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  • GoddammitDontShootMe's Avatar
    Relaxed 2195 2051 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    I found this too. I think it generates the words, then fills the rest of the spaces with random letters. When a word is only three letters long there's a good chance a random sequence will match a word. It would be nice if it could ensure no actual word occurs twice. While you probably wouldn't notice any delay on any computer that could be considered modern, perhaps it could just look for words that are four letters or less.

  • GoddammitDontShootMe's Avatar
    Relaxed 2195 2051 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    So you get a 2/3 lifesteal weapon when this dies? Meh. Maybe it will be alright if murloc decks return within the next year.

  • GoddammitDontShootMe's Avatar
    Relaxed 2195 2051 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    This kind of looks like a reprint of Edwin Vancleef, except you would start the combo with this one, and it also draws you cards to fuel it. Unfortunately, you have to play the card you drew, even if you have something you could actually afford in your hand. I'm not sure how big you can expect him to get, maybe +4/+4 or +6/+6 if you play him at 10 mana.

  • GoddammitDontShootMe's Avatar
    Relaxed 2195 2051 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    I honestly thought we would never see a multi-target effect. I wonder what UI they came up with that's mobile friendly. I guess I'll have to go to YouTube and find out.

  • GoddammitDontShootMe's Avatar
    Relaxed 2195 2051 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    It was my understanding that pirate Warrior was already really good, so why would they go and print this?

  • GoddammitDontShootMe's Avatar
    Relaxed 2195 2051 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    At first I thought if the board was empty it would all go to the opponents face. Then I realized the word enemy is nowhere in the card text. Garbage.

  • GoddammitDontShootMe's Avatar
    Relaxed 2195 2051 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    Most classes only have spells from 2 schools. It doesn't look like a very good curve card, but maybe a 4 mana 4/3 draw 2 cards is good. Mage could draw 3 with this, but I don't see this replacing Refreshing Spring Water.

  • GoddammitDontShootMe's Avatar
    Relaxed 2195 2051 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    It's pretty hard to say how many trades you would have to do to get the best value for this. You probably want to consider the mana you spend trading, but since that also draws you another card, you can almost think of it as free. Though after 2 it's a 4 mana 5/5. I'm not sure how good that would be in the late game, however.

  • GoddammitDontShootMe's Avatar
    Relaxed 2195 2051 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    Isn't quest Warlock still pretty powerful? Did it need cards like this?

  • GoddammitDontShootMe's Avatar
    Relaxed 2195 2051 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    I'm pretty sure weapon evolve is new. I don't know if you'd want to only get one swing off your Whack-A-Gnoll Hammer though. Getting a fresh weapon each turn seems pretty nice.

  • GoddammitDontShootMe's Avatar
    Relaxed 2195 2051 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    Is this the first collectable card that straight up steals from your opponents deck? I don't know how great it will be, but maybe you get lucky and steal some key card and cause them to lose.

  • GoddammitDontShootMe's Avatar
    Relaxed 2195 2051 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    We've seen cards that give you a copy of the last card your opponent played. I'm not sure this will be as good since your opponent could deliberately give you something crappy. Or at least not helpful in your current situation. I don't recall any other delayed battlecry effects either.

  • GoddammitDontShootMe's Avatar
    Relaxed 2195 2051 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    This seems pretty damn good. You could hit a giant with this, and suddenly you have a huge minion in your hand.

  • GoddammitDontShootMe's Avatar
    Relaxed 2195 2051 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    Probably pretty good since Paladin can make 1/1s whenever he wants. Just make sure you don't have the highest attack minion on the board when you play this.

  • GoddammitDontShootMe's Avatar
    Relaxed 2195 2051 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    Looks like a big spell Mage card to me. Probably not all that useful now, but they'll probably print some good expensive spells within an expansion or 2.

  • GoddammitDontShootMe's Avatar
    Relaxed 2195 2051 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    I guess it's nice that the extra damage doesn't get wasted, but I kinda wish it hit the enemy hero or something.

  • GoddammitDontShootMe's Avatar
    Relaxed 2195 2051 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    The trade benefit would really only work if you played a minion on an empty board, then traded this. Otherwise you might give rush to something that could attack anyway. Maybe useful after you've had your board wiped. I'm pretty sure +2/+3 for 2 mana is also pretty good.

  • GoddammitDontShootMe's Avatar
    Relaxed 2195 2051 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    I really can't see this not being good. Well, maybe if all your choices are too expensive to play on the same turn, so maybe don't put this in a big deck.

  • GoddammitDontShootMe's Avatar
    Relaxed 2195 2051 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    Am I missing something or is Runic Carvings the only Choose One spell currently in Standard? Well, I guess this card was printed with future sets in mind.

  • GoddammitDontShootMe's Avatar
    Relaxed 2195 2051 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    So Duel! except both minions come from your deck. Could be interesting.