We already took a look at some best-performing Wild decks utilizing Wailing Caverns cards during the midweek, and now it's time to see what our community members have been tinkering with.

Dungar OTK Warlock

The new expansion has been announced and we already got a small taste of it in the form of Flightmaster Dungar. It did not take long for MarkMcKz to come up with an OTK list - or perhaps 5TK as you'll have to wait five turns after the combo to finally arrive at Eastern Plaguelands.

Mark has naturally come up with a bunch of other combos as well, like a new Togwaggle Druid with Lady Anacondra.

Elemental Shaman

The elements have answered Swizard's call with this 60+ % winrate deck. Even Kalimos has awakened once more and joined this very pure Elemental list.

KmemBM has also been tinkering with Elementals and Windfury with this list.

Galakrond C'Thun Warrior

Two ancient beings unite in agentmcr's cultist-filled list. If the Invoke damage alone doesn't get you there, the good old C'Thun damage should.

Odd Resurrect Priest

Neoguli's deck seems like one you wouldn't want to be facing as the Heal Hero Power, resurrected taunts, and Amara are demanding a lot of damage potential from the opponent.

Highlander Mage

The last spotlight deck comes from Twitter where Hijo posted three lists which had been performing well at high Legend. In addition to this Mage deck, Frenzy DMH Warrior and Celestial Malygos Druid were shared, with the former list already added here by BadPlayer.

Preparing for the Wilds of the Barrens? Arm yourself with more community decks.

Forged something awesome yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!