Achievement Hunting: Forged in the Barrens edition

Submitted 3 years, 6 months ago by

So since the Standard meta has turned out to be unplayable garbage that varies between decks that win by not letting you play the game and decks that are 100% randomly generated I decided I might as well pass the time by farming all of the experience-granting achievements, most of which I've completed by now (which wasn't fun).

As a result, I think I can offer some valuable tips for those who haven't quite gotten around to them yet (especially since we don't have a dedicated thread for it yet).

Basically I'm just gonna go through every achievement and offer some general pointers on how to get them done the most efficient way.

As always, let me know if you have better ideas.

Demon Hunter

VENGEANCE...Next turn: Incredibly obnoxious but simple. Activating 200 Sigils isn't easy on account of there only being 2, which means you can trigger 4 per game at max (and you might not even get that depending on who you're facing). I recommend combining this with other achievements because it will take a while (50 games at least). You can also try finding extra copies through Venomous Scorpid.

Don't Dead Open Inside: Wild is your best friend if you have [Hearthstone Card (N'zoth the Corruptor) Not Found]. If not, Khartut Defender still does a great job at speeding up the process. Death Speaker Blackthorn helps, but is far from necessary. Teron Gorefiend can also put in work if you have him.

To the Left-Mooost! To the Waaall!: Easy if you have Kurtrus Ashfallen. If not, you can try and get him off Illidari Studies (which is what I did, although I wouldn't recommend it).


The Final Frontier: Seems really hard to achieve without Aviana and Kun the Forgotten King. Ysiel Windsinger might also do the trick with enough set up (and preferably in Wild because Ultimate Infestation). Completing this the intended way through Celestial Alignment sounds like a bad joke. Getting Alignment off and ramping back to 5-mana with five 8+mana cards is a pipe dream. If you didn't get run down by that point your opponent will usually concede anyways.

EDIT: Apparently Aviana + Kun doesn't work for some reason, so Alignment only it is (or maybe Ysiel, but I don't think anyone even owns that card).

Buy One, Get One Free (of Taunt): Possibly the most obnoxious one. The best way to do this is by going into Wild, building a full cycle/ramp deck and then combining Plaguemaw the Rotting with Animated Broomstick and up to 5 small taunts such as Frostwolf Grunt, Goldshire Footman, Tournament Attendee and of course Thorngrowth Sentries. Getting more than one round of resurrects is very optimistic because the average player is a <snip snap> who can't possibly comprehend the concept of farming for achievements and will literally dump their entire hand just to get rid of Plaguemaw even if you haven't made any effort to actuallly win the game for 5 turns. At least you only need 50 procs total.

Do it for the Vines: Go wild, stock up on cycle and ramp and just go to town. Usually, 3 combos per game should be definitely possible.


Who Let the Dogs Out?: As easy as it gets apart from the fact that Hunter is hot garbage at the moment. Wild will probably be a better plays, simply because it has more Beasts with Rush that you can use (mainly Diving Gryphon and Hench-Clan Hogsteed).

Like Raptor, Like Son: Thanks to the unnerfed Starving Buzzard, this one is quite easy as long as you also run Pen Flinger with small spells and queue into a control deck. Tol'vir Warden also helps a lot if you have it.

Pack Attack: Same principles as the previous one, except you run even more cheap spells. Notice that you don't have to actually fill the board, just summon at least 6 (which you can trade off at any point) so playing double Pack Runner helps, even though a single one shouuld be enough.


It's not "Spamming", It's Art: Play Hero Power Mage. A lot. It's not good, but there's worse things.

Shatter Combo: Put a strong focus on Freeze spells into any Mage deck and go to town. Wild probably makes it a lot easier, but it's not necessary.

Barrens Bubbler: Just play Spell Mage without Deck of Lunacy and eventually you'll get there.


Wear Your Sunday Best: 28 Minions, 2 copies of Invigorating Sermon. Also Knight of Anointment. Surprisingly enough, the deck isn't nearly as bad as you would expect if you put in enough good rush and Divine Shield cards.

Spell Slingin' Savior: Wild is mandatory here because of how much draw options there are for Paladin there. If you don't have your Flash of Light or Crystology still around you will be very sad. The best way is to run Libram of Wisdom and Lady Liadrin and focussing on getting back a lot of those. Then hope you're playing against a control deck and keep making Recruits that you stack with 5 Librams until you die.

Just between You and Me: Wild is equally mandatory here. Standard secrets are onlny 5 in number and at least two of them are quite hard to proc consistently. The best combo includes Noble Sacrifice, Avenge, Getaway Kodo and Redemption. The fifth secret is flexible and will probably vary in efficiency between match-ups. [Hearthstone Card (Oh my Yogg) Not Found] or Never Surrender! are probably the best options.

My recommended strategy is to collect secrets (and keep a Sword of the Fallen online to fish the last secret) and then play at least one Secretkeeper alongside another minion, which should present enough of a pile of stats for your opponent to respond immediately and hopefully being forced to trigger all the Secrets in one turn.


Blood Donation: Play Serena with Broom. As easy as it gets.

Two Health Bars: Go into Wild, pack all the healing spells you can find as well as a decent control package and hope you queue into something that's not an OTK deck. It's not hard, healing your opponent is not necessary, but can help.

Why Can't I Hold All These Cards?: Galakrond Priest in Wild. JUst run most of the Galakrond stuff to keep hand size consistent as well as some amount of draw. Then just play the control game as efficiently as possible while maintaining 9 cards in hand (you don't have to mill cards to get the achievement).


Identity Theft is not a joke: Either have Yoink! or find ways to discover it (Wandmaker, Scorpid, etc.)

Just Don't Touch the Blade: The new Field Contact Miracle Rogue is a great deck for all of these achievements. You can cycle through the deck rather qquickly and find what you need. IN order to minimize Ooze depression I recommend doing it all in a single turn.

Magnets, How Do They Work?: Galakrond Rogue in Wild. Umbral Skulker and the big G himself make this a walk in the park. Other than that, Efficient Octo-bot will probably also do the trick, but you won't be able to fight for the board as much.


My Dear Watson: Wild has more Elementals, but Standard works too. 30 Elementals or no balls.

Murlockdown: Murloc Shaman sucks dick in Standard, but it suffices. Ideally you go into Wild and use all the actually good Murlocs to get it done.

Extra Organic: Spell Damage Shaman ftw. Bru'kan probably makes this super easy, but you can do without him. Wild is probably a better avenue because Shaman has more draw there.


Shadow of a Shadow: Obviously Tamsin Roame is the main card for this. If you don't have her you can try using Emperor Thaurissan with cheap spells in Wild, but that will take a while and is probably not worth the time.

What's Better than Two Imps?: Neeru Fireblade is how you're supposed to complete this. Don't do that, you'll probably die before you get to play him. Instead, just type "Imp" into the search bar, go into Wild and build a deck full of Imp cards. It'll take a while, but you'll get there eventually.

Discard Inferno: If you are a poor peasant you'll have to use Envoy Rustwix with an empty deck. If you are a galaxy-brained elite like me, you just build a 29 legendary deck with one Altar of Fire in Wild and tap until you find it. Easiest achievement ever.


Hardcor Rancor: Mad Summoner is your best friend. All you need is an empty board on your side and at least one empty space on the enemy's.

It'll Take More than That: Apparently this is bugged and works for every class. As such it essentially auto-completes as long as you play minion-based deck. If they fixed it by now you can just play Frenzy Warrior which goes great with one of the neutral achievements.

Gym Buddies: The wording here seems confusing, but all you need is two of the same minion in hand and both copies of Bulk Up. Just build for draw and it'll happen. Just make sure not to run any other Taunt minions.


Sting Operation: Since a few of the above achievements require certain spells or running only minions you can jsut throw the Scorpid in and do it on the way. If you want to target it specifically you'll want Animated Broomstick or Warsong Commander.

Signature Moves: Obnoxious as fuck. Just throw Ranked Spells into every other Achievement deck that usually goes to 10-mana and play them along the way. As per usual, Spell generation can get you extra copies.

Frenzy Friends: Warrior is the best class for this, but you can do it any way you like. There's probably not even a reason to force this because it will complete by itself aas long as you play any deck with Frenzy minions in it.

Grand Guardian: Hunter or Druid. It's very simple. Primordial Protector you can get for free from the Tavern Pass so no need to craft it.

Maximum Security: If you're still playing Standard right now you've probably already completed this.

Life is a Highway: Fuck this entire thing. All the Caravans need to be buffed to 1/4s, it's actually absurd how bad they are other wise. Anyways, Paladin is the best choice for this because you have Righteous Protector, many buffs and more importantly, Gift of Luminance. Wild gives you the best draw options. You can also run Pursuit of Justice for fun. Rally! helps a lot with this as well.

I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, this one is pretty painful, mainly because the braindead playerbase will once again abandon all reason and attempt to murder your caravan with everything they have in their hand, so make sure you give them the maximum protection.

Everyone's in Here!: I thought this one was going to be hard until I realized....Commanding Shout + Bladestorm on an empty board (that you easily set up through Brawl into double Doomsayer) completes it easily. Also good for Frenzy farming.

Equivalent Exchange: Play a deck with good draw, run a couple of 10-drops and have a way to tutor your 0-mana 1/1 of choice (I prefer Crystology).

Build-a-Rock Workshop: Rogue is the most obvious choice because of Shadowstep. MAke sure you write down all your previous combinations so you don't forget which one's you're still missing.

Spawn Shop: Sounds annoying, but is actually pretty simple in Wild with hunter and all the Deathrattle synergies they have available. Play Dead, Nine Lives, Baron Rivendare, Necromechanic. The posibilities are endless. Draw is a bit of an issue, but the usual Tracking + Mad Scientist builds do the trick. Honestly, your biggest worry shouuld be winning too hard because it turns out spawning multiple big taunts over and over tends to grind down a lot of decks. Appease your opponent by refraining from caving their skull in so they tolerate your spawning shenanigans.

Hog Wild: Rogue. Wild. Brann Bronzebeard. Zola the Gorgon. Shadowstep. There is no better way. Efficient Octo-bot is great for setting up the combo.

Has Anyone Seen Mankrik's Wife?: First of all, you need to kill with the initial summon. Using the Mankrik minion after it has attacked won't complete the achievement.

Once again, Rogue in Wild is our saviour. Cycle through the deck quickly, throw burn into the opponent's face and then use Brann Bronzebeard, Mankrik and Shadowstep to finish them off. Just make sure you have enough space on the board for all the Mankriks.

Top Secret Snoop: As of now I consider this one uncompleteable by any normals means. There is no deck in Standard that currently runs 5 different Secrets (and plays them all that once). the only option would be Secret Rogue, which sucks balls, so you won't find it on ladder.

In Wild the situation isn't much better, mainly because the best Secret deck is Mage and I don't think you'll be able to survive without triggering their secrets.

If you desperately want this I'd just recommend throwing Operative into every deck you have and hoping to get lucky (in Wild). In Standard I wouldn't even bother because the only relevant Secret deck is Paladin and they only run 4 different Secrets.




Anyways, that's all I've got. I hope at least some of you found this helpful. If anyone got any more useful "cheats", feel free to post them.


mod edit: removed excessive profanity (sinti)

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    So since the Standard meta has turned out to be unplayable garbage that varies between decks that win by not letting you play the game and decks that are 100% randomly generated I decided I might as well pass the time by farming all of the experience-granting achievements, most of which I've completed by now (which wasn't fun).

    As a result, I think I can offer some valuable tips for those who haven't quite gotten around to them yet (especially since we don't have a dedicated thread for it yet).

    Basically I'm just gonna go through every achievement and offer some general pointers on how to get them done the most efficient way.

    As always, let me know if you have better ideas.

    Demon Hunter

    VENGEANCE...Next turn: Incredibly obnoxious but simple. Activating 200 Sigils isn't easy on account of there only being 2, which means you can trigger 4 per game at max (and you might not even get that depending on who you're facing). I recommend combining this with other achievements because it will take a while (50 games at least). You can also try finding extra copies through Venomous Scorpid.

    Don't Dead Open Inside: Wild is your best friend if you have [Hearthstone Card (N'zoth the Corruptor) Not Found]. If not, Khartut Defender still does a great job at speeding up the process. Death Speaker Blackthorn helps, but is far from necessary. Teron Gorefiend can also put in work if you have him.

    To the Left-Mooost! To the Waaall!: Easy if you have Kurtrus Ashfallen. If not, you can try and get him off Illidari Studies (which is what I did, although I wouldn't recommend it).


    The Final Frontier: Seems really hard to achieve without Aviana and Kun the Forgotten King. Ysiel Windsinger might also do the trick with enough set up (and preferably in Wild because Ultimate Infestation). Completing this the intended way through Celestial Alignment sounds like a bad joke. Getting Alignment off and ramping back to 5-mana with five 8+mana cards is a pipe dream. If you didn't get run down by that point your opponent will usually concede anyways.

    EDIT: Apparently Aviana + Kun doesn't work for some reason, so Alignment only it is (or maybe Ysiel, but I don't think anyone even owns that card).

    Buy One, Get One Free (of Taunt): Possibly the most obnoxious one. The best way to do this is by going into Wild, building a full cycle/ramp deck and then combining Plaguemaw the Rotting with Animated Broomstick and up to 5 small taunts such as Frostwolf Grunt, Goldshire Footman, Tournament Attendee and of course Thorngrowth Sentries. Getting more than one round of resurrects is very optimistic because the average player is a <snip snap> who can't possibly comprehend the concept of farming for achievements and will literally dump their entire hand just to get rid of Plaguemaw even if you haven't made any effort to actuallly win the game for 5 turns. At least you only need 50 procs total.

    Do it for the Vines: Go wild, stock up on cycle and ramp and just go to town. Usually, 3 combos per game should be definitely possible.


    Who Let the Dogs Out?: As easy as it gets apart from the fact that Hunter is hot garbage at the moment. Wild will probably be a better plays, simply because it has more Beasts with Rush that you can use (mainly Diving Gryphon and Hench-Clan Hogsteed).

    Like Raptor, Like Son: Thanks to the unnerfed Starving Buzzard, this one is quite easy as long as you also run Pen Flinger with small spells and queue into a control deck. Tol'vir Warden also helps a lot if you have it.

    Pack Attack: Same principles as the previous one, except you run even more cheap spells. Notice that you don't have to actually fill the board, just summon at least 6 (which you can trade off at any point) so playing double Pack Runner helps, even though a single one shouuld be enough.


    It's not "Spamming", It's Art: Play Hero Power Mage. A lot. It's not good, but there's worse things.

    Shatter Combo: Put a strong focus on Freeze spells into any Mage deck and go to town. Wild probably makes it a lot easier, but it's not necessary.

    Barrens Bubbler: Just play Spell Mage without Deck of Lunacy and eventually you'll get there.


    Wear Your Sunday Best: 28 Minions, 2 copies of Invigorating Sermon. Also Knight of Anointment. Surprisingly enough, the deck isn't nearly as bad as you would expect if you put in enough good rush and Divine Shield cards.

    Spell Slingin' Savior: Wild is mandatory here because of how much draw options there are for Paladin there. If you don't have your Flash of Light or Crystology still around you will be very sad. The best way is to run Libram of Wisdom and Lady Liadrin and focussing on getting back a lot of those. Then hope you're playing against a control deck and keep making Recruits that you stack with 5 Librams until you die.

    Just between You and Me: Wild is equally mandatory here. Standard secrets are onlny 5 in number and at least two of them are quite hard to proc consistently. The best combo includes Noble Sacrifice, Avenge, Getaway Kodo and Redemption. The fifth secret is flexible and will probably vary in efficiency between match-ups. [Hearthstone Card (Oh my Yogg) Not Found] or Never Surrender! are probably the best options.

    My recommended strategy is to collect secrets (and keep a Sword of the Fallen online to fish the last secret) and then play at least one Secretkeeper alongside another minion, which should present enough of a pile of stats for your opponent to respond immediately and hopefully being forced to trigger all the Secrets in one turn.


    Blood Donation: Play Serena with Broom. As easy as it gets.

    Two Health Bars: Go into Wild, pack all the healing spells you can find as well as a decent control package and hope you queue into something that's not an OTK deck. It's not hard, healing your opponent is not necessary, but can help.

    Why Can't I Hold All These Cards?: Galakrond Priest in Wild. JUst run most of the Galakrond stuff to keep hand size consistent as well as some amount of draw. Then just play the control game as efficiently as possible while maintaining 9 cards in hand (you don't have to mill cards to get the achievement).


    Identity Theft is not a joke: Either have Yoink! or find ways to discover it (Wandmaker, Scorpid, etc.)

    Just Don't Touch the Blade: The new Field Contact Miracle Rogue is a great deck for all of these achievements. You can cycle through the deck rather qquickly and find what you need. IN order to minimize Ooze depression I recommend doing it all in a single turn.

    Magnets, How Do They Work?: Galakrond Rogue in Wild. Umbral Skulker and the big G himself make this a walk in the park. Other than that, Efficient Octo-bot will probably also do the trick, but you won't be able to fight for the board as much.


    My Dear Watson: Wild has more Elementals, but Standard works too. 30 Elementals or no balls.

    Murlockdown: Murloc Shaman sucks dick in Standard, but it suffices. Ideally you go into Wild and use all the actually good Murlocs to get it done.

    Extra Organic: Spell Damage Shaman ftw. Bru'kan probably makes this super easy, but you can do without him. Wild is probably a better avenue because Shaman has more draw there.


    Shadow of a Shadow: Obviously Tamsin Roame is the main card for this. If you don't have her you can try using Emperor Thaurissan with cheap spells in Wild, but that will take a while and is probably not worth the time.

    What's Better than Two Imps?: Neeru Fireblade is how you're supposed to complete this. Don't do that, you'll probably die before you get to play him. Instead, just type "Imp" into the search bar, go into Wild and build a deck full of Imp cards. It'll take a while, but you'll get there eventually.

    Discard Inferno: If you are a poor peasant you'll have to use Envoy Rustwix with an empty deck. If you are a galaxy-brained elite like me, you just build a 29 legendary deck with one Altar of Fire in Wild and tap until you find it. Easiest achievement ever.


    Hardcor Rancor: Mad Summoner is your best friend. All you need is an empty board on your side and at least one empty space on the enemy's.

    It'll Take More than That: Apparently this is bugged and works for every class. As such it essentially auto-completes as long as you play minion-based deck. If they fixed it by now you can just play Frenzy Warrior which goes great with one of the neutral achievements.

    Gym Buddies: The wording here seems confusing, but all you need is two of the same minion in hand and both copies of Bulk Up. Just build for draw and it'll happen. Just make sure not to run any other Taunt minions.


    Sting Operation: Since a few of the above achievements require certain spells or running only minions you can jsut throw the Scorpid in and do it on the way. If you want to target it specifically you'll want Animated Broomstick or Warsong Commander.

    Signature Moves: Obnoxious as fuck. Just throw Ranked Spells into every other Achievement deck that usually goes to 10-mana and play them along the way. As per usual, Spell generation can get you extra copies.

    Frenzy Friends: Warrior is the best class for this, but you can do it any way you like. There's probably not even a reason to force this because it will complete by itself aas long as you play any deck with Frenzy minions in it.

    Grand Guardian: Hunter or Druid. It's very simple. Primordial Protector you can get for free from the Tavern Pass so no need to craft it.

    Maximum Security: If you're still playing Standard right now you've probably already completed this.

    Life is a Highway: Fuck this entire thing. All the Caravans need to be buffed to 1/4s, it's actually absurd how bad they are other wise. Anyways, Paladin is the best choice for this because you have Righteous Protector, many buffs and more importantly, Gift of Luminance. Wild gives you the best draw options. You can also run Pursuit of Justice for fun. Rally! helps a lot with this as well.

    I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, this one is pretty painful, mainly because the braindead playerbase will once again abandon all reason and attempt to murder your caravan with everything they have in their hand, so make sure you give them the maximum protection.

    Everyone's in Here!: I thought this one was going to be hard until I realized....Commanding Shout + Bladestorm on an empty board (that you easily set up through Brawl into double Doomsayer) completes it easily. Also good for Frenzy farming.

    Equivalent Exchange: Play a deck with good draw, run a couple of 10-drops and have a way to tutor your 0-mana 1/1 of choice (I prefer Crystology).

    Build-a-Rock Workshop: Rogue is the most obvious choice because of Shadowstep. MAke sure you write down all your previous combinations so you don't forget which one's you're still missing.

    Spawn Shop: Sounds annoying, but is actually pretty simple in Wild with hunter and all the Deathrattle synergies they have available. Play Dead, Nine Lives, Baron Rivendare, Necromechanic. The posibilities are endless. Draw is a bit of an issue, but the usual Tracking + Mad Scientist builds do the trick. Honestly, your biggest worry shouuld be winning too hard because it turns out spawning multiple big taunts over and over tends to grind down a lot of decks. Appease your opponent by refraining from caving their skull in so they tolerate your spawning shenanigans.

    Hog Wild: Rogue. Wild. Brann Bronzebeard. Zola the Gorgon. Shadowstep. There is no better way. Efficient Octo-bot is great for setting up the combo.

    Has Anyone Seen Mankrik's Wife?: First of all, you need to kill with the initial summon. Using the Mankrik minion after it has attacked won't complete the achievement.

    Once again, Rogue in Wild is our saviour. Cycle through the deck quickly, throw burn into the opponent's face and then use Brann Bronzebeard, Mankrik and Shadowstep to finish them off. Just make sure you have enough space on the board for all the Mankriks.

    Top Secret Snoop: As of now I consider this one uncompleteable by any normals means. There is no deck in Standard that currently runs 5 different Secrets (and plays them all that once). the only option would be Secret Rogue, which sucks balls, so you won't find it on ladder.

    In Wild the situation isn't much better, mainly because the best Secret deck is Mage and I don't think you'll be able to survive without triggering their secrets.

    If you desperately want this I'd just recommend throwing Operative into every deck you have and hoping to get lucky (in Wild). In Standard I wouldn't even bother because the only relevant Secret deck is Paladin and they only run 4 different Secrets.




    Anyways, that's all I've got. I hope at least some of you found this helpful. If anyone got any more useful "cheats", feel free to post them.


    mod edit: removed excessive profanity (sinti)

    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • AngryShuckie's Avatar
    1705 1735 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare
    The Final Frontier: Seems really hard to achieve without Aviana and Kun the Forgotten KingYsiel Windsinger might also do the trick with enough set up (and preferably in Wild because Ultimate Infestation). Completing this the intended way through Celestial Alignment sounds like a bad joke. Getting Alignment off and ramping back to 5-mana with five 8+mana cards is a pipe dream. If you didn't get run down by that point your opponent will usually concede anyways.

    I'm pretty sure I got this first try via Celestial Alignment, so it's really not too difficult. Like with many things in druid: if it looks like a pipe dream, it's probably going to work :P

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare


    The Final Frontier: Seems really hard to achieve without Aviana and Kun the Forgotten King. Ysiel Windsinger might also do the trick with enough set up (and preferably in Wild because Ultimate Infestation). Completing this the intended way through Celestial Alignment sounds like a bad joke. Getting Alignment off and ramping back to 5-mana with five 8+mana cards is a pipe dream. If you didn't get run down by that point your opponent will usually concede anyways.

    Did you get this achievement when playing this combo? Because I didn't and I just want to make sure it wasn't just a bug.

    Played Aviana, Kun the Forgotten King, The Lich King, Survival of the Fittest, Ysiel Windsinger and Ultimate Infestation for a total of 6 cards and got nothing. 

    Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
    Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906

  • Nuagoo's Avatar
    370 117 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Really appreachiate the dedication (though forced in a way) - I'll definitely try some of these!

  • KANSAS's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Don't make the same mistake as me with the rancor achievement and think that you needed to kill 14 minions. I did it with Doomsayer to start with an empty board, Mad Summoner to put 13 imps on the board, double Inner Rage to get the summoner to 2 health, then Rancor to kill everything. It was way more trouble than was necessary, but thankfully it only took me 3 games.

    Right now I am working on summoning imps and casting 0 mana shadow spells. There are a few shadow spells in wild that already cost 0 mana, but Thaurissan is a good idea.

    Carrion, my wayward grub.

  • Alfi's Avatar
    Devoted Academic 1790 1375 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From ElSabidon
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare


    The Final Frontier: Seems really hard to achieve without Aviana and Kun the Forgotten King. Ysiel Windsinger might also do the trick with enough set up (and preferably in Wild because Ultimate Infestation). Completing this the intended way through Celestial Alignment sounds like a bad joke. Getting Alignment off and ramping back to 5-mana with five 8+mana cards is a pipe dream. If you didn't get run down by that point your opponent will usually concede anyways.

    Did you get this achievement when playing this combo? Because I didn't and I just want to make sure it wasn't just a bug.

    Played Aviana, Kun the Forgotten King, The Lich King, Survival of the Fittest, Ysiel Windsinger and Ultimate Infestation for a total of 6 cards and got nothing. 

    Same for me, it do not work in Wild, most likely bu


  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From ElSabidon
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare


    The Final Frontier: Seems really hard to achieve without Aviana and Kun the Forgotten King. Ysiel Windsinger might also do the trick with enough set up (and preferably in Wild because Ultimate Infestation). Completing this the intended way through Celestial Alignment sounds like a bad joke. Getting Alignment off and ramping back to 5-mana with five 8+mana cards is a pipe dream. If you didn't get run down by that point your opponent will usually concede anyways.

    Did you get this achievement when playing this combo? Because I didn't and I just want to make sure it wasn't just a bug.

    Played Aviana, Kun the Forgotten King, The Lich King, Survival of the Fittest, Ysiel Windsinger and Ultimate Infestation for a total of 6 cards and got nothing. 

    Oh sorry, I hadn't gotten to that yet, but I just assumed it would have worked with Aviana but I guess they hardcoded it for Alignment.

    My bad there.

    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From KANSAS

    Don't make the same mistake as me with the rancor achievement and think that you needed to kill 14 minions. I did it with Doomsayer to start with an empty board, Mad Summoner to put 13 imps on the board, double Inner Rage to get the summoner to 2 health, then Rancor to kill everything. It was way more trouble than was necessary, but thankfully it only took me 3 games.

    Right now I am working on summoning imps and casting 0 mana shadow spells. There are a few shadow spells in wild that already cost 0 mana, but Thaurissan is a good idea.

    Funny enough, I actually thought that's what i had to do until I realised Rancor gives 2 armor per hit. Almost went for it too...

    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • h0lysatan's Avatar
    Zombie 1065 790 Posts Joined 12/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    It really helps me. thanks so much for doing this.

    Knowledge is Power

  • thehomemaster's Avatar
    10 1 Posts Joined 04/03/2021
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Good one for the Ranked Spell achievement is Priest, cause you live quite long and ties in with Two Health Bars.

    BIG PIECE OF ADVICE - play Lightshower Elemental for healing and use RAISE DEAD. It got me My Dear Watson (play elementals 5 turns in a row) achievement. Raise dead gives you more elementals and also another chance for BLoodfeather.

  • KANSAS's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare
    Quote From ElSabidon
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare


    The Final Frontier: Seems really hard to achieve without Aviana and Kun the Forgotten King. Ysiel Windsinger might also do the trick with enough set up (and preferably in Wild because Ultimate Infestation). Completing this the intended way through Celestial Alignment sounds like a bad joke. Getting Alignment off and ramping back to 5-mana with five 8+mana cards is a pipe dream. If you didn't get run down by that point your opponent will usually concede anyways.

    Did you get this achievement when playing this combo? Because I didn't and I just want to make sure it wasn't just a bug.

    Played Aviana, Kun the Forgotten King, The Lich King, Survival of the Fittest, Ysiel Windsinger and Ultimate Infestation for a total of 6 cards and got nothing. 

    Oh sorry, I hadn't gotten to that yet, but I just assumed it would have worked with Aviana but I guess they hardcoded it for Alignment.

    My bad there.

    I don't think it works if you play more than 5 cards since the achievement says "5 cards" not "5 or more". I had a similar issue with Do it for the Vines not counting some of my plays. I cannot confirm this but so far it is my best theory.

    Carrion, my wayward grub.

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From KANSAS
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare
    Quote From ElSabidon
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare


    The Final Frontier: Seems really hard to achieve without Aviana and Kun the Forgotten King. Ysiel Windsinger might also do the trick with enough set up (and preferably in Wild because Ultimate Infestation). Completing this the intended way through Celestial Alignment sounds like a bad joke. Getting Alignment off and ramping back to 5-mana with five 8+mana cards is a pipe dream. If you didn't get run down by that point your opponent will usually concede anyways.

    Did you get this achievement when playing this combo? Because I didn't and I just want to make sure it wasn't just a bug.

    Played Aviana, Kun the Forgotten King, The Lich King, Survival of the Fittest, Ysiel Windsinger and Ultimate Infestation for a total of 6 cards and got nothing. 

    Oh sorry, I hadn't gotten to that yet, but I just assumed it would have worked with Aviana but I guess they hardcoded it for Alignment.

    My bad there.

    I don't think it works if you play more than 5 cards since the achievement says "5 cards" not "5 or more". I had a similar issue with Do it for the Vines not counting some of my plays. I cannot confirm this but so far it is my best theory.

    nope, that can't be the case because the achievement would have completed the moment you played your fifth card. Do it for the Vines also works like this and if you missed some it was probably because you didn't use Nature spells (Excess Mana isn't a NAture spell for instance, maybe that was the issue)

    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From KANSAS
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare
    Quote From ElSabidon
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare


    The Final Frontier: Seems really hard to achieve without Aviana and Kun the Forgotten King. Ysiel Windsinger might also do the trick with enough set up (and preferably in Wild because Ultimate Infestation). Completing this the intended way through Celestial Alignment sounds like a bad joke. Getting Alignment off and ramping back to 5-mana with five 8+mana cards is a pipe dream. If you didn't get run down by that point your opponent will usually concede anyways.

    Did you get this achievement when playing this combo? Because I didn't and I just want to make sure it wasn't just a bug.

    Played Aviana, Kun the Forgotten King, The Lich King, Survival of the Fittest, Ysiel Windsinger and Ultimate Infestation for a total of 6 cards and got nothing. 

    Oh sorry, I hadn't gotten to that yet, but I just assumed it would have worked with Aviana but I guess they hardcoded it for Alignment.

    My bad there.

    I don't think it works if you play more than 5 cards since the achievement says "5 cards" not "5 or more". I had a similar issue with Do it for the Vines not counting some of my plays. I cannot confirm this but so far it is my best theory.

    Small update:

    I managed to complete this one by using Galakrond Rogue (shuffling high cost minions with Scheme and then Brann + Galakrond to odraw 6 of them for 0 mana). This means that it's not tied to the number of cards or Alignment.

    I think the reason why Aviana doesn't work is because the achievement requires permanent discounts instead of temporary ones for some reason.

    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • Niklink's Avatar
    225 21 Posts Joined 04/03/2021
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago
    My own notes and decks on what I've done so far and can contribute additional info towards:


    The Final Frontier: I also tried Naga Sea Witch + Giants. Doesn't work. Seems to be hardcoded to Celestial Alignment, which is fucked up.

    Buy One, Get One Free (of Taunt): I hated doing this one so much. My deck probably sucks but I was so angry at this nonsense I kinda refused to think about it any further. The big card you missed is Infested Goblin, that gives you 1-mana Taunt tokens to Broomstick. AAEBAZICBIUQ0eEDwuwD1qAEDcQG+waaB4EOoM0CntICv/ICoaEDnKQDlc0DmOoDrewDku4DAA==

    Do it for the Vines: Please note that Solar Eclipse proc does not count as an additional cast per turn for this achievement! You need to actually play 5 Nature spells. AAEBAZICBOQI1hGMrgPR4QMN6QH+AcQGntICv/ICj/YC5boD7LoDm84D8NQDrewDtuwDtaAEAA==


    Barrens Bubbler: AAECAf0EAA/CuAOBvwP30QOR4QOF5AOS5APQ7APR7APB8AP8ngT9ngTmnwTnnwTonwTpnwQA


    Wear Your Sunday Best: If you run Invigorating Sermon as your only Holy spell, you can tutor it with Knight of Anointment. Also you can proc it twice with Archmage Vargoth, which reduces the amount of games needed. AAEBAZ8FBO0F/gf8/ALWmQMNnAL4B/sM97wC3sQC48sC2JgD+84DtuEDkuQDzOsD5+wDoaAEAA==

    Spell Slingin' Savior: Try to proc it twice in one game to max out that efficiency. AAEBAZ8FAu0FtJsDDowB6AGcAs4D3QqMDtMWs8ECz4YD7IYD+ZMDlrYDysED9+MDAA==

    Just between You and Me: The fifth secret can also be Autodefense Matrix.


    Two Health Bars: Reno. Just play a Reno deck with some extra self heals thrown in against something like a Secret Mage.

    Why Can't I Hold All These Cards?: Maybe my deck idea wasn't the best, but I just ran a bunch of token in hand generators to get to a full hand as quickly as possible and tried to stall with 10 cards in hand as long as possible. You can play cards that give you a card back in your hand without losing an Achievement proc next turn, and take careful note of which cards give you more than one card back in your hand so that you can play stuff and fill back up. Usually around 4-5 procs per match if the opponent wasn't aggro, in which case I would just concede immediately. AAEBAa0GBJIP2MIDtIoEtYoEDR7GzALo0ALF7ALJ7ALm7AKSgAPSiQO0kQOBsQPXzgP+0QPi3gMA


    Identity Theft is not a joke: To complete the achievement you need to get the basic Rogue hero power from Yoink!. This can only happen if your own hero power is already not Rogue's. You can either run two Yoink!s or if you only unpacked one copy like me you can use Sir Finley Mrrgglton. KEEP NOTES ON WHAT HERO POWERS YOU'VE GOTTEN ALREADY.

    Just Don't Touch the Blade / Magnets, How Do They Work?: You can do both of these in the same deck, real easy. The trick is Cutting Class synergizing with your buffed poisoned weapon. Mix in Efficient Octo-bot procs and prepare a big Gadgetzan Auctioneer turn. Did it in one match. AAEBAaIHAq3rA67rAw7EAc0DpAfeB4YJ9bsCx84D99QDgeQDqesDq+sDrOsDkZ8Ekp8EAA==


    Extra Organic: Bru'kan isn't even that good. What you want is to play Beakered Lightning on a full board with a lot of Spell Damage thrown in. Rune Dagger makes things easier, Imprisoned Phoenix lets you set up in advance, Talented Arcanist gives you SD+2 same turn, Mad Summoner for when your opponent's side of the board is empty too. You can get 50 extra Nature damage per game, easy. AAEBAaoIAu0FkuQDDpwCvBTjuwKe/QKc/wLWnQPYqQOmywPNzgOH5APq5wOR6AOV6AOhoAQA


    Shadow of a Shadow: There are four 0-cost Shadow spells in the game already. Plus like you said, Thaurissan procs on 1-cost spells if you're lucky and your opponent is playing nice. AAEBAf0GAu0F1hEOowH7AZwCxAi2rALexALy0ALx9wKnmAPXzgPs0QPM0gOS5AON5wMA

    What's Better than Two Imps?: Mad Summoner is your friend! Actually there are so many imp summoning cards, the way you're 'supposed' to get this achievement is SO much slower. Note the 0-cost spells thrown in this deck, they're actually to help you progress the other achievement while you're at this one. Probably should have thrown Ritual of Doom in there, but I forgot that card existed until later on oops AAEBAf0GApwC7QUOowHcBsQI3Q+2rALexALy0AKQ7gKrkQPWnQOdqQPXzgO84wOS5AMA


    Gym Buddies: You can also use Archmage Vargoth in lieu of drawing the second Bulk Up. Personally I ended up with a really fun deck revolving around spamming infinite Injured Tol'virs with Barista Lynchen. Almost burned my Bulk Up because I had so many Tol'virs in hand lol


    Everyone's in Here!: Overlord's Whip gives you one Gruntled Patron proc instantly without having to lose mana that turn. After that you just need two Frenzy procs from cards like Inner Rage, Whirlwind (not two though or you'll start killing Patrons), or Improve Morale. When you have one full health and three damaged Patrons on board it's time for the coup de grace: Sudden Genesis. ez game ez life AAEBAQcE1ATWEY/tA4egBA0WnAKiBP8Hv8MCo4sDhJ8D9sID9+MDkuQD1egDtJ8EoaAEAA==

    Has Anyone Seen Mankrik's Wife?: I just stuck Mankrik in wild discard Warlock and waited to play it until my opponent was very low on health, making sure to trade disfavorably to make it seem like they had a chance. You only have to get lucky once, it took me three matches.

    Top Secret Snoop: What if I told you there is a reliable setup for this achievement? This is my magnum opus. BEHOLD:

    Time Out! + Lorewalker Cho + play 5 different secrets + Millhouse Manastorm

    Constraint number 1: Opponent needs to have 5 cards or less in hand. Constraint number 2: They need to proc the secrets next turn. This is actually not that hard, because they WILL try to get rid of your minions, Cho especially, they can't even hit your face anyways. Constraint number 3: You need two Emperor Thaurissan procs, although this is not very hard because you run so many secrets that discounting two of them is trivial. To be totally honest, I did it without Millhouse since I just went for it because I was going to lose the next turn anyways, but if you give your opponent five free secrets they are almost certainly going to play them and free up some hand space.
    I ran a bunch of different secrets to guarantee I would have five different ones to play, but PLEASE do not run Oh My Yogg! or Eye for an Eye, because they will either not proc or proc and fuck up the setup. Sacred Trial is also too inconsistent to get rid of on your side.
    Here's the deck: AAEBAZ8FDIwByATXBu8I1hGLvQLA/QLY/gKOmgPb7gPQ9wPIoAQJnALPhgPshgP5kwP34wOS5AOY6gPP6wPu8QMA
  • Fedrion's Avatar
    Zombie 1675 733 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    There should be a common knowledge of saying/spamming "Thanks" to let the opponent know you're looking to fulfill achievements... Honestly I'm f'ing tired of finding only aggroheaded people with just winning in their minds.

    I know that competitiveness is the main goal of the game, but my god the people just keeps getting worse and worse...

    Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.

  • h0lysatan's Avatar
    Zombie 1065 790 Posts Joined 12/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    I usually not attack the hero while pursuing achievements. Sometimes they got it, sometimes they don't care. The biggest letdown for me, is when I reached 4th raptor frenzy combo, and then they realized I'm only there for the achievements, and they concede on the spot. It really tick me off.

    Knowledge is Power

  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2285 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    I think "Do it for the Vines" is bugged. I've played 5 in a turn twice now, but it still reads 0/25. Yes, I am sure they were all Druid Nature spells. My only thought is that Lightning Bloom might not count since it's also a Shaman card (clearly this would be an unintended interaction).

    "Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted

  • Vandaren's Avatar
    620 636 Posts Joined 06/05/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Just want to ask, if i have a Tavern Pass, should i wait until around lvl 40 (20% bonus on exp, cmiiw) to complete these achievements or that doesn't matter at all??

  • Alleria's Avatar
    Eevee 1275 863 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From Vandaren

    Just want to ask, if i have a Tavern Pass, should i wait until around lvl 40 (20% bonus on exp, cmiiw) to complete these achievements or that doesn't matter at all??

    The 20% bonus on exp is on the 70 lvl this time, so I think it´s better to make the achievements now to get to lvl 70 sooner, it shouldn´t make that much of a difference in the long run imo.

    ♡ u 4ever 2008 - 2022

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From Pezman

    I think "Do it for the Vines" is bugged. I've played 5 in a turn twice now, but it still reads 0/25. Yes, I am sure they were all Druid Nature spells. My only thought is that Lightning Bloom might not count since it's also a Shaman card (clearly this would be an unintended interaction).

    you might be correct, because I tried using Raise Dead for the Warlock quest and it didn't count.


    Apparently Dual class spells are bugged as of this patch (but weren't in the last, because I completed the Druid one before  just fine)

    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • FinalOlive's Avatar
    140 38 Posts Joined 11/19/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Is it just me or are these new xp achievements much worse than the previous ones?

    Seems like it's not worth actively doing and is a waste of time. Maybe I was just more enthusiastic for them in the first time.

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From Vandaren

    Just want to ask, if i have a Tavern Pass, should i wait until around lvl 40 (20% bonus on exp, cmiiw) to complete these achievements or that doesn't matter at all??

    I don't think it matters, mainly because the bonus is so small it'S basically irrelevant (also I think it's bugged because it shows I get 213 Exp for a 200 exp achievement and basic math tells us that 20% of 200 is not 13)

    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From FinalOlive

    Is it just me or are these new xp achievements much worse than the previous ones?

    Seems like it's not worth actively doing and is a waste of time. Maybe I was just more enthusiastic for them in the first time.

    I'd say most of them are better because they don't require ridiculous RNG or owning lots of cards. Most of these can easily be completed even if you don't own the intended cards (except for the 3 or 4 that require specific ones that can't be generated through other ways).

    They're just really grindy, that's probably the most annoying part.

    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • Dermostatic's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 535 228 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Just wanted to say a massive thank you for these tips, I've managed to get quite a few achievements over the last few days.

    Watching people react to me summoning imp after imp after imp was hilarious, even if only about half of them were happy to go along for the ride.

    Started playing HS in May, 2015. The bad news: I missed the excitement of 'Naxx out?' and GvG. The good news: I never met an Undertaker.

  • Blackbird's Avatar
    Banned Snow-Covered 95 22 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Quote From <a data-tooltip-url=
    Spell Slingin' Savior: Wild is mandatory here because of how much draw options there are for Paladin there. If you don't have your Flash of Light or Crystology still around you will be very sad. The best way is to run Libram of Wisdom and Lady Liadrin and focussing on getting back a lot of those. Then hope you're playing against a control deck and keep making Recruits that you stack with 5 Librams until you die.

    Important note. Spells of Light that you play on your opponent's minion do not count for the achievement. 

  • Alfi's Avatar
    Devoted Academic 1790 1375 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare
    Quote From Vandaren

    Just want to ask, if i have a Tavern Pass, should i wait until around lvl 40 (20% bonus on exp, cmiiw) to complete these achievements or that doesn't matter at all??

    I don't think it matters, mainly because the bonus is so small it'S basically irrelevant (also I think it's bugged because it shows I get 213 Exp for a 200 exp achievement and basic math tells us that 20% of 200 is not 13)

    Also, for each class the 3 part chievement you get 500 xp for last one except for warrior which get only 20


  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    The play 5 Nature Druid spells isn't counting them correctly. I just played a game with a deck consisting of literally 30 Nature spells and did it twice (even recounted both times to make sure) and the achievement did not progress with either of them. Considering the blunder I had with the Aviana + Kun the Forgotten King combo for the "Play 5 cards that normally would cost 8+ mana on a single turn", I'm advising everyone to steer clear of these druid achievements for now or you'll be facing a lot of disappointment. - here's the replay for anyone interested (you can also confirm my deck). The Witchwood Apple I discovered is also a Nature spell.

    Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
    Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906

  • Niklink's Avatar
    225 21 Posts Joined 04/03/2021
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    I've had no issue completing this achievement except for Solar Eclipse's extra cast not counting. The only card you're using that I didn't in that replay is Jade Blossom. Dunno what else to tell you.

  • Riffraff's Avatar
    760 370 Posts Joined 04/30/2020
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Thanks for the great write-ups and tips! Really appreciate the notes. I started farming the XP achievements on the 30th as soon as the expansion dropped. I am a little over 70% done according to the in-client tracker. 

    My feeling is that generally the requirements are a little easier than in Darkmoon Faire (less legendaries required for sure), but some of them feel awfully grindy and take forever. I started out with the druid taunt one (Plaguemaw) and never drew him so I moved onto another class, and haven't gone back yet.

    Thanks again for the write-ups!

  • Tumbleweedovski's Avatar
    Protector of Elwynn 1470 598 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    For Hardcor Rancor (gain 14 armor with a single Rancor) you don't need a full board if you already have some armor. As long as Rancor nets it to 14 or more you should get the achievement. I'm pretty sure that's how I just got mine.

    Arena > Wild > Standard

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From Niklink

    I've had no issue completing this achievement except for Solar Eclipse's extra cast not counting. The only card you're using that I didn't in that replay is Jade Blossom. Dunno what else to tell you.

    Well, Jade Blossom was used in both 5 spells turns and, honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the Nature tag was given to it by mistake. I replaced it with 2 Treenforcements. I did base my deck on your decklist, so it's also understandable that most of the cards are the same.

    Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
    Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906

  • 4iamking's Avatar
    225 17 Posts Joined 03/21/2021
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    for top secret snoop:

    ### Superschnüffler
    # Klasse: Paladin
    # Format: Wild
    # 2x (1) Abrechnung
    # 2x (1) Auge um Auge
    # 2x (1) Erlösung
    # 2x (1) Fluchtkodo
    # 2x (1) Galoppierender Retter
    # 2x (1) Heldenopfer
    # 2x (1) Letztes Mittel
    # 2x (1) Rächer
    # 2x (1) Verteidigungsmatrix
    # 2x (2) Hydrologin
    # 1x (2) Lehrensucher Cho
    # 1x (2) Sonnenhäscherspionin
    # 2x (3) Agentin der Horde
    # 2x (3) Illuminatorin
    # 1x (3) Maskierter Rivale
    # 2x (3) Nordwachtkommandant
    # 1x (5) Kanonier Hecksler
    # Um dieses Deck zu verwenden, kopiert es in Eure Zwischenablage und erstellt ein neues Deck in Hearthstone.



    I used a similar strategy to YoggChamp from the Darkmoon Faire run and got the achievement pretty easily.

    Mulligan Hard for Lorewalker Cho & potentially Cannonmaster Smythe.

    When ready drop Cho and send secrets over to your opponent, desperate measures is best since its twinspell and effectively counts as 2 secrets (especially if opponents hand is close to full). Feel free to clog the opponents hand as it will only increase the incentive for them to play the secrets. then have your opponent plays them out the next turn.

    Once the opponent played 5 secrets drop cannonmaster if there are any untriggered secrets followed by horde operative and profit.

    In my case the cannonmaster was not needed because the opponent triggered all the secrets I sent over with cho but its in the deck for this purpose.

    Also if you want to replace any secrets In this deck you might not have, the only thing I say to that is I specifically omitted secrets that trigger when a minion or spell is played (not to be put off by the opponent playing secrets, or by your own Smythe when you need to clear your own secrets), so no Oh my yogg/Repentence! but otherwise they are basically swappable to whatever you have in your collection.

  • AngryShuckie's Avatar
    1705 1735 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From 4iamking

    for top secret snoop:

    ### Superschnüffler
    # [snip]
    # Um dieses Deck zu verwenden, kopiert es in Eure Zwischenablage und erstellt ein neues Deck in Hearthstone.



    I used a similar strategy to YoggChamp from the Darkmoon Faire run and got the achievement pretty easily.

    Mulligan Hard for Lorewalker Cho & potentially Cannonmaster Smythe.

    When ready drop Cho and send secrets over to your opponent, desperate measures is best since its twinspell and effectively counts as 2 secrets (especially if opponents hand is close to full). Feel free to clog the opponents hand as it will only increase the incentive for them to play the secrets. then have your opponent plays them out the next turn.

    Once the opponent played 5 secrets drop cannonmaster if there are any untriggered secrets followed by horde operative and profit.

    In my case the cannonmaster was not needed because the opponent triggered all the secrets I sent over with cho but its in the deck for this purpose.

    Also if you want to replace any secrets In this deck you might not have, the only thing I say to that is I specifically omitted secrets that trigger when a minion or spell is played (not to be put off by the opponent playing secrets, or by your own Smythe when you need to clear your own secrets), so no Oh my yogg/Repentence! but otherwise they are basically swappable to whatever you have in your collection.

    Thank goodness (yet again) for Lorewalker Cho! My deck was different in that it ran a fairly typical control paladin shell with lots of draw, but only 5 secrets with the plan that Subject 9 would find those. The secrets I chose were particularly undisruptive, and were intended to demonstrate clearly how little interest I had in winning the game.

    Despite that, the hardest part was finding an opponent able to recognise when someone is just trying to complete an achievement, and then choose to be kind. I guess it's fitting it was a The Last Kaleidosaur quest paladin who finally helped me out, though I did feel a little bad when my Reckoning killed his Galvadon.

  • 4iamking's Avatar
    225 17 Posts Joined 03/21/2021
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From AngryShuckie
    Thank goodness (yet again) for Lorewalker Cho

    I mean for YoggChamp! I used Mischief Maker because sending Oh my Yogg! over with  Lorewalker Cho would make the opponent trigger your oh my yogg with the one your trying to give them, but when you do these kinda decks you just have to build them assuming the opponent is dumb and doesnt know what your doing.

    The overall concept is the same though in that you bait the opponent into setting up the stage for you to complete the achievement.

  • AngryShuckie's Avatar
    1705 1735 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From 4iamking
    Quote From AngryShuckie
    Thank goodness (yet again) for Lorewalker Cho

    I mean for YoggChamp! I used Mischief Maker because sending Oh my Yogg! over with  Lorewalker Cho would make the opponent trigger your oh my yogg with the one your trying to give them, but when you do these kinda decks you just have to build them assuming the opponent is dumb and doesnt know what your doing.

    The overall concept is the same though in that you bait the opponent into setting up the stage for you to complete the achievement.

    I curious about how you did YoggChamp! now. When I did it I had an elaborate scheme involving multiple Chos to multiply Oh My Yogg! and a lot of coins to hope to transform into Raise Dead, all enabled by intentionally encountering a friend in ranked.

    So I didn't have the patience to bait the opponent into it and then hope RNG was kind, and just rigged the whole system instead. There was plenty of baiting involved when I did the achievement for Shadow Clone though. Hmm, the achievements associated with secrets tend to be a lot more work than the others, now that I look at it. I suppose that makes sense since they have to involve the opponent doing something.

  • 4iamking's Avatar
    225 17 Posts Joined 03/21/2021
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From AngryShuckie
    I curious about how you did YoggChamp! now.
    ### yoggchamp
    # Klasse: Paladin
    # Format: Wild
    # 2x (0) Erster Schultag
    # 2x (1) Oh mein Yogg!
    # 2x (2) Beutehamsterer
    # 2x (2) Hand von A'dal
    # 2x (2) Ingenieurslehrling
    # 2x (2) Lichtblitz
    # 2x (2) Manafresserpanthara
    # 1x (2) Nat Pagle
    # 2x (2) Preishändler
    # 2x (2) Rotschuppendrachenzähmer
    # 1x (3) Auszeit
    # 2x (3) Das Abenteuer ruft
    # 2x (3) Salhets Stolz
    # 1x (3) Tiefenlichtorakel
    # 1x (3) Unruhestifterin
    # 2x (5) Bernsteinwächter
    # 1x (5) Wissenshüter Polkelt
    # 1x (10) Rückkehr der Verflossenen
    # Um dieses Deck zu verwenden, kopiert es in Eure Zwischenablage und erstellt ein neues Deck in Hearthstone.
    That was my list for yoggchamp!, basically have the only 1 drop in the deck be Oh My Yogg!, sort the deck with Polkelt, draw through it like crazy, use mischief maker to give the secret to the opponent and then play into it with anyfin can happen when a hero is under 5 health (clearing the board as much as possible) for a 2/9 chance at lethal. It took like 2 hours but I did it.
  • Blackbird's Avatar
    Banned Snow-Covered 95 22 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare


    The Final Frontier: Seems really hard to achieve without Aviana and Kun the Forgotten KingYsiel Windsinger might also do the trick with enough set up (and preferably in Wild because Ultimate Infestation). Completing this the intended way through Celestial Alignment sounds like a bad joke. Getting Alignment off and ramping back to 5-mana with five 8+mana cards is a pipe dream. If you didn't get run down by that point your opponent will usually concede anyways.

    EDIT: Apparently Aviana + Kun doesn't work for some reason, so Alignment only it is (or maybe Ysiel, but I don't think anyone even owns that card).

    Jungle Giants Quest with Barnabus doesn't work either.

    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare

    you might be correct, because I tried using Raise Dead for the Warlock quest and it didn't count.


    Apparently Dual class spells are bugged as of this patch (but weren't in the last, because I completed the Druid one before  just fine)

    I can confirm that after excluding Lightning Bloom I get 5 combos correctly per game. Before I got only 3 and couldn't figure out, what was happening.

    Here is the deck for making 5 combos per game consistently:


  • Alleria's Avatar
    Eevee 1275 863 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Another useful tip for Everyone's in Here! I was trying other suggestions, but couldn´t make it work. Then I went to Duels and found out this works like charm, it requires only two cards, almost no set up, apart from having no minions on your side of the board. Easy peasy.

    1.Go to Casual Duels

    2. Pick Rattlegore

    3. Pick Spiked Arms treasure weapon

    4. Build deck with Gruntled Patron (put in some card draw, armor, no other minions preferably)

    5. Turn 3 play the weapon, turn 4 play the patron on empty board (or if you´re affraid of weapon destruction from your opponent, just play both cards on turn 7, just don´t forget to play the weapon first)

    6. End turn with full board of patrons

    7. Profit :)

    Note: works only if you have the treasure unlocked ofc.

    ♡ u 4ever 2008 - 2022

  • allthehype's Avatar
    Crossroads Historian 630 739 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From Alleria

    Another useful tip for Everyone's in Here! I was trying other suggestions, but couldn´t make it work. Then I went to Duels and found out this works like charm, it requires only two cards, almost no set up, apart from having no minions on your side of the board. Easy peasy.

    1.Go to Casual Duels

    2. Pick Rattlegore

    3. Pick Spiked Arms treasure weapon

    4. Build deck with Gruntled Patron (put in some card draw, armor, no other minions preferably)

    5. Turn 3 play the weapon, turn 4 play the patron on empty board (or if you´re affraid of weapon destruction from your opponent, just play both cards on turn 7, just don´t forget to play the weapon first)

    6. End turn with full board of patrons

    7. Profit :)

    Note: works only if you have the treasure unlocked ofc.

    I tried this with instant profit, 10/10 would recommend. Pretty nice board for you opponent to handle also!

  • Blackbird's Avatar
    Banned Snow-Covered 95 22 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Quote From Author


    Identity Theft is not a joke: Either have Yoink! or find ways to discover it (Wandmaker, Scorpid, etc.)

    I have a question. You need to discover 10 different hero powers. Can you dig your own hero power from Yoink? Or you need to try to get Yoink somehow as another class? How?

    I couldn't get my own hero power from Yoink so far.

  • Alleria's Avatar
    Eevee 1275 863 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From Blackbird

    Quote From Author


    Identity Theft is not a joke: Either have Yoink! or find ways to discover it (Wandmaker, Scorpid, etc.)

    I have a question. You need to discover 10 different hero powers. Can you dig your own hero power from Yoink? Or you need to try to get Yoink somehow as another class? How?

    I couldn't get my own hero power from Yoink so far.

    As far as we know, there is no chance to discover your own (equipped) HP, so you need to change it first, either with cards like Sir Finley Mrrgglton or the first Yoink!, and after that change it back with (second) Yoink!.

    ♡ u 4ever 2008 - 2022

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From Blackbird

    Quote From Author


    Identity Theft is not a joke: Either have Yoink! or find ways to discover it (Wandmaker, Scorpid, etc.)

    I have a question. You need to discover 10 different hero powers. Can you dig your own hero power from Yoink? Or you need to try to get Yoink somehow as another class? How?

    I couldn't get my own hero power from Yoink so far.

    You can only get your own hero power if you currently have a different one, which means your best bet is to just use 2 Yoinks back to back. (Or go Wild and use Finley into Yoink).


    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • Blackbird's Avatar
    Banned Snow-Covered 95 22 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Thanks. I only have 1 Yoink, so I went to Wild to do it with sir Finley. That worked just fine.

  • h0lysatan's Avatar
    Zombie 1065 790 Posts Joined 12/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Anything that can help me complete Final Frontier?

    I hate to craft Celestial Alignment just to complete it. I feel it's one of the card that won't be used in the future. And thankfully, I didn't open one in packs.
    Plus I don't have Brann to execute double Galakrond Rogue. So, it's kinda hard to just pull a 4 discounted cards when you need 5, and what's harder is you need to fill your deck with cards below 8 mana like Invoke cards. I'm thinking of combining it with Heistbaron Toggwaggle, but it will considerably worse because you need lackeys.

    *confused screaming*

    Knowledge is Power

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From h0lysatan

    Anything that can help me complete Final Frontier?

    I hate to craft Celestial Alignment just to complete it. I feel it's one of the card that won't be used in the future. And thankfully, I didn't open one in packs.
    Plus I don't have Brann to execute double Galakrond Rogue. So, it's kinda hard to just pull a 4 discounted cards when you need 5, and what's harder is you need to fill your deck with cards below 8 mana like Invoke cards. I'm thinking of combining it with Heistbaron Toggwaggle, but it will considerably worse because you need lackeys.

    *confused screaming*

    If you have Heistbaron that could easily work as well, but you'll probably need more set up.

    Essentially you still just need to upgrade Galakrond, get the Wand of Heistbaron, empty your deck (Unstable Element probably helps a lot) then use scheme to shuffle a big drop of your choice.

    If you run Galakrond you're already generating lackeys anyways, and they work well with Field Contact

    Also, apparently there was some sort of bug with the achievement that made it not work with certain discounts like Aviana but they are fixing it today.

    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • h0lysatan's Avatar
    Zombie 1065 790 Posts Joined 12/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Ah, so the main big idea is to deplete the deck and shuffle copies of big minions. There goes my stupid thinking of using Galakrond immediately.

    Nope, don't have Unstable Element, I don't play Wild, and I still hold my last Dragon Year card (possibly the biggest help ever in completing like 50% of the rest). And yes, rogue has plenty draw tech to exhaust the deck. I'm going for it then. This is a big help. So much appreciated.

    Sadly, the only achievements left are those with legendary card restriction.

    Knowledge is Power

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From h0lysatan

    Ah, so the main big idea is to deplete the deck and shuffle copies of big minions. There goes my stupid thinking of using Galakrond immediately.

    Nope, don't have Unstable Element, I don't play Wild, and I still hold my last Dragon Year card (possibly the biggest help ever in completing like 50% of the rest). And yes, rogue has plenty draw tech to exhaust the deck. I'm going for it then. This is a big help. So much appreciated.

    Sadly, the only achievements left are those with legendary card restriction.

    btw, if you lack Brann you can always use Spirit of the Shark (1 turn of set up or you just discount it with Octo-bot)


    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • allthehype's Avatar
    Crossroads Historian 630 739 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    While grinding the Invigorating Sermon achievement in Wild, I managed to get the "Toss me!" achievement along the way. How I did that is up to your imagination. Any guesses? :D

  • Alleria's Avatar
    Eevee 1275 863 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From h0lysatan

    Anything that can help me complete Final Frontier?

    I hate to craft Celestial Alignment just to complete it. I feel it's one of the card that won't be used in the future. And thankfully, I didn't open one in packs.
    Plus I don't have Brann to execute double Galakrond Rogue. So, it's kinda hard to just pull a 4 discounted cards when you need 5, and what's harder is you need to fill your deck with cards below 8 mana like Invoke cards. I'm thinking of combining it with Heistbaron Toggwaggle, but it will considerably worse because you need lackeys.

    *confused screaming*

    I stumbled across an idea, that for the Final Frontier achievement you can simply use discounted giants. So I gave it a try since I don´t own Celestial Alignment too and guess what? It worked! So if you´re still struggling to do this achievement, just make a deck full of giants. I did it with priest with heals, spells, some draw (for both you and opponent) and some little board swarm - depends on which giants you want to use. It took me just two tries to complete it :)

    ♡ u 4ever 2008 - 2022

  • Campino16189's Avatar
    185 24 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    VENGEANCE...Next turn: I hate it! Grinding at it's best.

    Lorewalker Cho: I've never thougth he would important for anything, but for the achievments he is the MIP

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    So I made an achievement deck for the 0 cost shadow spells achievement. I had no intention of doing well with it. However, and I cannot understand how this came to be, I ended up 8-3 in wild Silver (okay, I know why, the deck has a decent late game shell and people tend to concede when they can't win). You can grind multiple achievements with one deck, so go for it.

    More detailed "guide" on the achievements you can make with this deck in the deck's page. Enjoy.

    Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
    Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906

  • Alleria's Avatar
    Eevee 1275 863 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From Campino16189

    VENGEANCE...Next turn: I hate it! Grinding at it's best.

    Lorewalker Cho: I've never thougth he would important for anything, but for the achievments he is the MIP

    In this case, Educated Elekk is your real friend, if you own him. You can play him turn 3 along with the 0 cost sigil, or turn 5 with both of them, and they will get back to you deck. This is how I did it.

    ♡ u 4ever 2008 - 2022

  • AngryShuckie's Avatar
    1705 1735 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From Alleria
    Quote From Campino16189

    VENGEANCE...Next turn: I hate it! Grinding at it's best.

    Lorewalker Cho: I've never thougth he would important for anything, but for the achievments he is the MIP

    In this case, Educated Elekk is your real friend, if you own him. You can play him turn 3 along with the 0 cost sigil, or turn 5 with both of them, and they will get back to you deck. This is how I did it.

    For me the bigger issue than having enough sigils in the deck is that they are so situational you often don't even want to play them when they are in hand. I'm still at least trying to win when I play them, so I save them for the best time, but that slows the process down.

    They should really stop making grindy achievements for cards whose effectiveness is strongly dependent on what your opponent does. It wasn't fun to hope the opponent used card draw for the Shenanigans achievement, and it's not fun to throw out sigils with no expectation that they'll do anything useful. If we're going to have grindy achievements, at least make them all for cards that can be central to our own game plans.

  • Campino16189's Avatar
    185 24 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    I agree..Often i have to choose if i go for the win or for the sigils..

  • Alleria's Avatar
    Eevee 1275 863 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Well, that´s why I´m doing all my achievements in Casual Duels, where you don´t need to care about winning and slam the required cards over and over again, win or lose, only to complete the achievements. Still, it´s a hell of a grind and I understand that not everyone likes to play Duels. For me it´s the easiest and least stressful way to do them.

    ♡ u 4ever 2008 - 2022

  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2285 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Does anyone else feel like this round of achievements is, on average, a lot harder than last time? To be clear, I don't mind doing LENGTHY tasks like summoning 200 Greyboughs, and I don't consider that hard, just time-consuming. But this time, there are so many that require you to do a certain thing 5 times in a single turn, for example, or the one where you copy 5 secrets. Not only do you need to have the right combination of cards in hand, mana, etc., but most of the time, doing the thing you need to do for the achievement is NOT the optimal play. To pull some of these off, you need to build a deck specifically for that purpose, and play it over and over again INSTEAD of playing a deck you WANT to play, and actually trying to win. If they're going to throw all these hard-to-set-up tasks at us, they should let us complete them in Casual or Friendly matches. And of course, I wouldn't care if it was just for fun, but there are rewards that equal gold for these.

    TLDR: A bunch of these achievements are too difficult to be fun, and can't be completed through normal play. Boo.

    "Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted

  • h0lysatan's Avatar
    Zombie 1065 790 Posts Joined 12/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From Alleria

    I stumbled across an idea, that for the Final Frontier achievement you can simply use discounted giants. So I gave it a try since I don´t own Celestial Alignment too and guess what? It worked! So if you´re still struggling to do this achievement, just make a deck full of giants. I did it with priest with heals, spells, some draw (for both you and opponent) and some little board swarm - depends on which giants you want to use. It took me just two tries to complete it :)

    I already finished it with Rogue Galakrond, sadly. Turns out even four 0 mana cost cards and one full 8 mana cost can complete the achievement too.

    Quote From Pezman

    TLDR: A bunch of these achievements are too difficult to be fun, and can't be completed through normal play. Boo.

    I wholeheartedly agree. That's why I only do this things once I hit milestone ranks, like Diamond 5, or Legend. Saved me from losing so many times when using weak deck for the purpose of achievements.
    EDIT. I think they create these agonizing achievements in purpose, so that we play more with the cards that they think won't be used in real play. For instance, Caravan cards and Burning Blade Acolyte or maybe Altar of Fire.
    I can bet, if Uldum start using achievements, useless cards like Desert Obelisk will be added into it.

    Knowledge is Power

  • FrostyFeet's Avatar
    Senior Writer Derpcorn 2170 1449 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From AngryShuckie

    For me the bigger issue than having enough sigils in the deck is that they are so situational you often don't even want to play them when they are in hand. I'm still at least trying to win when I play them, so I save them for the best time, but that slows the process down.

    They should really stop making grindy achievements for cards whose effectiveness is strongly dependent on what your opponent does. It wasn't fun to hope the opponent used card draw for the Shenanigans achievement, and it's not fun to throw out sigils with no expectation that they'll do anything useful. If we're going to have grindy achievements, at least make them all for cards that can be central to our own game plans.

    This, so much this. While slamming down borderline-playable minions over and over again definitely feels stupid, the sort of "your opponent needs to do this for you to have any chance" is even more frustrating. I don't think I will do the sigil one just because 200 times??? WTF Blizz.

    While I do like achievements in general, Blizzard is definitely doing them wrong if you ask me. There are a lot of "non-achievements" that require you to grind stuff just because all classes need to have achievement and the total xp earned from them needs to be same than last expansion. That's not how it should be done in my opinion; if there are not sensible achievements for a set of cards, then make none. Grinding does not equal achieving in my eyes.

  • AngryShuckie's Avatar
    1705 1735 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From FrostyFeet
    Quote From AngryShuckie

    For me the bigger issue than having enough sigils in the deck is that they are so situational you often don't even want to play them when they are in hand. I'm still at least trying to win when I play them, so I save them for the best time, but that slows the process down.

    They should really stop making grindy achievements for cards whose effectiveness is strongly dependent on what your opponent does. It wasn't fun to hope the opponent used card draw for the Shenanigans achievement, and it's not fun to throw out sigils with no expectation that they'll do anything useful. If we're going to have grindy achievements, at least make them all for cards that can be central to our own game plans.

    This, so much this. While slamming down borderline-playable minions over and over again definitely feels stupid, the sort of "your opponent needs to do this for you to have any chance" is even more frustrating. I don't think I will do the sigil one just because 200 times??? WTF Blizz.

    While I do like achievements in general, Blizzard is definitely doing them wrong if you ask me. There are a lot of "non-achievements" that require you to grind stuff just because all classes need to have achievement and the total xp earned from them needs to be same than last expansion. That's not how it should be done in my opinion; if there are not sensible achievements for a set of cards, then make none. Grinding does not equal achieving in my eyes.


    Overall, the achievements this time have been a strange mix of successes and failures. On the one hand rogue's are great: the 'grindy' one is actually just a genuine achievement with different tiers (6, 9 and 12 cards in a single turn), while the Yoink! achievement is a pseudo-grind which is short  and varied enough to feel fine (and also requires a bit of finesse to get the rogue hero power).

    On the other hand you have things like triggering (not even playing) 200 sigils and a few that don't seem to have anything to do with the Barrens cards (e.g. why is priest being asked to start with a full hand?).

    A lot of the grinds could easily be re-cast as something more engaging, without needing to remove the grind aspect that is simplifying XP allocation. Playing 200 sigils could easily change to "destroy X minions with sigils", which is something you can speed up by destroying your own minions if you want. It doesn't even need to be self-destructive, as I had a lot of fun using Magtheridon + Sigil of Flame (the one good thing that came out of the process).

    So there's definitely room for improvement for how they do them, but I suppose it's still early enough that I'm willing to accept it's just teething problems. At least fewer of them require legendaries this time, and some of those that were clearly designed with legendaries in mind can easily be done without them.

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From ElSabidon

    So I made an achievement deck for the 0 cost shadow spells achievement. I had no intention of doing well with it. However, and I cannot understand how this came to be, I ended up 8-3 in wild Silver (okay, I know why, the deck has a decent late game shell and people tend to concede when they can't win). You can grind multiple achievements with one deck, so go for it.

    More detailed "guide" on the achievements you can make with this deck in the deck's page. Enjoy.

    Ok, so quoting your own post feels like a huge "Give me attention!" move, but if you're trying to do the Frenzy Friends achievement, I just came up with a combo that does at least 30 triggers in one game: Gruntled Patron + Defile. I'm quoting my older post because I used the same shell I had on that deck.

    Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
    Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906

  • Osh92's Avatar
    505 224 Posts Joined 07/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    I suppose, with mini-set Blizzard will introduce more 'sigils')

  • Avalon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1550 2105 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From Osh92

    I suppose, with mini-set Blizzard will introduce more 'sigils')

    Yep, it was confirmed by Celestalon a few weeks ago (can't find the exact tweet but you can trust me on this one)

    Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.

    • You can follow me on Twitter - I am always active and you can tag me to highlight your (or someone else's) 12 wins Duels run or really anything Hearthstone-related!
    • Hearthstone Battletag: beppe946#2807 (EU)
  • filthyfox's Avatar
    95 14 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    Did anyone get all achievements by now??

    Wenn die Pflicht ruft - gibt es viele Schwerhörige...

  • Alleria's Avatar
    Eevee 1275 863 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From filthyfox

    Did anyone get all achievements by now??

    Some of the people here, including myself, already did, not counting the new secret "???" achievement for 100XP and a cardback.

    ♡ u 4ever 2008 - 2022

  • filthyfox's Avatar
    95 14 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    How long did it take you to copy 5 secrets ? :D

    Wenn die Pflicht ruft - gibt es viele Schwerhörige...

  • allthehype's Avatar
    Crossroads Historian 630 739 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From filthyfox

    How long did it take you to copy 5 secrets ? :D

    Post of appreciation for combining your question with the expression of your avatar.

  • Alleria's Avatar
    Eevee 1275 863 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From filthyfox

    How long did it take you to copy 5 secrets ? :D

    In fact, it wasn´t that long. I did it in Casual Duels, because I didn´t have luck on ladder to find an opponent with enough secrets. I´ve made a paladin deck full of secrets, our lord and saviour Lorewalker Cho and Horde Operative. Wait till you have 5 secrets in hand along with Cho and Operative and your opponent needs to have 5 or less cards in hand. Play Cho with the secrets, opponent will probably dump them all to get rid of them and make some space in hand. He doesn´t need to proc any of your secrets. All you need is for him to have 5 active secrets and play Operative - even if you steal nothing (when you´re at full secret cap), the achievement will still count. Good luck!

    P.S. @allthehype your comment made me laugh, thanks for the lols :D Had a really bad day, you made it better :)

    ♡ u 4ever 2008 - 2022

  • SilverWolf's Avatar
    Tauren Chieftain Addict 990 1085 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From filthyfox

    How long did it take you to copy 5 secrets ? :D

    2 games

    As @Alleria said, the trick is using Lorewalker Cho and 5 secrets on the same turn.

    Now in order to get combo pieces consistenly I used Call to Adventure x2 and Northwatch Commander x2

    Don't use Oh My Yogg! the same turn you want your combo to trigger because it will spoil the first secret that your opponent plays.

    The combo can be executed on 7 or 8 turn depending on your draws.

    I was thinking that if you have Brann Bronzebeard or Spirit of the Shark with Horde Operative and your opponent have at least three secrets maybe works too, but I can't test by myself because I already got the achievement.

    Edit: I just have five minions on that deck: Cho, Commanders and Operatives

  • Osh92's Avatar
    505 224 Posts Joined 07/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    I wonder, are there any guides for classic mode achievements?

  • Alleria's Avatar
    Eevee 1275 863 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From Osh92

    I wonder, are there any guides for classic mode achievements?

    I don´t think there are, mostly because they don´t provide XP points, just useless (by now) achievement points, and they seem quite simple (or very conditional) to complete. If you struggle with some, you can make a new thread about it, or post here, so we can share some tips, if you want.

    ♡ u 4ever 2008 - 2022

  • Niklink's Avatar
    225 21 Posts Joined 04/03/2021
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    I decided to go for the Party Up! achievement first (Friends Like Me) because I hate myself. I actually ran the numbers and here's what the odds are:

    3+ of the same Adventurer: ~12.8% (1/~7.79)

    4+ of the same Adventurer: ~0.9% (1/~113.8)

    5 of the same Adventurer: ~0.02% (1/4096)

    I wonder if the achievement check actually works or if it just looks if you have multiple of the same adventurer on the board. If so it may be possible to cheese something out with the help of Meeting Stone, Devouring Ectoplasm or simply cheating out multiple Party Up! casts. I don't feel like running those experiments. In any case, you'll get the Summon 100 Adventurers achievement almost as a prereq if you go for this one, and you can use the time to grind out the Mutanus the Devourer achievement or any other neutral achievements you're missing.

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From Niklink

    I decided to go for the Party Up! achievement first (Friends Like Me) because I hate myself. I actually ran the numbers and here's what the odds are:

    3+ of the same Adventurer: ~12.8% (1/~7.79)

    4+ of the same Adventurer: ~0.9% (1/~113.8)

    5 of the same Adventurer: ~0.02% (1/4096)

    I wonder if the achievement check actually works or if it just looks if you have multiple of the same adventurer on the board. If so it may be possible to cheese something out with the help of Meeting Stone, Devouring Ectoplasm or simply cheating out multiple Party Up! casts. I don't feel like running those experiments. In any case, you'll get the Summon 100 Adventurers achievement almost as a prereq if you go for this one, and you can use the time to grind out the Mutanus the Devourer achievement or any other neutral achievements you're missing.

    You actually need to summon 4 of a single spell. Having ones on board or playing them afterwards doesn't work.



    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    That's one candidate for testing people's patience and the unlucky vs lucky ones as Adventurers troll you. 

    I've posted this on Discord, but Taintheart Tormenter is said to be currently bugged and not count the increased spell progress if it dies to said spell. 

    Do Druid Beasts reduced by Celestial Alignment count? 

    The wording on almost everything else would suggest they can be done outside their designated classes, if you somehow get the card. 

    Not much help for Paladin secrets if the new one doesn't play nicely alongside Reckoning. 

  • Alleria's Avatar
    Eevee 1275 863 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From Aesan

    Do Druid Beasts reduced by Celestial Alignment count? 

    Yeah, I did it that way quite quickly. I´ve even put some poison beasts in to finish the Hunter achievement without the need to play the Hunter class.

    Edit: For those who don´t have Celestial AlignmentLiving Seed (Rank 1) along the Druid HP that reduces the cost of cards in Duels work too.

    ♡ u 4ever 2008 - 2022

  • Niklink's Avatar
    225 21 Posts Joined 04/03/2021
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Wailing Caverns Achievement Guide


    Hungry Hungry Murloc: Just put Mutanus the Devourer in your decks, maybe while you're grinding out other achievements. He's a very solid card, so it's not like this is a problem or anything.

    Adventure is Out There: Summon 100 adventurers. Irrelevant, this is basically a prerequisite for...

    Friends Like Me: *ahem* FUCK THIS ACHIEVEMENT. Like I said earlier, it's less than a 1% chance to get this achievement when casting Party Up! What I did was use a stall n' heal Paladin deck in Wild, with a lot of draw mixed in: AAEBAZ8FBv37AqCAA86HA9D3A7aKBJegBAycAtn+As+GA+yGA9KKA5asA8rBA8vNA5jqA8zrA/7sA+yfBAA= You may want to consider using cards like Lorekeeper Polkelt or Lord Barov in this deck as well. Combined with HS Deck Tracker flashing my taskbar when my turn started, I could play while doing something else, since you barely have to pay attention to what your opponent is doing anyways. Just draw and play both copies of Party Up! (it helps that adventurers can have rush or taunt to minimize the tempo hit) and if you play both copies, concede immediately and start a new match. There may be something to generating more copies of Party Up! in one match but I feel like this is consistent and faster. Did I mention this took me 123 matches? If you haven't done the original Barrens achievements, this seems like a good place to grind out some of the othe neutral ones as well.


    Tormented Hearts: Not as bad as it seems, just 14 matches with my standard deck. Taintheart Tormenter is a huge body that requires an answer and so you will naturally cash in spells if you play it on a relatively empty board. Raging Felscreamer helps you get it out on tempo. Lots of heal and stall and draw. Deck: AAECAea5AwbO0gP21gOoigS2igSXoATsoAQM+84DzdIDh9QD9eMDmOoD/u0DoO4Dg58E1J8EoaAEsaAEtKAEAA==

    Puppy Power: So yeah, Celestial Alignment counts for this, which makes it pretty trivial and quick. I just threw together this wild deck with Alignment and some big defensive Druid beasts like Winged Guardian, Umbral Owl, and Grizzled Guardian. Only 4 matches: AAEBAZICBIvmAtaZA9ulA7XsAw1f6QGHzgKe0gK/8gKP9gL/tQPougPe0QPw1AOJ4AOV4APA7AMA

    Poison, Poisoff / Hiding in Plain Sight: Rogue already has plenty of Poisonous beasts and weapons, so why not go for a 2-for-1? Just a crappy wild Rogue deck with draw, poison stuff, and Shroud of Concealment. You'll destroy your health total killing minions each turn with your poison weapon, but who cares? 11 matches for both achievements at once: AAEBAaIHAsfOA5egBA6cAsIW5sIC6sYCmqkDzrkD590DqesDq+sD/u4DkZ8E958EoaAE3aAEAA==

    Even Steven: This one is super easy! All you need to do is play Mad Summoner followed by Against All Odds on a somewhat empty board. That combo is 11 mana, but it's pretty trivial to get a 1 mana discount on either card with Emperor Thaurissan or Palm Reading. Only took me 1 game: AAEBAa0GBNYR9tYDl6AEoaAEDZwC5QTYwQLWnQOZqQPi3gP73wPK4QP44wPy7gPz7gOtigSFnwQA

    Spit Hot Fire: My good friend Mad Summoner returns to ensure you have plenty of Perpetual Flame targets! The rest of the deck is just draw, stall, clear. You can also make use of Imprisoned Phoenix or Bloodmage Thalnos for spell damage. And it's a hilarious power move to fill your opponent's board with 1/1s, just to destroy them while overloading yourself for 7 mana. Watch your opponent's reactions while you complete this! 7 matches: AAEBAaoIAu0F9tYDDpwCsgbSE/a9AofEAvPnAtadA/DUA4fkA5LkA/rsA+PuA/2fBKGgBAA=

    Ugh, It's MY Life, Mom: I actually did this while playing Stealer of Souls + Plot Twist shenanigans in Wild so I can't help you now that it's BANNED, sorry. There's probably a deck that lets you grind this out fairly quickly while killing yourself.


    Don't Move a Muscle: This one was pretty funny, there's nothing in this wild deck to let you win games but you can almost always keep matches completely frozen and locked down at all times and keep yourself at 30 all the way until fatigue. Remember to always prioritize freezing stuff with your elementals instead of with your spells: AAEBAf0EApvTAvOvAw6WBZfBAtTOAp+YA7a2A97EA8fOA5HhA9LsA4jtA5vwA8HwA/+eBMOgBAA=

    Kresh Got Back: The last achievement I did, I found this one to be mainly annoying. There isn't really a good way to speed it up, so matches tend to take pretty long as you have to draw Kresh, Lord of Turtling, then he has to die, then you have to spend five turns attacking. Since there isn't a strat to make it go faster I opted for a standard deck since the lower power level makes it much easier to last that many turns doing very little. Deck is based around drawing and generating massive amounts of armor while maintaining board presence to ensure survivability: AAECAQcE9tYDj+8DqIoEl6AEDc2+A/bCA4DkA5LkA5jqA9XxA6afBIagBIegBImgBKGgBNagBO2gBAA=

  • frostee's Avatar
    Supporter 145 5 Posts Joined 10/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    I'm stuck with paladin achs especially with only standard decks as i have no wild cards but some of legacy...

    About Between you and me: i'm using wandmakers for all secrets and best bet is when they drop desperated measures (2 random secrets!) also i put 2 scorpid and 2 steward of scroll for same purpose.

    Another way is to use educated elekk and silas in a wombo combo to give oppo secrets, let it die and then use horde operative to proc [Source]

    I'm still on it, if you come up with better ideas this will be very appeciated as, again, no wild cards here

    (Standard deck,in Wild, since i'm using D5 to D1 just for overall farming and quests.)

    thanks in advance

    UPDATE (just now): I was able to proc all 5 secrets with this deck 1 first try just when i made some changes:

    Show Spoiler

    UPDATE 2 [I DID IT!]:

    Show Spoiler

    I DID IT!

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago
    Quote From frostee

    I'm stuck with paladin achs especially with only standard decks as i have no wild cards but some of legacy...

    About Between you and me: i'm using wandmakers for all secrets and best bet is when they drop desperated measures (2 random secrets!) also i put 2 scorpid and 2 steward of scroll for same purpose.

    Another way is to use educated elekk and silas in a wombo combo to give oppo secrets, let it die and then use horde operative to proc [Source]

    I'm still on it, if you come up with better ideas this will be very appeciated as, again, no wild cards here

    thanks in advance

    If you really only have Standard cards to use then I think there's no better options. Hope wandmaker gives you enough stuff and then pray for a good outcome

    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • frostee's Avatar
    Supporter 145 5 Posts Joined 10/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare
    Quote From frostee

    I'm stuck with paladin achs especially with only standard decks as i have no wild cards but some of legacy...

    About Between you and me: i'm using wandmakers for all secrets and best bet is when they drop desperated measures (2 random secrets!) also i put 2 scorpid and 2 steward of scroll for same purpose.

    Another way is to use educated elekk and silas in a wombo combo to give oppo secrets, let it die and then use horde operative to proc [Source]

    I'm still on it, if you come up with better ideas this will be very appeciated as, again, no wild cards here

    thanks in advance

    If you really only have Standard cards to use then I think there's no better options. Hope wandmaker gives you enough stuff and then pray for a good outcome

    Not only wandmakers, peons,scorpids,stewards,snack runs,onyx magescribes...A lot of chances! Also the chance to get "Desperate Measures" from WMs is kinda good!

    I've edited my post with full showed up deck+deckcode under spoiler.

    I've put Caravans and Party up! to even try to achieve other ones too, but i will edit it once i obtained those.

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