Yet Another Reno Mage Deck

Last updated 5 years, 7 months ago by
  • Ranked


Hi, I'm Vien, I like card games, and I'd like to share an in-depth guide to Reno Mage. This is my first guide. I'm sharing my list which I used to climb to Legend this Season 63, peaking at L186.

As an in-depth guide, expect it to be a long read.

The climb to Legend was done exclusively with Reno Mage, with literally no changes in the list from the Rank 5 floor to Legend. This was done to prove that the deck is consistent enough to work, and isn't Tier 4 jank. While clearly not the best deck in the format, I find the deck fun, allowing grinding matches to be less of a chore. No plans to aim for high Legend though, that's for the actual Wild pros.

I am 70-57 with my current list, with another 30-ish games untracked on my laptop and mobile; and 49-42 with my other list that went up to Rank 2 5 stars and sadly lost all the way to the floor again, with another 20-ish games untracked on my laptop and mobile as well, for around 300 games this season. Seemed like torture, with all the long games, if you think about it, making the climb to Legend satisfying.


Legend Proof:


Why Reno Mage, though?

  • To prove that "fair" control decks could exist in this meta. By "fair", meaning decks that do not go infinite or does not combo kill. We needed to build Reno Mage in such a way it could have a reasonable match-up against Big Priest and aggro decks. The more practical answer is to generally use an aggro deck or a combo deck; but I had the time this month to play a control deck, which I like better.
  • To prove Reno Mage isn't Tier 4. I know tiers are subjective, but I always believe that Reno decks are always playable in any meta. It just takes an understanding of the metagame to build it correctly. By playing a single list exclusively to Legend, I'd personally say it's low Tier 2 at least.
  • Reno decks are fun. Although Reno Mage isn't my favorite Reno deck, it's always fun to play singleton decks. Personally, it being fun even when losing helps with the long grind.
  • I just wanted my golden portrait.

Why NOT to play Reno Mage?

  • The deck is slow. Generally, a lot of matches go long, except for the aggro ones. Even Even Shaman, a generally aggressive deck, takes quite a lot of turns for you to lock up the win. Wins from Big Priests, Jade Druids, and Control Warriors almost always go to fatigue. We don't have much burst damage to quickly kill, save from discovers and Polymorph: Boar.
  • The deck is not super competitive. But you already know that.
  • The deck is super expensive. Frankly, this is why I think the archetype is not popular. It costs almost 20000 dust, and it's hard to correctly substitute for cheaper cards in an otherwise already weak archetype. This deck isn't for one without cash or gold.


General Overview

This Reno Mage list is a rather true control deck. By true control, it means that this deck doesn’t win by hitting face, until you have board control. It does so by having enough removal, AoE, heals, and sustain. Often, you’ll simply win by outvaluing any aggro and midrange decks via lots of removal and AoE. We also have some disruption for combo decks. Control decks are beatable in a value war. However, this isn’t the hardest control deck; you’ll still lose to decks that pack more value, such as Renolock, Reno Priest, and other massively greedy decks. Generally, the rest of the aggro meta will punish these decks, so do not worry too much about facing them.

As Reno decks are generally adaptive to the current meta, this list was constructed with Big Priest and aggro decks in mind. For a non-aggro non-combo fair deck to function in this meta, we need to have a way make the Big Priest matchup not an autolose one. It does so by having Polymorph effects and graveyard diluters. Heck, I'll even say that I don't even super hate Big Priests, as I've seen worse, but it's a reality we have to face right now. With this deck packing more-than-usual amounts of BP hate, it isn't just a meme deck that hates on a single archetype; this deck was made with tackling the meta appropriately.

Let's make it clear that Reno Mage isn't the best choice for laddering. You'd be better off with Odd Paladin if you're going for wins, as well as speed. In terms of difficulty to play, it's probably at the middle. However, this is a deck that punishes misplays hard, and you always have to play very tight.

Also, opponents don't expect Reno Mage and would probably play and mulligan sub-optimally, so use this to your advantage.

Some update: I'm being dumpstered at Legend. This is because the Legend meta is unpredictable and could be janky; players play decks suboptimal for laddering, for fun. As this list is tuned to beat a certain portion of the laddering meta, it has a hard time dealing with a meta full of fun decks. I've faced a multitude of Shudderwock and Treachery decks, as well as losing to a Renounce Darkness Warlock.


Random Stats:

  • Priests playing Mind Control: 1 (smh, in this meta)
  • Games won against the mirror: 0 out of 1
  • Games won against infinite SN1P-SN4P: 1 out of 3+
  • Games won by getting and playing Lord Jaraxxus: 1 out of 1
  • Games won by milling via Fel Reaver: 1 out of 1
  • Games lost by milling via a “gifted” Fel Reaver: 2 out of 3
  • Games lost to Dr. Boom on turn 7: 1+
  • Games lost by misplay: numerous
  • Games DC-ed: a few
  • Times Leeroy'd: countless


In-depth Analysis of Card Choices

Let's begin by saying that Reno Mages could definitely be built differently, depending on the playstyle and meta. I chose a list that feels able to handle a meta with BPs and aggro, with enough value and combo disruption. I'd like to think that the whole deck is more than the sum of its parts.

A new set release would definitely warrant a modified list due to a different meta, even if slightly.


Gravelsnout Knight

Disruption for Big Priest. As explained in the Intro, I feel that to be able to play a fair non-combo non-aggro deck in a BP meta, diluting the graveyard is required. Could be an okay body vs aggro, but prepare for a possible highly statted summon or one with a relevant tribe. Could summon a 1 HP minion which could curve into a ping. Useless in value matchups, just save it for Dirty Rat.

I'll be honest, maybe graveyard dilution is a bad way to approach the BP matchup, and could probably be better approached by packing more value/tempo. This felt right though.


Random Stats:

  • Games lost to Mech Hunter by summoning a Mech: 2+
  • Games lost to Murloc Shaman by summoning a Murloc: 1+
  • Games lost to Pirate decks by summoning a Small-Time Buccaneer: 1+
  • Games won even when Injured Kvaldir was summoned: 1 out of 2
  • Games won vs Big Priest when comboed with Brann Bronzebeard: 2 out of 2
  • Games won vs Paladin by summoning Spirit of the Dead: 1


Saronite Taskmaster

Similar in reasoning with Gravelsnout Knight for the include. Hates on Big Priest, but a bit slower. Worse than Gravelsnout Knight in aggro matchups, as the 0/3 taunt could be relevant in contesting the board. The opponent also generally has control when this dies for the taunt. I trace quite a few of my losses to aggro due to dropping this down turn 1, just for the 0/3 to protect them and losing me tempo. Only play vs aggro/midrange when with sufficient AoE, just to be safe. Still playable in general vs aggro though when you really need the body. Save vs Dirty Rat for control. Could be useful vs Mecha'thun.


  • Delays Mecha’thun by 1 turn, assuming 1 Thaurissan tick on 10 mana, due to the deathrattle. This is probably the best use for this card besides diluting the graveyard. Never actually seen this fail, but I assume that's how it works.
  • Unlike Gravelsnout Knight, produces the same minion, so has less value in duplicating for graveyard dilution. Probably won't matter much, even for cards like Catrina Muerte, which I think gives equal chances for each non-unique minion.
  • Probably the worst card in this deck when considered in a vacuum.

Random Stats:


Dirty Rat

Combo disruptor. Important to have in a meta with [Hearthstone Card (Mecha’thun) Not Found] and Freeze Mage. Does possible collateral damage vs Quest Mage and Shudderwock Shaman.

This is a very tricky and skill testing card to play. It’s RNG, but you should be able to determine the most optimal time to play it. Which could be either as a last resort vs aggro or combo. Good to play vs aggro with an empty hand or when you feel they have weak minions, or when you feel that opponent already has the combo pieces.

Also, good vs control decks. Stripping down their hand of battlecry minions help.

Matchup Specific Notes:

  • Don’t play vs Even Shaman unless their hand is empty. Lots of big bois that could swing the tempo of the game.
  • Cycle through your deck as fast as you can vs Mecha'thun for this.
  • Okay to play vs Freeze/Exodia Mage as long as you have removal for a possible Archmage Antonidas drop. Not that good vs Quest Mage, imo, except when you’re not under too much pressure. Just make sure to have removal for Giant/Vargoth/Sorcerer's Apprentice/Flamewaker. They can still win tho despite you doing that, if they play correctly.
  • Okay vs APM priest. Just kill whatever drops ASAP.
  • Try to save for late vs Control Warrior, specifically for Archivist Elysiana. That’s literally your win condition vs Elysiana, if they have it.
  • Play vs control/Reno. Strip them of their value. Just have removal for big bois.



Explosive Sheep

Useful in Mages due to AoE on demand with your Hero Power. Staves off aggro.


Random Stats:

  • Successful aggro defenses with magnetized Zilliax explosions: 2+



The quintessential Mage spell. Deals damage, freezes, stalls. Great early to midgame utility. Still stalls a single big target late. Not much to say here.


  • Dilutes Dragon's Fury, making the damage as low as 2. Reading online threads made me think that this might not be an auto-include anymore due to this. However, I already locked in my decklist, so it stayed.
  • Still great removal vs early Mechs/Murlocks/Pirates/Steward of Darkshire.
  • Combos with discovered Shatters/Snap Freezes/Ray of Frosts.


Mad Scientist

Used to be one of the most OP cards ever. Fights for the board turn 2, then could curve into AoE for a nice clear. Plays a Secret from your deck on death. Thins your deck.

Competes with Arcanologist. Chosen over it as the Scientist gives more tempo, and I think, when compared to other lists, we rely more on AoE for board control so the 2/2 body is fine.


  • In most matchups, you don’t care for the timing for the Potion of Polymorph if it gets fetched. There’s a chance I’m just not good enough to maximize this tho. Generally, I don’t think about it too much, even if it just Polys a 2/1 Murloc. It still helps with tempo in any case.
  • The only scenario where you don’t wanna fetch a secret is if you know it’s a fatigue matchup AND you’re behind. These are Control Warriors/Priests/Hunters/Mages.
  • Sometimes you need to kill the Scientist ASAP with your AoEs, for Ice Block. This wins games.


Primordial Glyph

Discovers spells and gives it a mana reduction. Seemed like an autoinclude Mage spell for me, similar to Frostbolt, but kind of changed my mind when I read online threads, as it dilutes Dragon's Fury. It’s still a good card though, with discovers offering a decent choice for each situation.


Random Stats:


Acolyte of Pain

Draw engine. Bridges the early game to the midgame, and midgame to the lategame by drawing for answers. Draws 1.5 cards on average. Could be replaced with Arcane Intellect, but don’t play both, due to fatigue progression.

Matchup Specific Notes:

  • Priest can remove this with Shadow Word: Pain for no value. Try dropping on turn 5 then ping.
  • Decent vs Paladin on turn 3, if no other cards to play. Don’t worry about Divine Favor. Better you draw answers to their threats. They also lose a bit tempo when casting Divine Favor. I'd like to think our deck is favored on average when they cast this, due to our AoE. Better than Arcane Intellect for this specific matchup.
  • Feel free to play vs Warlocks on turn 3.
  • Generally, least priority to play vs aggro on turn 3, but passable as it lets you dig for answers.
  • Don’t play this late game. Beware of Dirty Rat. This is one advantage of Arcane Intellect.

Random stats:

  • Games lost due to a Dirty Rat into Acolyte late game: 2


Brann Bronzebeard

Value generator when comboed. Decent body.


  • Feel free to drop down on turn 3 vs aggro if you don’t have a play AND you're certain it's aggro. They will generally trade into it, lest they want to be punished.
  • Keep until late for Kazakus or even Stonehill Defender or Antique Healbot.
  • If you really need tempo, just drop it down. Could also Brann Bronzebeard to Zola the Gorgon just for extra Branns and some tempo.
  • There’s a chance to combo with Kalecgos for more value.
  • Could combo with Gravelsnout Knight for more graveyard dilution.


Frost Nova

Low key one of the most powerful (and most annoying) card in the game. 3 mana AoE freeze. Use for stalling.


  • Powerful turn 9 with Reno Jackson vs aggro, allowing you to stabilized/develop your board or clear theirs.
  • Good vs Big Priest in staving off pressure or milking a [Hearthstone Card (Y’Shaarj, Rage Unbound) Not Found] for fatigue, assuming you have removal/AoE.
  • At the worst, stalls for more removal next turn. This fact seems innocuous, but it’s extremely powerful as it delays aggro by a turn.
  • Very good in bridging to a turn 9 Frost Lich Jaina.
  • No Doomsayer in our list, so use more liberally.


Ice Block

The defining Mage Secret in Wild. Stalls aggro by a turn, prevents obnoxious burst from Freeze Mage and Maly Priests, and needed to fend off Quest Mages. Great when followed up with Reno Jackson, as long as you aren’t facing much board pressure. Probably the 3rd or 4th most important card in the deck.


  • Play it ASAP, but consider the tempo loss.
  • Be wary of fatigue or self damage, as this doesn't prevent dying on your turn.
  • Doesn't stop Mecha'thun or Uther of the Ebon Blade

Random Stats:

  • Kezan Mystics encountered: 0
  • Games won after proccing at 1 HP: too many to count


Polymorph: Boar

I used to think when this was spoiled way back, that it was a crappy Polymorph. While still true, we’re in a meta where removal is at a premium, as well as transform effects. Obviously great vs Big Priests.

Big Priest Notes:


  • Could be used for 4 burst damage with a creature.
  • Destroys taunts to push through damage or board control.
  • You could Polymorph: Boar your minions to give them pseudo-Windfury to control the board.
  • Boar is 3 mana; combos with Zola the Gorgon for 8 possible burst damage with a creature on board given 9 mana.
  • Is better than Polymorph for turn 3. Useful vs certain Murlocs/Mechs/Pirates/Steward of Darkshire.
  • Combos with Baron Geddon on turn 10, unlike Polymorph.

Random Stats:

  • Games won by Boar burst damage: 3+
  • Games won by Boar/Zola/Boar burst damage: 2+
  • Games lost to Big Priest by resurrected Boars: 1


Potion of Polymorph

The other Secret that we play. Useful vs Big Priests and Even Shamans. A good defensive pull vs aggro decks off Mad Scientist as it makes them susceptible to AoE.

Big Priest Notes:

  • Could play on turn 3. Sucks vs Barnes, great vs Archmage Vargoth. Up to you to roll the dice on this one. It is simply how the matchup is in general: high-rolly.
  • Good play vs Big Priest on turns 8+. Hopefully they don’t play Barnes into it.


  • My suggestion when to play this is not to think too much about it generally, except for value matchups. In aggro/midrange you just need to stave off aggression, you’ll outvalue them anyway.
  • Delays Quest Mage by a turn when they play Sorcerer's Apprentice/Flamewaker. Lowers their win chances when they play Archmage Vargoth/Arcane Giant into it.

Random stats:


Stonehill Defender

Acts as an early taunt minion early and a provides potential value late. 1/4 statline helps against Paladin. The discovered taunt minion helps against aggro even more. Combos with Brann Bronzebeard and/or Zola the Gorgon for value. Does a comparable role to Arcane Intellect, giving value after the early game, while not progressing fatigue.

I included Stonehill Defender as it acts as a decent bridge from the early game to the midgame, while slowing down aggro a bit. It’s not useless in non-aggro matchups as the discover is versatile; compares better to Twilight Flamecaller in this regard.

Matchup Specific Notes:

  • Don’t drop on turn 3 vs Pirate Warrior, unless left with no choice. Save for later turns vs weapon hits.
  • Okay to drop on turn 3+ vs other aggro decks, unless you have a better play.
  • Okay to drop on turn 3+ vs midrange/control.

Notable discovers:


Volcanic Potion

AoE spell. Chosen over Twilight Flamecaller for the Even Shaman matchup. Staves off aggro. Good vs Murlocs, slightly worse vs Paladins due to the Secret. Not much else to say about this. It does its job.

Matchup Specific Notes:


Voodoo Doll

Essentially 5 mana removal that doubles as Frost Lich Jaina fodder. Clean and simple.



Zola the Gorgon

Value card. Combos with almost every minion in the deck simply due to redundancy.




Value card. Probably the most indispensable card here along with Reno Jackson, Frost Lich Jaina, and Ice Block. Rather complicated to explain all scenarios. It could be AoE, removal or value when needed.


  • Try getting the 10 mana polymorph for Big Priest. Better with Brann Bronzebeard and/or Zola the Gorgon.
  • Try to always combo with Brann Bronzebeard and/or Zola the Gorgon in non-aggro matchups.
  • Note that Psychic Screamed Sheep disables Reno Jackson/Kazakus.
  • Generally, aim for the 5 mana AoE vs aggro. Next choices would be damage, resu, summon, armor, draw, or even freeze, depending on the situation.
  • The 1 mana potion is not useless. It has the max chance of hitting what you want to hit as it doesn’t have freeze effects. Useful vs 2-toughness boards or to provide a 3 damage burst.
  • According to the Hearthstone Gamepedia page, it’s 58.3% for a specific effect for the 1 cost potion, and 53.3% for the 5 and 10 cost potions. 21.9% and 17.8% for a specific combination, respectively.
  • The resurrect effect could be good if calculated in the mid game. Zilliax could come in for more heals and removal. Brann Bronzebeard could be potentially reused. Try to avoid this option if you played lots of low value minions.

Random Stats:

  • Games lost vs Big Priest due to Psychic Screamed Sheeps: 1 out of 3+
  • Games lost by miscalculating resurrect potions: 1
  • Games won by getting and playing Lord Jaraxxus: 1 out of 1
  • Games won via 1 mana potion burst: 0, but it used to happen to me as Renolock and Reno Priest
  • Satisfaction when casting a 10-mana potion with Kalecgos: super



Premium removal. Does work on Big Priests, as well as SN1P-SN4P. One of the best cards in the deck. Provides a 1/1 body for Frost Lich Jaina as icing on the cake. Very simple, yet very powerful.


  • I think the sheep generated by Polymorph is different from Kazakus sheeps. Could be relevant in BP matchups.
  • Very useful in Big Priest matchups in general.
  • Useful against magnetic.
  • Useful against Carnivorous Cubes, or cards with deathrattle.
  • Don’t use vs Voidlords. Save for bigger threats.


Antique Healbot

It’s a weak body that heals. Combos with Brann Bronzebeard and/or Zola the Gorgon. It’s a Mech, so it could be magnetized with Zilliax. This is one of the cards that glue the deck together. Without burst heal, the deck won’t be able to properly turn the corner after board control.


  • Could be just played for tempo in non-control matchups, just to ensure safety against burst or to secure board control further.


Dragon's Fury

AoE, but RNG powered. Is generally a 3+ damage AoE the way the deck is built. This card was chosen due to the Paladin Secret, Never Surrender!, as Volcanic Potion isn’t enough. Kills the recruits buffed by Quartermaster. After reading more builds online, I’m convinced that we probably should drop the 2 mana spells for a more consistent Dragon's Fury.


  • For some matchups, doing a 2 damage AoE is fine.
  • Take note of casted spells, to maximize chances. Sometimes, the best play is to push RNG. It will balance over multiple games anyway, so don’t get tilted if it doesn’t work out well.



Ah, Zilliax. Aggro players hate seeing this turn 5. This effectively stalls them down about at least a turn due to the healing and removal. Good for aggro matchups, and decent in midrange and control. It’s really good at what it does, and does some more. Another card that glues the deck together.




AoE freeze. Frost Nova's bigger brother. Very similar to Frost Nova, but chips away at minions' health to make them more susceptible to other AoE, at the expense of more mana. Will win games by stalling alone.


  • Even curves into Baron Geddon.
  • When having both Nova and Blizz in your hand, try to imagine the better one to cast first. Generally its about curving your stuff to leverage board position.
  • Good with Kalecgos.

Random Stats:

  • Games won vs Big Priest with an Anti-Magic Shell due to Blizzard/Nova stalls: 1+



Another premium removal, minus the transform. Has incidental AoE for a possible 3 for 1. Kills everything except the largest SN1P-SN4P. Good in whittling down the board after a Blizzard or with a Frost Nova. Good vs Even Shamans, Big Priests and magnetized Mechs.


  • Can target your Sylvanas Windrunner when needed.
  • No need to hit max value all the time. Just killing the largest threat is sometimes enough.


Reno Jackson

The deck's namesake. Literally created the archetype; gives you an incentive to go singleton. Typically turns the corner against weakened aggro boards.


  • Do not play vs a massive board, as them going face next turn negates the Reno effect anyway. Try to work around the board first before playing Reno, while also being wary about burst damage.
  • Playing Reno is not a sure win vs aggro. Board control is still needed.
  • Combos with Zola the Gorgon at turn 9. Even combos with discovered Echo of Medivh.
  • Decent body vs control and midrange.

Notes: Tempo Reno:

  • There will be situations where you need to just tempo Reno. In fatigue to clock the opponent, to guarantee board control after you disrupted a combo (to shut down their alternative beatdown/armor plan), or to just stall aggro even when Reno only heals for ~10.


Skulking Geist

Massive Jade Druid HATE, making the matchup an almost autowin, while also being incidental hate vs Inner Fire Priest, Quest Mage, and even Control Warrior.

Matchup Specific Notes:

  • For Jade Druid, this is NOT AN AUTOWIN BY SIMPLY DROPPING IT, especially vs experienced players. Try waiting until they play at least 1 Ultimate Infestation; or at least be ahead on fatigue before playing this. Why? Coz Malfurion the Pestilent could stack up too much armor which could win the fatigue war, and it isn't common for them to be at 60+ life at some point in the game. When they realize they can't win by Jades, they'd stop drawing cards and just stall with taunts and armor.
  • Vs Jades, aggressively cycle for this, but not too aggressive. Just keep up with them in terms of cards. We still need to win the fatigue war.
  • Burns Mage quest if they haven't played it. Play this ASAP and you'll burn a number of their spells as well. Making it harder for them to generate enough damage or fulfill their quest.
  • Destroys Shield Slams in Control Warrior. Try to not play threats that could be Slammed before playing Geist. They won't have much pressure anyway.
  • Destroys Inner Fire, but still be wary of Confuse and other HP swapping spells when facing Inner Fire Priest.
  • Destroys Dark Pacts in Cubelocks.
  • Destroys Never Surrender! and Blessing of Might in Paladins.
  • Destroys Deadly Poison in Rogues.


  • Helps determine enemy deck archetype.

Random Stats:

  • Jade Druid concedes upon drop: 2+
  • Quest Mage concedes upon burning quest: 2


Sylvanas Windrunner

The last include I've chosen for the deck. It was either this or The Lich King, which was on my first iteration of this deck. I needed a value generator while gumming up the board. Generally, the advantage of TLK over Sylv is that it presents a threatening clock. We don't need a clock in this deck, and Sylv at least goes down on turn 6 and is less vulnerable to removal as it generates value on death. Better than TLK vs Vilespine Slayers. Since it generates less value than TLK on average (or so I think), we need to play tighter vs control.

Could be slow for hyper aggressive matchups, but could be made to work with the amounts of removal/stall/AoE this deck has. Better on average vs Big Priest compared to TLK as it guarantees value when removed on a contested board. Extremely good vs midrange matchups.


  • Devolve/Hex magnet.
  • Effectively stalls non-aggressive boards as they have to trade.
  • Sadly, without discovers, there's no way for this deck to immediately kill Sylv for value similar to Shadowflame.
  • Good in a non-Entomb meta.
  • One of my all-time favorite cards.


Baron Geddon

Baron freaking Geddon. Included in this list as its a minion with AoE. There will be moments where it closes out games, but there also will be times where dropping this on turn 7 is too late, or doesn't provide a full board clear. Decent value for midrange/control matchups. Sort of a questionable include, but I've always felt that Baron Geddon has always been a good card, especially in the right meta.


  • Is an Elemental. Huge lifesteal with Frost Lich Jaina with its AoE.
  • Literally no one expects this/plays around this (or at least so I think).
  • Removal magnet, as it prevents board development for the opponent, as well as actually able to clock them.
  • You could die to self burn, be careful.
  • Combos with Explosive Sheep, Polymorph: Boar, Volcanic Potion, among others.
  • Could kill your Mad Scientist in a pinch for Ice Block.
  • Badass as fuck.

Random Stats:

  • Wins with turn 5 Geddon via Elemental Evocation off Glyph: 1


Frost Lich Jaina

Ah, Frost Lich Jaina. A card that generates insane value late game by just playing her. A true control card in every definition. Turns the corner vs aggro decks heavily.


  • Mostly correct to coin turn 8 when facing weak pressure. This is because of the possible future tempo loss otherwise in playing a 9 mana card. Unless you get bursted down, the lifesteal would heal you eventually.
  • Makes Baron Geddon heal for a lot.
  • To maximize late game value, always try to ping for a Water Elemental every turn, WHILE trying to have as few minions as possible. This is so that enemy AoE wouldn't be as effective, and to maximize life gain from the elementals as you only have a maximum of 30.
  • Against weapon classes, try hitting face as much as possible to prevent them from controlling the board.
  • Even stops Frostmourne for non-weapon classes.
  • Water Elementals win a reasonably matched fatigue matchup, even when around 3 cards deeper.
  • Ping effectively heals a 3/1 Water Elemental.
  • Combos with lots of other cards. AoE, Polymorph, Voodoo Doll, Explosive Sheep, etc.
  • Generates 2 elementals with Brann Bronzebeard.

Random stats:

  • Concedes received on play vs aggro: a damn lot.



One of the more questionable includes in this deck. However, I'd like to emphasize that this minion fits with the gameplan of the deck, which is to provide value for late game matchups, as well as tempo when we are turning the corner against aggro/midrange, while NOT caring about clocking the opponent. Compare this with The Lich King, Dr. Boom, or Ragnaros the Firelord; their statlines are more aggressive than a 4/12 Dragon, and are better used in shells which care about the opponent's life total. Kalecgos is comparatively more resistant to Devolve as well, as the battlecry provides immediate value and/or board impact when used with the passive. Also harder to remove with 12 toughness.


  • Do NOT coin on turn 9 if you still wanna cast a spell after.
  • No one literally expects this, could be the deciding factor for late game value matchups.
  • Some opponents even (wrongly) sacrifice their board just to kill this, probably assuming its part of a degenerate combo.
  • Overrides Loatheb's battlecry.
  • Could even combo with Brann Bronzebeard or Zola the Gorgon.
  • Be wary against Secrets like Potion of Polymorph and Mirror Entity.

Matchup Specific Notes:

  • Bad against aggro, unless survived to turn 10. Good for turning the corner against them.
  • Be wary of Entomb vs Priests. However, it's not popular at all in the meta.
  • Possibly annoying for Priests as it has 4 attack, but note the new removal that hits 4 attack minions

Notable discovers:

Random Stats:

  • Games lost due to a turn 9 coin Kalecgos: 1
  • Games won vs Loatheb a turn prior Kalecgos: 1
  • Games won by discovering burst: 2+
  • Games won by discovering burst, on the same turn: sadly, 0
  • Games won via Research Project fatigue: 1
  • Games won by discovering AoE/freeze: numerous


Other Possible Substitutions:


  • Hungry Crab - I think we already have a decent Murloc matchup, due to the sheer number of AoEs.
  • Mistress of Mixtures/Zombie Chow - We already have other anti-aggro tools. Could definitely work tho.
  • Ray of Frost - Early removal and stalls late. Pretty low impact on average though, but definitely could be considered. Gets removed by Skulking Geist, which might matter in value matchups.
  • Acidic Swamp Ooze/Gluttonous Ooze/Harrison Jones - Good vs Paladins and Rogues. We already have a good Rogue matchup tho. Oozes good vs aggro, Harrison good vs midrange.
  • Arcanologist - Personally I feel that Mad Scientist is better due to it putting the secret in play. I think this matters more than the 2/3 body + control over the timing of the secret for the aggro matchup. You just need to play as much stuff as possible there.
  • Baleful Banker - Useful only in fatigue/control matchups, and imo, you'll win fatigue anyway due to Frost Lich Jaina. I've just come to terms that I'll lose greedier matchups by knowing that the rest of the aggro meta would punish them.
  • Doomsayer - Combos with long-time buddy Frost Nova. Great vs aggro. Could easily slot in here, just my personal preference not to include it, since I think I suck at timing it. Could also fuck up your Kazakus resurrects.
  • Golakka Crawler - Would help vs Pirate Warriors and Odd Paladins, which this deck seems to struggle with. Decent 2/3 body vs aggro. However, no value otherwise.
  • Unstable Ghoul - Could be too late vs Paladin if not on turn 2.
  • Arcane Intellect - It was this or the Acolyte. Chose Acolyte of Pain as it at least contests the board (even if poorly, every bit matters early game), and you don't have to always draw two. I think playing both are overkill and would wreck your percentages for the control matchup.
  • Coldlight Oracle - Haven't tested this, but seen it in other lists, and it seems promising. Good anti-control card due to the mill, decent vs Dirty Rat in terms of value, and allows you to dig for AoE. But it seems greedy as well. Could easily be a do-nothing against aggro.
  • Deathlord - Could actually be decent in any control deck with lots of AoE. Better with N'Zoth, the Corruptor.
  • Manic Soulcaster - Baleful Banker #2
  • Mind Control Tech - Hard to evaluate this card in a vacuum. Will be very good vs 4 minion boards, but probably still sucks against a full board. You already have lots of AoE. Combos with Brann Bronzebeard and/or Zola the Gorgon sometimes, I guess.
  • Twilight Flamecaller - AoE. Good vs Paladins, but weak vs Shamans. Combos (albeit weakly) with Brann Bronzebeard and/or Zola the Gorgon.
  • Tinkmaster Overspark - Probably overkill for the transforms, but I haven't tested it coz I don't have it. Seems rather unreliable, as it doesn't always hit the Barnes actor. And a 5/5 Devilsaur is still pretty bad. Could work.
  • Arcane Keysmith - Good value. Initially had this on my list. Combos with Brann Bronzebeard and/or Zola the Gorgon. Contests the board poorly though.
  • Cone of Cold - Extra board stall. Very underrated card.
  • Fireball - Removal. Could work in a list which could pressure the opponent. Seems pretty bad in a Big Priest meta tho. Could combo immediately with Sylvanas Windrunner.
  • Big Game Hunter - Ok vs Even Shamans/Handlocks, but mediocre otherwise.
  • Elise the Trailblazer - Lategame value. Even combos with Brann Bronzebeard or Zola the Gorgon, but turns off Reno Jackson/Kazakus. Has no defensive capabilities tho. One of my favorite cards.
  • Loatheb - It's Loatheb. Powerful card. Could be put in for Quest Mages/Rogues, but could still be overwhelmed by aggro. Personally, I'd rather play removal on turn 5.
  • Sludge Belcher - Seems weaker as more cards are introduced to the game. Used to be one of the best anti-aggro tools.
  • Emperor Thaurissan - We don't have payoffs for the mana reduction. Ironically, too slow on turn 6 for this deck. Zero defensive tools when facing a huge board.
  • Dr. Boom - Not that powerful anymore now. Only useful in decks that aim to clock the opponent.
  • Inkmaster Solia - I don't actually have this, so I really can't test it out. It's similar to Kalecgos, where the battlecry enables you to turn the corner vs aggro decks, as early as turn 7 even. However, it seems weaker against value wars, and the opponent isn't incentivized to remove this ASAP unlike Kalecgos, which has a static ability. Very possible substitute for Kalecgos. Better vs Big Priests if you really just need to ramp the 10 mana Kazakus sheeps.
  • Hex Lord Malacrass - I also don't have this card. Seems useful for value matchups. However seems overkill in this meta, with no defensive utility. Just grind out the control matchups imo.
  • The Lich King - Sub for Sylvanas Windrunner depending on the meta. Better vs control, weaker vs aggro/midrange. Taunt could shut aggro off though, but don't rely on the taunt to save you. Removal magnet. Provides less value when killed ASAP compared to Sylv. Definitely a decent sub.
  • Ragnaros the Firelord - Insane heal with Frost Lich Jaina, good threat, but weak in a Paladin meta.
  • Archivist Elysiana - Huge lategame value, will win fatigue wars. Was my initial choice for value over The Lich King and Sylv, but it literally does nothing until the late late game. You can't drop this on turn 9 just for the body as it wrecks your deck.
  • N'Zoth, the Corruptor (and friends) - Seems too clunky in this meta. Provides deckbuilding restrictions. Playing this means aiming to clock the opponent at some point due to the board flood, but generally won't work vs Obsidian Statues.


Matchup Guide and General Strategy

As for most decks, mulligan decisions are an integral part of winning strategies. Especially for control decks, where there is need to find the right answers at the right time. Facing different classes need certain assumptions on what cards to keep, and how to play against those classes.



Assume Aggro Druid for the mulligan. They seem to be more prevalent and require early answers.

Keep Explosive Sheep, Frostbolt, Mad Scientist, Primordial Glyph, Volcanic Potion, Kazakus, and maybe Reno Jackson, if already with good removal tools. If you're a gambling man, keep Skulking Geist. Generally, for this matchup, we just need to remove everything they throw at us. They have great board flood potential. So AoE and removal cards are good.

Early board control minions like Mad Scientist, Stonehill Defender, or even Gravelsnout Knight are decent.

Antique Healbot might not be effective as the Druid could just build a better board even with the heal.

Zilliax is decent as removal, but be wary of Living Roots.

Kazakus could be coined at turn 5 for the 1 mana potion for the 2 damage AoE. Dragon's Fury could also be coined at turn 5 for a board clear attempt, if without a better play.

Consider playing Brann Bronzebeard on turn 3 when having no other play. They probably are gonna trade into it, generating board control and gaining some life.

Be wary of cards that buff like Savage Roar, Blessing of the Ancients, Power of the Wild, and Mark of the Lotus. When in doubt, trade everything to generate board control. You're a control deck after all, no need to hit face for some damage.

Try to remove Jeeves if they have it, but don't sacrifice everything just to kill it.

As for all aggro decks, Frost Nova and Blizzard are effective at stalling and setting up for other AoEs. Only Reno Jackson when facing a non-threatening board or as a last resort. We don't want them hitting us back leaving us at <10 HP again. Baron Geddon does work in this matchup.


Jade Druid starts are way slower and less deadly. Once you figure out they're not aggro, focus on cycling through your deck for Skulking Geist. The plan is to drop Skulking Geist sometime in the MID TO LATE GAME, when they are deeper into fatigue, AND before accumulating a critical mass of high statted Jades.

Do note that they can apply pressure with Oaken Summons, Hecklebot, and Archmage Vargoth or even Aya Blackpaw and the other Jade creators. The early Jades are pretty much collateral damage for your AoE; use Volcanic Potion or Dragon's Fury here.

Hopefully, prepare removal for Archmage Vargoth. It could snowball out of control by ramping mana, draw and/or Jades.

If they have Malfurion the Pestilent early, you could be in trouble. Either you get pressured, or they'd start stacking armor early. However, they'd still mostly prefer to cycle through their deck, assuming you haven't burned their Jade Idols.

Beware of Naturalize. Don't let your Skulking Geist or Frost Lich Jaina get burned. Try to play cards just so you end your turn with 7, even sub-optimally.

Generally, the reason I do not want to drop Skulking Geist early is that they will stop cycling through their deck and attempt to win via pressure or armor stacking with their DK. Drop the Geist when you are ahead in fatigue; maybe after 2 Nourishes or at least 1 Ultimate Infestation.

Use your AoE and removal to stave off pressure. You'll win the value game if they're deep enough in fatigue. Using Kazakus for 5-mana potions for draw or board presence is okay. Just keep up with their Jades.



Assume Mech Hunter for the mulligan. Similar to Aggro Druid, they seem to be more prevalent and require early answers.

Keep Explosive Sheep, Frostbolt, Mad Scientist, Primordial Glyph, Volcanic Potion, Polymorph: Boar, Kazakus, and Reno Jackson. Generally, again, for this matchup, we just need to remove everything they throw at us. They have great board flood potential with early Mechwarper or Galvanizer starts. Also, be wary of magnetics.

A possible power spike on turn 3 with a flooded board and a Metaltooth Leaper. This is game ending if not properly answered, as the Hunter could just hero power us to death after. Try to throw lots of removal against a possible Metaltooth Leaper board.

Beware of using Gravelsnout Knight turn 1. A summoned Mech could be game losing. Otherwise, could be a decent turn 1 board control play.

Use Kazakus for a 1- or 5-mana potion, with the board clear as a top priority.

Beware of Venomizer and Spider Bomb; however you don't have much minions so you're probably okay against these. They could leverage it for tempo tho, preventing you from developing a board. Use AoEs against these.

Kill the Explodinator Goblin Bombs, ASAP when possible. Do this when you feel that you have a decent amount of life. This is because of magnetic; suddenly, those 0/2 Bombs become decently-sized threats.

As for all aggro decks, Frost Nova and Blizzard are effective at stalling and setting up for other AoEs. Only Reno Jackson when facing a non-threatening board or as a last resort. We don't want them hitting us back leaving us at <10 HP again. Baron Geddon does work in this matchup.

When in doubt, trade everything. Similar to Aggro Druid, Mech Hunters have buffs in the form of magnetize. A lowly Mech suddenly magnetized with Wargear is now a huge threat.

Unlike other aggro decks, we need some healing after stabilizing the board to counteract the Hunter hero power as it clocks you reasonably well. Hopefully we draw Antique Healbot, Zilliax, Reno Jackson or Frost Lich Jaina in time. Even Kazakus potions could give armor.


The other Hunter archetype seems to be Spell Hunter. This is a control deck, with Deathstalker Rexxar and/or Zul'jin.

The TL;DR of this, personally, is that it's rather unwinnable. I think I lost all 4+ of my matchups, with one a disconnect from a seemingly winnable position. They generate too much value and pressure with all the midrange minions and Zul'jin. And Deathstalker Rexxar just seals the long game, if they have it.

They're gonna perform decently in fatigue matchups. Unleash the Beast is just too much value/pressure in the long run, when combined with Master's Call and Dire Frenzy. Your best bet is to only play 1 minion max, to lessen the Rush value. However, this is at the expense of generating tempo/board presence, so it's a pick your poison kind of thing.

Unlike most of the aggro decks, they actually have lots of burst from hand. Kill Commands, Unleash the Hounds, and Dire Frenzy'd Unleash the Hounds will give you trouble in defending that Ice Block.

Worst case scenario: a Stranglethorn Tiger + Tundra Rhino off Deathstalker Rexxar to give everything they have perma Charge forever. Only a non-target Polymorph could save you now, from Kazakus.



Assume Quest Mage for the mulligan. Admittedly, the way this deck is built, this is a very tough matchup, probably a 40/60 one.

Keep Dirty Rat, Frostbolt, Mad Scientist, Primordial Glyph, maybe Acolyte of Pain, Brann Bronzebeard, Polymorph: Boar, Kazakus, Reno Jackson, and Skulking Geist.

The best way to win this is to flood our board with minions to reduce Flamewaker damage. Easier said than done tho. Might be also possible to clock them, as they do not run healing and have a rather slow early game.

Generally, try to keep your HP very high, and out of double [Hearthstone Card (Time Walk) Not Found] + incidental damage range. Again easier said than done. The best way to do this is to flood the board, as said earlier.

Try to play Skulking Geist ASAP as it might kill their quest or hamper their quest package. However, in doing so, allows them to have more value on their draws on average. This is especially relevant vs good players, as they will know that the optimal way to kill you is to do a double [Hearthstone Card (Time Walk) Not Found] to pop your Ice Block then kill you.

Weirdly enough, this is the only deck where there is a legitimate option for you to be the aggressor, as often the late game allows them to pop your block and kill you anyway.

Potion of Polymorph somewhat delays your opponent, unless on a Mana Cyclone. Use removal on anything else.

Beware of Stargazer Luna and Archmage Vargoth. Often game ending if allowed to stick.

Dirty Rat isn't much use here, in general. It's generally a tempo loss for you to use the Rat then follow it up with removal. If you do so, just make sure you can remove whatever gets pulled. The Quest Mage could still win as it has a lot of threats remaining from the deck.


Other Mage archetypes are Freeze Mage and Exodia Mage. Freeze Mage is easy, Ice Block will do all the work for you. Just make sure to be able to heal after. Skulking Geist even hits the Ice LancesVery doable as it takes time for the Freeze Mage to assemble lethal. Exodia Mage has 2 variants, one with Giants/Conjurer's Calling and one with Archmage Antonidas. The Antonidas variant is basically similar to Freeze, and are quite susceptible to Dirty Rats. Go for Dirty Rat when they're quite deep into the deck, and have expended their Doomsayers and Mad Scientists. Hitting even a Sorcerer's Apprentice could be game winning. Needless to say, kill whatever is pulled ASAP. The Giants version is a different story though, as they could pop your Ice Block AND have a huge board presence after. Also more resistant to Dirty Rat due to the amount of threats they play. Hopefully you'll have a Frost Nova + Reno Jackson or heal when they pop your block, then removal to follow up after.


Odd Mage is an alright matchup. It's basically a midrange matchup. Try to stave off their aggression and prepare for Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk and their own Frost Lich Jaina in later turns. Otherwise, you'll outvalue/outfatigue them.


Reno Mage is the mirror. But not exactly, as they could have a different build than yours, and are most likely more greedy with more value and less anti-aggro AoE. I think it doesn't matter who gets Frost Lich Jaina first, as you could sandbag your HP for more value, then recover it later anyway. Aim for max value. Don't drop Acolyte of Pain.



Assume Odd Paladin for the mulligan. Another tough matchup. Very resilient deck, even with your board clears, and IMO the best deck in the format right now.

Keep Explosive Sheep, Frostbolt, Mad Scientist, Primordial Glyph, maybe even Acolyte of Pain if you have AoEs, Polymorph: Boar, Volcanic Potion, Kazakus, Dragon's Fury, Reno Jackson, and maybe even Baron Geddon as it seals the game. Get as many AoEs as possible, and hopefully on curve.

Polymorph: Boar the [Hearthstone Card (Steward on Darkshire) Not Found] if they turn 3 it.

Do not worry about Divine Favor. It's technically a tempo loss for them, and if they draw their haymakers, so be it.

Be wary of turn 5 Quartermaster. Do everything to clear the board the turn before it. Also, take note of Fungalmancer as well.

The Secret is almost always Never Surrender!. Have this in mind when casting spells for AoEs. Probably a good time to pop it is early, with a few minions. Do so with Frostbolt. Unintuitively (or intuitively, whatever), this doesn't get popped by casting spells on an empty board. Hearthstone and vague wording. Tsk.

The gameplan is to just counter their board floods with AoEs, and noting possible power spikes with Quartermaster. You could sandbag some hits if they don't have divine shields or aren't threatening turn 5.

Stonehill Defender could stall them a bit, especially with good pulls that curve out.

Late game drop everything you can for board presence if possible, to reduce the impact of a topdecked Divine Favor. Be careful of Leeroy Jenkins or weapon + Southsea Deckhand, combined with Blessing of Might for burst. Generally, Odd Paladin has weak burst potential otherwise, so you could be safe most of the time.


Other Non-Odd Aggro Paladin variants are easy, as they do a poor impression of Odd Paladin, only used if not just for the unfamiliarity factor. Less board floods means they're less resilient to your AoE, and they run out of value soon enough. Generally encountered at Ranks 5 to 4.



Ahh, Priest. The supposedly Boogeyman of the format with the Large variant. Assume Big Priest.

Keep Gravelsnout Knight, Saronite Taskmaster, Polymorph: Boar, maybe Potion of Polymorph, Polymorph, and maybe Frost Lich Jaina. Yes, hard mull everything else, and hope you'll get at least one of these. We just want every graveyard diluting card possible ASAP. Jaina is an optional keep, as graveyard dilution is not enough. To beat Big Priest, one must understand that we must win each phase of the game (early, mid, or late), and Jaina is almost exclusively needed to survive late.

However, I must emphasize that even with these hate cards, I actually think we still do not have a positive matchup against good BP players; it does swing percentages from an otherwise 20/80 matchup to a ~40/60, which is significantly better. I mean, no non-aggro fair decks have a chance against a turn 4 or 6 Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound, anyway, so we'll still take our (better) chances. Maybe other Reno Mage builds perform better, who knows.

Play Gravelsnout Knight and Saronite Taskmaster. Couple this with a Hello emote to really kick things off.

Ping/kill the Gravelsnout Knight summon ASAP. Ping your own Saronite Taskmaster to possibly pop the deathrattle ASAP; also, BM points, lol. Most BPs incorrectly not heal this, weirdly enough. Those percentages add up.

Could play Potion of Polymorph at turn 3. Sucks vs Barnes though, so note the risk. Better to play at turn 7/8, or anytime after Barnes.

Beware of Spirit Lash killing the Barnes actor. Smart players would do this when they recognize what you're trying to do.

Try to get the 10-mana Kazakus potions that sheepify. Preferably combo with Brann Bronzebeard and/or Zola the Gorgon.

Use Polymorph effects ASAP, except against Barnes and [Hearthstone Card (Obsidian Statues) Not Found]. These are the least threatening cards in their deck.

Be wary of power spikes at turns 4, 6 and 8.

Generally, they play 2 Lesser Diamond Spellstones and around 1 Mass Resurrection. Be wary of Zerek's Cloning Gallery as well. Such greed, these Priests.

Try not letting The Lich King survive for long. Good Polymorph target. The value adds up against you, a control deck.

You can tank some hits from Ragnaros the Firelord, to bait better removal targets, or as part of an AoE plan. Not all lists even have it.

Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound is generally game losing for you if cheated early. Polymorph it ASAP. For later Y'Shaarjs, you could bait them by letting it summon from their deck while stalling them with freezes. More likely to have you win fatigue if you survive. Otherwise, just kill it ASAP.

Catrina Muerte could be not super threatening with a diluted graveyard. It could either snowball for you or for them, so take note of their graveyard. Remove or Polymorph ASAP with a strong graveyard.

Obsidian Statues are the reason why the deck doesn't even attempt to damage the opponent. It will always heal them back up eventually. Least threatening of their big bois.

Hopefully, with the help of [Hearthstone Card (Frost Lich Jain) Not Found]a, you'll survive till late and win. Water Elementals effectively save you lots of HP due to freezing a big boi. Great vs Obsidian Statues due to them surviving the hits for more freezes.

Be wary of Psychic Screamed sheep. This could disable Reno Jackson and Kazakus, but will win you the fatigue war.

Other non-standard Big Priest minions:


Other archetypes of note are Inner Fire Priest, (Dragon) Reno Priests, and APM Priests. For Inner Fire Priests, try to remove their minions ASAP. If you can't, try whittling down their minions' HP, even trading unfavorably. Skulking Geist could shut the deck down. Be wary of Confuse or Void Rippers though. Freeze and Polymorph effects are useful here. Kill Radiant Elemental ASAP when possible.

You'll probably lose to Reno Priest variants. They pack more value and Shadowreaper Anduin can compete with Frost Lich Jaina. They could even play Entomb, which is game losing for you when used on Sylvanas Windrunner. Polymorph the Deathlord if possible. Drakonid Operative is super good against us.

APM Priests are just super annoying. They can win against Ice Block, on the next turn. I always felt that decks like these are worse than Big Priests, as the turns take forever and are solitaire-y-er. Dig for Dirty Rat against them and use it after they used card draws such as Novice Engineer and Loot Hoarder. Kill or Polymorph the Radiant Elemental or Test Subject ASAP.



Assume Odd Rogue. We're generally favored against them, probably a 65/35 matchup.

Keep Explosive Sheep, Frostbolt, Mad Scientist, Primordial Glyph, Polymorph: Boar, Volcanic Potion, Kazakus, maybe Polymorph, and Reno Jackson.

This probably plays more like a midrange matchup than an aggro matchup. Even with a strong aggro start, their pressure could taper off at turns 4 and 5, assuming they don't have Hench-Clan Thug.

Beware of the power spike at 3 with the possible Hench-Clan Thug. Not dealing with it is often game losing, which is why we keep Frostbolt and Polymorph: Boar. AoE plus some followup deals with it.

Frostbolt also deals with Southsea Captain.

Watch out for Vilespine Slayers. This could turn the corner against you stabilizing.

Turn 5 could see some Fungalmancers if you haven't cleared their board yet.

Kazakus a 5-mana potion generally.

Frost Lich Jaina often seals the game on drop.

Dirty Rat could be good by just dropping it, due to the weak bodies with strong battlecries they have. Beware of Hench-Clan Thug and Baku the Mooneater though.


Never encountered other archetypes in my whole run, I think.



Funnily enough, the deck turned out to be great against aggro Shamans despite supposedly built on targetting Big Priest. Who knew a slew of AoE and removal would be good against them?

Assume Even Shamans, with a possiblity of Murlocs. However, I feel that Even Shamans are a better mull target, as their big bois are harder to remove without the right cards. Pretty similar mull anyway though.

So the general 1-step guide in mulling vs Even Shamans is to keep 1 removal for a big boi, such as Polymorph and Voodoo Doll, and any 1 other AoE. This is because allowing them to let a big boi stick eventually leads to more big bois (or girls), which will provide insurmountable pressure. The general rule when playing is to keep the board light on minions due to Sea Giant, and have removal when they drop a large dude. Due to that decks consistency, they're easily telegraphed as well.

Keep Explosive Sheep, Frostbolt, Mad Scientist, Primordial Glyph, Polymorph: Boar, Potion of Polymorph, Voodoo Doll, Polymorph, Kazakus, Dragon's Fury, and maybe even Blizzard. As you can see, lots of choices, but focus on getting 1 large removal followed by AoE. Just consider a good curve in case its Murloc Shaman.


Don't drop a naked Explosive Sheep on turn 2 or 3. They will likely Devolve it, losing you board control and adding to the Sea Giant reduction. Ping it turn 4, even tanking hits when needed.

Don't drop a naked Voodoo Doll without ping as well. Guaranteed Devolve target, especially when targetting a large minion.

Potion of Polymorph is good on turn 3, even if it hits something weak. Still makes them vulnerable to AoE, giving less fuel to Sea Giants.

Volcanic Potion is great, even just to kill totems. Again, less Sea Giant fuel.

Kill the turn 4 Flamewreathed Faceless, Draenei Totemcarver, Fireguard Destroyer or Thunderhead ASAP. Allowing these to live makes your future turns worse due to pressure, and a possible early Sea Giant (see the pattern here?).

A turn 4 or 5 Thing from Below is alright not to kill outright, just hit it with AoE, then finish it off a turn later. It's less threatening than the other dudes.

Watch out for Jade Lightning or Crackle for burst. They'll normally use it for board control though, so they'll probably run out of it late game.

Kazakus the 5-mana AoE, or the Polymorph effect, if you can leverage it. The 5 damage one is also decent.

They generally don't have heal, save for Walking Fountain, which does quite a lot against you btw, as it effectively has 8 power.


For Murloc Shaman, trade everything. Even your big bois for a 1/1. They WILL snowball when given the chance.

Kill the Murloc Tidecaller if dropped turn 1. Huge damage potential if unchecked.

Be wary of Everyfin is Awesome and Murloc Warleader for burst.

Kill Underbelly Angler ASAP. This is very snowbally in terms of pressure from the generated Murlocs.

Kill Scargil ASAP. This is another snowbally card in terms of building a board.

Also kill Siltfin Spiritwalker ASAP. This card is gas for them.

Be wary of Coldlight Seer. This could wreck your AoE plans in the future turns. Plan accordingly if possible.

Gentle Megasaur is also something of note. This provides either burst or protection from AoE.

They have no burst save from Bluegill Warrior and Old Murk-Eye; could be comboed with other Murlocs though, but you're probably okay in a topdeck situation.

With all that said, fight extremely hard to get rid of their board of minions, just like every other aggro deck.


Shudderwock Shaman is literally this deck's worst matchup. Autolose. You literally have to pull Shudderwock specifically from Dirty Rat, which is hard and they draw too fast and assemble a huge Shudderwock quickly. They have too much redundancy with Jepetto Joybuzz. Literally only won 1 out of 5+, where the opponent misplayed to a Potion of Polymorph.



Assume Mecha'thun Warlock. Although there are lots of possible Warlock builds, the Mecha'thun variant seems to be the most common.

Keep Dirty Rat, Brann Bronzebeard, Polymorph: Boar, Polymorph, and Kazakus. Hard mull for these. Generally, most Mecha'thun Warlocks aren't super fast in terms of pressure, so it's fine to mull our usual defensive tools.

However, it is quite tricky to immediately figure out the exact Warlock archetype you're facing, as most non-aggro variants have similar starts.

If you see Carnivorous Cubes, Dark Pact, Doomguard, or Skull of the Man'ari, it is Cubelock.

If you see Genn Greymane at the start, it's Even Handlock.

If you see Kazakus, or any other off-meta cards like Sylvanas Windrunner, it's Renolock. Probably unlikely they'll drop Kazakus turn 4 though.

If a Mal'Ganis drops from a Voidcaller, it's probably NOT Mecha'thun Warlock. But it still is possible though.

If a Doomguard drops from a Voidcaller, it's Cubelock.

For Mecha'thun Warlock variants, do note that while their main win condition is to do the Mecha'thun combo, they can beat you down if left uncontested on board. They have decent sized minions such as Voidcallers, Voidlords off the deathrattle. Could be game losing if unchecked and curving into a turn 10 Bloodreaver Gul'dan.

Maintain a healthy balance of clearing the board and cycling for your win condition, Dirty Rat. Use with Brann Bronzebeard and/or Zola the Gorgon when possbile, to ensure pulling Mecha'thun.

You won't ever win by damage here, until you removed Mecha'thun. Focus on cycling and staving off their minions.

Use Dirty Rat only AFTER Emperor Thaurissan, and ONLY if they have 10 mana. This seems to be statistically the best time to use it.

Remove Emperor Thaurissan or Mecha'thun ASAP. If Emperor Thaurissan sticks, you're probably still fine as long as you Dirty Rat the Mecha'thun. Mecha'thun is still a 10/10 which could clock you, so save some removal or freezes for it.

Beware of Hemet, Jungle Hunter, as it accelerates their combo assembly. Hopefully you draw Dirty Rat soon.

Beware of Lord Godfrey on turn 7. Could be game losing if your board is wiped.

They won't win lategame, even with Bloodreaver Gul'dan being better than Frost Lich Jaina, due to their aggressive early game draw.

Use Skulking Geist only if you don't feel behind. Generally okay to play anytime though. It might accelerate them to their combo if their Mortal Coils are removed though.

Save Saronite Taskmaster for a possible Mecha'thun delay.

Feel free to play Stonehill Defender on turn 3. Also a possible Dirty Rat, Hecklebot or Deathlord discover out of it.

Kazakus for 5-mana potions that draw or clear their board.

Try to maximize draw from Acolyte of Pain by pinging it. Okay to drop turn 3 naked though. They'll spend a possible Darkbomb or Hellfire to clear it if they wan't to deny you more than 1 draw, giving us some tempo and delaying their draws.

Okay to use Potion of Polymorph on turn 3. Hopefully it's not Renolock, where you could lose out on value.

Note possible late game Dirty Rat diluters such as Doomsayers, Mistress of Mixtures, or Kobold Librarians they didn't play. Even possible are Worthless Imps from Sense Demons.


Another popular variant is Even Handlock. Prepare for a slew of big bois.

Do NOT damage them at all. Do NOT attack, or ping them. This prevents them from accelerating into Molten Giants and Hooked Reaver. Unlike other Reno Mage lists, we can't continuously pressure them at all or burst them down. Cards like Lesser Amethyst Spellstone would just heal them back up.

Their guaranteed threats are 2 each of Mountain Giants, Molten Giants, Hooked Reavers, Twilight Drakes, and Faceless Shamblers.

Other possible threats could be Ragnaros the Firelord, or The Lich King.

They almost always have Shroom Brewer which could heal up their dudes, making whittling them down with AoE not super effective.

Beware of Hellfire and Darkbomb burst, as they have 2 of each.

Probably a tough matchup for our specific list, as a early Wrathguard or Vulgar Homunculus could become decent aggressive threats, as well as advancing their gameplan.

Hopefully, we have enough removal and generated tempo to defend from everything.

Okay to drop Stonehill Defender on turn 3, just for tempo.

Kazakus the 5-mana polymorph if feasible to do given the opposing board, or the 10-mana clear or polymorph.

Beware of tempo loss from dropping Baron Geddon to a Lord Godfrey or Lesser Amethyst Spellstone.

Sylvanas Windrunner does decent against them.

Frost Lich Jaina late game to stall giants.

Discover removal from Primordial Glyphs and Kalecgos.


Against Cubelock, hopefully we have Polymorph effects for Carnivorous Cubes.

If they successfully replicate a ton of demons, especially Doomguard or a Mal'Ganis, prepare for the onslaught when they drop Bloodreaver Gul'dan.

Skulking Geist is low key good in this matchup as it removes Dark Pact, which is their way to auto-kill the Carnivorous Cubes, accelerating their gameplan.

Try to use a Potion of Polymorph before a possible Cube turn.

Personally, due to the few times I've faced this archetype, I feel that this matchup is high variance. Either you have proper removal or not, and either they properly assemble their Cubes or not. I think their assembly is generally slow compared to other combo-ey decks.


Other Warlock variants are aggressive variants like Zoo, Disco, Demon, and even the infinite SN1P-SN4P one.

For the first 3, treat it like an aggro deck, but with possible burst from Soulfire, Doomguard, Leeroy Jenkins, or even Fist of Jaraxxus. Prepare for extreme pressure due to a low curve, with reload potential due to the Warlock Hero Power. Trade everything.

The SN1P-SN4P variant seems to be autolose, due to their reload capability and board stickiness, with the huge SN1P-SN4Ps for their top end. Dirty Rat doesn't seem to be enough, unless you hit SN1P-SN4P itself.



Assume Pirate Warrior. The other prevalent archetype is good ol' Control Warrior, but it's better to mulligan for the aggro strategy.

Keep Explosive Sheep, Frostbolt, Mad Scientist, maybe Primordial Glyph, maybe Stonehill Defender, Volcanic Potion, Kazakus, maybe Zilliax, and Reno Jackson.

Try to just drop everything possible on curve, except Stonehill Defender, unless you have no followup. Just drop the Brann Bronzebeard on turn 3, for tempo.

Use AoEs liberally, but note Frothing Berserker. Use Frostbolt and removals on Southsea Captain or Frothing Berserker.

Playing Stonehill Defender in future turns allow blocking larger hits from weapons or larger minions.

Zilliax does so much if you make it to turn 5. They can't cleanly remove it, save for Mortal Strike, gaining you quite some life.

Kazakus for a 5-mana or even the 1-mana AoE/damage.

Dirty Rat is good when they have an empty hand, or when you feel they have no minions in hand.

This is a faster and less board centric matchup than other aggro decks present in Wild currently. They also have burst from hand, so hopefully we could heal as well. Stabilizing the board doesn't mean a win.

Considering our list, I feel that this is a poor matchup, around 40/60.


The other matchup is Odd/Control Warrior. A favorable matchup, given that they don't play Archivist Elysiana. It's literally the card that makes or breaks the matchup.

Don't be scared with their high armor values. It's gonna go down eventually when they inevitably play Dr. Boom, Mad Genius.

Try to save Dirty Rat for a possibly lategame Archivist Elysiana. Play it when they have 0-3 cards remaining in their deck, and you're confident they have it or they have no other minions to pull from Dirty Rat. This is where I definitely miss having Baleful Banker shenanigans.

Skulking Geist is a huge card here. Will destroy both Shield Slams, and a possible Omega Assembly or two. Game winning when burning those cards.

Try not to flood the board with your minions, to reduce the value of their AoE, Supercolliders and Rush minions from Dr. Boom, Mad Genius. Try not to land a huge threat until you burned their Shield Slams; don't incentivize them to use it early.

Beware of Coldlight Oracles milling you, especially with Brann Bronzebeard. However, this seems almost certainly happening, as you are playing the value game. Try to have a hand with 7 cards maximum.

Frost Lich Jaina seems to be better than their Dr. Boom, Mad Genius. Despite the value that Boom provides, it seems that on average, your ping and Water Elementals outvalue their random hero power. You will definitely win the fatigue game, unless they have Archivist Elysiana.

When using Acolyte of Pain, try to use it only if you're behind on fatigue. If possible, try drawing only 1 card from it.

Kazakus 10-mana potions. Avoid the draw option. Go for board presence and Demons if possible. Don't go all-in against possible Brawls and Reckless Flurry.

Save Polymorph effects for Deathlords or Direhorn Hatchlings, with the former almost a guaranteed include in these lists.

Sylvanas Windrunner is great in this matchup, as it could steal Deathlords, and simply by being hard to cleanly remove. Drop against a 3 minion board or so.

Use Kalecgos when they don't have Shield Slams or Reckless Flurry. Usually is played in fatigue or near fatigue to seal the game. Tough to remove for them without it, save for probably Brawling. Insane value.

Generally, just maximize possible value in this matchup, while not drawing too much for the fatigue battle.



Decent deck. Definitely not top tier. Performs best against board centric aggro, except maybe Paladin. Does incidental hate against combo and Big Priest. Could compete in value wars.

Legend viable. Weak against metas with weird decks.

Will probably include the Baleful Banker package in future builds.

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