[WILD] A Poorly Thought-Out Descent of Dragons Review

Submitted 4 years, 5 months ago by

So I play Wild basically exclusively. I'm not a particularly good player—the highest I've ever gotten was about Rank 10—but I still like to think I have a rough idea of how the meta plays out. I wrote all this in about an hour and then spent another hour editing it. Enjoy.

Shrubadier - 1 Star - This is just a bad card.

Aeroponics - 2 Stars - Treant Druid is bad.

Strength in Numbers - 2 Stars - Token Druid will be bad and it's anti-synergistic with current Jade Druid lists.

Treenforcements - 1 Star - Just run Living Roots.

Goru the Mightree - 2 Stars - Treant Druid is bad.

Embiggen - 2 Stars - Assuming the cost modification works on the same principle as Academic Espionage, this is counter-synergistic to Jade Druid and it doesn't fit into any other archetype.

Secure the Deck - 1 Star - Doesn't fit into any deck except *maybe* Token Druid, and Token Druid will be bad.

Breath of Dreams - 3 Stars - Highlander Dragon Druid will be a Tier 3 deck.

Emerald Explorer - 3 Stars - Highlander Dragon Druid will be a Tier 3 deck.

Ysera, Unleashed- 3 Stars - Highlander Dragon Druid will be a Tier 3 deck and you may occasionally see it in Jade Druid because some weirdo thought their Jade Idols needed help pressuring the board in the late game.


Stormhammer - 1 Star - Eaglehorn Bow is better.

Diving Gryphon - 1 Star - Hunter doesn't have enough Rush minions to justify this card.

Veranus - 2 Stars - While cool, Hunter doesn't have enough AoE to justify this card.

Clear the Way - 1 Star - This is just bad.

Corrosive Breath - 1 Star - Dragon Hunter will likely never be a thing.

Primordial Explorer - 1 Star - Dragon Hunter will likely never be a thing. Just run Spider Bomb and Venomizer and play Mech Hunter.

Toxic Reinforcements - 3 Stars - I can imagine a world where some of the more aggressive Hunter decks run this. Also fits into Spell Hunter, although Spell Hunter isn't very good right now.

Dragonbane - 1 Star - Will never hit what you want it to hit.

Dwarven Sharpshooter - 3 Stars - Every non-Spell Hunter deck will at least consider this card.

Phase Stalker - 4 Stars - Really good card in non-Reno Secret Hunter. While that deck isn't good now, I think this raises its power level considerably by greatly improving the decks consistency and early game.


Elemental Allies - 4 Stars - I find it very hard to believe 1-Mana Draw 3 will ever be bad.

Violet Spellwing - 3 Stars - At best, it's the 30th card in your Tempo Mage.

Mana Giant - 5 Stars - Better Arcane Giant.

Rolling Fireball - 3 Stars - It's a removal spell that you'll see occasionally. Weigh the pros and cons of the other removal cards around the same cost when building your deck.

Dragoncaster - 4 Stars - Huge payoff and I think Control Highlander Mage will be able to fit some sort of dragon package into a deck.

Arcane Breath - 2 Stars - Just run Primordial Glyph.

Chenvaala - 5 Stars - This card is the nuts in any aggressive Mage deck.

Malygos, Aspect of Magic - 4 Stars - Will be one of the best cards in Control Highlander Mage.

Azure Explorer - 1 Star - Just run Cosmic Anomaly.

Learn Draconic - 5 Stars - It's a 1-Mana 6/6.


Lightforged Zealot - 5 Stars - Amazing payoff for Pure Paladin. It's a 0-Mana 4/2 attached to a Truesilver Champion.

Lightforged Crusader - 5 Stars - Amazing payoff for Pure Paladin. This is a 7-Mana 7/7 that draws 5 cards.

Sky Claw - 5 Stars - AoE attack buff that also puts 3 new mechs on the board. Mech Paladin is Tier 1 deck already.

Righteous Cause - 4 Stars - Fits nicely into Odd Paladin. You don't mind playing this turn 1 if it starts in your opening hand.

Bronze Explorer- 1 Star - Every Paladin deck has better cards.

Sanctuary - 5 Stars - Every Paladin deck will at least consider this, and every aggressive Paladin deck will run this because it's a 1-Mana 3/6 Taunt.

Amber Watcher - 5 Stars - Antique Healbot sees play in Wild. This is Antique Healbot with +1/+3.

Dragonrider Talritha - 3 Stars - Might see play in Pure Paladin.

Nozdormu the Timeless - 4 Stars - This is actually very relevant for any slow Paladin deck, as all of a sudden you get access to every answer you could have to deal with Aggro.

Sand Breath - 5 Stars - I think this will be a very good card in Pure Paladin.


Whispers of EVIL - 3 Stars - Never ignore 0-Mana spells.

Grave Rune - 3 Stars - This is a very powerful effect, but I don't know if you'll see it in any deck other than Big Priest.

Disciple of Galakrond - 1 Star - Random Priest cards aren't good, and Galakrond Priest isn't good.

Murozond the Infinite - 4 Stars - Counter all the big plays by making the same big play and then also getting an 8/8.

Chronobreaker - 4 Stars - Better Duskbreaker.

[Hearthstone Card (Mindflayer Kaarhj) Not Found] - 2 Stars - This is a good value card, but I don't think it fits into any Priest archetypes.

Breath of the Infinite - 3 Stars - Priest didn't need any more AoE. Pick and choose your AoEs to respond to the meta.

Envoy of Lazul - 1 Star - Curious Glimmerroot wasn't very good, this won't be either.

Fate Weaver - 1 Star - Random Priest cards aren't good and neither is Galakrond Priest. Just run Emperor Thaurissan.

Time Rip - 1 Star - Rnadom Priest cards aren't good, Assassinate isn't good, and Galakrond Priest isn't good.

Galakrond, the Unspeakable - 1 Star - Galakrond Priest isn't good. Just run Shadowreaper Anduin, which lets you keep all your actually good Priest cards.


Bloodsail Flybooter - 5 Stars - Really good in any aggressive Rogue deck. This includes Odd Rogue.

Stowaway - 2 Stars - Would be 1 Star but Academic Espionage Rogue is my favorite meme.

Flik Skyshiv - 4 Stars - You can never have enough Vilespine Slayers.

Necrium Apothecary - 3 Stars - This is a 5 Star card when Dane plays it.

Dragon's Hoard - 4 Stars - Class-specific Legendaries are actually pretty good and the fact that this Discovers means it's less likely to whiff.

Candle Breath - 1 Star - Dragon Rogue will not be a deck.

Waxadred - 2 Stars - Doesn't fit into any Rogue deck and certainly doesn't make its own new archetype.

Umbral Skulker - 4 Stars - I can imagine a Galakrond Tempo Rogue deck and this is a really good payoff for that deck.

[Hearthstone Card (Praise Galakrond) Not Found] - 2 Stars - This is really bad and will only be sometimes run in Galakrond Tempo Rogue.

Galakrond, the Nightmare - 4 Stars - Galakrond Tempo Rogue will be a deck and this card is incredible payoff for such a deck.

Seal Fate - 4 Stars - Galakrond Tempo Rogue.


Squallhunter - 5 Stars - Flamewreathed Faceless wasn't good enough according to Blizzard.

Dragon's Pack - 4 Stars - Really good Invoke lover.

Invocation of Frost - 4 Stars - Glacial Shard with Rush.

Galakrond, the Tempest - 3 Stars - Oddly enough, this is actually not the best payoff card of Galakrond Shaman.

Storm's Wrath - 5 Stars - Mark of the Lotus is a 6-Star card.

Surging Tempest - 1 Star - Just run Tunnel Trogg.

Corrupt Elementalist - 4 Stars - Solid Galakrond support card.

Bandersmosh - 2 Stars - The average Legendary minion is bad.

Nithogg - 1 Star - Very slow.

Cumulo-Maximus - 5 Stars - It's almost a Fireball with a 0-Mana 5/5 on it.

Lightning Breath - 1 Star - Dragon Shaman isn't a deck.


Rain of Fire - 1 Star - Just run Defile.

Dark Skies - 1 Star - Just run Defile.

[Hearthstone Card (Zzeraku) Not Found] - 2 Stars - Not awful, but it doesn't fit into any Warlock archetype and it's too slow.

Valdris Felgorge - 3 Stars - I think it might make it into Renolock but I'm not sure.

Abyssal Summoner - 1 Star - Handlock hasn't been a good deck for years.

Crazed Netherwing - 2 Stars - Control Warlocks don't run dragons and Dragon Warlock isn't a thing.

Nether Breath - 2 Stars - Control Warlocks don't run dragons and Dragon Warlock isn't a thing.

Veiled Worshipper - 3 Stars - Galakrond Warlock has potential.

Fiendish Rites - 1 Stars - Galakrond Warlock has potential, but this doesn't. Just run Grim Rally.

Dragonblight Cultist - 3 Stars - Galakrond Zoolock has potential.

Galakrond, the Wretched - 3 Stars - Galakrond Zoolock has potential.


Ritual Chopper- 5 Stars - Thank God we nerfed Fiery War Axe.

Awaken! - 4 Stars - This is actually pretty good when you compare it to Swipe.

Ramming Speed - 3 Stars - Sure, I guess.

Sky Raider - 4 Stars - This is a bold assumption, but Pirate Warrior might actually be a deck again.

EVIL Quartermaster - 3 Stars - Solid card. Warrior decks will consider it, but not all of them will run it.

Scion of Ruin - 5 Stars - That's a lot of value.

Ancharrr - 4 Stars - Pirate Warrior is back.

Molten Breath - 4 Stars - Dragon Warrior has actually had potential for a while.

Galakrond, the Unspeakable - 5 Stars - The best Galakrond.

Deathwing, Mad Aspect - 1 Star - This is bad when r/customhearthstone made it, and it's bad when Team 5 made it.


Evasive Chimaera - 1 Star - Build-a-Beast can't use this.

Grizzled Wizard - 1 Star - Hero Powers are expensive.

Tasty Flyfish - 1 Star - Dragon Warrior, the only Dragon deck with potential, will not run this.

Fire Hawk - 3 Stars - 3-Mana 6/3 isn't actually that bad. Not great, but not bad.

Goboglide Tech - 1 Star - Just run any Magnetic card.

[Hearthstone Card (Living Dragonhawk) Not Found] - 1 Star - Too hard to use as an effective counter to Frost Nova.

Hippogryph - 2 Stars - Pretty good with Build-a-Beast. That's about it.

Skyfin - 1 Star - Dragon decks aren't aggro decks.

Gyrocopter - 1 Stars - This doesn't have Magnetic.

Blazing Battlemage - 3 Stars - Generally 1/3 minions are better, but this isn't awful.

Hoard Pillager - 4 Stars - Pirate Warrior is back. Really this is good in any aggressive deck that runs weapons.

Parachute Brigand - 4 Stars - Pirate Warrior is back.

Troll Batrider - 3 Stars - It's OK.

Scalerider - 1 Star - Payoff isn't good enough for Dragon decks.

Evasive Wyrm - 3 Stars - Not awful.

Big Ol' Whelp - 3 Stars - Spell Damage +1 and worth more than +1/+1.

Evasive Feywing - 2 Stars - Good filler. Bad card for Wild.

Blowtorch Saboteur - 1 Star - Floaty Unseen Saboteur. Neither will see play.

Dragonmaw Poacher - 3 Stars - Tech card against dragons. Better than Dragonslayer, but still not that great.

Faceless Corruptor - 4 Stars - Big buff but you can't use it as fast face damage.

Platebreaker - 1 Star - It's a 5-Star in my heart because it means Armor Druid will never be good.

Cobalt Spellkin - 4 Stars - Lots of value in a single card.

[Hearthstone Card (Frizz Kindlefrost) Not Found] - 4 Stars - Might see play in Dragon Warrior.

Tentacled Menace- 3 Stars - Potentially a tech card for Midrange decks against Aggro decks? I don't know.

Depth Charge - 1 Star - Just run Doomsayer.

Bad Luck Albatross - 3 Stars - 3-Mana 4/3 Deathrattle: If your opponent is Highlander, win the game.

Dread Raven - 1 Star - Rogue would rather use Pogo-Hopper.

Kobold Stickyfinger - 1 Star - Would be 5 Stars if it was printed during Kobolds and Catacombs.

Transmogrifier - 1 Star - Your cards are better than random Legendaries.

Dragonqueen Alexstrasza - 4 Stars - Will see play in Highlander Dragon Mage and Highlander Dragon Druid.

[Hearthstone Card (Dragonbreeder) Not Found] - 4 Stars - Will see play in Dragon Warrior, Highlander Dragon Mage, and Highlander Dragon Druid.

Chromatic Egg - 1 Stars - Wait when did I start reviewing r/customhearthstone cards?

Hot Air Balloon - 2 Stars - Maybe Mech Paladin? Maybe SN1P-SN4P Warlock? I dunno.

Camouflaged Dirigible - 2 Stars - Maybe SN1P-SN4P Warlock but probably not.

Kronx Dragonhoof - 5 Stars - Best card in the set.

Shu'ma- 2 Stars - Cool card but it probably isn't good.

Sathrovarr - 4 Stars - Surprisingly good in Renolock. All you need to do is get 1 big minion to stick.

Devoted Maniac - 3 Stars - Might make it into a Galakrond deck, but it will be the worst Invoker in your deck.

Evasive Drakonid - 3 Stars - Rest in peace, Soggoth the Slitherer.

Shield of Galakrond - 4 Stars - This is a really good minion in any Galakrond deck.

Twin Tyrant - 3 Stars - OK I guess.

[Hearthstone Card (Utgarde Grapplesnipers) Not Found] - 1 Star - You definitely do not run enough Dragons to make this work.

Wing Commander - 4 Stars - This is a 4-Mana 8/5 in Dragon Warrior.

Wyrmrest Purifier - 2 Stars - Fun with Hakkar, the Soulflayer.

Zul'Drak Ritualist - 1 Star - This card is beyond bad.

  • Dezitronix's Avatar
    260 54 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    So I play Wild basically exclusively. I'm not a particularly good player—the highest I've ever gotten was about Rank 10—but I still like to think I have a rough idea of how the meta plays out. I wrote all this in about an hour and then spent another hour editing it. Enjoy.

    Shrubadier - 1 Star - This is just a bad card.

    Aeroponics - 2 Stars - Treant Druid is bad.

    Strength in Numbers - 2 Stars - Token Druid will be bad and it's anti-synergistic with current Jade Druid lists.

    Treenforcements - 1 Star - Just run Living Roots.

    Goru the Mightree - 2 Stars - Treant Druid is bad.

    Embiggen - 2 Stars - Assuming the cost modification works on the same principle as Academic Espionage, this is counter-synergistic to Jade Druid and it doesn't fit into any other archetype.

    Secure the Deck - 1 Star - Doesn't fit into any deck except *maybe* Token Druid, and Token Druid will be bad.

    Breath of Dreams - 3 Stars - Highlander Dragon Druid will be a Tier 3 deck.

    Emerald Explorer - 3 Stars - Highlander Dragon Druid will be a Tier 3 deck.

    Ysera, Unleashed- 3 Stars - Highlander Dragon Druid will be a Tier 3 deck and you may occasionally see it in Jade Druid because some weirdo thought their Jade Idols needed help pressuring the board in the late game.


    Stormhammer - 1 Star - Eaglehorn Bow is better.

    Diving Gryphon - 1 Star - Hunter doesn't have enough Rush minions to justify this card.

    Veranus - 2 Stars - While cool, Hunter doesn't have enough AoE to justify this card.

    Clear the Way - 1 Star - This is just bad.

    Corrosive Breath - 1 Star - Dragon Hunter will likely never be a thing.

    Primordial Explorer - 1 Star - Dragon Hunter will likely never be a thing. Just run Spider Bomb and Venomizer and play Mech Hunter.

    Toxic Reinforcements - 3 Stars - I can imagine a world where some of the more aggressive Hunter decks run this. Also fits into Spell Hunter, although Spell Hunter isn't very good right now.

    Dragonbane - 1 Star - Will never hit what you want it to hit.

    Dwarven Sharpshooter - 3 Stars - Every non-Spell Hunter deck will at least consider this card.

    Phase Stalker - 4 Stars - Really good card in non-Reno Secret Hunter. While that deck isn't good now, I think this raises its power level considerably by greatly improving the decks consistency and early game.


    Elemental Allies - 4 Stars - I find it very hard to believe 1-Mana Draw 3 will ever be bad.

    Violet Spellwing - 3 Stars - At best, it's the 30th card in your Tempo Mage.

    Mana Giant - 5 Stars - Better Arcane Giant.

    Rolling Fireball - 3 Stars - It's a removal spell that you'll see occasionally. Weigh the pros and cons of the other removal cards around the same cost when building your deck.

    Dragoncaster - 4 Stars - Huge payoff and I think Control Highlander Mage will be able to fit some sort of dragon package into a deck.

    Arcane Breath - 2 Stars - Just run Primordial Glyph.

    Chenvaala - 5 Stars - This card is the nuts in any aggressive Mage deck.

    Malygos, Aspect of Magic - 4 Stars - Will be one of the best cards in Control Highlander Mage.

    Azure Explorer - 1 Star - Just run Cosmic Anomaly.

    Learn Draconic - 5 Stars - It's a 1-Mana 6/6.


    Lightforged Zealot - 5 Stars - Amazing payoff for Pure Paladin. It's a 0-Mana 4/2 attached to a Truesilver Champion.

    Lightforged Crusader - 5 Stars - Amazing payoff for Pure Paladin. This is a 7-Mana 7/7 that draws 5 cards.

    Sky Claw - 5 Stars - AoE attack buff that also puts 3 new mechs on the board. Mech Paladin is Tier 1 deck already.

    Righteous Cause - 4 Stars - Fits nicely into Odd Paladin. You don't mind playing this turn 1 if it starts in your opening hand.

    Bronze Explorer- 1 Star - Every Paladin deck has better cards.

    Sanctuary - 5 Stars - Every Paladin deck will at least consider this, and every aggressive Paladin deck will run this because it's a 1-Mana 3/6 Taunt.

    Amber Watcher - 5 Stars - Antique Healbot sees play in Wild. This is Antique Healbot with +1/+3.

    Dragonrider Talritha - 3 Stars - Might see play in Pure Paladin.

    Nozdormu the Timeless - 4 Stars - This is actually very relevant for any slow Paladin deck, as all of a sudden you get access to every answer you could have to deal with Aggro.

    Sand Breath - 5 Stars - I think this will be a very good card in Pure Paladin.


    Whispers of EVIL - 3 Stars - Never ignore 0-Mana spells.

    Grave Rune - 3 Stars - This is a very powerful effect, but I don't know if you'll see it in any deck other than Big Priest.

    Disciple of Galakrond - 1 Star - Random Priest cards aren't good, and Galakrond Priest isn't good.

    Murozond the Infinite - 4 Stars - Counter all the big plays by making the same big play and then also getting an 8/8.

    Chronobreaker - 4 Stars - Better Duskbreaker.

    [Hearthstone Card (Mindflayer Kaarhj) Not Found] - 2 Stars - This is a good value card, but I don't think it fits into any Priest archetypes.

    Breath of the Infinite - 3 Stars - Priest didn't need any more AoE. Pick and choose your AoEs to respond to the meta.

    Envoy of Lazul - 1 Star - Curious Glimmerroot wasn't very good, this won't be either.

    Fate Weaver - 1 Star - Random Priest cards aren't good and neither is Galakrond Priest. Just run Emperor Thaurissan.

    Time Rip - 1 Star - Rnadom Priest cards aren't good, Assassinate isn't good, and Galakrond Priest isn't good.

    Galakrond, the Unspeakable - 1 Star - Galakrond Priest isn't good. Just run Shadowreaper Anduin, which lets you keep all your actually good Priest cards.


    Bloodsail Flybooter - 5 Stars - Really good in any aggressive Rogue deck. This includes Odd Rogue.

    Stowaway - 2 Stars - Would be 1 Star but Academic Espionage Rogue is my favorite meme.

    Flik Skyshiv - 4 Stars - You can never have enough Vilespine Slayers.

    Necrium Apothecary - 3 Stars - This is a 5 Star card when Dane plays it.

    Dragon's Hoard - 4 Stars - Class-specific Legendaries are actually pretty good and the fact that this Discovers means it's less likely to whiff.

    Candle Breath - 1 Star - Dragon Rogue will not be a deck.

    Waxadred - 2 Stars - Doesn't fit into any Rogue deck and certainly doesn't make its own new archetype.

    Umbral Skulker - 4 Stars - I can imagine a Galakrond Tempo Rogue deck and this is a really good payoff for that deck.

    [Hearthstone Card (Praise Galakrond) Not Found] - 2 Stars - This is really bad and will only be sometimes run in Galakrond Tempo Rogue.

    Galakrond, the Nightmare - 4 Stars - Galakrond Tempo Rogue will be a deck and this card is incredible payoff for such a deck.

    Seal Fate - 4 Stars - Galakrond Tempo Rogue.


    Squallhunter - 5 Stars - Flamewreathed Faceless wasn't good enough according to Blizzard.

    Dragon's Pack - 4 Stars - Really good Invoke lover.

    Invocation of Frost - 4 Stars - Glacial Shard with Rush.

    Galakrond, the Tempest - 3 Stars - Oddly enough, this is actually not the best payoff card of Galakrond Shaman.

    Storm's Wrath - 5 Stars - Mark of the Lotus is a 6-Star card.

    Surging Tempest - 1 Star - Just run Tunnel Trogg.

    Corrupt Elementalist - 4 Stars - Solid Galakrond support card.

    Bandersmosh - 2 Stars - The average Legendary minion is bad.

    Nithogg - 1 Star - Very slow.

    Cumulo-Maximus - 5 Stars - It's almost a Fireball with a 0-Mana 5/5 on it.

    Lightning Breath - 1 Star - Dragon Shaman isn't a deck.


    Rain of Fire - 1 Star - Just run Defile.

    Dark Skies - 1 Star - Just run Defile.

    [Hearthstone Card (Zzeraku) Not Found] - 2 Stars - Not awful, but it doesn't fit into any Warlock archetype and it's too slow.

    Valdris Felgorge - 3 Stars - I think it might make it into Renolock but I'm not sure.

    Abyssal Summoner - 1 Star - Handlock hasn't been a good deck for years.

    Crazed Netherwing - 2 Stars - Control Warlocks don't run dragons and Dragon Warlock isn't a thing.

    Nether Breath - 2 Stars - Control Warlocks don't run dragons and Dragon Warlock isn't a thing.

    Veiled Worshipper - 3 Stars - Galakrond Warlock has potential.

    Fiendish Rites - 1 Stars - Galakrond Warlock has potential, but this doesn't. Just run Grim Rally.

    Dragonblight Cultist - 3 Stars - Galakrond Zoolock has potential.

    Galakrond, the Wretched - 3 Stars - Galakrond Zoolock has potential.


    Ritual Chopper- 5 Stars - Thank God we nerfed Fiery War Axe.

    Awaken! - 4 Stars - This is actually pretty good when you compare it to Swipe.

    Ramming Speed - 3 Stars - Sure, I guess.

    Sky Raider - 4 Stars - This is a bold assumption, but Pirate Warrior might actually be a deck again.

    EVIL Quartermaster - 3 Stars - Solid card. Warrior decks will consider it, but not all of them will run it.

    Scion of Ruin - 5 Stars - That's a lot of value.

    Ancharrr - 4 Stars - Pirate Warrior is back.

    Molten Breath - 4 Stars - Dragon Warrior has actually had potential for a while.

    Galakrond, the Unspeakable - 5 Stars - The best Galakrond.

    Deathwing, Mad Aspect - 1 Star - This is bad when r/customhearthstone made it, and it's bad when Team 5 made it.


    Evasive Chimaera - 1 Star - Build-a-Beast can't use this.

    Grizzled Wizard - 1 Star - Hero Powers are expensive.

    Tasty Flyfish - 1 Star - Dragon Warrior, the only Dragon deck with potential, will not run this.

    Fire Hawk - 3 Stars - 3-Mana 6/3 isn't actually that bad. Not great, but not bad.

    Goboglide Tech - 1 Star - Just run any Magnetic card.

    [Hearthstone Card (Living Dragonhawk) Not Found] - 1 Star - Too hard to use as an effective counter to Frost Nova.

    Hippogryph - 2 Stars - Pretty good with Build-a-Beast. That's about it.

    Skyfin - 1 Star - Dragon decks aren't aggro decks.

    Gyrocopter - 1 Stars - This doesn't have Magnetic.

    Blazing Battlemage - 3 Stars - Generally 1/3 minions are better, but this isn't awful.

    Hoard Pillager - 4 Stars - Pirate Warrior is back. Really this is good in any aggressive deck that runs weapons.

    Parachute Brigand - 4 Stars - Pirate Warrior is back.

    Troll Batrider - 3 Stars - It's OK.

    Scalerider - 1 Star - Payoff isn't good enough for Dragon decks.

    Evasive Wyrm - 3 Stars - Not awful.

    Big Ol' Whelp - 3 Stars - Spell Damage +1 and worth more than +1/+1.

    Evasive Feywing - 2 Stars - Good filler. Bad card for Wild.

    Blowtorch Saboteur - 1 Star - Floaty Unseen Saboteur. Neither will see play.

    Dragonmaw Poacher - 3 Stars - Tech card against dragons. Better than Dragonslayer, but still not that great.

    Faceless Corruptor - 4 Stars - Big buff but you can't use it as fast face damage.

    Platebreaker - 1 Star - It's a 5-Star in my heart because it means Armor Druid will never be good.

    Cobalt Spellkin - 4 Stars - Lots of value in a single card.

    [Hearthstone Card (Frizz Kindlefrost) Not Found] - 4 Stars - Might see play in Dragon Warrior.

    Tentacled Menace- 3 Stars - Potentially a tech card for Midrange decks against Aggro decks? I don't know.

    Depth Charge - 1 Star - Just run Doomsayer.

    Bad Luck Albatross - 3 Stars - 3-Mana 4/3 Deathrattle: If your opponent is Highlander, win the game.

    Dread Raven - 1 Star - Rogue would rather use Pogo-Hopper.

    Kobold Stickyfinger - 1 Star - Would be 5 Stars if it was printed during Kobolds and Catacombs.

    Transmogrifier - 1 Star - Your cards are better than random Legendaries.

    Dragonqueen Alexstrasza - 4 Stars - Will see play in Highlander Dragon Mage and Highlander Dragon Druid.

    [Hearthstone Card (Dragonbreeder) Not Found] - 4 Stars - Will see play in Dragon Warrior, Highlander Dragon Mage, and Highlander Dragon Druid.

    Chromatic Egg - 1 Stars - Wait when did I start reviewing r/customhearthstone cards?

    Hot Air Balloon - 2 Stars - Maybe Mech Paladin? Maybe SN1P-SN4P Warlock? I dunno.

    Camouflaged Dirigible - 2 Stars - Maybe SN1P-SN4P Warlock but probably not.

    Kronx Dragonhoof - 5 Stars - Best card in the set.

    Shu'ma- 2 Stars - Cool card but it probably isn't good.

    Sathrovarr - 4 Stars - Surprisingly good in Renolock. All you need to do is get 1 big minion to stick.

    Devoted Maniac - 3 Stars - Might make it into a Galakrond deck, but it will be the worst Invoker in your deck.

    Evasive Drakonid - 3 Stars - Rest in peace, Soggoth the Slitherer.

    Shield of Galakrond - 4 Stars - This is a really good minion in any Galakrond deck.

    Twin Tyrant - 3 Stars - OK I guess.

    [Hearthstone Card (Utgarde Grapplesnipers) Not Found] - 1 Star - You definitely do not run enough Dragons to make this work.

    Wing Commander - 4 Stars - This is a 4-Mana 8/5 in Dragon Warrior.

    Wyrmrest Purifier - 2 Stars - Fun with Hakkar, the Soulflayer.

    Zul'Drak Ritualist - 1 Star - This card is beyond bad.

    Wow guys I found these super cool cards for this expansion called "The Crystalarium"? Gee willakers, I wonder who made these cards?!?!?! https://outof.cards/forums/fan-creations/custom-hearthstone/321-wip-fan-expansion-the-crystalarium-a-deepholm-expansion-52819-11-new-cards

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