The season is drawing to an end and some might still be trying to reach their target of the month, possibly inspired by the pretty sweet first time rewards for reaching each rank platform in the revamped system. Don't you worry, our community members got you covered with some legend-worthy Wild decks that will help you get where you want in no time.
Taunt Warrior
Playing a Taunt every turn sounds like a decent plan in keeping aggro at bay. HyperOrange grabbed that free Legendary by wielding Sulfuras to his opponents' devastation. I know a certain moderator that would approve this plan.
If you want a different Warrior strategy, there's always the Pirate option. Lizs spiced up this list with Galakrond.
Highlander Mage
Surprised? Me neither. There are several Highlander strategies that have what it takes to reach the orange gem zone, and Zergoras chose the Mage variant.
I personally have no patience when ranking so I finished my climb with a Secret Mage, much like puffy's list here with a small change of Duplicates instead of Netherwind Portals.
Totem Shaman
There's been some buzz around Totem Shaman's resurgence in Standard lately, so it's no surprise that you can do well with in in Wild as well. Watermelon86 is determined to reach legend with this list, including the trauma-triggering trio of Tunnel Trogg, Totem Golem and Thing from Below.
Even though Ahrimourn is too humble to claim it openly, these kind of lists are not that uncommon at those high Diamond ranks. The Cube shenanigans can be an absolute horror to aggressive decks, and some lists that I encountered chose to run Enhanced Dreadlord as well to get some of that Lifesteal goodness.
Mech Paladin
This swarmy menace from SirHerpDerp is a common sight near legend as well. Crystology is crazy strong in the deck, and Galvanizer alongside Mechwarper helps to empty your hand in no time, only to be refilled by Divine Favor.
This Murloc deck boasts an incredible 75+% WR on HSReplay (as seen with the non-premium Bronze-Gold filter), so I'd imagine it works on higher ranks as well.
Looking to enter the Wild world of Outland? Take a look at these decks.
Came up with something Outlandish yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to write a guide!
Thanks a lot for that Pirate Galakrond Warrior list! That's exactly what I was looking for! I just love Deathwing, Mad Aspect and it's entry animation (CATACLYSM!!) and call me stupid but I'm also a huge fan of the Deathwing alternate Warrior hero but didn't feel comfortable playing a classic Pirate Warrior list with him. The flavor just wasn't there for me. That's fixed I guess :-)))
Thanks for featuring my list! I think I'll give that Totem Shaman list a try, it looks very fun.
It's-a me, Mario Link! I spotted one of these decks in Casual a few days ago, and we engaged in a Taunt-battle for the ages. Maybe not, because I won pretty handily with my variant, but still: it was fun and cool to see others playing a deck like this :D
Speaking on the deck itself, I'm not sure how I feel playing such wimpy Taunts. Presumably you do so to get Sulfuras out faster, but I managed the feat first in our game so I don't know. I like playing bigger stuff such as Scrap Golem, The Lich King, and Khartut Defender, but I can understand how that can backfire against faster decks (I know this first-hand, of course lol). I'll have to give it a shot.
I like the smaller Taunts because it helps you against faster decks, and it I am always able to get Sulfuras out just as I start running low on cards. Plus, with buff cards like Bolster and Into the Fray those taunts can be very useful for keeping wide boards at bay.
No new taunts in taunt warrior? Strange, I thought there were some good ones
Has anybody tried playing Teron Gorefiend in Cubelock? It is basically a Carnivorous Cube that hits everything on your side of the board.
I play it in Egg Hunter, where you'd expect it to be at its best, and even there I'm sometimes hesitant to play it, as it will eat your Devilsaurs and Nerubians that you went through the trouble of popping. I imagine it's even worse with Cubelock. Yeah, it's nice to eat your own Voidlord, but you only get one back instead of two from the Cube and you might incidentally end up eating your Doomguard that you wanted to stay on the board.
I think it is different in Cubelock than in Egg Hunter. For one, you have plenty of tools to kill him on the same turn you play him, so you wouldn't be losing tempo or have to risk getting it transformed or silenced or anything. Also, you don't have a lot of minions that you would be upset about killing. All of your minions that don't have Deathrattles are either so small that you shouldn't care much about what happens to them, or they are Mal'Ganis and you are happy about getting extra copies in the rez pool.
|Marcus|, what about using him to pop the eggs in Egg Hunter?! You get the hatched minions, later you get more eggs that can also attack making it easier to pop them when you want.
He’s one of four legendaries I don’t have from the set, and I’m thinking of crafting. I have over 10k dust still after HoF rotations. So I could make him. Seems good in a few different decks. Do you think he’d be worth it if I did?
I...mentioned that exact thing in my first comment... He's useful, no doubt, but quite often I've found I'm in a situation where playing him will pop, say, two of my eggs, while at the same time taking down the Devilsaurs and Nerubians I already got from those eggs previously using Play Dead etc. So, often, playing Teron can make your board position worse, and you're quite literally putting all your eggs in one basket. If your Devilsaur Egg gets silenced, it hurts. If Teron gets silenced, it's disaster. You just destroyed 2-3 of your own minions with promise of more payoff down the line and now you get nothing but a 3/4 body. Unlike Terrorscale Stalker, Teron destroys your eggs, doesn't just trigger them, so now all your eggs are off the board and you got nothing to use your activators on if Teron gets silenced.
So, again, he is good. But he's not the end-all be-all for the deck and if you're short on dust, I think there are better legendaries to craft for a variety of archetypes that you will get more value out of than Teron. In the end, you can achieve much the same thing with Feign Death.
Hmm - if you've already earned the rewards climbing the standard ladder, there are no rewards awaiting you climbing the wild ladder, correct?
Correct, only one ladder counts as first time.
This is a rare sight, a wild deck that I have all the legendaries for. Going to have to craft the cubes, but that warlock deck might work well for me.
Mech paladin? Okay
right just the same old cancer...surprised they didn't highlight secret mage