BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
Okay it's 1 mana draw a card and give a minion rush, or 2 mana give a minion +2/+3. Solid spell and any kind of card draw in hunter is nice.
But one thing to remember is that Animated Broomstick still exists, and it also costs 1 mana, except broomstick gives your entire board rush. But still Doggie Biscuit seems like a solid flexible card, and will probably see play.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
Basicly Novice Engineer with +1 attack, it tutors a card AND you get both choose one effect. This is great! Whenever any new choose one card gets printed, Jerry Rig Carpenter can make use of it and it works well alongside Druid of the Reef
In standard it will see play in most druid decks that run a couple of choose one cards, but in wild it will probably not see play. But thats because you have Untapped Potential and cards like Fandral Staghelm.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
Interesting card. This can certainly see play. Imagine if you discover Lightning Bloom with it, and then go off with the mana cheating afterwards. Also you can use it alongside Lunar Eclipse because it costs 2 mana. (Which means you get the dmg for free.)
Of course 2 mana is pretty expensive for a discover option, considering discover isn't worth that much anymore. But i feel like Celestial Alignment druid might use it to discover Celestial Alignment in case they dont draw it, and post Celestial Alignment it costs 1 and could potentially scam some mana alongside Lightning Bloom and Lady Anacondra?
Either way Moonlit Guidance has a lot of potential, don't underestimate this card.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
BIG DH support! Imagine paying 5 mana to "recruit" 1 minion, when you can spend 6 to recruit 2 instead! R.I.P. Duel!!
Okay looks like i had to rewrite this comment, because i'm really blind and didnt see that your minions fight each other. Originally i thought this was just an amazing BIG DH tool, but upon inspection it's WAY better as a deathrattle DH card, because your minions fight each other and potentially trigger the deathrattles. And maybe some midrange DH deck uses it. But i think that's probably all you can do with it. BIG DH won't use it, despite having cards such as Fel Summoner because they dont want to lose or damage their big minions.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
100% Must unclude in pirate warrior. Pirate warrior was starving for pirates and now they got one that also gives them face damage. Defias Cannoneer is probably at best if you already have a weapon equiped, or after you have The Juggernaut.
In wild it's also a must-include in pirate warrior. Mainly because you have cards like N'Zoth's First Mate and Ancharrr. And after you get The Juggernaut it will always be active.
Oh and obviously if The Juggernaut spawns a Defias Cannoneer at the start of your turn, your going to be very happy... And your opponent isn't going to be that happy about it.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
2 mana Swipe that deals 1 less damage on the main hit. I LOVE IT. This fits perfectly into control warrior, BIG Warrior and Questline Control Warrior. Considering Big Warrior already HARD countered Aggro Druid, aggro druids will have a even worse time against them, and any other control warrior deck. This is definatly my favorite card revealed so far! :D
Also Man the Cannons is also really good considering Rat Hunter got new support, and there are a lot of aggro decks which will get demolished in the early game because of Man the Cannons. Guess what card aggro players are going to whine about. :(
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
AMAZING support for ANY Warlock deck. Aggresive decks like Zoolock might use it alongside cards like Flame Imp in order to remove something, The Demon Seed warlock can use it as well and any normal control warlock deck might as well include it. After all 1 hero power is enough to make Shadowblade Slinger deal 2 damage for 1 mana.
Honestly i'm surprised they gave warlock a Prize Plunderer like card.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
AMAZING minion. I dont even need to look at synergy to give it a 5/5 stars.
In standard you have cards like Granite Forgeborn which battlecry you probably like to repeat, and in a more control focussed Shaman deck you can repeat Mutanus the Devourers battlecry. Wait a second... Play Mutanus the Devourer, then the turn after maybe you can Bolner Hammerbeak + Brilliant Macaw + more battlecry minions to just empty your opponents hand? That sounds both mean and fun to try out!
In wild: Shudderwock is going to enjoy this card. I wonder if shudderwock can go infinite after you play a couple Brilliant Macaws because it could potentially repeat Shudderwock battlecries over and over. If that's the case, i bet there probably going to nerf/fix Shudderwock so it doesn't, because infinite shudderwock sounds way to strong/Annoying. Imagine infinite shudderwock with no damage dealing battlecries, just to stall time and force one player to concede in order to end the game because of infinite animations... I really hope Shudderwock doesn't go infinite with a couple Brilliant Macaws.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
Remember when a 1 mana 2/2 weapon was considered too strong, so they had to make you pay 5 health for it? (Bloodclaw)
This card seems really good to me. If you trade it then you discount a spell, which can be nice for activating Combo cards. And just playing it as a 2/2 weapon is also great. This just seems like a solid card to me.
However we must also understand the meme/OTK potential with Blackwater Cutlass and Auctioneer Jaxon. If you can chain Blackwater Cutlasses then you can discount a lot of mana on spells, and OTK your opponent potentially. I wouldn't be surprised to see some people attempt this. Sure you can discount at most about 8 mana at most. (10 if Auctioneer Jaxon was Shadowstepped) But a lot of rogue spells that go face are about 1-2 mana. Maybe i'm looking to much into it, but there is a bunch of potential.
Oh and in Wild, wont see play. ODD Rogue probably doesnt want it, because they already get 2/2 weapons from their hero power. And Kingsbane Rogue doesnt want it, because they only want Kingsbane.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
YAY REZ PRIEST! Everyone "LOVES" this archetype! "Gr3eT1nGs FeL1oW HuM0nS"!
Amulet of Undying probably doesnt have that good of a spot in standard, like at best its a reload option for shadow priest with cards like Shadowed Spirit.
In wild it's a must include in BIG Priest, because nearly all their minions are deathrattles. And they dont mind using the tradable to draw cards and get more resses. And of course they will ress the most annoyingly stupid minions you can imagine. I hate Amulet of Undying already. "Gr3eT1nGs FeL1oW HuM0nS"
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
What people complained that Shadow priest was dead after Mindrender nerf? Well here is a card to make up for it. Super solid 5/5 star card, premium stats AND it can go FACE for 2 damage. (Or target a minion, but why do that in FACE priest.) Must include in any shadow priest deck, and it might even be a must-include in control priest decks, because they run plenty of shadow spells already. Defias Leper is super flexible and will see a lot of play!
And in wild.. Shadow priest is going to be even more reliable. Looks like we got ourself a Pirate warrior vs Shadow priest war in wild. (And then you have darkglarelock just chilling with their turn 4-5 double Flesh/Molten giants.)
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
Good card, even if there isn't much synergy with it right now.
Standard: It's a 1 mana 6/6 if you casted Mask of C'Thun before, and its a 0 mana 6/6 if you casted Deep Freeze. Still it might be too slow for the current meta, but once mage FINALLY gets like 9-10 mana spells it will be a must include. Honestly how much longer are they going to tease us with big spell mage support without actually giving us any big spells.
In wild: 100% must include in Big spell mage, and in Casino Mage. Did someone say TWO Puzzle Box of Yogg-Sarons! :)
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
Very good card. Repeating a deathrattle on a battlecry is a very powerfull effect, which you have all the control over.
However in standard it's not that good... Right now at least. The best card with it might be Darkmoon Tonk? But once it gets more support it will become a staple in deathrattle hunter.
In wild it will see play in deathrattle hunter for sure. Wild has all the tools it needs, and it often can work on curve. Just think about all the egg cards in wild, Ursatron and you can repeat Oblivitron in order to cheat mana with Darkmoon Tonk and Mechanical Whelp. Deathrattle hunter really needed Monstrous Parrot, because the only other card that repeats a triggered deathrattle is Nine Lives.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
Some really good Rat hunter support! Rat hunter needed some way to actually finish the game, and Defias Blastfisher really helps with that. If you have 6 rats on board (Possibly including The Rat King) then Defias Blastfisher becomes a 5 mana deal 14 damage, which sounds really good! Of course you still have the problem with drawing cards in hunter, but at least Defias Blastfisher fixes the "Great i have a lot of tokens, but there is nothing that i can do with them except going face for like 1 dmg each" problem!
In wild i dont think it sees play, because hunter in wild is either ODD Questline, or Reno hunter. Both decks don't want Defias Blastfisher.
The 3/1 shark with rush option is basicly a better Emerald Skytalon, and can be good removal.
The 1/3 Turtle with Taunt... R.I.P. meta, they powercrept the OP card that is Silverback Patriarch again. lol. Still the 1/3 turtle with taunt option is nice against token decks.
Overall a solid minion, and it's very flexible for only 1 mana! Also it becomes really good once we see another "Your choose one cards and powers have effects combined" card (like Fandral Staghelm), which gets printed like once every 1-2 years.
Standard: It might be a solid minion, but i'm not sure if it sees play.. yet. Spell aggro druid prefers mostly playing spells + Glowfly Swarm and i don't know if Aggro Druid wants it. Aggro druid problably is going to experiment with it, but i'm not sure if it makes the cut.
Wild: This sees play in Quest Druid, to be more specific: Untapped Potential druid, because if you draw it after quest completion it becomes a 1 mana 3/3 with taunt AND rush. Thats really good! That deck might not be that good, but it's a really fun deck to play!
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
Not a bad minion, considering you have control over which minions get hit. And it's a battlecry, which makes it easy to get the effect. One problem i have with Crow's Nest Lookout is that it only deals 2 damage to the minions. But still, that shouldn't be that bad... as long as your opponent doesnt play a 1 mana 1/3 into a 2 mana 2/3 on curve.
The biggest problem with this card is that i personally don't see in what deck this fits. The only archetypes that i think it could fit in are: Questline DH as a control tool, and it could be decent in Soul DH. (Even though Soul DH doesn't really see that much play anymore.)
In wild it doesn't see play, purely because ODD DH prefers good statted minions, and that deck wants to go FACE.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
Arcane Intellect but often better. And the Tradeable really helps Need for Greed with the discount. Need for Greed seems really good in questline DH, but it does compete with Acrobatics. But still Need for Greed seems like a good card outside of Questline DH, maybe it sees experimentation in Deathrattle DH?
In wild i'm not sure it sees play, i'm pretty sure ODD DH prefers cards like Acrobatics.
Okay it's 1 mana draw a card and give a minion rush, or 2 mana give a minion +2/+3. Solid spell and any kind of card draw in hunter is nice.
But one thing to remember is that Animated Broomstick still exists, and it also costs 1 mana, except broomstick gives your entire board rush. But still Doggie Biscuit seems like a solid flexible card, and will probably see play.
Basicly Novice Engineer with +1 attack, it tutors a card AND you get both choose one effect. This is great! Whenever any new choose one card gets printed, Jerry Rig Carpenter can make use of it and it works well alongside Druid of the Reef
In standard it will see play in most druid decks that run a couple of choose one cards, but in wild it will probably not see play. But thats because you have Untapped Potential and cards like Fandral Staghelm.
Interesting card. This can certainly see play. Imagine if you discover Lightning Bloom with it, and then go off with the mana cheating afterwards. Also you can use it alongside Lunar Eclipse because it costs 2 mana. (Which means you get the dmg for free.)
Of course 2 mana is pretty expensive for a discover option, considering discover isn't worth that much anymore. But i feel like Celestial Alignment druid might use it to discover Celestial Alignment in case they dont draw it, and post Celestial Alignment it costs 1 and could potentially scam some mana alongside Lightning Bloom and Lady Anacondra?
Either way Moonlit Guidance has a lot of potential, don't underestimate this card.
BIG DH support! Imagine paying 5 mana to "recruit" 1 minion, when you can spend 6 to recruit 2 instead! R.I.P. Duel!!
Okay looks like i had to rewrite this comment, because i'm really blind and didnt see that your minions fight each other. Originally i thought this was just an amazing BIG DH tool, but upon inspection it's WAY better as a deathrattle DH card, because your minions fight each other and potentially trigger the deathrattles. And maybe some midrange DH deck uses it. But i think that's probably all you can do with it. BIG DH won't use it, despite having cards such as Fel Summoner because they dont want to lose or damage their big minions.
Reverse Golakka Crawler. The table has certainly turned. I love the flavor of this card!
Great tech card if Aggro Druid and FACE Hunter stay very popular and strong decks. Oh and its good against Rat Hunter, should that deck become viable.
100% Must unclude in pirate warrior. Pirate warrior was starving for pirates and now they got one that also gives them face damage. Defias Cannoneer is probably at best if you already have a weapon equiped, or after you have The Juggernaut.
In wild it's also a must-include in pirate warrior. Mainly because you have cards like N'Zoth's First Mate and Ancharrr. And after you get The Juggernaut it will always be active.
Oh and obviously if The Juggernaut spawns a Defias Cannoneer at the start of your turn, your going to be very happy... And your opponent isn't going to be that happy about it.
2 mana Swipe that deals 1 less damage on the main hit. I LOVE IT. This fits perfectly into control warrior, BIG Warrior and Questline Control Warrior. Considering Big Warrior already HARD countered Aggro Druid, aggro druids will have a even worse time against them, and any other control warrior deck. This is definatly my favorite card revealed so far! :D
Also Man the Cannons is also really good considering Rat Hunter got new support, and there are a lot of aggro decks which will get demolished in the early game because of Man the Cannons. Guess what card aggro players are going to whine about. :(
AMAZING support for ANY Warlock deck. Aggresive decks like Zoolock might use it alongside cards like Flame Imp in order to remove something, The Demon Seed warlock can use it as well and any normal control warlock deck might as well include it. After all 1 hero power is enough to make Shadowblade Slinger deal 2 damage for 1 mana.
Honestly i'm surprised they gave warlock a Prize Plunderer like card.
Lost in the Jungle but more flexible. This will 100% see play in Zoolock once it inevitably returns. Another good synergy is Wicked Shipment (Upgraded ofcourse) + Traveling Merchant as a reload.
AMAZING minion. I dont even need to look at synergy to give it a 5/5 stars.
In standard you have cards like Granite Forgeborn which battlecry you probably like to repeat, and in a more control focussed Shaman deck you can repeat Mutanus the Devourers battlecry. Wait a second... Play Mutanus the Devourer, then the turn after maybe you can Bolner Hammerbeak + Brilliant Macaw + more battlecry minions to just empty your opponents hand? That sounds both mean and fun to try out!
In wild: Shudderwock is going to enjoy this card. I wonder if shudderwock can go infinite after you play a couple Brilliant Macaws because it could potentially repeat Shudderwock battlecries over and over. If that's the case, i bet there probably going to nerf/fix Shudderwock so it doesn't, because infinite shudderwock sounds way to strong/Annoying. Imagine infinite shudderwock with no damage dealing battlecries, just to stall time and force one player to concede in order to end the game because of infinite animations... I really hope Shudderwock doesn't go infinite with a couple Brilliant Macaws.
Remember when a 1 mana 2/2 weapon was considered too strong, so they had to make you pay 5 health for it? (Bloodclaw)
This card seems really good to me. If you trade it then you discount a spell, which can be nice for activating Combo cards. And just playing it as a 2/2 weapon is also great. This just seems like a solid card to me.
However we must also understand the meme/OTK potential with Blackwater Cutlass and Auctioneer Jaxon. If you can chain Blackwater Cutlasses then you can discount a lot of mana on spells, and OTK your opponent potentially. I wouldn't be surprised to see some people attempt this. Sure you can discount at most about 8 mana at most. (10 if Auctioneer Jaxon was Shadowstepped) But a lot of rogue spells that go face are about 1-2 mana. Maybe i'm looking to much into it, but there is a bunch of potential.
Oh and in Wild, wont see play. ODD Rogue probably doesnt want it, because they already get 2/2 weapons from their hero power. And Kingsbane Rogue doesnt want it, because they only want Kingsbane.
YAY REZ PRIEST! Everyone "LOVES" this archetype! "Gr3eT1nGs FeL1oW HuM0nS"!
Amulet of Undying probably doesnt have that good of a spot in standard, like at best its a reload option for shadow priest with cards like Shadowed Spirit.
In wild it's a must include in BIG Priest, because nearly all their minions are deathrattles. And they dont mind using the tradable to draw cards and get more resses. And of course they will ress the most annoyingly stupid minions you can imagine. I hate Amulet of Undying already. "Gr3eT1nGs FeL1oW HuM0nS"
What people complained that Shadow priest was dead after Mindrender nerf? Well here is a card to make up for it. Super solid 5/5 star card, premium stats AND it can go FACE for 2 damage. (Or target a minion, but why do that in FACE priest.) Must include in any shadow priest deck, and it might even be a must-include in control priest decks, because they run plenty of shadow spells already. Defias Leper is super flexible and will see a lot of play!
And in wild.. Shadow priest is going to be even more reliable. Looks like we got ourself a Pirate warrior vs Shadow priest war in wild. (And then you have darkglarelock just chilling with their turn 4-5 double Flesh/Molten giants.)
Great minion, with a good effect.
Great alongside spells like: Hand of A'dal for a 4 mana 5/5 that draws a card, Blessing of Authority for a 11/12 minion and Libram of Hope for more giant minions. (And if your asking why play Libram of Hope on a minion? Because that adds Libram of Hope to your Lady Liadrin pool.)
It will also see play in wild. EVEN paladin might experiment with it, in order to get more Call to Arms. And The Last Kaleidosaur got some more support. Sunwing Squawker is pretty good alongside cards like Spikeridged Steed.
Good card, even if there isn't much synergy with it right now.
Standard: It's a 1 mana 6/6 if you casted Mask of C'Thun before, and its a 0 mana 6/6 if you casted Deep Freeze. Still it might be too slow for the current meta, but once mage FINALLY gets like 9-10 mana spells it will be a must include. Honestly how much longer are they going to tease us with big spell mage support without actually giving us any big spells.
In wild: 100% must include in Big spell mage, and in Casino Mage. Did someone say TWO Puzzle Box of Yogg-Sarons! :)
Very good card. Repeating a deathrattle on a battlecry is a very powerfull effect, which you have all the control over.
However in standard it's not that good... Right now at least. The best card with it might be Darkmoon Tonk? But once it gets more support it will become a staple in deathrattle hunter.
In wild it will see play in deathrattle hunter for sure. Wild has all the tools it needs, and it often can work on curve. Just think about all the egg cards in wild, Ursatron and you can repeat Oblivitron in order to cheat mana with Darkmoon Tonk and Mechanical Whelp. Deathrattle hunter really needed Monstrous Parrot, because the only other card that repeats a triggered deathrattle is Nine Lives.
Some really good Rat hunter support! Rat hunter needed some way to actually finish the game, and Defias Blastfisher really helps with that. If you have 6 rats on board (Possibly including The Rat King) then Defias Blastfisher becomes a 5 mana deal 14 damage, which sounds really good! Of course you still have the problem with drawing cards in hunter, but at least Defias Blastfisher fixes the "Great i have a lot of tokens, but there is nothing that i can do with them except going face for like 1 dmg each" problem!
In wild i dont think it sees play, because hunter in wild is either ODD Questline, or Reno hunter. Both decks don't want Defias Blastfisher.
Hmm a better Druid of the Scythe. I like it.
The 3/1 shark with rush option is basicly a better Emerald Skytalon, and can be good removal.
The 1/3 Turtle with Taunt... R.I.P. meta, they powercrept the OP card that is Silverback Patriarch again. lol. Still the 1/3 turtle with taunt option is nice against token decks.
Overall a solid minion, and it's very flexible for only 1 mana! Also it becomes really good once we see another "Your choose one cards and powers have effects combined" card (like Fandral Staghelm), which gets printed like once every 1-2 years.
Standard: It might be a solid minion, but i'm not sure if it sees play.. yet. Spell aggro druid prefers mostly playing spells + Glowfly Swarm and i don't know if Aggro Druid wants it. Aggro druid problably is going to experiment with it, but i'm not sure if it makes the cut.
Wild: This sees play in Quest Druid, to be more specific: Untapped Potential druid, because if you draw it after quest completion it becomes a 1 mana 3/3 with taunt AND rush. Thats really good! That deck might not be that good, but it's a really fun deck to play!
Not a bad minion, considering you have control over which minions get hit. And it's a battlecry, which makes it easy to get the effect. One problem i have with Crow's Nest Lookout is that it only deals 2 damage to the minions. But still, that shouldn't be that bad... as long as your opponent doesnt play a 1 mana 1/3 into a 2 mana 2/3 on curve.
The biggest problem with this card is that i personally don't see in what deck this fits. The only archetypes that i think it could fit in are: Questline DH as a control tool, and it could be decent in Soul DH. (Even though Soul DH doesn't really see that much play anymore.)
In wild it doesn't see play, purely because ODD DH prefers good statted minions, and that deck wants to go FACE.
Arcane Intellect but often better. And the Tradeable really helps Need for Greed with the discount. Need for Greed seems really good in questline DH, but it does compete with Acrobatics. But still Need for Greed seems like a good card outside of Questline DH, maybe it sees experimentation in Deathrattle DH?
In wild i'm not sure it sees play, i'm pretty sure ODD DH prefers cards like Acrobatics.