloc comps to find multiple Toxfins out of 12 total? And buff their health without Brann? Even if you have 6 Poisonous Murlocs, you'll never win because they won't survive any hits. And the opponent's 7th minion will win.

    Either Scalelord should replace Megasaur and keep Brann, or a new minion should be introduced.

  • Theodrinus's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 1005 297 Posts Joined 12/05/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    I call bullshit on that reasoning. They're just really inconsistent and trying to come up with a reason later.

    Take Poisonous. There were 4 cards with Poisonous on them before Un'goro and it was described as "Destroy any minion damaged by this minion." In Un'goro, they've introduced the keyword and added exactly 3 cards with it. So, at that time, it was a keyword for 7 cards. Since then, more have been added, some granting Poisonous, but no synergy cards like Double Jump that NEED a keyword. Also, most cards with Poisonous have 1-2 lines of text. So basically all 3 of Celestalon's reasons don't apply well to Poisonous, yet it's a keyword. List

    Now take Recruit: Just in Standard, there are 10 cards that have an effect which works exactly like Recruit, and the replacement text takes up 2 lines. There were 6 Recruit-like cards before Kobolds & Catacombs, but they didn't grant them the keyword for some reason. Officially, 11 cards have Recruit. Also, Captain Hooktusk was printed since. This time, compared to Poisonous: the design space is widely used, the keyword replaces 2 lines of text, but they didn't make the keyword evergreen for some reason. See here

    There are 28 "real" Recruit cards and 29 Poisonous cards.

    Reborn: Desperate Stand. Wow, so creative.

    Start of Game is a keyword for some reason, yet 3 cards use it and it really needs no explanation.

    And don't even get me started on Counter.


  • Theodrinus's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 1005 297 Posts Joined 12/05/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Well, you know... It's not like you get 55 or 85 packs or anything... Or even a random golden Legendary! That would be great...

  • Theodrinus's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 1005 297 Posts Joined 12/05/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    I must disagree with you.

    Alternate heroes should be valued for what they are, new art and voicelines for your favorite hero that you enjoy better than the default one. That is why you should buy them. Not as an "I was there" token that sits in your collection that you sometimes show to people for their envy. There is nothing valuable or truly enviable that you bought that hero when it was available; it just shows that some players are falling for Blizzard's artificial scarcity tactics.

    "Valuable items" (not that they have any real world value anyways) should be given to players who invest time, dedication and skill into a game, not to those who bought that specific thing in a 1 month window. There is no actual value in those. Real "rewards for veterans" are the Legend and Esports cardbacks and we should see more of them. (For top Arena and Battlegrounds players?)

    This is one of the reasons why I quit playing World of Warcraft. If you see a player with the Black Scarab mount, you know they're a veteran from the early days, and they've earned an achievement that only a very few dedicated players could get. If you see a player with the Horde Motorcycle mount, it's only because they've logged in in that few weeks long period when it was given to everyone. You may have played for more than them, played better than them, but it won't be available again for you because they want to keep that "I was there" token. And Blizzard started pandering more to those people, introduced more limited time shop mounts and lined their pockets in doing so. Some people take the artificial scarcity bait, but it is a business tactic that greatly disgusts me.

  • Theodrinus's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 1005 297 Posts Joined 12/05/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Soul Fragment: No, not at all! I think it's balanced the way it is, 2 health to face is an incredibly meager effect (Regenerate saw no play outside combo), the mechanic itself is staggered, inconsistent and neither Warlock nor DH variant seems overpowered. And I doubt any serious decks would run Pit Lord because of these small heals, against Aggro it's too dangerous and not worth it.

    Glide: It sure is annoying, but we'll have to see how DH fares and if they even run it (4 mana is a lot).

    Lightning Bloom: Yes, a nerf for sure, but not this card! Both Token and Kael'thas Druid seem OP at the moment, swingy and tilting. Although nerfing THIS card is impossible without either adressing real issues (adding more overload) or making it a worse Innervate (your suggestion). I think they'll nerf Gibberling for Token and either Kael'thas Sunstrider or Survival of the Fittest.

    Secret Passage: No doubt, broken effect.

    Also, I'd add High Abbess Alura, cost to (5), for too much mana cheating.

  • Theodrinus's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 1005 297 Posts Joined 12/05/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Yep. Hoping they fix this. It has always been a reset before, we were rightfully expecting another. 

  • Theodrinus's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 1005 297 Posts Joined 12/05/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    So: Scholomance Academy is out, and with it, a new meta is here. People have finished opening their packs and are trying out their new cards on the ladder (or going Face Hunter). Is there any deck that you found nearly unbeatable or unfun to play against?

    Anything like Day 1 Demon Hunter or Galakrond Shaman?

    Personally, I've been playing Soul Fragment Warlock and I've found it impossible to win against Druid after even one Survival of the Fittest. It turns all trades in their favor for the rest of the game. An aggro deck may however succeed well against that archetype, and people are posting all kinds of crazy Turn 1 Gibberling plays.

    Is Druidstone incoming?

  • Theodrinus's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 1005 297 Posts Joined 12/05/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Wait, why does Spectral Flyer have a tribe tag? It's a ghost! Spectral Spider doesn't have one and Ghostly Charger was even "nerfed" by taking away its Beast tag. Blizzard and inconsistency back at it again?

  • Theodrinus's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 1005 297 Posts Joined 12/05/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Cubelock players, will Archwitch Willow make the cut in the deck? Is it good enough? I play Cubelock myself, and I would play it, but what do you think? I think it's pretty good when you don't find Skull of the Man'ari, but 9 mana in itself is quite expensive and may cripple its usefulness.

  • Theodrinus's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 1005 297 Posts Joined 12/05/2019
  • Theodrinus's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 1005 297 Posts Joined 12/05/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Whizbang the Wonderful, so all of them.

  • Theodrinus's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 1005 297 Posts Joined 12/05/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    I really don't see how Infiltrator Lilian is going to be played. Surely, if Stealth Rogue wants that statline, it'd run Jungle Panther, right? It has good, aggressive stats! But it doesn't run it. A deathrattle doesn't really make up for the twice lost tempo, the fact that a 4/2 Stealth is not good enough and the +1 mana on top of that. (not even considering the fact that it's a Legendary)

  • Theodrinus's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 1005 297 Posts Joined 12/05/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Battletag: Gergo2354#2964
    Region: EU
    Trade Only?: Yes, I show, you go first.

  • Theodrinus's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 1005 297 Posts Joined 12/05/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    This is why I think Star Student Stelina is one of the worst legendaries this expansion. People are already "hating" it, but I hardly see it slotting into any decks. Compared to Madame Lazul, it's more expensive and conditional. And while Priest, as a control and value class, likes card generation and reading the opponent, Demon Hunter is all about tempo, tempo and tempo. This has 0 tempo. Not to mention that more expensive DH decks that may like an effect like this, like Big Demon, have a very hard time activating Outcast. And without that, it's worthless. Another case of hand info overvaluation.

  • Theodrinus's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 1005 297 Posts Joined 12/05/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    I'm hopeful for Paladin this expansion, all of these cards barring Judicious Junior seem over the average power level. They look like they'll fit into Librams, maybe the class finally got consistent support for at least one archetype. It's great to see a deck that isn't random generation bullshit, wins with its own cards and isn't hyper aggro.

  • Theodrinus's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 1005 297 Posts Joined 12/05/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Speaking of Arena, remember to start a run, go as far as you can, but leave it at 2 losses (or just concede twice if you don't have the time). You'll get the rewards AND an Arena ticket, so it's completely refunded.

  • Theodrinus's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 1005 297 Posts Joined 12/05/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    @Noxious, Dimensional Ripper is from RoS! The combo with Ceremonial Maul can be pulled off in Standard as well!

  • Theodrinus's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 1005 297 Posts Joined 12/05/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    If you want to get into Wild, Pirate Warrior is Tier 1 currently. It shares many common cards with the starter deck listed here, you only need to craft a few commons, Patches the Pirate and Leeroy Jenkins. Both of which are extremely safe crafts and are used in many other aggro decks.

  • Theodrinus's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 1005 297 Posts Joined 12/05/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Lmao fuck your combo I guess

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