We have a lift-off! Saviors of Uldum has arrived and all sort of happy tinkering and tuning is underway. To celebrate the SoU launch I've decided to include decks from all classes to this week's post. Keep in mind that everything is a bit more experimental right now, but you also shouldn't let that stop you from having fun! Don't forget to check out the deck guides for more gameplay tips.
Shameless non-Wild self-plug: Don't forget to visit our Uldum Essentials (= Blizzard promotion) posts for Quest decks and some cheaper Starter Decks. The mod team worked hard with the newly-formed content squad to bring you some good decks with guides.
Token Odd Druid
That's odd, this Druid deck has no pathetic even-cost cards (most original wordplay ever, I know). However, it didn't stop Tatsuya from filling the board with happy little Treants and winning some Wild games. He has also made a more budget-friendly version of the deck for those who aren't currently drowning in dust.
Looking to embark on a Wild Quest instead? Esparanta got you covered.
Quest Hunter
Unseal the Vault is possibly one of the harder Quests to make work but J3r3myDE is positive that he's onto something with this Hunter build. Revenge of the Wild may finally get it's time to shine with some surprise damage bursts aided by [Hearthstone Card (Ramkahen Roar) Not Found].
No new cards, just draw Barnes. HSReplay's winrate widget seems to agree with Ortica about the strength of this deck.
Secret Mage
Something cheaper from Esparanta as this deck allows you to play with some new toys without having to spend a fortune. You certainly won't be milled to death when playing Jeeves instead of Aluneth.
Go Reno or go home? bsenk put some extra spice into the deck with Open the Waygate.
Quest Paladin
Watermelon86 has had some fun mummifying Immortal Prelates riding on Spikeridged Steeds. Suddenly it makes far more sense why the prelates are considered immortal, this deck was clearly meant to exist.
You find the older quest more fun? Dorkpork has a deck for you.
Quest Priest
Obelisk's Eye feels quite broken sometimes, but it wasn't good enough for Superkowboj1 who decided to make it cost (1) with the help of Raza the Chained. Seems balanced.
Kovachut has also continued his evil plotting with Madame Lazul and the older Priest Quest. The deck comes with yet another guide you should definitely read as Rafaam himself reveals his plans with the deck.
Highlander Pirate Rogue
That's right, RavenSun just made a Highlander Rogue in Wild but didn't include Reno Jackson as he didn't find it suitable for the Tempo-ish playstyle. Zephrys the Great is there though and that's all that matters, really.
Deck ID Not Found
If you're insulted by the Reno-rejection, here's another Highlander Rogue from LyraSilvertongue with the man himself included. It also packs a fun King Togwaggle combo with Anka, the Buried.
Quest Elemental Shaman
Uldum's water supply is likely at a horrible condition right now, such indomitable has been the Shamans' quest to Corrupt the Waters. Not all quest decks resort to Shudderwock though, like BulboScumbeg's Elemental deck which stays true to its tribe and has Kalimos, Primal Lord and Siamat as the heavy hitters.
Of course there are Shudderwocks as well. MalcolmReynolds had this list to share.
Mill Highlander Warlock
Treachery-combo with Howlfiend is quite nice, but Fox has chosen to go even bigger with Octosari. Control will surely cry in the corner after meeting this deck.
No pain, no gain. L5G4ND won't stop hitting himself as Molten Giant, Hooked Reaver, and Diseased Vulture will give him heavy profit for doing so.
Taunt Warrior
Toplobster has come up with something quite ambitious, hasn't he? The goal of the deck is to complete the quest extremely early and therefore no card exceeds the 3-Mana limit in this fast Taunt build.
The new quest might be struggling a bit in Standard, but seems like a natural fit to Pirate Warrior in Wild. Here's RavenSun's version of it.
You really want even more Wild after all this? You're truly a passionate friend of the format. Here, take a look at these Wild decks.
Just pulled off the Wildest wombo-combo ever seen with Saviors of Uldum? Create a Wild deck and share it in comments below. Don't forget to write a guide!
i can suggest my new evolve shaman, pretty good winrates vs everything - https://outof.cards/hearthstone/decks/6438-evolve-shaman-in-2019
While the aim is still the same, I think there’s better lists for finishing the warrior quest early. I went from rank 10-5 with no losses using a deck posted offsite. It’s slightly slower on quest completion but includes warpath, double brawl and double blood razor which are all super handy in dealing with the aggro decks that will outvalue your board. The small taunts are great but too many of them will you screw you over if you don’t draw Into the Fray. Also Upgrade seems like a terrible choice
So proud to figure in this weekend selection, thank you Frosty! 😊
Thanks for mentioning my Warlock deck!:)
Thanks for including my decklist! XD
Hey, Frosty, thanks for including my deck here. Although I really appreciate the gesture, can you do me a small favour?
Kovachut has also continued his evil plotting with Madame Lazul and the older Priest Quest.
Madame Lazul won't be the one leading the plundering this time around. It will be Rafaam. So can you change that?
[edit] Thanks and sorry for bothering you.
I'll indeed try out that Priest deck. Seems lots of fun. How about finding a spot for Barista Lynchen? With all those battecries it will give tons of value (even more than usual considering it's an highlander deck).
Thanks for the list and the excellent work, as always.
First of all, thanks for the kind words. But I think you have mistaken my deck. I didn't create the highlander one, Superkowboj1 did it and they deserve all the credit for it.
Still, I wish you have fun while playing it. Regarding Barista Lynchen, I can't say how useful she would be in that deck. Superkowboj1 might run a lot of battlecry minions, but most of them cost 3+ mana and you might not always have an easy time copying them. That's why I normally run Zola the Gorgon. Still, I would advise you to ask the aforementioned user, since they are the original creator of the highlander deck.
A question from a player who would like to get into Wild. Are Subject 9 and Zilliax any good in the format?
As you can imagine from the question, I'm trying to think about my crafts in a long time perspective, so I'd like to hear some experience player's opinion.
It depends in your objectives: Are you trying to climb HIGH ranks? If yes don't waste your dust, look for some super-aggro deck and enjoy the ride.
If not, then you will certainly find many decks they will certainly fit!! This site is full of interesting decks, probably many with these cards you're looking forward to craft!!
This is entirely untrue. My first and only legend was achieved with wild secret hunter which heavily relied on Subject 9. The archetype crushes aggro while being fairly aggressive itself. Even in standard, the card pulls its weight in Reno Hunter.
Zilliax is a phenomenal craft in both formats
I absolutely adore Subject 9 in hunter, simply because it provides much-needed card draw as well as it synergizing absurdly well with Cloaked Huntress but aside from hunter, the card doesn't see much play.
On the contrary, Zilliax is an overall strong card, but he has always felt more of a shoo-in than an actual strong card in most wild decks. Sure he helps make the deck have more sustaining power, but I do not run him in most if any, of my wild lists since I find him to be lackluster. That being said, he is the type of card that can fit into pretty much anything so you would probably get more bang for your buck with him.
you will 100% get more value from crafting zilliax than any other legendary. subject 9 is only good in a spesific archetype, and he does not even go into all secret decks.
Zilliax can be found in many decks, if you like control hes good. If you like secret hunter, subject 9 is broken good.