We've got a brand new event in Hearthstone's Mercenaries game mode and it's here only for a limited-time! This time, we'll venture into many dangerous Bounty zones with the aid of Yogg-Saron, fan favorite for its Constructed shenanigans and the third Old God that has come to pay us a visit.
Our journey won't be in search of just fame and success, but you'll be able to complete a set of 10 event Tasks, which will reward you coins for Yogg-Saron and many other goodies.
Here are all the tasks that are available during the Yogg-Saron Mercenaries event. Click any of the links below to visit our guide for the task.
- No Halftime
- Requirement: Complete Plaguemaw the Rotting Bounty with only 3 mercs.
- Reward: 75 Yogg-Saron coins.
- Camping
- Requirement: Complete Yeti Hunter Ranel Bounty with at least 2 Night Elves In Winterspring.
- Reward: 50 Yogg-Saron coins, 25 Elise Starseeker coins.
- Sacred Groove
- Requirement: Destroy Snowclaw in Winterspring without destroying any Frostbite Totems.
- Reward: Yogg-Saron Mercenary.
- Stay Cool
- Requirement: Complete Ahune the Frostlord Bounty without using any Fire abilities in Winterspring.
- Reward: 50 Yogg-Saron coins, 50 Lord Slitherspear coins.
- Shallow Waters
- Requirement: Complete Heroic Siren of the Deep Bounty with at least 2 Naga in Darkshore.
- Reward: 75 Fathom-Lord Karathress, 50 Zar'jira, the Sea Witch coins.
- Absolutely Smashed
- Requirement: Complete Heroic Coren Direbrew Bounty with only Casters in Blackrock Mountain.
- Reward: 50 Yogg-Saron coins, 50 random coins.
- Perfectly Calculated
- Requirement: Use Yogg-Saron's Oh My Yogg ability and win a fight.
- Reward: Golden Yogg-Saron portrait (random).
- Mountain Rescue
- Requirement: Complete Heroic Avalanchan battle with all your Mercs alive in Winterspring.
- Reward: 100 Yogg-Saron coins.
- Scuba Diving
- Requirement: Complete Heroic Coral Elemental Bounty with at least 3 Naga in The Sunken City.
- Reward: 75 Yogg-Saron coins, 50 Queen Azshara coins.
- One To Rule All
- Requirement: Heal and Deal 50 damage in one battle using Yogg-Saron.
- Reward: Diamond Yogg-Saron portrait.
As you can see, these tasks are quite the mixed bag: while some are fairly simple to complete, others require more than a bit of thinking (and luck: that one's always welcome) and planning ahead.
Moreover, certain tasks clearly state that you need Comps consisting of Mercenaries belonging to specific races in order for your progresses to count: while the Y'Shaarj event was about Humans and Pirates, this time you'll need the help of Naga and Night Elves!
Not all challenges might be as difficult as they seem at a glance: there are usually tips and tricks to be found to make everyone's lives easier. In this series of guides we'll take a look at how to complete each event Task, so that you'll be able to get your hands on all the rewards available. As of now, we'll focus our attention on the current task.
In case you missed them, if you click the banner below you'll have access to each of our task guides for this event.
Table of Contents
How to Complete the "Stay Cool" Task from the Yogg-Saron Event
- Requirement: Complete Ahune the Frostlord Bounty without using any Fire abilities in Winterspring.
- Game Mode: Normal
- Rewards: 50 Yogg-Saron coins, 50 Lord Slitherspear coins.
- Difficulty: 3/5
To be fair, Stay Cool is the first task of the Yogg-Saron event that actually looks challenging to us: it's still rather manageable, but at the same time it's not completely free.
Ahune the Frostlord will appear on the board as a 20/150 Caster with two 6/40 Neutral Ice Shards. While the stats are not particularly impressive, you should definitely pay attention of the aura effects of each enemy unit.
- Ahune the Frostlord - Can't be damaged. Lose 10 Health whenever an Ice Shard dies.
- Ice Shard - +10 Fire Weakness.
Doesn't matter what ability you use: Ahune the Frostlord will receive no harm from it, as the only way to take it down is killing a total of 15 Shards, which will get spawned with Icestorm 1. Hail to the Lord 1 is another valid reason why you'd want to get rid of the Shards as soon as possible.
[Hearthstone Card (Cold Snap 5) Not Found]
The Ice Shards, on the other hand, have a rather underwhelming moveset. Moreover, their +10 Fire Weakness would be really useful in normal circumstances; however, Stay Cool asks us to complete the bounty without using any Fire ability, therefore nullifying such advantage.
Considering all we just said, we think the best approach for Stay Cool is a sturdy comp that can go to the distance, taking hits while you wait for Ahune to spawn more Ice Shards to kill.
Considering that you won't be able to use any Fire abilities during the bounty, here is a list of all the Mercenaries you'll have to give up:
- Protector: Alexstrasza, Brann Bronzebeard, Deathwing, Ragnaros, Yu'lon.
- Fighter: Balinda Stonehearth, Diablo, Rexxar, Tavish Stormpike, War Master Voone.
- Caster: Antonidas, Baron Geddon, Chi-Ji, Onyxia.
Finally, pay attention to avoid any Fire ability as mid-run power ups (for example [Hearthstone Card (chi bomb) Not Found]), as they'll ruin your plan.
Suggested Comps
Here are a few Mercenaries parties you can use to complete the "Stay Cool" task. If the task will allow multiple solutions, you'll be able to choose between at least an efficient and a budget comp, so that our suggestions will accommodate any kind of player out there. Moreover, in case any other content creator will provide interesting strategies, we'll make sure to list them below.
Out of Cards Recommendation - Holy Comp
If you want a resilient comp, then Anduin Wrynn and Prophet Velen are perfect for the job.
To prove this comp of being fit for this task, we actually recorded a video showing you that you can pull this off with ease.
Here are a few tips for those unfamiliar with this strategy.
- Unless you're up against a very unfavorable opponent, Anduin Wrynn-Cornelius Roame-Prophet Velen will handle both the climb and the final fight.
- Uther, Tyrael and Yrel were included only for the comp to be well rounded, but they are not strictly necessary.
- The combo that will allow you to complete Stay Cool without breaking a sweat is Prophet Velen's Velen's Blessing (needs to be at least level 4) and Anduin Wrynn's [Hearthstone Card (Holy Nova 5) Not Found].
- With enough Holy Spell Damage, this combo can oneshot all the Ice Shards summoned by Icestorm 1.
- Cornelius Roame doesn't play a significant role in the final fight: I personally like it because [Hearthstone Card (Hold the front 5) Not Found] gives your Casters an extra bit of healing, but you can consider swapping it for something more useful (Uther?).
- Cornelius, on the other hand, is incredibly good for the climb.
Out of Cards Budget Recommendation - Dragon Comp
Although we cannot run Invalid Deck ID because we don't want to break the "no Fire abilities" rule, the Dragon comp can still get the job done, with one peculiar addition: Tamsin Roame.
To prove this comp of being fit for this task, we actually recorded a video showing you that you can pull this off with ease.
- For the climb you usually want to go Nefarian-Trigore-Sinestra (in this exact order).
- Use physical attacks on both Nefarian and Sinestra and capitalize on the recoil damage with Trigore's Backlash 1.
- For the final fight, you want to use Nefarian-Tamsin Roame-Sinestra.
- Tamsin makes the cut because [Hearthstone Card (Veil of Shadows 5) Not Found] powers up both Sinestra's [Hearthstone Card (Twilight extinction 5) Not Found] and Invalid Deck ID's Shadowflame 1, allowing you to take down the Ice Shards with increasing ease as the fight goes on.
- If either Sinestra or Nefarian are somehow close to dying, remember to use Mana Barrier 1.
Other Resources
Our clever community members set up a forum thread to share your Mercenaries progression journey, and we have added an #mercenaries channel on our Discord server if you want to talk with others in real-time. If you need an assist, you can also respond to this guide and we'll do our best to help you out; the comments are also a great way to share your own comps that you've used to complete the task above.
Good luck taking on any of these Bounties for those sweet sweet coins or just for the sake of satisfying completion!
this guides are so damn good with the image of all skills for every enemy, good job indeed keep like this for the next mercs event plz thanks
Glad you like them!
When I start a new project (like these guides) I always ask myself what I'd like to find if I were a normal user: the full moveset of each enemy unit seemed like a no-brainer for me at that time, so I am happy I got that right!
Of course, feedback is always welcome - although I am aware that these guides are already on a good level, there are ways to make them even better, so do not be afraid to hit me up with your suggestions!
The Holy comp was an absolute juggernaut. Thanks for the guide!
Glad you found it useful!
Brann Bronzebeard actually works quite well for this task, as long as you never click his second ability (Fire). After a few cracks of his whip (first ability), my mercs were effectively immune to Frost damage.
I tried to take control of the Shards using N'Zoth, but for some reason they don't count as minions. I also tried to copy Shards using Kazakus, Golem Shaper, but those copies were golems with Shard abilities rather than actual Shards, so that didn't work either. Fortunately, I had picked up a reward that gave Kazakus +7/+7 for each character that dies, so he was huge by the end of the battle.
N'Zoth's Gift of N'Zoth 1 ability is not very intuitive - I totally agree with you.
The easiest way to do this, including on Heroic, is with beasts. The Hunting Party treasure kills Ahune's adds as they're summoned. It doesn't get any faster. All you need is someone with Hunting Party and Lady Anacondra (who herself is eligible in a beast build). Her task 7 treasure makes it even easier but isn't required. It's a budget friendly option too: Blinkie, Anacondra, and Trigore are all rare, Mukla and Krush are epic. You can even toss Tavish in there (hunting Party is on his table) as long as you're disciplined enough not to use his Explosive Trap.