BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
Tried this deck out, and man it's FUN. I havent had this much fun in quite a while. There is just something oddly satisfying about defeating someone with a huge Edwin, Defias Kingpin after playing a couple Snowflipper Penguins, and other very cute cards. Also this deck works surprisingly well, and i'm having a pretty good winrate with it. (Currently 8-2, out of which the 2 losses were when i was still learning the deck.) One small recommendation for those wanting to play the deck: Play this deck on PC. On PC the animations can already take quite a while, but on mobile its a LOT harder to get a huge Edwin.
I'm not sure a subjective reason like that is going to convince someone who discounted him subjectively. For me personally, I like Scabbs fine but still discount him for this purpose as he is part of a series of portraits handed out more or less equally to all classes. He therefore did nothing to address the sizable imbalance between the classes.
Yeh that's the reason i don't really count scabbs. Scabbs and his portraits didn't really fix the problem with rogue having a lot less portraits than other classes. And to me, it feels like they HAD to make scabbs portraits, otherwise rogue would have been the only class without portraits of its mercenary.
But i do want to take a moment to say that i actually like scabbs. I'm happy we got some gnome representation in HS in terms of portraits and i sometimes use one of the scabbs portraits for some decks. Now that i'm reading my original comment again, i do see why some people might assume that i dislike scabbs. I probably should make that more clear in future comments. Honestly i dont hate/dislike scabbs, i just dislike the fact that they neglected rogue for so long in terms of alternate heroes, and when we finally got one it's because they pretty much HAD to.
If the shop on the main screen and within Mercenaries shows this Edwin bundle as “new” for the end of eternity, I am going to eat my hat.
R.I.P your hat. Honestly why do they do this, its so annoying. Even if you click on every "new" bundle, it will only stop the bundle from being promoted as "new" until you close the game. :(
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
WOW, that skin looks amazing! And finally a new alternate hero skin for rogue! I'm so happy Edwin is rogues first alternate hero since Maiev*, considering how important Edwin VanCleef was in rogue since basicly launch. Good 'ol reliable Turn 3 20/20 Edwin VanCleef, stealing games for such a long time. Also the skin itself looks amazing, i just hope the animations and voicelines will be as good! If so then this portrait might be the first thing i'm going to buy since the stormwind tavern pass.
*I'm not counting scabbs, cuz its scabbs and he has almost the same amount of portraits as valeera.
Who thought that printing Leeroy Jenkins and Tundra Rhino in 1 as a 6 cost minion was okay?!? Also this directly contradicts blizzards "Moving away from Charge" thing they did by rotating all the charge cards during the previous rotation.
Lets look at what decks can abuse him in standard:
Oh and in wild every aggro deck will use him, but most importantly Pirate warrior will probably become a rank S+ deck. And of course Handbuff paladin will also use him i bet. The one thing we can be thankfull of, is that Mr. Smite is EVEN costed, so ODD decks such as ODD DH and ODD Paladin can't use him. (Which is probably the only reason Leeroy Jenkins might still see play.)
Honestly why did they decide to print a card that turns Pirate warrior, which is a tier 1 deck in both standard and wild into a tier S deck instead of supporting archetypes that need help? Do they REALLY want everyone to stop playing HS and play Mercenaries or BGs instead THAT badly?
The only "good" thing about Mr. Smite is that the board is finally going to matter... somewhat. So uh.. when are they raising your health from 30 to like 40? Cuz i feel like thats going to be important if the powercreep keeps going up like this.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
Edwin, Defias Kingpin seems interesting. He's a interesting draw engine that can leave a big body behind afterwards. But the problem is that as a draw option Edwin, Defias Kingpin probably needs to draw a lot of 0-2 cost cards at most, and it competes with Field Contact as a "draw engine".
Edwin, Defias Kingpins Big body unfortunately doesn't mean anything these days, because that just gives Spell mage a target to freeze over and over, and it's too slow against Questline warrior. (Especially now that they got Mr. Smite. WTF blizz.)
I'm so sad that the new Edwin is such a dissapointing card, maybe their compensating for the fact that Edwin VanCleef avoided HOFs for so long, and scammed so many wins by making his new version bad? That seems like the only explanation to me. Honestly i feel like Edwin, Defias Kingpin would have been so much better at 3 mana.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
Wow that looks bad, outside of some kind of control shaman deck. Maybe in some kind of control N'Zoth, God of the Deep shaman control deck or something? Seems bad to me. (unfortunately) It does seem decent in some kind of murloc shaman, but that deck doesn't exist in Standard. However Wild Murloc Shaman will probably love using Cookie the Cook.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
Really cool effect. But most games are over by turn 8, so do you want a 8 drop that has a potential board clear effect? Pretty sure you don't. I bet this would have been "BROKEN OP" during the Dr. Boom, Mad Genius Days in Rise of Shadows. This is literally a legendary card created only for swing turns in arena.
Also remember: Varian, King of Stormwind is an 8/8 minion that draws 3 cards, AND has taunt rush and divine shield yet sees only play in paladin. (Because it's too slow for other archetypes) so how could Goliath, Sneed's Masterpiece see play? I don't see it, despite how badly i want to see it getting played often outside of arena...
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
Finally after such a long time finally Maddest Bomber. This has been a long time coming. Still kinda sad it's in the mini-set but i hope the legendaries will make up for it. I really hope we one day will get a legendary version bomber card, just so we finally have a common, rare, epic and legendary bomber card. (Of course the legendary one would deal 24 damage randomly, in order to finish the 3-6-12-24 damage doubling.)
But to the card itself, it has decent/good stats for 8 mana i guess, and dealing 12 damage randomly is fun. But i dont see it played in any deck that's not a fun/meme deck. Actually i think it might be decent for Arena? But that's probably it.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
Well looks like a Sorcerer's Gambit deck that actually uses minions might have a chance now. And maybe Burgle Rogue and Casino Mage can use it in wild. Oh and maybe Secret Hunter as well.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
Good if you trade it at least once before turn 5 and draw it again. But i feel like it might be too slow. But on the other side it might make Auctioneer Jaxon better because you might be able to draw it more reliably if you have multiple tradeable cards. But still it seems way too slow.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
Great for The Demon Seed. Imagine pre-nerf demon seed with cards like this... Thats a scary thought. Either way it progresses the quest and draws a card, after quest completion its more damage to your opponents FACE. Also this being a battlecry AND deathrattle is super strong, and might make your opponent hesitate to destroy it. However the only bad thing about Hullbreaker is that you have not much control over what you draw, which means you could draw a 4 cost spell, and "wasting" progress on quest because you only needed 2 HP to progress.
Oh and i really hope the golden animation looks amazing, otherwise i'm dissapointed because Hullbreakers art looks amazing.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
So we get an evolve shaman card for weapons? Thats Quite interesting. Not sure what you want to use this for though. Actually this can be usefull! As long as Suckerhook is on board your weapon wont break... as long as it has >1 durability at the end of your turn. So as long as Suckerhook is on board you can keep swinging with your weapon.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
Alright as a burgle rogue player (mainly in wild because they hardly print any good synergy for it in standard.) this will be a must-include. As long as you dont care about losing anything thats in your deck later on, then i dont see anything bad about Parrrley. Parrrley only disrupts your opponent if you dont care about cards in your deck.
Also i think this is one of, if not the first time we see a normal HS card that ACTUALLY steals a card from your opponents deck. Before it was only a copy, but now actually a card. This kind of effect used to be considered "too mean", so i'm wondering what changed their stance on this kind of effect.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
Alright just seeing the flavor of this card, and it's fun effect. I'm rating it 5/5 stars already.
It has premium stats and it messes up your opponents turn, because they dont want to give you anything usefull. Also i'm happy to see some thief priest cards printed, considering that archetype never got as much love as Burgle Rogue. I think it sees play in any control priest decks, as a value generator. And it fits well in Questline Priest, because you can both play a 3 drop for the questline AND potentially get something you need to further complete the quest.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
handbuff AND destroys a minion for 3 mana? this looks INSANE. It's a better [Hearthstone Card (Assasinate) Not Found] kind of card, and it has a GIANT upside. Righteous Defense seems like a solid inclusion in Handbuff Paladin AND Libram Paladin! Of course Righteous Defense completely relies on the ability to actually play a game of hearthstone, because it's useless against solitaire decks.
And in wild it will 100% see play in Handbuff Paladin. Hello Darkglare warlock, nice Flesh Giant or Molten Giant. Hope you don't mind me taking those giants stats and handbuffing a big charge minion or something with them. :)
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
Nice sticky minion, and can disrupt your opponent. Also it's a pirate, which is a BIG deal. This means paladin now has a good pirate for N'Zoth, God of the Deep Paladin, even though that package doesn't see like any play anymore. But regardless, i think that Libram Paladin will probably experiment with it.
In wild it probably sees no play, because it's not good enough.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
Hmm interesting card. Seems good for a more board focussed mage deck, and maybe Big spell mage. Spell mage wont use it because it's worse than Apexis Blast, but in more control-ish mage decks (And maybe Hero power mage) they probably will include Arcane Overflow because it's removal + summons a minion.
BrandonOld God Fanatic 13502486 PostsJoined 05/29/2019
Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
So most people might think its trash upon looking at it, but it can be DECENT. IT has potential.
First of all it draws a spell, which is nice. But most importantly IT'S LIFE GAIN. Mage, or rather mage decks with minions instead of "haha only spells + quests goes face" mage have a big problem in terms of survivability. Mage has plenty of removal, but in terms of instantly gaining health their often quite weak. Just think about all the times people finish off mages with spells so they dont trigger Ice Barrier.
Still i personally think you need to draw at least a 4-5 cost spell for it to be worth it, but mage does use a lot of cheap spells right now. And BIG spell mage still lack spells in standard. If the BIG spell that's supposedly to be worth running BIG spell mage isn't in the mini set, then i'm dissapointed. Arcane Overflow isn't enough to make that archetype worth it.
Of course BIG spell mage in wild will probably use it.
Whoops, not sure what i was thinking back then. That's a really dumb mistake on my part! lol.
Tried this deck out, and man it's FUN. I havent had this much fun in quite a while. There is just something oddly satisfying about defeating someone with a huge Edwin, Defias Kingpin after playing a couple Snowflipper Penguins, and other very cute cards. Also this deck works surprisingly well, and i'm having a pretty good winrate with it. (Currently 8-2, out of which the 2 losses were when i was still learning the deck.) One small recommendation for those wanting to play the deck: Play this deck on PC. On PC the animations can already take quite a while, but on mobile its a LOT harder to get a huge Edwin.
Yeh that's the reason i don't really count scabbs. Scabbs and his portraits didn't really fix the problem with rogue having a lot less portraits than other classes. And to me, it feels like they HAD to make scabbs portraits, otherwise rogue would have been the only class without portraits of its mercenary.
But i do want to take a moment to say that i actually like scabbs. I'm happy we got some gnome representation in HS in terms of portraits and i sometimes use one of the scabbs portraits for some decks. Now that i'm reading my original comment again, i do see why some people might assume that i dislike scabbs. I probably should make that more clear in future comments. Honestly i dont hate/dislike scabbs, i just dislike the fact that they neglected rogue for so long in terms of alternate heroes, and when we finally got one it's because they pretty much HAD to.
R.I.P your hat. Honestly why do they do this, its so annoying. Even if you click on every "new" bundle, it will only stop the bundle from being promoted as "new" until you close the game. :(
WOW, that skin looks amazing! And finally a new alternate hero skin for rogue! I'm so happy Edwin is rogues first alternate hero since Maiev*, considering how important Edwin VanCleef was in rogue since basicly launch. Good 'ol reliable Turn 3 20/20 Edwin VanCleef, stealing games for such a long time. Also the skin itself looks amazing, i just hope the animations and voicelines will be as good! If so then this portrait might be the first thing i'm going to buy since the stormwind tavern pass.
*I'm not counting scabbs, cuz its scabbs and he has almost the same amount of portraits as valeera.
Remember how everyone complained about Leeroy Jenkins so so long, and then complained about Alexstrasza the Life-Binder for being the "Leeroy Jenkins replacement". Well looks like we "finally" got an actual POWERCREEPED Leeroy Jenkins! WHY?
Who thought that printing Leeroy Jenkins and Tundra Rhino in 1 as a 6 cost minion was okay?!? Also this directly contradicts blizzards "Moving away from Charge" thing they did by rotating all the charge cards during the previous rotation.
Lets look at what decks can abuse him in standard:
Pirate warrior is going to become the most oppresive deck in the game, especially because The Juggernaut can randomly summon Mr. Smite. Also any Aggro deck will use him as a the new powercrept Leeroy Jenkins. Also Handbuff Paladin can cards such as Highlord Fordragon, Alliance Bannerman and Righteous Defense in order to buff up a HUGE Mr. Smite and kill your from in hand.
Oh and in wild every aggro deck will use him, but most importantly Pirate warrior will probably become a rank S+ deck. And of course Handbuff paladin will also use him i bet. The one thing we can be thankfull of, is that Mr. Smite is EVEN costed, so ODD decks such as ODD DH and ODD Paladin can't use him. (Which is probably the only reason Leeroy Jenkins might still see play.)
Honestly why did they decide to print a card that turns Pirate warrior, which is a tier 1 deck in both standard and wild into a tier S deck instead of supporting archetypes that need help? Do they REALLY want everyone to stop playing HS and play Mercenaries or BGs instead THAT badly?
The only "good" thing about Mr. Smite is that the board is finally going to matter... somewhat. So uh.. when are they raising your health from 30 to like 40? Cuz i feel like thats going to be important if the powercreep keeps going up like this.
Edwin, Defias Kingpin seems interesting. He's a interesting draw engine that can leave a big body behind afterwards. But the problem is that as a draw option Edwin, Defias Kingpin probably needs to draw a lot of 0-2 cost cards at most, and it competes with Field Contact as a "draw engine".
Edwin, Defias Kingpins Big body unfortunately doesn't mean anything these days, because that just gives Spell mage a target to freeze over and over, and it's too slow against Questline warrior. (Especially now that they got Mr. Smite. WTF blizz.)
Oh and another BIG problem for Edwin, Defias Kingpin: It costs 4 mana. This means that Edwin, Defias Kingpin can't be used alongside Kazakus, Golem Shaper, which is REALLY BAD for Edwin, Defias Kingpin. After all i'm pretty sure Kazakus > Edwin. (Maybe even Kazakus > Edwin AND Scabbs combined.)
I'm so sad that the new Edwin is such a dissapointing card, maybe their compensating for the fact that Edwin VanCleef avoided HOFs for so long, and scammed so many wins by making his new version bad? That seems like the only explanation to me. Honestly i feel like Edwin, Defias Kingpin would have been so much better at 3 mana.
Wow that looks bad, outside of some kind of control shaman deck. Maybe in some kind of control N'Zoth, God of the Deep shaman control deck or something? Seems bad to me. (unfortunately) It does seem decent in some kind of murloc shaman, but that deck doesn't exist in Standard. However Wild Murloc Shaman will probably love using Cookie the Cook.
Really cool effect. But most games are over by turn 8, so do you want a 8 drop that has a potential board clear effect? Pretty sure you don't. I bet this would have been "BROKEN OP" during the Dr. Boom, Mad Genius Days in Rise of Shadows. This is literally a legendary card created only for swing turns in arena.
Also remember: Varian, King of Stormwind is an 8/8 minion that draws 3 cards, AND has taunt rush and divine shield yet sees only play in paladin. (Because it's too slow for other archetypes) so how could Goliath, Sneed's Masterpiece see play? I don't see it, despite how badly i want to see it getting played often outside of arena...
Finally after such a long time finally Maddest Bomber. This has been a long time coming. Still kinda sad it's in the mini-set but i hope the legendaries will make up for it. I really hope we one day will get a legendary version bomber card, just so we finally have a common, rare, epic and legendary bomber card. (Of course the legendary one would deal 24 damage randomly, in order to finish the 3-6-12-24 damage doubling.)
But to the card itself, it has decent/good stats for 8 mana i guess, and dealing 12 damage randomly is fun. But i dont see it played in any deck that's not a fun/meme deck. Actually i think it might be decent for Arena? But that's probably it.
I WISH i had Shudderwock (Or at least the dust for it.), because if did then i would have 100% played a Shudderwock combo deck with Mad Bomber, Madder Bomber and Maddest Bombers battlecries as the "wincon"!
Well looks like a Sorcerer's Gambit deck that actually uses minions might have a chance now. And maybe Burgle Rogue and Casino Mage can use it in wild. Oh and maybe Secret Hunter as well.
Seems solid in certain decks.
Good if you trade it at least once before turn 5 and draw it again. But i feel like it might be too slow. But on the other side it might make Auctioneer Jaxon better because you might be able to draw it more reliably if you have multiple tradeable cards. But still it seems way too slow.
And any Pirate warrior deck wont use it, because The Juggernaut gives a new weapon each turn. Speaking of The Juggernaut, if your playing standard prepare to get hit by a random Blacksmithing Hammer from The Juggernaut many times.
Great for The Demon Seed. Imagine pre-nerf demon seed with cards like this... Thats a scary thought. Either way it progresses the quest and draws a card, after quest completion its more damage to your opponents FACE. Also this being a battlecry AND deathrattle is super strong, and might make your opponent hesitate to destroy it. However the only bad thing about Hullbreaker is that you have not much control over what you draw, which means you could draw a 4 cost spell, and "wasting" progress on quest because you only needed 2 HP to progress.
Oh and i really hope the golden animation looks amazing, otherwise i'm dissapointed because Hullbreakers art looks amazing.
So we get an evolve shaman card for weapons? Thats Quite interesting. Not sure what you want to use this for though. Actually this can be usefull! As long as Suckerhook is on board your weapon wont break... as long as it has >1 durability at the end of your turn. So as long as Suckerhook is on board you can keep swinging with your weapon.
Alright as a burgle rogue player (mainly in wild because they hardly print any good synergy for it in standard.) this will be a must-include. As long as you dont care about losing anything thats in your deck later on, then i dont see anything bad about Parrrley. Parrrley only disrupts your opponent if you dont care about cards in your deck.
Also i think this is one of, if not the first time we see a normal HS card that ACTUALLY steals a card from your opponents deck. Before it was only a copy, but now actually a card. This kind of effect used to be considered "too mean", so i'm wondering what changed their stance on this kind of effect.
Alright just seeing the flavor of this card, and it's fun effect. I'm rating it 5/5 stars already.
It has premium stats and it messes up your opponents turn, because they dont want to give you anything usefull. Also i'm happy to see some thief priest cards printed, considering that archetype never got as much love as Burgle Rogue. I think it sees play in any control priest decks, as a value generator. And it fits well in Questline Priest, because you can both play a 3 drop for the questline AND potentially get something you need to further complete the quest.
handbuff AND destroys a minion for 3 mana? this looks INSANE. It's a better [Hearthstone Card (Assasinate) Not Found] kind of card, and it has a GIANT upside. Righteous Defense seems like a solid inclusion in Handbuff Paladin AND Libram Paladin! Of course Righteous Defense completely relies on the ability to actually play a game of hearthstone, because it's useless against solitaire decks.
And in wild it will 100% see play in Handbuff Paladin. Hello Darkglare warlock, nice Flesh Giant or Molten Giant. Hope you don't mind me taking those giants stats and handbuffing a big charge minion or something with them. :)
Nice sticky minion, and can disrupt your opponent. Also it's a pirate, which is a BIG deal. This means paladin now has a good pirate for N'Zoth, God of the Deep Paladin, even though that package doesn't see like any play anymore. But regardless, i think that Libram Paladin will probably experiment with it.
In wild it probably sees no play, because it's not good enough.
Hmm interesting card. Seems good for a more board focussed mage deck, and maybe Big spell mage. Spell mage wont use it because it's worse than Apexis Blast, but in more control-ish mage decks (And maybe Hero power mage) they probably will include Arcane Overflow because it's removal + summons a minion.
So most people might think its trash upon looking at it, but it can be DECENT. IT has potential.
First of all it draws a spell, which is nice. But most importantly IT'S LIFE GAIN. Mage, or rather mage decks with minions instead of "haha only spells + quests goes face" mage have a big problem in terms of survivability. Mage has plenty of removal, but in terms of instantly gaining health their often quite weak. Just think about all the times people finish off mages with spells so they dont trigger Ice Barrier.
Still i personally think you need to draw at least a 4-5 cost spell for it to be worth it, but mage does use a lot of cheap spells right now. And BIG spell mage still lack spells in standard. If the BIG spell that's supposedly to be worth running BIG spell mage isn't in the mini set, then i'm dissapointed. Arcane Overflow isn't enough to make that archetype worth it.
Of course BIG spell mage in wild will probably use it.