Wild can be an expensive format to play, but luckily HSReplay and our community members have some budget* decks for those of us that are not swimming in excess dust.

*For the sake of this post, budget will mean decks with a maximum of one Epic or Legendary.

Mech Mage

A true budget deck from Solem (shared by FAKEMAN). Even though the deck has no Epics or Legendaries, it still catches the nostalgic flavor and strength of the good old Mech Mage.

Solem's Mech Mage
A Mech Mage Deck created by . Last updated 4 years, 3 months ago

Odd Shaman

Odd Shaman was just a meme not long ago and now it's a strong meta deck. This list comes from BloodySaint666 and has only one legendary in Baku, which is one of the safest crafts of the format thanks to its power and versatility.

Deck ID Not Found

We spotlighted an equally cheap and strong Shaman list in last weekend's Wild special: GetMeowth's Aggro Shaman.

Combo Hunter

Here's a deck fresh out of the oven from RavenSunHS. The deck aims to buff up the cute Wolpertingers and unleash them with Tundra Rhino for a swift victory. For anyone planning on playing Hunter in Wild, Deathstalker Rexxar is a safe craft.

Token Druid

Another version of the deck we spotlighted a week ago from HSReplay. You can't possibly get much cheaper than this list, as there are only four Rares in addition to Commons and Basic cards.


While Darkglare Zoolock might currently be overtaking Discard Zoolock as the more popular variant, it doesn't mean that Discolock wouldn't have the same strength than before. This entire list from HSReplay can be crafted with the price of one Legendary.

Secret Mage

Can we really make a post like this without mentioning Secret Mages? The deck continues to be on the top end of the winrate charts, and thanks to Voracious Reader, the newest lists (like jvjd's) no longer run Aluneth, making the deck even more affordable.

Looking for more cheap Wild lists. Here you go!

Have an affordable list to share? Create a Wild deck and post it in the comments below. Don't forget to educate others with a guide!