Yesterday, just before the weekend, we got a quick balance patch. Although its impact on Wild is uncertain as of now (though likely minor), the community decks spotlighted below should retain their awesomeness nonetheless.

ETC OTK Warrior

The "classic" E.T.C. + Broom - combo from Monkes2cute. The Castle Nathria card Riot! should make pulling off the combo easier than before.

Secret Hunter

Demyx promises that this deck is a powerful one, with Rats and other Beastly tokens feeding your Infuse cards while Secrets keep slowing your opponent down.

Highlander Dragon Priest

From small Beasts to big Dragons. This deck from Esparanta isn't running out of value any time soon as the amount of cards creating more cards in the list is quite high.

OTK Mage

While Time Warp OTKs aren't that special, this one from MarkMcKz is something else. The good old Ancient One is getting summoned to do the job via a Dinner Performer combo after some setup with Luna's Pocket Galaxy.

Miracle Rogue

This Rogue list had has a field day on the Chinese ladder piloted by Ctailor, reaching #1 legend earlier this month. The extent of the impact of the reverted stat change of Edwin on the deck is uncertain.

The trail of evidence led you to Wild ladder? Find some additional clues from these community decks.

Came up with something awesome yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!