The Mini-Set has arrived, offering some new tools to all Wild enthusiasts to tinker with. Let's check out some of the ideas our community members got.

Don't forget to check out Swizard's recommendations for new decks to try out as well!

OTK Rogue

Rivendare, Warrider caught the eye of many Wild players, and Esparanta has found a way to make the new Horseman OTK work with Rogue with Anka, the Buried.

Menagerie Warrior

The new Dual-Tribe Warrior card is just asking you to try out some Menagerie shenanigans and Korgano has answered the call, including some Galakrond spice in the mix.

Big Demon Hunter

Another way to cheat out big Demons? Why yes, KeWIN and this Demon Hunter list are very interested in trying out Felscale Evoker.

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Elemental Highlander Mage

Since we just got Whirlweaver, I can include a Frost Lich Jaina deck from Esparanta here without seeming biased towards the best hero card in the game.


This deck seems to have a theme going on. With some big hitters on top of Zoo-ish strategies, Nofin's Imp-ossible for Kamouh's list.

Came up with something awesome yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!