Whether you're a fan of Hearthstone's latest gamble or not, we're stuck with Heroic Brawliseum for the week so if you are wanting to jump in, it's important to go in prepared! Here are 12 win decks we've rounded up for you to play in Heroic Brawliseum.
You should also check out this video from RegisKillbin about how bad Heroic Brawliseum is.
12 Win Bomb Warrior by Dethelor
12 Win Bomb Warrior by Dethelor - Heroic Brawliseum
A Bomb Warrior Deck created by
Fluxflashor. Last updated 4 years, 5 months ago
- 2x Shield Slam
- 2x Sword and Board
- 2x Upgrade!
- 1x Whirlwind
- 2x Bladestorm
- 2x Corsair Cache
- 2x Shield Block
- 2x Coerce
- 2x EVIL Quartermaster
- 1x Lord Barov
- 1x Hoard Pillager
- 2x Wrenchcalibur
- 2x Brawl
- 2x Cutting Class
- 1x Doctor Krastinov
- 1x Kronx Dragonhoof
- 1x Blastmaster Boom
- 1x Galakrond, the Unbreakable
- 1x Deathwing, Mad Aspect
12 Win Pen-Paladin by BoarControl
12 Win Pen-Paladin by BoarControl - Heroic Brawliseum
A Midrange Paladin Deck created by
Fluxflashor. Last updated 4 years, 5 months ago
- 2x Aldor Attendant
- 2x Animated Broomstick
- 2x First Day of School
- 2x Pen Flinger
- 2x Hand of A'dal
- 2x Libram of Wisdom
- 2x Loot Hoarder
- 1x Murgur Murgurgle
- 1x Novice Engineer
- 1x Wild Pyromancer
- 1x Lord Barov
- 2x Salhet's Pride
- 1x High Abbess Alura
- 2x Aldor Truthseeker
- 2x Libram of Justice
- 2x Devout Pupil
- 1x Lady Liadrin
- 2x Libram of Hope
12 Win Cyclone Mage by Ace103HS
12 Win Cyclone Mage by Ace103HS - Heroic Brawliseum
A Cyclone Mage Deck created by
Fluxflashor. Last updated 4 years, 5 months ago
- 2x Arcane Breath
- 1x Evocation
- 2x Lab Partner
- 2x Magic Trick
- 2x Primordial Studies
- 2x Ray of Frost
- 2x Violet Spellwing
- 2x Wand Thief
- 1x Astromancer Solarian
- 2x Cram Session
- 2x Mana Cyclone
- 2x Wandmaker
- 1x Chenvaala
- 2x Sorcerer's Apprentice
- 2x Cobalt Spellkin
- 1x Ras Frostwhisper
- 2x Mana Giant
12 Win Galakrond Rogue from China
12 Win Galakrond Rogue from China - Heroic Brawliseum
A Galakrond Rogue Deck created by
Fluxflashor. Last updated 4 years, 5 months ago
- 2x Backstab
- 1x Preparation
- 2x Shadowstep
- 2x Pharaoh Cat
- 2x Praise Galakrond!
- 2x Secret Passage
- 2x Wand Thief
- 2x Eviscerate
- 1x Sap
- 1x Edwin VanCleef
- 2x EVIL Miscreant
- 2x Seal Fate
- 1x Lorekeeper Polkelt
- 1x Potion of Illusion
- 1x Jandice Barov
- 2x Shield of Galakrond
- 1x Flik Skyshiv
- 1x Heistbaron Togwaggle
- 1x Kronx Dragonhoof
- 1x Galakrond, the Nightmare
12 Win Guardian Druid by iGsyf
12 Win Guardian Druid by iGsyf - Heroic Brawliseum
A Guardian Druid Deck created by
Fluxflashor. Last updated 4 years, 5 months ago
- 2x Innervate
- 2x Lightning Bloom
- 2x Animated Broomstick
- 2x Nature Studies
- 2x Ironbark
- 1x Wild Growth
- 2x Bogbeam
- 1x Speaker Gidra
- 2x Overgrowth
- 2x Lake Thresher
- 2x Teacher's Pet
- 2x Twilight Runner
- 1x Kael'thas Sunstrider
- 2x Guardian Animals
- 2x Overflow
- 1x Ysera, Unleashed
- 2x Survival of the Fittest
12 Win Soul Fragment Demon Hunter from China
12 Win Soul Fragment Demon Hunter from China - Heroic Brawliseum
A Midrange Demon Hunter Deck created by
Fluxflashor. Last updated 4 years, 5 months ago
- 1x Pen Flinger
- 2x Spirit Jailer
- 2x Twin Slice
- 2x Chaos Strike
- 2x Manafeeder Panthara
- 2x Soul Shear
- 1x Spectral Sight
- 2x Wandmaker
- 2x Aldrachi Warblades
- 2x Blade Dance
- 2x Shardshatter Mystic
- 1x Kayn Sunfury
- 1x Magtheridon
- 2x Marrowslicer
- 1x Glaivebound Adept
- 2x Soulshard Lapidary
- 2x Skull of Gul'dan
- 1x Soulciologist Malicia
12 Win Galakrond Priest by Theo
12 Win Galakrond Priest by Theo - Heroic Brawliseum
A Galakrond Priest Deck created by
Fluxflashor. Last updated 4 years, 5 months ago
- 2x Lazul's Scheme
- 2x Raise Dead
- 2x Cleric of Scales
- 2x Disciple of Galakrond
- 2x Draconic Studies
- 2x Renew
- 2x Wave of Apathy
- 2x Wandmaker
- 2x Wild Pyromancer
- 2x Apotheosis
- 1x Mindflayer Kaahrj
- 2x Cabal Acolyte
- 2x Cobalt Spellkin
- 2x Cabal Shadow Priest
- 1x Galakrond, the Unspeakable
- 1x Soul Mirror
- 1x Murozond the Infinite
first run isn‘t for free?! thank you for NOTHING blizz... pff
I would play this brawl if it cost like $3.99 max... otherwise, all you rich folks have fun.
You just reposted all of the already known meta decks played on ladder and in tournaments. Stop making the brawliseum happen Gretchen, it's not going to happen!
So Boar did pretty damn well overall?
I watched him at 9 wins with DH (don’t know how it ended), red about a 21 win streak with totem shaman and now I see another 12 win list? The dude is undeniably skilled!
Boar went 4-3 with Priest (his chat voted for that one). 9-3 with Soul DH, 12-0 with Libroom Pally (just barely beating FunkiMonki in the mirror at 8-0 on a miracle cast from High Abbess Alura - fun fact: Funki got 12-2 with his deck), and then 9-3 with Totem Shaman (that's where the 21-0 came from).
Can’t wait to NOT play this brawl. First run is not free anymore either lul.
the first run has never been free in heroic brawliseum
This is almost half as expensive as a mtgo draft!! Outrageous.
Don't get fooled by the packs and dust rewards. This game mode returns your gold only at 12 wins. It's ridiculous and spending real money on this makes them think it's a good move.
man I just feel bad for Regis after that video.
Have to agree with Regis - though at least in his case it makes sense as he is a streamer so the cost is far outweighed by twitch/youtube. As he said, even he wasn't keen on spending real money and wasn't having fun.
For most of us without ultimate skill and/or luck:
Well, I think Boar Control was actually using FunkiMonki's deck :) The match where they fought each other was quite interesting to watch!
I was flipping back and forth between their streams on Twitch - Funki took it pretty well and still got to the 12 wins. He had a great game against Deaddraw at 10 or 11 wins too.
I am loving the honest feedback in the video. I cannot validate spending money on this Tavern Brawl, and now my feelings are validated with someone who plays a lot more than me.
I just watched the video - so awesome. I love his initial remarks, but his reaction on stream is just so genuine - you can just feel his disappointment.
Answer is easy... DO NOT PLAY this freaking brawl, it ain't worth it.
These are some interesting decks to play with, at least.
Never woulda thought to put Penflinger in Soul Demon Hunter